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Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (anime)/WMG/Open Two: Difference between revisions

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== Each Wolkenritter is based on a [[Public Domain Character]] ==
* Signum = [[Arch AngelArchangel Michael]] (leader role, [[Flaming Sword]], generally [[Playing With Fire|associated with fire]], grows wings when in unison with Agito)
* Vita = [[Norse Mythology|Thor]] ([[Redheaded Hero]]+[[Fiery Redhead]], wields [[Drop the Hammer|a hammer]] that changes size, minus the lightning)
* Shamal = [[King Arthur|Lady of the Lake]] (apparently, in name only; I admit this is the weakest one)
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== Yuuno is [[The Man Behind the Man]] of the Takamachi family. ==
I haven't really got much to support this apart from my love of (Fate)Yuuha and the "fact" that [[The Man Behind the Man]] usually stays in the background, letting the [[Disc One Final Boss]] take centrestage. Also, [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|on Earth, behind every successful man is a woman. On Mid-Childa, behind every successful woman is a man!]]
* This is an amazingly bitter theory, even if the poster submitted in jest or good-heartedness. It basically says that because Yuuno didn't get his [[Throw the Dog A Bone|bone]] like he "deserved"; then nothing Nanoha and Fate accomplished without him could have been done.
** Let's go all the way with this and see where it goes. So Nanoha and Fate are ''hiding'' Yuuno like a dirty little secret; being together with him...oh, one hour every two months or so; in a closet in the Infinite Library; and they've either not told Vivio about him at all; or somehow trained her not to talk about him. Using his amazing skills of training and mind control; he has manipulated and dictated their every action without anyone in the TSAB ever talking to him.
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== Hayate is a [[Glass Cannon]] ''[[Willfully Weak|by choice]]'' ==
So let's say you're a sweet little girl who hates even the thought of hurting people and you've suddenly been handed more raw destructive power than any other character in your entire series. Kind of a scary thought, isn't it? I'll bet you're terrified of hurting your family or your newfound friends by [[Does Not Know His Own Strength|not knowing your own strength]] and accidentally flash-frying them with a poorly-cast practice spell, right? [[World of Cardboard Speech|The world suddenly seems to be made of cardboard]]... but luckily for you, your new friends in the TSAB have this handy dandy limiter technology you can incorporate into your device partner to nerf your magical powers down to levels you're comfortable with. Sure you're going to have to wear one anyways to get into a unit with your friends, but there's no such thing as being too careful, right? Besides, you're not really a direct combat person anyways, you don't really ''need'' to be able to out-[[Beam Spam]] a [[Touhou]] character when you've got four loyal knights protecting you all the time. Let's just hope nobody ever really ''really'' [[Unstoppable Rage|pisses you off]] and forces you to show everyone [[I Am Not Left Handed|what]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|you're]] ''[[Super Mode|really]]'' [[Limit Break|capable]] [[One -Winged Angel|of...]]
* Whether Hayate asked for that limiter is actually a moot point: TSAB would have placed on her, regardless. Whether she actually wanted to have one on her in the first place is a different question, but I think pretty much every over-S mage in the series does so voluntarily. Frankly, she or he can kick pretty much anyone's ass through their sheer magical experience and skills, even without the crazy mana output.
* This is an interesting idea, but Hayate explicitly notes in the manga it's not the limiter that's her problem: she casts huge destructive magic that's great at huge destructive things, but her powers are not suited to combat up close and personal and against someone who has a melee device and the skill to use it, she has to blast them before they reach her or she's done. Hence the Wolkenritter: they can defend her in close combat. Now, the possiblity that Hayate has never tried to ''improve'' her close combat skills because she's afraid she'll go off the deep end and need to be stopped...
** It's possible she's just playing the [[I Am Not Left Handed]] role to the hilt, and I can think of a couple reasons why she'd do this. The first is that she doesn't want the bureau to know how powerful she really is; people like Regius are already making her life difficult, but if they knew she could dish out as much pain as Rein Eins could, they'd do everything in their power to get her stuck in Red Tape Central for the rest of her career. Second option is that it's ''possible'' to focus her brand of destructive magic into small spells like an Axel Shooter or Black Impact but the act of doing so makes it automatically lethal and removes the possibility of dealing non-lethal magic damage like Nanoha does. If this were the case, it seems very reasonable to me that Hayate would simply rule out the possibility of using her magic like that and deliberately limit herself to an artillery role where she can use her enormous magic reserves without the risk of killing anyone.
