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** Bears noting that that is one of ''many'' instances. Mega Man is the nicest guy you could meet, but if you threaten ''any'' innocent people, or worse, actually kill people, he will '''fuck you up'''.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Ice Man and Elec Man, after Mega Man gets nearly killed by Quintet. Ferret's Commentary notes [[Invoked Trope|Elec Man would have arrived sooner, but was waiting for the proper dramatic moment.]]
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]: Mega Man in [http://ferretcomic.com/1040 this strip].
* [[Blatant Lies]]: All of Dr. Wily's machines are for mining. Really.
* [[Bond One -Liner]]: Many. Subverted on one occasion, when a badly-damaged Mega Man tries to do one after delivering the fatal blow, but passes out before he can finish.
* [[Boring but Practical]]
{{quote| '''Electric Man''': Yeah, turned out I couldn't use the Thunder Beam to escape, so I just punched the glass.}}
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* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Wily snuck in virus type programming into all the original robot master's to get them to defect. The POV comics with Cut Man's desperate struggles to remain himself are... disturbing and heartbreaking. Then you have the likes of Ice Man jumping headfirst into it and helping to spread the [[Mind Control]].
** Also, {{spoiler|anyone under Quintet's [[Mind Control]] or using one of his support units.}}
* [[Buffy -Speak]]: Disgruntled Ferret likes to play around with grammar and tenses. The page pic is an example.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: <s>Polka</s> Reset Man.
* [[Call Forward]]: Dr. Wily utilises custom microchips to reprogram robots and bring them under his control, warping their personalities along the way; this is a precursor to his eventual Maverick Virus as seen in the X series.
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* [[General Ripper]]: Captain Fodder.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Rock/Mega Man. Attempts to avoid the [[Bag of Spilling]] (That [[But Thou Must|occurs anyway]]) and a frequent source of [[Lampshade Hanging]] throughout the comic.
* [[Good Angel, Bad Angel]]: Played with. Mega Man is so [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|good]] that he has two good angels on either side in his internal monologue. Lampshades it by asking [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/paint/749 'Aren't one of you supposed to be an evil conscience?']
* [[Gretzky Has the Ball]]: Intentionally used when Mega Man and Ice Man start goofing off. Mega Man claims Ice Man almost got a hole in one - while they were hitting a basketball with a baseball bat.
* [[Groin Attack]]: Mega Man to Quick Man.
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'''Dr. Light''': [[Face Palm|I... that... ...Just go back to the lab, Mega Man]]. }}
* [[Instant Awesome Just Add Dragons]]: [http://ferretcomic.com/archives/Comic1019.png Quintet has a dragon!]
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]]: There are [http://www.ferretcomic.com/381 Wild Ninja Colonies] in [[The Verse|Ferretverse]] with the enemy ninja sprites from [[Live a Live]]. Don't forget your [http://www.ferretcomic.com/670 Ninja Repellent].
* [[Jedi Mind Trick]]: A secondary function of the Thunder Beam.
** Quintet is also capable of doing this to the Robot Masters of the Wily 8. It's possibly a sign that he helped Wily construct them, using his knowledge of more advanced future robotics.
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* [[The Juggernaut]]: Atlas.
* [[Just a Machine]]: Dr. Wily subscribes to this school of thought.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: A number, most notably Wily berating Enker for asking [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]], Allegro killing an alternate version of Rush, and {{spoiler|Quick Man casually killing the last of the Fodder Force Uber Team.}}
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Fire Man, {{spoiler|after being defeated in Harmony Mode and short-circuiting in water.}}
* [[Large Ham]]: It's easier to mention who ''isn't'' this in this comic. Everyone gets their moments of this. Even ''Dr. Light''.
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** Also counts as [[Incredibly Lame Pun]], considering he was fooling Light at first by passing off his original plans as mining robots. Even the Wily Machine.
* [[Noodle Implements]]: Did you know you could build a [[Death Ray]] with little more than a [http://www.ferretcomic.com/archives/Comic1003.png cell phone and a paper clip]?
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: <s>Polka</s> Reset Man
* [[No Name Given]]: The fourth member of [[We Are Team Cannon Fodder|The Fodder Force: Uber Squad]]
* [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]]: Completely averted. After the first major arc, several other organizations are reverse engineering their own robots, including their own Robot Masters.
