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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* Considering that {{spoiler|Stocking was reluctant of going to heaven until Panty thought up the "tube towards heaven" ordeal, was more than willing to marry a ghost (though it unwittingly sent him to heaven) and that she is guilty of gluttony, without taking in account she has admitted lusting and fornicating, which would send her back to Daten City as much as Panty was rejected for having sex indiscriminately, it's actually plausible that Stocking was a demon in disguise all along, or at least was made a demon along the way}}.
== Panty and Stocking are actually [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|Twilight and Applejack]] in an alternate [[Alternate Universe|universe]]/[[Alternate Continuity|continuity]] ==
* Just watch [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8djg8H0yzM this video].
** You're not the only one who thinks the same idea. In fact, the whole American and Japanese fandom will explode if [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] gets dubbed to Japanese and both [[Arisa Ogasawara|Panty]] and [[Mariya Ise|Stocking]]'s voice actresses dubs both Applejack and Twilight Sparkle respectively.
== The second season will be titled ''Panty VS Stocking with Garterbelt" ==
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Makes perfect sense, according to Episode 6. Plus, that would explain all the Ghosts appearing only in Daten City (with Little Tokyo as an exception).
* That actually ''does'' make sense via [[Fridge Brilliance]]. Daten City is a pun on fallen angel, and Satan (well, Lucifer) is mainly known for his fall from grace. Of course, that leaves the question of exactly who or what Garterbelt would be, considering the mayor seems to know him from way before...
** [[Arch AngelArchangel Michael]] Maybe?
* Maybe not quite Satan... but [[Powerpuff Girls|Him]].
* Given the [[Theme Naming]] of the Heros and Villains of the show, My best guess would be Knickers.
** But wouldn't that be Brief's [[Evil Counterpart]]? That is, unless...
*** ...Unless [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|Brief is secretly an archangel]]?!?!
**** I say he is Batman after all Scanty and Kneesocks limo SUV and their armbands have the bat symbol on them.
* Maybe he's Corset from the OST. ...[[Squick]] at the implications of that.
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== (Jossed) Brief will have a [[Face Heel Turn]] ==
Scanty and Kneesocks will [[Invoked Trope|attempt]] to get him to go to turn him to the dark side. [[Super -Powered Evil Side|Besides]] [[Chew Toy|the obvious]] [[Took a Level In Badass|benefits,]] It would also be a good way to give Panty a [[Heroic BSOD]], and some [[Character Development]] into [[Jerkass|less of a bitch.]] Hopefully, if it ''does'' happen, [[Redemption Equals Death|It won't end the]] [[Tear Jerker|way it usually does.]]
* It could also make Scanty and Kneesocks [[Ensemble Darkhorse|(or at least Kneesocks)]] have a [[Heel Face Turn]]. The mayor could easily just directly recruit him as a replacement, probably due to the demon sisters' incompetence, and make him into something ''both'' sides will be afraid of. [[Even Evil Has Standards]], you know.
** This will probably never come to be, but it seems the [[Heroic BSOD]] and [[Character Development]] have already come into effect nonetheless.
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To troll the people expecting a [[Gainax Ending]]
* To be fair, considering how the series is, ''any'' ending they choose would be a [[Gainax Ending]].
* Who knows? i'm pretty sure that when the sister's fight [[The Big Bad|the mayor]] there will be an over long speech about how the ghost existence is all human's fault. [[Shut UP, Hannibal|and blah blah blah]]
* This WMG has been [[This Is Sparta|Jossed. So. HARD.]]
** This troper begs to disagree. Episode 13 keeps getting labeled as a [[Gainax Ending]], when everyone seems to fail to take into account that there's a Season 2 coming. It's more like a Cliffhanger or a sudden plot twist. Calling this a Gainax Ending would be like saying [[Gurren Lagann]] ended after Lordgenome's defeat.
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== (Jossed) Garterbelt is an angel. ==
He's gay, and therefore was exiled from Heaven. He directs Panty and Stocking instead of collecting Heaven Coins so that he doesn't go to Hell.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]. He was exiled for being a pedophile, perhaps?
** Strictly speaking, while that's certainly the joke, he's not a pedophile, or hasn't been portrayed as such. He's only drooled over high school boys of indeterminate age. Gay, yes, but ephebophile at worst (ie, attracted to teenagers). Not only that, but... people really don't get ''too'' bent out of shape about adults appreciating the beauty of teenagers. If they did, anime girls, schoolgirl outfits, and barely legal porn would be much bigger deals. I mean outside of Australia, that is.
