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Someone is mostly heterosexual (or homosexual, or [[Asexuality|asexual]]) with ''one'' exception.
A romantic rationalization that removes potential [[Squick]] from a non-standard attraction ([[Brother -Sister Incest]], [[Mayfly -December Romance]], or a simple homosexual one, etc.) often uses this phrase. Since the character (usually) [[Lampshade Hanging|acknowledges the unusualness of the potential pairing]], the writer gets to assure the audience ''they'' shouldn't have a problem with it either.
Judging by the examples presented here can often be place in three categories:
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Compare [[Single Target Sexuality]], [[Even the Guys Want Him]], [[Even the Girls Want Her]], [[Memetic Sex God]], [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]].
== Anime & Manga ==
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* Chizuru from the ''[[Hen]]'' manga has never been in love in her life, using her body mostly to gain favors from men. She also views having sex with girls as icky--until she falls head-over-heels for innocent, cute Yamada, which turns her world upside down on several levels. After a reality check Chizuru decides to pursue her love interest with abandon. Poor Yamada never knows what hits her.
** And it's made explicitly clear that Yamada is the ''only'' girl who makes her feel that way. Her attempts to imagine sleeping with other girls do nothing but [[Squick]] her out.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy|Aru Akise]] spends the whole second chapter of ''[[Mirai Nikki]] - Paradox'' denying that's he's gay, despite having a blatant crush on the male protagonist. When finally badgered enough, he admits that "it's love", but still maintains he doesn't swing for boys.
* A inversion in ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]'': {{spoiler|Haruhi's bisexual father Ryouji/Ranka renounced his heterosexual side after his wife Kotoko's death. To him, It's ''Not'' Okay If It's Not Her.}}
* Touya and Yukito from ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura (Manga)|Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' aren't [[Yaoi Guys]], they're soulmates. Gender is irrelevant.
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** Completely averted by Shiori towards Juri. It's the turning moment of her interview in the Black Rose Saga:
{{quote|'''Shiori:''' I always had a place in Juri-san's heart. I'm the winner! What shall I do? I'm so delighted to know my friend's secret I almost can't bear it! She suffered alone, looking at my picture in secret... No good! It's still no good! How could you look at me like that?! Why did it all turn out this way?}}
* Lau from ''[[Black Butler (Manga)|Black Butler]]'' is a [[Handsome Lech]] who mainly has Ran Mao around as eye-candy and to sit on his lap but appears to be [[If ItsIt's You ItsIt's Okay]] towards Ciel if his occasional attempts at flirting with him are of any indication.
** Also, Grell. While she makes frequent advances on male characters, she also declared once that she was in love with Madam Red.
* In ''[[Natsume Yuujinchou]]'', the almost-certainly lesbian Hinoe ''[[Does Not Like Men|hates ]]''[[Does Not Like Men|guys]]. The only problem is that one of these pesky guys, Takashi Natsume, [[Identical Grandson|inconveniently looks almost exactly like her long-dead]] ([[Dude Looks Like a Lady|female]]) crush Reiko Natsume, and [[Stupid Sexy Flanders|it's making her uncomfortable]]. She eventually deals with it by simply ignoring the fact that Takashi's male.
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* In the [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]] fanfic ''[[Kyon Big Damn Hero (Fanfic)|Kyon Big Damn Hero]]'' Mikuru Asahina (big) claims not being into [[Shotacon]] just before kissing Kyon.
** True, though, Kyon isn't young enough for that. [[Genius Ditz]]?
** Well, it may be hinting that [[Mayfly -December Romance|the age difference between Kyon and the adult Mikuru]] is [[Older Than They Look|much]] [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|larger]] than previously believed. Time travel is tricky.
* Sirius Black, in the ''[[Harry Potter (Literature)|Harry Potter]]'' fandom, often describes himself as a "lycanthrosexual", as the only guy he's interested in is Remus.