** She states in the same part of the manga that it doesn't do much good to improve skills that one isn't naturally proficient with.
** I'd find that more convincing if Hayate didn't have a history of [[Heroic Self -Deprecation]] and comparing herself negatively to ''Caro'' of all people. This is the same girl who said she did a bad job of commanding Riot Force Six after StrikerS while the command structure was offering her promotions left and right. At this point she can say she doesn't have Skill X or Ability Y until she's blue in the face; I won't be convinced until I see her try and fail to cast a spell outside her specialty in a situation where lives are depending on her.
** Another possible reason she sees herself as weak isn't because she's unskilled, but because of the Tome of the Night Sky being an all powerful magical book, and she has only mastered few of its spells. If you think about it, the Tome of the Night Sky allows her to pull off all kinds of spells, ranging from simple spells to nukes, but the problem is that some, of not most of the spells are far too complicated even for her capabilities to master, and unlike Nanoha and Fate, who had ample time to master their magic and develop a defining style to suit their capabilities, Hayate had none of this due to the sheer number of spells she can use both in combat and as support, thus she only sticks to long range, heavy bombardment spells, probably under the idea that it allows her to easily eradicate any opposition with minimum effort and if that doesn't work, she can rely on her allies to clean up her mess.
== Reinforce was, to some degree, jealous of Shamal's relationship with Hayate ==
Compare her vision of what the future would be like if she could have lived with Fate's [[Lotus Eater Dream]]. In Fate's [[Lotus Eater Dream]], Linith and Precia praise Fate and hold her up as a model for Alicia to follow. Similarly, in Reinforce's vision of what life would have been like, the Wolkenritter compliment her cooking while criticizing Shamal's housekeeping skills (not only do they think she's a bad cook, but they also criticize her for breaking a vase while cleaning and forgetting her points card). It's possible that just as Alicia had Precia's approval [["Well Done, Son" Guy|that Fate had sought for so long]], Reinforce wanted to be close to Hayate like Shamal was. While Vita gets the [[Les Yay]] moments with Hayate, Shamal seems to be around Hayate most often, especially in the 10-day period between Episodes 8 and 9 of A's, when the Wolkenritter are out hunting Linker Cores and only Shamal seems to be able to be regularly in contact with Hayate. By contrast, Reinforce only speaks with Hayate twice apart from conversations with her in her sleep that she forgets upon waking up (Hayate knowing the Wolkenritter's titles could be a result of being subconsciously influenced, as she repeats Reinforce's plea to God or the Devil near the end without having heard it), and one of them is during her [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
== [[Villain Protagonist|Touma]] was intended as an alternative perspective to the Nanoha series- that of the [[Anti -Villain|villains]]. ==
While most of the Nanoha antagonists (with the exception of Precia, Scaglieti, the top four Numbers, Toredia, {{spoiler|Runessa}} and most likely Huckebein) are portrayed as having sympathetic motives, the viewers are initially led to assume they are doing things for entirely bad reasons and the TSAB is always right to hunt them down and capture them. In this series, the TSAB agent closest to Touma, Signum, is shown to be entirely ignorant of why he is fleeing with Lily and willing to capture him regardless of what his intentions are, while Touma wants to contact {{spoiler|Subaru}}, who knows him and his predicament, to find out what to do next. While this would indicate that the TSAB is portrayed less sympathetically than before, Touma clearly seems to [[Always Save the Girl|place saving Lily above all else]], and given he {{spoiler|is seemingly slowly losing control of himself}}. His approach could be the "well-meaning but flawed" one like the Wolkenritter's plan to fill the Book of Darkness, while Nanoha and the TSAB's approach is once again best, but given the way the story is centered around him, it seems to show how the conflict appears to someone in his situation.
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... Or it could just be something about the Wolkenritter in Old Belka.
== Olivie and (Klaus) Ingvalt were [[Star -Crossed Lovers]] back in the day. ==
They seemed to have rather deep feelings for one another, and got along very well despite tension between their countries and the situation with Olivie there as a pseudo-hostage. Also, Olivie was the one who triggered Ingvalt's [[Failure Knight]] deal.