* If Garterbelt's journal (shown in the most recent episode as of this writing) is true, then he's even cooler than an angel: he's an ex-gangster who, after his death, was returned to earth by God to the beginning of time as an immortal to fulfill a grand, mysterious, and currently undefined mission.
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** Well, that explains [[Vagina Dentata|her shape]]...
*** And her little brain devil was a girl ...
** While we're at it, {{spoiler|[[Buffy -Speak|The two brain things]] [[But We Used a Condom|didn't appear to use any protection,]] [[Your Tomcat Is Pregnant|so...]]}}
== Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City was created with the intention of [[Take That|mocking]] the stereotypical [[Otaku]] ==
* Male otaku have a lot of unpleasant stereotypes associated with them. According to stereotype, they are ugly, unpleasant to be around, have horrible social skills and [[A Man Is Not a Virgin|are incapable of finding mutual love]]. They also often [[Perverse Sexual Lust|lust after female anime characters]], and a behavior commonly associated with them is to claim their favorite to be their "wife". The seriousness of the claim can range from being a simple exaggeration used to express how much they love the character to, well... Seriousness. Some of the loonier ones ([[Vocal Minority|which tend to contribute more to the stereotype]]) are seriously in mad love with their "wife", and don't seem to consider the barrier between reality and fiction nor whether or not the object of their affections would actually love them back if they existed (if stereotypes hold true in this situation, they more than likely would not). Although nothing points to him being an otaku, [[This Loser Is You|the ghost in this episode]] is [[Department of Redundancy Department|ugly, unpleasant to be around, has horrible social skills and is incapable of finding mutual love]] (well, prior to the episode anyway in regards to the last one). Stocking is very popular among otaku, more so than her sister. Despite being about the last person that anyone would fall for, Stocking ends up falling in love at first sight with the ghost anyway. Although this can be interpreted as being [[Wish Fulfillment]] based on this description alone, it should be noted that the episode makes it quite clear that Stocking has some seriously seriously messed up tastes in men. Pretty much the entire city reacts to him like you would expect most people to, and they mock Stocking for willingly going out with him. [[Laconic Wiki|In short]], the episode mocks the stereotypical otaku by pairing up [[This Loser Is You|someone who fits the stereotype to the bill]] with a favorite target of Otaku [[Perverse Sexual Lust|perverse sexual lust]], and then [[Lampshade Hanging|pointing out how unrealistic the scenario is]].
* More likely it was about that you can defeat ghosts without weapons and that even so called otakus are as human as others and deserve to be loved.
** Considering the nature of the show, [[This Loser Is You|it is more likely the former]].
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== (Confirmed) Stocking ''will'' return for the finale. ==
Which will most likely be [[Twelve -Episode Anime|Episode 13]]. As Panty can't really do anything without her angel powers (Although she might retain some [[Badass Normal]] traits if she gets out of BSOD mode early enough,) Stocking will probably return, saying something along the lines of "I knew you couldn't do anything without me." The result of this combined with fighting the Daemon sisters and [[Big Bad|Corset]] will probably blow our heads off.
* Although technically it's actually supposed to be [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panty_and_Stocking#Media 26 episodes long,] which leaves plenty of time for [[Break the Haughty|Panty]] to rescue brief and possibly [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|declare war on]] all the demons coming in. <ref>This is assuming Panty rescues Brief ''after'' the door to hell is opened, since [[Big Bad|Corset]] would have no use for him. [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|Then again...]] </ref>
** That's 26 half-length episodes, not full-length.
*** [[Atomic F -Bomb|FUUUUUUUU-!]]
**** Taking that into account, it will actually be at least 27 episodes, assuming, the final episode will be a double-length one like Episode 6.
* As the OP, I have only one thing to say: {{spoiler|[[I Knew It]]! But the head-blowing was for [[Gainax Ending|other reasons]] too.}}
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== Maybe this one is obvious, but I'll say it anyway: Corset's corset suppresses his powers. ==
Long ago, he battled Garterbelt (And perhaps God as well), the fight ending with the Corset being put on him. Take it off, and he'll go full-blown [[One -Winged Angel|Satan]].
* This means Brief is the key to opening the Corset. [[Unfortunate Implications|Oh God]]...
** Pretty much confirmed; at the very least, {{spoiler|he's the key to unleashing hell on earth.}}
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== (Jossed) The extra episode will feature Panty and Stocking before they got kicked out of Heaven. ==
[[Word of God]] has confirmed they're making an extra episode to be released exclusively with the final DVD and Blu-ray set to [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw|make up for the]] [[Recap Episode]] [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw|that is "D.C. Confidential"]]. That being said, a prequel would probably work well.
