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A Dance With Rogues/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:YMMV.ADanceWithRogues 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:YMMV.ADanceWithRogues, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Complete Monster]]: The Dhorn collectively. Also, arguably, Vico. {{spoiler|Okay, so he only raped you because he was really upset, and you're told he's sorry for that mistake. Except that when you meet him again, he treats you like dirt, so it's hard to believe. Later he starts to admit you've maybe grown worthy of his respect... at which point he tells you that's only because he toughened you up with the rape. Well, at least when he's following you around to save the others, you've got a cold-blooded professional killer with you, who though an awful person should be perfect for the task and seems to even be loyal to those you're rescuing... until he lands everyone in jail by harassing a waitress and starting a fight. And after all this, [[Jerkass|he still acts]] like everything he's done has been incredibly awesome and you should fall for him automatically.}} [[Sarcasm Mode|What's there not to like?]]
* [[Designated Hero]]: Christano is a [[Lawful Good]] paladin, and essentially [[The Hero]] of his adventuring party. He also has absolutely no problem with attempting to sleep with his hired rogue, despite already having a girlfriend (who is sleeping about five feet away from where he's propositioning the new girl), will attempt to use his clerical rank to pressure the Princess into sex, and while he won't try to rape her, he'll be verbally abusive if refused. The game does not call him out on this, but the Princess most certainly can.


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