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Yggdra Union/Characters: Difference between revisions

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[[The Hero|Yggdra]] is the commander-in-chief; [[Sidekick|Milanor]] is her deputy and [[Mr. Exposition|Durant]] is her advisor. There are a few instances in which Milanor is forced to take the reins on a temporary basis when Yggdra is unavailable to lead.
In the image to the right, [[Badass Princess|Yggdra]] is front and center with [[Lovable Rogue|Milanor]] behind her; from the top down, the left side depicts [[Guest Star Party Member|Gordon]], [[Capulet Counterpart|Elena]], [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Roswell]], [[Adult Child|Cruz]], and [[Cheerful Child|Nietzsche]]. The right side displays [[Patient Childhood Love Interest|Kylier]] and [[Team Pet|Al]], [[Cute Witch|Rosary]], [[Mauve Shirt|Milanor's Flunky]], and [[Knight in Shining Armor|Durant]]. [[Badass Long Hair|Russell]], [[Housewife|Mistel]], and [[Cloudcuckoolander|Pamela]] are not pictured.
== Royal Army Members ==
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* [[Cool Sword]]
* [[Digital Bikini]]: In the Japanese release of the PSP version, Yggdra is inexplicably covered in a thin sheet-like towel during her bath scene.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses]]
* [[Extreme Melee Revenge]]: Goes completely apeshit on Gulcasa at the end of Chapter 3 and winds up [[Idiot Ball|playing right into the Imperial Army's hands]] as they trap and mob her into submission.
* [[Flip Flop of God]]: Her height. She's about 162 cm tall on the height charts, the art director for ''[[Blaze Union]]'' says that she's 160 cm tall in this game, and her character card from the original release says 157 cm.
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* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Last of Her Kind]]
* [[Light 'Em Up]]
* [[Love You and Everybody]]
* [[Mai Nakahara]]
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* [[Omniscient Morality License]]: Deconstructed. Yggdra believes that the Gran Centurio gives her one, as it's a symbol of justice, and when she finally realizes she may be doing others genuine wrong despite that, she [[Heroic BSOD|takes it hard]].
* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Out -of -Character Moment]]: The infamous "Problems solving swords?" line, which is not in the game's original Japanese script at all, but rather something [[Atlus]] threw in. There are a number of these in the English track of the PSP version, but those at least can be blamed on ''really'' bad acting. And/or directing.<ref>[[Poor Communication Kills|Tone is everything]], as many will tell you, and many character-defining scenes came off with the wrong intent based on the voice actress reading lines angrily instead of calmly. See Battlefield 39 for the most [[Egregious]] example. In a case like this, it's unclear as to whether the actress misinterpreted the intended tone of the scene or the director told her to read the lines that way.</ref>
* [[Picky Eater]]: Her aforementioned loathing of mushrooms.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress]]: Noted by Mistel when the two meet, and later by Kylier (while she's going through Yggdra's closet).
* [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse]]: Let us repeat--157 cm tall. Justified because the Gran Centurio's magic makes it feel as though it's the same weight as a badminton birdie to the Artwaltz family, but the enemy still has to deal with getting hit with its full weight and mass.
** [[Teens Are Short]]
* [[Pursued Protagonist]]
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* [[Team Pet]]: Her griffon Al (Adlerauge Luftgrief) is generally seen as the Royal Army's.
* [[Tsundere]]: Mercilessly deconstructed as her character and motivations are explained, although she looks like a stereotypical example to begin with.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?|What The Hell, Hero?]]: Kylier gives Yggdra a big one in the middle of Chapter 7. Her point is hammered home with Canaan and Monica.
=== ''Durant'' ===
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* [[Expy]]: Of Noda from Kiyudzuki's manga ''[[GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class]]''.
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
* [[One -Gender Race]]: Part of the Undines', and thus Nietzsche's, woes stem from this.
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]
* [[The Pollyanna]]
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* [[Stripperiffic]]: [[Justified Trope|Justified]] as a full outfit would probably weigh her down in the water.
