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Kate Daniels/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:YMMV.KateDaniels 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:YMMV.KateDaniels, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
(clean up)
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* [[Complete Monster]] - the audience of the Midnight Games seem to be this, as they enjoy watching warriors kill each other in particularly slow, painful ways; some of the participants fit the trope as well, but the crowning examples have to be the [[Uncanny Valley|Reapers]] who {{spoiler|pour molten electrum - IE shapeshifter Kryptonite - on Derek's face after beating him within an inch of his life and embed his body with some [[Magic Rocks]] that prevent regeneration. They'd like to do similar things to every shapeshifter, because [[Fantastic Racism|they hate humans and beasts]] as it is, but find a combination thereof to be particularly disgusting.}}
** Erra fits this bill. She doesn't deny it when Kate calls her a psychopath [[Fish Out of Water|(although she has to look up what the word means)]]. When her children annoy her [[Offing the Offspring|she kills them]] and [[People Puppets|pilots their undead bodies]]. [[Disproportionate Retribution|She once "threw a hissyfit and blew up Bablyon"]], [[For the Evulz|enjoys scaring crowds, just cause]], {{spoiler|and she tells Kate that because she and Roland are immortal, one human death doesn't mean anything to them so Kate shouldn't whine about [[You Killed My Father|Roland killing her mother]]. Ouch.}}


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