* In the ''[[Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed II]]'' fandom, this is one of the most commonly used explanations for pairing [[Handsome Lech|confirmed skirt-chaser]] Ezio Auditore da Firenze with canonically gay Leonardo da Vinci.
* The ''[[Sherlock (TV)|Sherlock]]'' fanfic [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6435170/1/The_Heart_In_The_Whole The Heart In The Whole] is made of this trope - the normally asexual Sherlock Holmes begins a sexual relationship with John Watson, but still freaks out at the idea of anyone else touching him.
* In the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: theThe Abridged Series (Web Video)|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'' spin-off fic ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6954805/1/Marik_Bakura_Go_To_Censored_Town Marik & Bakura Go To Censored Town]'', Marik is completely straight except with Bakura. Whether this fic counts as part of the abridged canon is unclear, though, nor is it clear [[Transparent Closet|if he's being entirely truthful in that.]]
{{quote| '''Marik''': I mean, you know that I'm only gay for you! I'm very comfortable with my gayness where you're concerned. [[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?|But as far as anyone else goes, totally hetero!]]}}
* Most ''[[Ranma One Half½ (Manga)|Ranma One Half]]'' fanfiction with the "[[Gender Bender|Ranma]] gets modelocked as a girl forever" plot use this trope in regards to Ranma and Akane. In reality though, both are strictly straight. Neither like the idea of doing anything even remotely sexual while he's a girl.
{{quote| '''Akane:''' *thinking he's going to kiss her* Wait, Ranma. People are watching, you know! And we're both ''girls''! You can't, you can't!<br />
'''Ranma:''' *walks past her* You've got a dirty mind! }}
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== Film ==
* ''[[The Crying Game]]''. If you don't know how this trope applies to it, [[It Was His Sled|we're more than happy]] [[All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game"|to spoil it for you]].
* {{spoiler|Ace}} and {{spoiler|Tobio}} in ''[[Wild Zero]]''.
* Played for laughs at the end of ''[[Some Like It Hot]]'' ("Well, nobody's perfect!"), making this trope (arguably) [[Older Than Television]].
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* That one was made pretty clear even without Word of God, though, especially in their novels, but hinted from the beginning of their relationship.
* In [[Orson Scott Card]]'s ''Homecoming'' series, you have [[Pair the Spares|Shedemei and Zdorab]]. When Shedemei becomes (unintentionally) ostracized from the rest of the women in their little refugee group due to her being the only one childless (she and [[Straight Gay|Zdorab]] aren't what the others would call "a real couple", though they were emotionally as close as any of the rest), Zdorab agrees to try for a child with her, for her sake. They end up with two.
* ''Songmaster'', meanwhile, has Josif and Kyaren - Josif self-describes as a gay-leaning bisexual. [[But You Screw One Goat!|With a 6% attraction to sheep.]] Expect to see a lot of things like this in Card's work.
* Ceilie and Shug Avery in ''The Color Purple''. Hinted at with one painfully awkward kiss in the movie. Stated outright in the book.
* The otherwise lesbian dance instructor and neighbor of Kinky Friedman's [[Author Insert]], Winnie Katz has this kind of relationship in his mystery series in an on/off kind of way.
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== Live Action TV ==
* Played straight on ''[[Thirty30 Rock (TV)|30 Rock]]'' when Frank falls head over heels for the office's hot, young coffee guy. After much exploration, including an unsatisfying dance at a gay club, Frank realizes he's only "gay for Jamie".
** When Jack shows a picture of his girlfriend Elisa (played by Salma Hayek) to the actor who plays the generalissimo, he exclaims "I am super gay and I would totally switch for her".
*** At one point, Liz herself seemed a bit attracted to Elisa.
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* [[Russell T Davies]], writer of the above ''[[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood]]'' example, had earlier written a series called ''[[Bob and Rose]]'' about a gay man who realizes he's in love with a woman and their struggle to make a relationship work. (Davies has always been vocal [[Everyone Is Bi|against the idea of 'monosexuality']].)