* That is pretty much a given, but considering how "maintext" the romantic relationships tend to be in this series, it will probably never be acknowledged officially.
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== [[There Is Another|There are other pre-Belkan magical tomes]] with powers roughly on par with Reinforce. ==
Reinforce once said that she's "the happiest magical tome in the world". It could be just an [[Overly Narrow Superlative]], but it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that there are other Al-Hazard and Belkan relics lying across the dimensions.
* Maybe cliche, but I can see it now: A [[Light Is Not Good]] genuinely [[Complete Monster]] ([[Woman in White]])[[Man in White|man In White]] Tome of the Day/Morning Sky, complete with big frakkin' ball of light Angelic (or something) Emission to serve as an [[Evil Twin]] for the {{spoiler|[[SchrodingersSchrodinger's Cast|late?]]}} [[Anti -Villain|Anti Villainous]], [[Dark Is Not Evil]] Rein Eins.
* As things are going on in FORCE, by this point it looks like "The Book of the Silver Cross" is actually more powerfull(or at least more dangerous) than "The Tome of the Night Sky".
** Debatable. The BOD did not get to go to full world-killer mode before Hayate '''[[Mass Effect|ASSUMED DIRECT CONTROL]]''', so we don't know what its full power really is. Admittedly, we don't know about the full power of Eclipse and the Silver Cross either yet.
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== Precia was a [[Dark Magical Girl]] in her youth ==
However, she lived in the time where [[Magical Girl|Magical Girls]] were still supposed to give up their powers and marry dull guys after they come of age. The marriage didn't work out, [[Deconstruction|obviously]], but did a [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|great job estranging Precia from the MG who originally befriended her]]. This explains her [[Badass Bookworm|mad magic powers]], her violent tendencies (DMG without an emotional buffer in form of a MG = a sociopath in the making, just look at Material-L), and falls well within the [[Generation Xerox]] motif in the series.
* Alternately Precia had the same the relationship with her [[Magical Girl]] as Fate had with Nanoha and ended up adopting a little girl by the name of Alicia. After her significant other was lost in a dimensional rift in the middle of a mission Precia threw herself into her work, trying to retrieve her lost love, while still taking time out of her day to care for the only connection she had to that love. of course we all know what happened after that and as a result of losing the only good thing she had left in her life then having her attempt at replacing it fail she quickly became the woman we all know and despise
== There will be another [[Spin -Off]] manga centering on the deeds of the Saint Church ==
Up until now we have been mainly show how things are done by the TSAB. At some point, Tsuzuki is gonna finally formulate the creed of the Saint Church and dedicate a short manga (or OVA) exclusively to the Church and its Knights (with the former Numbers as the protagonists).
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Reaching back to the time of Ancient Belka, there has been a single cabal of powerful individuals secretly directing the course of multiverse history. If you don't believe it, here are some questions for you:
* The [[God -Emperor|Sankt Kaisers]] of the old days were eventually reduced to figureheads, symbols, and most powerful units in the field. As Ixy mentions in ''SSX'', she and the Kaisers were nothing but tools and weapons used in endless wars. By whom?
* The Combat Cyborg project was adopted by Scaglietti, who only perfected it, while the prototype Type Zero cyborgs were created by another scientist. Who was he/she?
* An illegal secret research facility was experimenting on a Unison Device from the Ancient Belkan era in ''StrikerS''. Who created it?
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== Laevatein has the secret fourth form, its true Full Drive ==
I don't think it has even been established what Laevatein's Full Drive form is (except in the ''Battle of Aces'', where Sturm Falke is used as the Full Drive Special Move), and both Schlangenform and Bogenform seem extremely powerful at different ranges. Now, if we look at Graf Eisen, it has ''four'' forms, of which Zerstörungform is easily the most powerful one that combines features of all others. Now, if we apply the same logic to Laevatein, then it should have a fourth form, too: a [[BFS|Giant]] [[Flaming Sword|Flaming]] [[Chainsaw Good|Chainsaw]] [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword|Sword]] that [[Whip Sword|extends]] and [[Macross Missile Massacre|shoots multiple Sturm Falkens from its hilt]]. And the reason she has never used this form yet? ''There hasn't been an opponent challenging enough.'' But now Cypha is in for a [[Oh Crap|naaasty surprise]]...