* [[Third Person Person]]
* [[Token Mini -Moe]]
=== ''Roswell Branthèse'' ===
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* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]
* [[Distress Ball]]: While he's competent during the main part of the story, the events where Roswell joins the Royal Army involve them rescuing him several times. Poor guy.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: Implied in a conversation with Ortega. Roswell's reaction is [[Squick]] and then [[Unstoppable Rage]]. (Likely because he's [[Dude, Not Funny|highly unamused]] by the [[Black Comedy Rape|implications of what Ortega says]]...)
* [[Insufferable Genius]] / [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]: A mild case; he presses it home rarely enough (or against enemies) that it doesn't come off as abrasive, but is played for childish charm. Except that one time with Durant.
* [[Magi Babble]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
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* [[Bare Your Midriff]]
* [[Bi the Way]]
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]: Not as big as Gordon's or Joachim's, but she has the thickest eyebrows of the female cast.
* [[Capulet Counterpart]]: She's the rarer non-romantic version, though [[Ship Tease|maybe she has a crush on Milanor anyway]].
* [[Career Killer]]
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* [[The Eeyore]]
* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Highly -Visible Ninja]]: Bright blue hair and a hot pink scarf.
* [[Honorifics]]: Elena calls EVERYONE with ''-sama''. Milanor tries to make her stop; after a lot of protesting, she drops to ''-san''--[[Ship Tease|just with him]].
* [[Keigo]]
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* [[Ship Tease]]: Primarily with Zilva, but also with Milanor.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]
* [[Shy Blue -Haired Girl]]
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]
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Only appearing in chapter 5, the twenty-eight-year-old Gordon is a loyal Temple Knight serving under Pope Joachim's sect of the Meria religion. He joins up with the Royal Army temporarily to assist in clearing out the corrupt members of the church and get Yggdra crowned so that she may combat the Imperial Army's next move. It is possible to have Gordon die permanently in Battlefield 32, while fighting Gulcasa--though it is just as possible for him to survive. He's voiced by Watanabe Takehiko in the PSP version.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
* [[Honorifics]]
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: When possessed by Brongaa and influenced by the dragon, Gulcasa's personality starts to mirror his ancestor's.
** [[Laughing Mad]]
* [[One -Man Army]]
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Long before we find out his [[Nice Guy|actual disposition]], he is extremely reluctant to fight Elena, despite her defection having cost Leon's life and Aegina's eye.
* [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner]]
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[Rasputinian Death]]
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{{quote| ''"Just"?! I've spent my life working for this! Hundreds of years! I suppose I shouldn't expect humans to understand that... Anyway, as I said, I am that sword's rightful owner. It's time you gave me back the Gran Centurio!''}}
First appearing at Machina Bridge, Nessiah is one of Gulcasa's Five Dragon Generals as well as Gulcasa's main strategist. The two of them are on [[First -Name Basis]] and appear to be fairly close. The extras list his age as "unknown", but the official site states him to be nineteen years old, at least in appearance. Although he seems to be a loyal member of the Imperial Army, he betrays them after Gulcasa captures Yggdra, killing all his men and informing Milanor of where Gulcasa is taking Yggdra before killing himself. However, he appears again a few battlefields later to scold Milanor and the Royal Army for not moving quickly enough.
Nessiah is actually a fallen angel, and the creator of the Gran Centurio. When he lived in Asgard, he went by the name "Aries", and was a pure-hearted idealist--so much so that he refused to fight demons, because he was a pacifist. Asgard hated him for his stance, and it eventually led to his downfall, which is implied to have been orchestrated by Hector (the villain of the overarching story of ''[[Dept Heaven]]''). Blinded, stripped of his wings, and bound by the Chains of Conviction--which force him to exist eternally, without being able to age or die--Nessiah was cast down to Yggdra's world; as soon as he regained himself from the trauma, he gave the Gran Centurio to Yggdra's family, and whenever the human world became too peaceful, he provoked conflicts that turned into wars. The Gran Centurio would gain power from battle--enough to break his chains--and after that, Nessiah planned to take it back and use it to [[Rage Against the Heavens|destroy the corrupt system that had made his life so miserable]]. The wars in Yggdra's generation finally gave the Gran Centurio its necessary power, and after Gulcasa's defeat, Nessiah tried to begin his vengeance. Yggdra and the Royal Army, furious with him for his [[People Puppets|penchant for reviving the dead to mess with them/get them to power up his sword]] and fearing for what might happen to their world, refused to hand over the Gran Centurio--leading to an epic battle.