* Michael Scott on [[The Office]] has this for Ryan Howard. It seems to start in ''The Dundies'' when he gives Ryan the "Hottest in the Office" Award (complete with a pat on the butt), and grows throughout season two. Other notable examples would be when Michael says he'd have sex with Ryan during a game of "Who would you do?" in ''The Fire'', and in the cold open of ''The Carpet'' when Michael stares salaciously at Ryan while he's filling in for Pam at reception. In ''The Deposition'', it is revealed that Michael even writes about Ryan in his diary.
* Sugar of ''[[Sugar Rush (TV)]]'' only likes men as a general rule and [[Really Gets Around|will sleep with most of them without a second thought]], but eventually ends up sleeping with her best friend Kim (who is gay, and whose powerful crush on Sugar drives the plot of the first season). It only happens once, and afterwards Kim eventually gets over Sugar. However, there are several hints that Sugar does genuinely fall in love with Kim following this incident, as evidenced by her jealousy over Kim's new girlfriend, Saint, and her behaviour in the series finale.
* A [[Running Gag]] on ''[[Sports Nation (TV)|Sports Nation]]'' is that Colin Cowherd has a crush on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Occasionally, when Cowherd talks about Brady, a clip of him saying "I love Tom Brady" will pop up on screen.
* Kalinda on [[The Good Wife]] turns everyone's head.
{{quote| '''Cary:''' I know a lot of people who weren’t anything until they met Kalinda.}}
* ''[[Sherlock (TV)|Sherlock]]'': Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler seem to be harboring this for each other; the former is otherwise [[Married to The Job|married to his work]] and the latter is gay. Additionally, Irene seems convinced that [[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?|remarkably heterosexual John Watson]] feels this way about Sherlock.
{{quote| '''John:''' Who the hell knows about Sherlock Holmes, but for the record, if anyone out there still cares - I'm not actually gay.<br />
'''Irene Adler:''' Well, I am. Look at us both. }}
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* ''[[Mass Effect (Video Game)|Mass Effect]]'' has several variants:
** The turian Garrus Vakarian becomes a romance option in ''[[Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 2]]'' for female Shepards. He notes that he doesn't have a "human fetish"; he just really digs Shepard. And is seriously confused about how their relationship works.
** The [[One -Gender Race]] asari seem to provoke this reaction from pretty much ''everyone''. Sha'ira, the asari "Consort" from the first game, appears to be wildly popular with both male and female humans, and there are at least hints that it's not limited to her, and that it's not especially rare for human females with no prior lesbian tendencies to become attracted to an asari. For example, one of the "background" characters you overhear in the third game is a female marine whose male compatriots are a little weirded out by her desire to join them on a "boys' night" watching hot asari dancers.<ref>The character's "human" sexual preferences are left somewhat ambiguous except that she is very sexually aggressive.</ref> Another background character is a human female cheating on her husband with an asari.
** If you talk to [[Deadly Doctor|Mordin]], the salarian doctor/scientist a lot, sometimes he thinks you are trying to woo him (if you're not romancing anyone else on the ship). He tells Shepard that he's not interested, because the salarian sex drive is generally dormant outside specified mating periods. However, he remarks in the same breath that if he ''would'' ever get it on with a human, said human would be Shepard, [[Ho Yay|regardless of gender]]. Furthermore, asari are apparently capable of awakening a salarian's dormant sex drive.
* ''[[Guilty Gear]]'''s Bridget, [[Dropped a Bridget On Him|famously]].
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* In [[Persona 3]] [[Updated Rerelease|Portable]], Ryoji tells the [[Distaff Counterpart|Female Protagonist]] that he'd probably like her even if she were a boy. Makes the [[Ho Yay]] between him and the Male Protagonist make a lot more sense.
* Possibly Kaz and Big Boss in [[Metal Gear Solid]] Peace Walker dating missions.