PS: Oh, and her AEC Equipment would be simply an upgrade module for Laevatein that converts mana directly into other forms of energy. She doesn't need much more than that.
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== You can destroy a Huckebein with magic. You just need a lot. ==
[[Inception|You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.]] I was playing ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'' the other day, using the Engineer, and a lines from his "Meet the Team" video came to me: "And if that don't work? Use more gun." That reminded me of this ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' fic, [[And If That Don't Work (Fanfic)|And If That Don't Work]], where the "more gun" is [[Useful Notes/From Russia With Nukes|From Russia With Nukes]]. That also made me think of ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'', where the [[Anti -Magic]] of Blanks can be [[No Sell|No Selled]] by sufficiently strong daemons or psykers.
Where am I going with this? Diabolic Emission. Ragnarok. Blaster Mode Exceed Max Starlight Breaker. [[Fantastic Nuke|Arc-en-Ciel.]] [[Up to Eleven|Multiple Arc-en-Ciels.]] Of course, unless the Huckies somehow cause the crossing of the [[Godzilla Threshold]], we might not see the Fantastic [[Nuclear Option]] in play.
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** Also, I think the destruction of Laevatein hit her with some kind of backlash, if only psychological, leaving her stunned for a moment. While I agree that the Wolkies are definitely more fragile now that they aren't powered up by the [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]] ''cum'' [[Eldritch Abomination]], I see no reason to believe that their [[Power Levels]] are degrading over time.
** At least that explain why she simply stay still waiting to be slashed after Laevatein's destruction, right when she shows to be quicker than Cypha at the beginning of the fight(from standing position to cut her cheek with Laevatein's Schlagenform in a fraction of a second, i think that's near Erio's level of quickness at best). Laevatein's fall still proves one point, when it's true that their [[Power Level]] don't weak over time it also neither grows, as magical creations i think they're have the exact same power always, they're strong at first, but they're unable to become stronger on their own(needing Hayate's support or Unison to do so), and apparently they are finally overhelmed by the flow of time on the other characters.
** Power levels in this series don't work like Super Saiyans, mages don't constantly improve just by training all the time, and the villains don't follow the [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]], so there's very little chance of Signum and the Wolkenritter ever falling to [[Can't Catch Up]]. Nanoha's power level capped out around S+ during the timeskip, and all improvements after that point are accomplished by tech upgrades like the Blaster System or Fortress Mode. The only reason Signum can't keep up with the current bad guys is because her AEC equipment wasn't ready when she went to engage Cypha. Remember, Signum ''owned'' Cypha in the first half of chapter 7; if Cypha had been a normal mage, the fight would've been over as soon as Signum cut her arm off. The only thing Cypha has going for her is her regeneration and [[Anti -Magic]] hax, and the latter will cease to be a problem once Signum gets her tech upgrade.
*** You're forgeting Cypha's [[Made of Iron|Made of Adamantium]] hability, i think it was one of the more descisive elements that lead to Signum's defeat, even whith her magic cancelled she's an outstanding swordswoman(as she demonstrates to Cypha at the beginning) but Laevatein suffer from the direct contact with Cypha's body and then finally cracks(i think "zero effect" has something to do with Laevatein's lack of endurance because the once mighty belkan sword proved in the past to be quite strong and durable, cutting other weapons or heavy armored foes with ease) leaving her master without a weapon right in front of an armed opponent with heavy armor piercing capabilities. Cypha is not only inmune to magic she's also inmune to "being cut", not really the best scenario for a ''magic swordswoman''.
*** Yeah, '''''no'''''. If the Huckbein were immune to physical damage in addition to magical damage, they'd be completely unstoppable, and [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_senki_lyrical_nanoha_force/v02/c006/13.html Signum draws blood from a cut across Cypha's face] with no damage to Levatine whatsoever. The Hucks are obviously tougher than your average person, but Levantine's damage is far more likely to be a product of Signum trying to use ''a magic sword'' against a [[Mage Killer]] and then using a half-broken blade against Cypha after her Divider was powered up, not because Cypha is ''completely immune'' to physical damage. Otherwise, what would be the point of the AEC equipment?