* Jossed, it's an omake consisting of micro-shorts strung together.
** Actually, that was a special episode that was release on the 5th volume on DVD and blu-ray instead, so it's not sure that the special episode was the OVA or that the release date of the final volume that has an OVA is the OVA
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*** Or, Stocking became a demon sometime between returning to Heaven and her [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment.
*** Or worse yet, it isn't even Stocking, but someone impersonating her!
*** So Stocking is like [[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Urd]]?
*** I figured if this really ''is'' Stocking, it's {{spoiler|part of a [[Plan]] to take down Corset}}
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== The twist ending can be disregarded entirely. ==
* Think about it: it happens right after the end credits are done with all the copyright and whatnot. There will be no second season; it's just Gainax's way of [[Self -Deprecation]] what with its frequent [[Mind Fuck|Mind Fucks]] and [[Ass Pull|Ass Pulls]].
== If Panty gets put back together, she might act a little nicer to Brief ==
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== Another fallen angel will appear in the second season to aid Brief and Chuck. ==
She may possibly be to Oten City what Panty and Stocking were to Daten City.
* Obviously, the new angel will probably be a reference to one of the [[Seven Deadly Sins]] and have the ability to transform clothing into a weapon. My bet goes for a girl with a [[Hair -Trigger Temper]] (Wrath) that can transform her T-Shirt in a [[Drop the Hammer|gigantic hammer]]. Of course, her name will be T-Shirt.
* Or maybe is a male angel named [[Badass Longcoat|Longcoat]] who can transform his longcoat into a [[Gag Penis|Lance]]. he can be someone full of pride or sloth...or both.
* Or perhaps a male character named Cockring who fights with chakrams? Or another female character named Strap-on? Really, the possibilities in a show like this are essentially endless...
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== The ghost 'attacking' Panty and Stocking in the ending is {{spoiler|Chuck}} ==
It resembles his [[One -Winged Angel]] form no? And {{spoiler|His normal self suddenly shows up in the next shot.}}
* It looks to me more like {{spoiler|some kind of fusion form of Scanty and Kneesocks. It has two horns on the side like Scanty and a horn in the front like Kneesocks.}}
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== Gainax is performing a [[Xanatos Gambit]] with the second season. ==
Gainax knew damn well that the original concept for the show was, more than likely, [[Twelve -Episode Anime|going to get less than a full season]]. However, due to previous [[Viral Marketing]], they also knew that they could throw in anything (Yes, anything. Why are you reading the WMG for this show if you don't realize this by now?) and cause half the internet to spaz out. So, naturally, the rewrote the last episode to include one hell of a cliffhanger. The result? An explosion of speculation as to what the next season will contain. True, it's a bold move for a show that might not get renewed, but at the end, you get two outcomes. The first, they get the second season. The second, the show falls into [[Too Good to Last]] territory and the entire fanbase got trolled. Either way, Gainax is having fun.
== {{spoiler|Panty}} will simply come back, as seen in the Ed. Brief doesn't know that ==.]]
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* Chastity: Breif is so hoplessly geeky that there is absolutley 0% chance of him getting laid, which is quite a feat, [[Gag Penis|all things considered]]... untill Episode 12/13 (But since Breif truly loves Panty, this can't be considered Lust, and there isn't anything saying Love breaks Chasisty - Remember that Virginty =/= Chastity).
* Diligence: He's probably the only chracter in this show actually shown doing some work, or at least willing to actually try to do something. Sure, he fails miserably at almost everything he tries, and usually can't help with the task at hand (killing a ghost, although that might be because he doesn't have any equipment to do so), but he is most definatly more diligent than the two main characters.
* Humility: He was and still is bullied/universally hated so badly that this is the end result. I mean, I think he's overjoyyed just at having friends. He could have lived the good life with his Father, but instead lives in a dump with his grandad. [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Although that might not be his fault.]]
* Kindess: Oh come on. I don't even have to point out that this is basically his character incarnate. He's even nice to [[The Chew Toy|Chuck]], and even to the main characters... even after they have been rather bitchy towards him.
* Patience: He hangs around with Panty and Stocking. This is almost a requirement for such a feat. Also still goes through with Public schooling, [[Kids Are Cruel|despite how horrible it is for him]] and the fact his Father is proabably rich enough to just get him in a private school/hometeach.