* Adell from [[Disgaea 2]] makes it known that he's a fan of neither demons nor [[He -Man Woman Hater|women]] (both a result of a past trauma relating to a [[Horny Devils|Succubus]]). He makes an exception to both cases for Rozalin.
* Played relatively straight in the light novel ''[[Don't Take It Personally Babe It Just Aint Your Story|don't take it personally babe, it just ain't your story]]'', when friendless loner Nolan reciprocates the advances of camp gay classmate Akira on the grounds that having someone that interested in him romantically makes him warm and fuzzy inside. As they gradually segue into a standard couple, whether this is a case of Type 1 or Type III for Nolan is left an open question.
* [[Kara no Shoujo|Mizuhara]] admits to herself early on that she's in love with Toko, but doesn't want to mention it because neither of them are lesbians and thus the relationship has no real chance.
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* [[Truth in Television]]. Sexuality is not three separate, box-like categories-it's a scale, and some psychologist believe even a scale is too simplistic a view. Straight people can very easily be heterosexual but bi-romantic, just as gay people can be homosexual but emotionally attracted to someone of the opposite gender. It is also not unheard of for someone in the gay community to grow up believing themselves to be straight only to find a [[Closet Key]] later in life. Sexuality is fluid (but not as [[Yaoi Fangirl|fluid]] in real life [[Yuri Fan|as it is in fanfiction]]).
* As noted in the [[Asexuality]] article, some non-aromantic asexuals who aren't averse to sexual contact would gladly have sex with non-asexual romantic partners for the sake of said relationship even if the act itself may not have the same significance or appeal as it would to sexual individuals.
** On a related note, there are some people who identify as being in the "grey area" between sexual and asexual - Grey-asexuals, who experience sexual attraction, but for less people than your average person would, and Demisexuals, who are basically the embodiment of this trope. A demisexual can feel sexual attraction - but ONLY for people who they have a strong emotional connection with, whether it's a romantic relationship or a platonic one. So demisexuality can literally be summed up as a mix of [[Asexuality]] and [[If ItsIt's You ItsIt's Okay]].
* One recent fad was making short lists of famous persons to half-jokingly clear with your significant others, where if the opportunity arises (ahem), there will be no blame [[A Worldwide Punomenon|laid]] (ahem) if you decide to sleep with that person. Unsurprisingly, one of the most common people listed is [[George Clooney]]. Not so unsurprisingly, he appears on a large number of ostensibly straight men's lists. For the girls, if it's [[Rachel Weisz]] (or [[Angelina Jolie]]), it's okay. For lesbians, it's usually [[Johnny Depp]] or [[John Barrowman]].
* In fact, it's [[Johnny Depp]] for a considerable number of straight men - he may be the male version of [[Angelina Jolie]] in that respect.
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* Sean Connery and Morgan Freeman. That is all.
* [[Stephen Fry]] ended up discussing this when he was a guest on the ''Rob Brydon Show''. A man from the audience asked him, "Stephen, you've managed to make a lot of straight men feel gay for you. My question is, have you ever found a woman attractive?". His answer? "Yes, I have." Stephen then proceeded to explain that he's "90% Gay", and that he once almost asked out the make-up artist he had when working on [[Black Adder]], before realising that co-star [[Rowan Atkinson]] was interested in her, after which he graciously stepped aside. (Rowan ended up marrying her, and upon finding out at the wedding, she told him that she would most certainly have gone out with him on a date if he'd asked her before Rowan had).
* The various [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|pony]] confession blogs have received numerous confessions from otherwise straight men being gay for Braeburn or Big Macintosh, otherwise gay men being straight for the mane six, otherwise straight women being gay for Rainbow Dash, and otherwise lesbian women being straight for Braeburn or Big Macintosh. This is to say nothing of the asexuals who find themselves attracted only to characters from the show.
* It's not that hard to find posts that more or less read: "I'm a lesbian, except for [[Chris Colfer]]"
** Similarly, [[Glee|Naya Rivera]] gets this from some gay men... as well as [[Even the Girls Want Her|girls]]
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