*** You need to remeber that Cypha clearly states that bladed weapons are useless against a "reacted" Eclipse Driver, i agree that Laevatein's demise had something to do with the [[Anti -Magic]] thing, but also Signum and then Cypha clearly make note of the toughness of the latter's body before(fissuring Laevatein but maiming Cypha) and after(when Cypha block and destroys Laevatein with her own body without any physical damage ...or even [[Clothing Damage]] whatsoever) the mentioned "reacting", So far the AEC-Equipement is not perfected yet, but still none of them relies mainly on "slashing" attacks(save for Fate but she's justified by wielding an upgraded Bardiche with energy powered blades).
*** Dude, you are ''[[Fan Dumb|way]]'' too determined to come up with reasons why Signum is suffering [[Badass Decay]]. [[Single -Issue Wonk|As usual]]. First of all [[Did Not Do the Research|you're wrong]] about none of the AEC weapons using solid blades, Nanoha's Fortess Mode has configurations for arm-mounted blades in both solid-state and energy forms, and IIRC the Strike Cannon comes with a solid-blade configuration for melee combat. Yeah, she's not relying on them as her primary weapons, but if they're ''completely useless'' against the Hucks then why put them in at all? Answer: ''they're not'', because they're not ''magical'' blades. Second, [[Fridge Logic|why on Earth would a reacted state give the Huckbein protection against slashing damage but not piercing or blunt force trauma?]]
*** First of all, i'm more critic and less ranting by now. Back on topic, i say that AEC weapons don't rely MAINLY on blades, not that they don't include it, still the blades are not very effective(as Erio's Strike Cannon demonstrates while pitted against Deville's Axe on Chapter 9.5), if Nanoha's ones are more effective is yet to be seen(and for all instances Laevatein's even without magic is clearly a big metal sword that was pitted against other durable materials on various ocassions, only damaged for the first time after hitting something as hard as Cypha's body). As for the last thing about piercing/blunt force(showed by Veyron's bleeding after being Strike Cannon'd by Erio) i can think of any better than ..uhm... [[New Powers As the Plot Demands|Less Powers as the Plot Demands]] perhaps?
*** Not effective against the dividers themselves, maybe. Go back to Touma's fight with Veyron in chapter 4, notice that Veyron is parrying Touma's bladed attacks with his own divider instead of his arm. I'm very much inclined to think that when Cypha said she was immune to blades, she was referring specifically to melee-type devices -- those being the only blades that see use in this series -- meaning that neither Belkan nor Mid-Childan magic will work on the Hucks, not that she has some additional resistance to physical damage that none of the other Hucks have for some bizarre reason.
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*** So, wait, in your view the Wolkies will just let themselves be hit, thinking they'll survive it? That makes the trained warriors sound pretty damn incompetent.
*** And what the Wolkies themselves want is not an issue at all? Remember, they have sworn to protect Hayate as far back as ''A's'', and that's not an oath you can break without compomising your very self. In one way or another, they ''had'' to be at her side during a crisis this big, and it's better to have them armed for this occasion. More than anything, what happened to Signum shows the [[Never Split the Party|dangers of splitting the team]] (in more ways than one).
*** Exactly, they definetly not the kind of people who retreats when they have something important to do, also i think Signum's demise is supossed to indicate the fate that awaits for ANY mage that attempts to confront([[So Last Season|without]] the [[Mid -Season Upgrade|new toys]]) the Huckebein, not just the Wolkenritter. Also we must admit that despite all the claims over the matter, Signum put up a hell of a fight to an otherwise invincible opponent.
**** They've been deployed separately from Hayate before. ''[[Striker S (Anime)|Striker S]]'' did it quite a lot and the preceding manga actually had the Wolkenritter as part of different units from Hayate. For that matter, their personal feelings are irrelevant. Duty first is the air the Wolkenritter breathe and how they got through life before Hayate. The would have sworn an oath of service like any other Bureau member. If they're ordered, particularly by Hayate, not to do something, then they will not do it.
***** Let's just that we have different character interpretations. When the Wolkies were deployed separately, Hayate was never in particular danger. Now, the Hucks are a danger to every mage in the multiverse, so naturally, they want to be by her side. And as for their oath... I think your misunderstand something: they are with TSAB because Hayate is. It is true that they wanted to repent for their crimes after A's (see SS03), but their first and foremost desire is to spend the rest of their lives with Hayate (see ''StrikerS'' episode 18, I think, where her conversation with Shamal reveals that they are not longer immortal). Oh, and by the way, they also kinda have a record of ignoring Hayate's direct orders if they think it will save her life.