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* [[I Just Want to Be Free]]
* [[Image Song]]: ''Hahen'' (Total Destruction) and ''patria'', the game's two themes, are considered to be his [[Thematic Theme Tune|due to their content]], which really can't be from the perspective of any other characters.
* [[Jade -Colored Glasses]]: While known as Aries, he used to be a [[Wide Eyed Idealist]] and [[The Messiah|a messiah figure]]. Then [[Trauma Conga Line|shit happened]].
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: One of the first tip-offs to his real age is the way he speaks very politely, and yet calls everyone without significant social status (i.e. everyone but Yggdra and Gulcasa) ''kimi''.
* [[The Messiah]]: He used to be one, anyhow. [[Break the Cutie|Asgard "fixed" that]].
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* [[Too Clever By Half]]
* [[Troll]]: And ''how...''
* [[The Un -Reveal]]: Only a very abbreviated version of his backstory is explained in-game. The dialogue never goes into what he was like before he was made a Grim Angel against his will, nor is it ever mentioned how he was involved with Brongaa's defeat or Lost Aries. ...The fact that ''he's Aries'' was casually stated in the PSP version's game guide, caused a lot of confusion, and was explained in a bit more detail only in the ''Dept. Heaven Episodes World Guidance'' book.
* [[Waif Fu]]
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Yes, the guy who did this to him needs to ''die'', but that doesn't justify the effects of his plans on the rest of the world.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]
** [[Immortality Hurts]]
* [[World of Cardboard Speech]]
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** There is the opening animation of the PSP version, though, where Aegina is ''quite clearly'' shown with the arrow sprouting out of her face. Her head is thrown back so that the player doesn't see it, but still.
* [[The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry]]: Averted. Luciana and Aegina get along perfectly well, but their grudge against Yggdra carries real murderous intent.
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]]: Luciana.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: Still pretty messed-up from how their real parents threw them away, but the two of them were very happy with their adopted family, and later surrounded by the Imperial Army.
* [[Identical Twin ID Tag]]: Different hairstyles, different clothing colors, different dominant hands, and different behavior. They still look similar enough that it's ''very'' rare for anyone to figure it out before [[The Reveal]] unless they're specifically spoiled for it.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Luciana is Red and Aegina is Blue.
** Lampshaded a bit (and reversed)--Aegina's favorite color is red, and Luciana's favorite colors are black and blue.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: Luciana.
* [[The Southpaw]]: Luciana.
* [[Tag Team Twins]]
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: Luciana seems to like this line. Both twins continually scream 貴様だけを許さん! when fighting Yggdra, too.
* [[Twin Switch]]: Subverted. The Royal Army are the only ones who don't know which twin is which (or even that there are two Elusive Valkyries).
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Only fully explained in ''[[Blaze Union]]''.
* [[The Un -Reveal]]: There's a lot done to build up the mystery of their background, but the closest thing to an actual "reveal" is being given their full names (i.e. confirmation that they're Artwaltzes) and an easily-missed NPC conversation in Battlefields 16 and 17.
=== ''Emilia'' ===
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* [[I Can Still Fight]]: Battlefield 41.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]
* [[Token Mini -Moe]]
=== ''Baldus'' ===
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
* [[It Has Been an Honor]]
* [[The Obi -Wan]]
* [[Team Dad]]
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: To Durant
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* [[Emotionless Girl]]
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: Her voice actress discusses in online commentary that Zilva's character settings say she gets a lot of love letters from girls.
* [[Highly -Visible Ninja]]: Doesn't have the most practical palette for espionage.
* [[Hot for Student]]: Maybe.
* [[Scarf of Asskicking]]: Which has [[Blaze Union|a very sentimental history]] in the Imperial Army.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Elena.