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Think about it. Heaven could have just as easily sent the two to purgatory if the intent of their banishment was to punish them. If Heaven wanted rid of ghosts, Scanty and Kneesocks repressed, or Corset destroyed, why not just send in a team of not-fallen Angels to do the job, that would clearly be more efficient. No, the reason Heaven sent [[Lovable Sex Maniac|Panty]] and [[Elegant Gothic Lolita|Stocking]] was simple: Heaven wants us to have fun. [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Dispite constant bickering, Panty and Stocking aren't inherently evil.]] [[Hero With an F In Good|They both have their sins,]] but in varous ways they overcame them long enough to do what was right. They are the Anarchy Sisters for a reason: [[Good Is Boring|anarchy is good!]]
Scanty and Kneesocks represent the [[Lawful Evil|strict, militaristic guidelines set down by society and government, i.e. the man]]. They [[What Is Evil?|seem superior at first compared to the anarchy of the Angels]], but are quickly identified to be evil at heart, with not an [[Principles Zealot|iota of good will in their beings.]] The Ghosts are the pent up stress and rage [[Culture Police|the rules cause in people not allowed to express themselves.]] Corset, who strikes more than a passing resemblance to a [[Corrupt Church|puritainical leader]] (baring the BDSM), [[Knight Templar|is the ultimate embodiement of that ideal.]] He gets his jollies constricting (without self contol) the will of others, [[For the Evulz|he does everything for his own gain,]] and behind his [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|tightly-kept exterior lies a monster of rage and pure evil.]] Just look at his name; a device used to bring order and conformity at the expense of freedom and overall health.
Garterbelt is an exemplary figure in that he learned the balance between internal and external anarchy. He lived a life of total anarchy, and thus was sinful. But then Heaven sent him here to live all of history, and then [[Mentor|guide Panty and Stocking]], because will have mastered the true teachings: anarchy on the outside, control on the inside. He is willing to go to just about as [[Refuge in Audacity|audatious]] means as the Anarchy Sisters to achieve his goals, [[Order Versus Chaos|but it is always for a good cause.]] Just like his hidden BDSM and his namesake, he is ''in control'' of his morals, but just as wild on the outside as we all want to be.
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* There may be some interdimensional connection. In many of their works, the protagonists [[Chaotic Good|are]] [[Chaotic Neutral|chaotic]], and the antagonists [[Lawful Neutral|are]] [[Lawful Evil|lawful.]] [[Panty And Stocking With Gaterbelt]] is the spiritual and moralistic embodiment of Gainax, and by extension, the Bizarro counterpart of [[The Bible]](the former is [[Chaotic Good]] versus [[Lawful Evil]], and the latter is [[Lawful Good]] versus [[Chaotic Evil]].)
== PSG being licensed by [[FU NimationFUNimation]] means they will dub it. ==
Why else would the DVDs be [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-release/2011-04-14/funimation-entertainment-acquires-panty-and-stocking-with-garterbelt sche][http://www.animemaki.net/2011/04/funimation-ent-acquires-panty-stocking-with-garterbelt/ duled] for a release in ''2012''?
* ...why did this need to be posted? It's stupidly obvious. I don't think Funimation has ever released something ''without'' a dub.
** Not every studio dubs the anime they license. [[FU NimationFUNimation]] has a small track record for un-dubbed shows they simply distribute online or on DVD with subtitles. Dubs are far more expensive to produce than subtitles, so it's usually less a possibility. Unless you work for them, who are you to know whether or not a studio dubs something? This is called Wild Mass Guessing for a reason.
** OP agrees with second Anon in that it is ''not'' "stupidly obvious". Again, why else 2012?
*** Wait, what? You realize that first replier is saying that it's obvious that it'll be dubbed given a ''2012'' release and the fact that Funi picked it up at all, right? Why are you acting like 2012 contradicts an obvious upcoming dub?
Line 645:
Defies all logic, but writing-wise it makes sense. The end of the stinger implied that the new season would focus on him for at least part of it, and since {{spoiler|Panty's been diced and Stocking is evil, they won't be around to fight for him.}} While "High-school Nudical" would imply that the weapon would be a shotgun, this troper argues that that was only because Panty was wielding it. If he learned to transform his own underwear, my guess for the form would be a {{Ghostbusters Proton Pack}}.
== So if [[FU NimationFUNimation]] does dub PSG, will [[Shout Out|not]]-[[Transformers|Optimus Prime]] be voiced by [[Peter Cullen]]? ==
Place your bets now!
* Getting celebrities in other shows will prove tough considering they're in the middle of distant Texas!
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