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== Rein Eins's Starlight Breaker will be [[Up to Eleven|even more ginormous(ly powerful)]] in MOVIE 2nd. ==
In [[The Original Series]], Nanoha's SLB was, at best, the size of a city block. When A's came, many went [[HSQ|HOLY SHIT]] to see Rein's SLB engulf most if not all of Uminari. Now that MOVIE 1st has raised the bar by making Movie!Nanoha!SLB engulf a city too, the only way to bring about the same "[[Oh Crap|Shitshit]][[Rule of Three|shit]][[Four Is Death|shit]] Nanoha's [[Precision F -Strike|fucking]] out of her league" feeling would be to give Movie!Rein's SLB a proportional boost. Maybe all of Japan?
* I think "all" of Japan would feel a bit unrealistic(for the level we're accustomed at least) but i do agree on that Rein Ein's SLB must top Nanoha's, it's one of the crucial moments when we get a shot of how godly powerful Reinforce Eins really is(she's not called the "Female Broly" for nothing). In [[The Movie|The MOVIE 1st]] Nanoha blew and area the size of a small-to-average city, Reinforce can top that one by casting a SLB big enough to engulf a city the size of Tokyo along with some of it's surrounding districts or even an area the scale of a small state.
== Signum will never get the chance to use her AEC upgrade... ==
...because she doesn't need it. What will happen instead is that Signum will show up to face Cypha in their last fight with damaged equipment, maybe even without Levantine. When Cypha goes in for the kill, Signum will demonstrate just how vast the gulf in skill between them is by channeling [[Super Robot Wars|Lamia]]'s ''[[Endless Frontier|other]]'' [[Bare -Fisted Monk|expy]] complete with an appropriate Phantasm Phoenix-like Overdrive that powers up her fire magic until the heat alone can overwhelm Cypha's Huckbein haxx, thus demonstrating once and for all why Signum is called The Blazing General. This will also be how the '''[[Memetic Mutation|SIGNUM]] [[Shout Out|PUNCH]]''' becomes an official attack.
* Other possibility is because of the release of the new [http://nanochan.org/board/src/1304184032080.jpg product] from Caledfwich Techniques, there are now theories of the security company being the real [[Big Bad]] of FORCE. Planning to supply the heroes with [[Flawed Prototype|faulty prototypes]] on purpose to make their real product to look good by comparission. If that turns out to be the case at the moment Signum awakes I really doubt she think of going to battle with the AEC equipment designed for her. Probably causing Laevatein to undergo the [[Mid -Season Upgrade|5th Gen Upgrade]] or simply go hardcore and rushing to the battle with her normal devices and a dangerous strategy.
== Mid-Childa is communist ==
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* Except that Fortis says that they need to find Veyron's Divider soon and Reactors are not supposed to have Dividers, logically. Unless... Karen ''deliberately'' didn't tell him of Veyron's true nature, knowing that he is [[The Starscream]]! Which leads us to...
== The Hucks are a [[Big Screwed -Up Family]] ==
See above.
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== Signum never properly learned how to dodge ==
Only that could explain why she stays still in front of Cypha waiting to be cross-slashed. Signum had plenty of time to avoid cut-range while Cypha was giving her a small [[Smug Snake|smug]] [[Evil Gloating|speech]] [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|about desperation]]. Another evidence is how Signum always prefer to tank or parry instead of dodging. Possibly a bad habit acquired after centuries of being a [[Nigh Invulnerable]] [[Super Strength|super strong]] knight.
== The Dimensional Sea is the Warp ==
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== Yuuno is actually a [[Memetic Badass]] who's only ''pretending'' to be weak ==
Just look at what he can do with barriers [[Buffy -Speak|and stuff]] in A's. Huge, ''multiple'' multi-layered barriers and sealing spells ''without a device''. The theory is that he actually ''has'' a device, and given his skill, he'd be a total [[Game Breaker]] with it. However, he's an [[Actual Pacifist]], hence why he keeps out of the action so often.
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