* [[Visible Silence]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
=== ''Eudy'' ===
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A sixteen-year-old Bronquian peasant, Monica and her childhood friend Canaan gather the youths of their village, Bardot, and form a militia to try to stop the Royal Army's invasion. As they don't know much about combat, though, Monica and her forces are unable to stand up to Yggdra's army, and are killed trying to defend their homeland; Emilia, the only Imperial commander available, tries to save them but doesn't make it in time. The game's extras reveal that Monica is a pious follower of the Meria religion, and decided to fight because of divine inspiration; her character is comparable to Yggdra's at the beginning of the game. She's voiced by [[Yui Sakakibara|Sakakibara Yui]] in the PSP version.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]... like a certain French peasant girl? Or Yggdra herself?
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Go Through Me]]: And the Royal Army does.
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* [[The Messiah]]: She is Joan of Arc.
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: She and Canaan are practically Kylier's angry lecture in Battlefield 39 made flesh.
=== ''Canaan'' ===
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* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: His English voice actor.
* [[Go Through Me]]: The Royal Army does. Again.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Remember, kids--war isn't pretty.
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* [[Bonus Boss]]
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Onee -Sama]]
* [[Stripperiffic]]
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: "Archangel" is one of the most powerful classes of natural angels. Also, the A.S. Shield and Rivellion.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Against humans.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[One -Gender Race]]
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]
* [[Prongs of Poseidon]]
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* [[The High Queen]]
* [[Not So Different]]: She tries pointing this out to Yggdra, who just gets confused.
* [[One -Gender Race]]
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]
* [[Prongs of Poseidon]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Ishiene.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
=== ''Ortega'' ===
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{{quote| ''Hmph... Can't a man loot a village in peace anymore?''}}
Leader of a gang of bandits whose base sits halfway up the only path through the Lenessey Mountains; one of Milanor's rivals (despite being much, much older than him at thirty-two). Ortega and his men first appear taking advantage of Embellia's civil war to harass its citizens, and return as an obstacle to the Royal Army's progress. Like many bandit organizations, Ortega is interested in the prospect of capturing Yggdra for the bounty Bronquia places on her (he also seems to be interested in making Rosary "his"... and/or [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|raping Roswell, killing him... and then selling his clothes]]). Despite the fact that he preys on innocents, Ortega has a loyal following who [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|react badly]] when he's killed by the Royal Army. He's voiced by Takatsuka Masaya in the PSP version.
* [[An Axe to Grind]]
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: Ortega's unsavory intentions for Roswell and Rosary (and probably Yggdra) are played for laughs, probably because he never gets the chance to follow through on them.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Roswell and Rosary are ''[[Dude, Not Funny|not amused]]'' when Ortega decides he wants to get into their pants.
* [[Evil Is Funny]]: The fact that he's out for the protagonists' <s>maiden</s>heads doesn't stop him from being played as likable.
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[Perma Stubble]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Does not attack members of minority races.
* [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]]: "Can't a man loot a villiage in peace anymore?"
* [[Strange Bedfellows]]: With Inzaghi at one point.
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* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]
* [[Screw This I'm Outta Here|Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: Mizer is always followed by a [[Satellite Character|nameless]] bandit with a unique palette.
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* [[Badass Beard]]: Sharing this attribute with Baldus and Bly.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Dark -Skinned Blond]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Nice Hat]]: As the game puts it, an "eyesore of a turban".
* [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]]
=== ''Juvelon'' ===
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* [[The Tease]]
* [[Vague Age]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
=== ''Bly'' ===
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[The Rival]]: Baldus'.
* [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!|Screw Politeness, I'm A Senior!]]
* [[The Strategist]]
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The 47th pope of the Meria religion, sixty-four years of age. Joachim is the leader of the traditional sect of Meria, and commands the Temple Knights; he and his following are attacked by the Imperial Army in an attempt to keep him from crowning Yggdra. Joachim appears to be a wise and kindly old man, but he is quite harsh with Yggdra when she becomes unsure about whether her actions are just, telling her that rule is a duty she cannot escape and must stand up to. When Luciana attempts to kill Yggdra at her coronation, Joachim pushes her out of the way and takes the blow. He is the one to reveal to Yggdra that Gulcasa has the capability to summon Brongaa. He's voiced by Takatsuka Masaya in the PSP version.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]
* [[Saintly Church]]
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