* [[Not Worth Killing]]: Quick Man lets a deactivated Mega Man live under these reasons. Of course, when he finds out the Blue Bomber ''is'' worth killing, [[Blood Knight|his reaction is quite positive.]]
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|Nuking The Fourth Wall]]: The Atomic Dragon's attack in [http://ferretcomic.com/1031 this comic] is so powerful it vaporizes the comic's boundary frame between the third and fourth panel.
* [[Off With His Head]]: Crash Man in "Live and Learn"<ref>It doesn't stick</ref>, and more fatally, {{spoiler|Roll}} in "Too Serious".
* [[One -Man Army]]: Mega Man fits this until the second game kicks in. Crash Man is a definite example, reminding Wood Man that he had enough ammunition to level the city in a blind and deaf rage. Blind and deaf due to ''[[Implacable Man|missing]]'' ''[[Off With His Head|his head]]'' at the time.
* [[Only Mostly Dead]]: When a robots is destroyed, it can be rebuilt without much trouble, so long as the memory chip is intact.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]: When sending robots into the field, the military just gives them a hat for disguise. Or in Atlas' case, a hat and a [[Badass Longcoat]].
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Wood Man's guilt over killing humans, and Quintet coming to Enker's defense.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Allegro.
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Colonel Fodder
* [[Schedule Slip]]: Combined with loads and loads of Filler, and long story arcs. It'll probably be awhile before we get to Mega Man 3... but we're getting there.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Being the epitome of laziness, Heat Man [http://ferretcomic.com/889 says something along these lines.]
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Air Man, but piss him off and he defaults to a ''much'' cruder way off speaking, meaning that he probably invokes this trope intentionally.
* [[Shooting Superman]]: The military with regular weapons or the E1s against any of the Robot Masters.
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* [[Shown Their Work]]/[[Mythology Gag]]: Ferret clearly knows his classic series Mega Man. Although the majority of humans are (probably) original, startlingly few of the ''robots'' aren't from an actual source.
** [http://ferretcomic.com/516 That electricity spewing robot?] [http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Volt_Man Volt Man] from the awful Mega Man DOS game.
** [http://ferretcomic.com/517 That Air Man lookalike] that everyone believes turns into Air Man? [http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Wave_Man_(PC) Wave Man]([[NamesName's the Same|Not THAT Wave Man]]) of the equally bad Mega Man 3 DOS.
** [http://ferretcomic.com/938 That really badass robot Metal Man turns into?] [http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Blade_Man_(PC) Blade Man from the same game.]
*** [http://ferretcomic.com/1014 Hey there] [[http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Oil_Man_<!-- 28PC29 Oil Ma-]], I mean, Flash Man. -->
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*** [http://www.ferretcomic.com/archives/Comic641.png Dr. Wily's alien visage, Ra Moon and the spaceborne Evil Energy first seen in MM8 are also somehow involved]. Previously none of these elements have ever been associated with one another.
** Metal Man, who is often mocked for being hilariously vulnerable to his own round, bladed weapon, is depicted as being weak to the Rolling Cutter, a round, bladed weapon.
* [[Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence]]: Played straight, and a major source of [[Hey, You|insults]] between robots and by their controllers.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Metal Man. There's a reason he's the [[Chew Toy]].
* [[Smug Super]]: Electric Man and Air Man, which has made the battle between their ego's almost as fun to watch as their actual battle.
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* [[Split Personality]]: <s>Polka</s> Reset Man.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: {{spoiler|Greatest Killer turns out to be one of these for Quintet.}}
* [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]: <s>Polka</s> Reset Man's 'other' consciousness.
** Sort of. While ''much'' more competent then Reset Man, he's so handicapped by his poorly-designed body that he struggles to beat a Sniper Joe.
*** Speaking of the "other" guy, what happened to him? Will we see him again? What about those scenes we saw while he was around?
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* [[Water Is Blue]]: [http://ferretcomic.com/7 see?]
* [[We Are Team Cannon Fodder]]: Parodied with the Fodder Force.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Quintet has an...''interesting'' interpretation of the phrase, "everlasting peace."
* [[Who Dares]]: [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/paint/archive.php?comic=268 Almost a given at some point].
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Quick Man considers Mega Man to be one of these. Mega Man doesn't really care.
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