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Chrono Trigger/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Crono's.
* [[The Dulcinea Effect]]
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning]]: Including area attacks and group heals.
* [[Expy]]: Looks like a certain other [[Dragonball|spiky-haired protagonist]].
* {{spoiler|[[The Hero Dies]]: In a break from RPG tradition, Crono actually ''dies'' fighting Lavos before the end of the game, and you don't even need to revive him to win.}}
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* [[Prophetic Name]]
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]/[[Light 'Em Up]]: Crono eventually learns lightning-based magic (changed to "light"-elemental, even if the ''spell'' is still called Lightning, in the DS [[Updated Rerelease]]). It's supposed to be "Sky" or "Heaven", which is why he also gets revival magic and Luminaire, the über Holy spell. Light was likely the closest fit without actually using "Heaven".
* [[Shonen Hair]]
* [[Spell Blade]]: When teaming up with Lucca or Marle.
** [[Flaming Sword]]
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Officially "Chrono" in Japan.
=== Lucca ===
{{quote| One of Crono's friends from 1000 A.D. Lucca is very good with gadgets, a trait she inherited from her father, Taban. She discovered small pockets of distortions in time ([[Name DarNameDar|which she dubbed "Gates"]]) after an accident at Leene Square hurled Marle back in time to 600 A.D.}}
* [[Action Girl]]
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* [[Personality Powers]]: Averted. She lacks the extreme, impulsive hotheadedness one might associate with fire.
* [[Playing With Fire]]: She uses a flamethrower, fire magic and GRENADES for crying out loud!
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue Oni to Marle.
* [[Science Hero]]: "Nothing can beat science!"
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Slower than most, and her physical defensive qualities are somewhat lacking.
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* [[Crutch Character]]: While she's the main healer for the most part, all her healing techs are single target only unless they're combined with somebody else; for this reason, she tends to get ditched as a healer (and thus just plain ditched) once Frog and/or Robo's magic stats get high enough for their wide-angle heal beams to be worthwhile.
* [[Dub Name Change]]: Her real name was Marledia in the Japanese version.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses]]
* [[Expy]]: Shares an iconic outfit with early ''[[Dragonball]]'' Bulma.
* [[Genki Girl]]
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* [[The Medic]]: Has some firepower, but not really enough to be a [[Combat Medic]].
* [[Missing Mom]]
* [[Off -Model]]: Looks as though she has six fingers on each hand in the cover art.
* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]]: Marle's pendant.
* [[Personality Powers]]: A notable aversion: Marle is hot-headed, impulsive, and passionate, yet her elemental focus is all ice.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress]]: The royal dress she wears in the past, a similar dress she flings off in the present, and {{spoiler|a [[Fairytale Wedding Dress]] in the good ending cutscenes on re-releases of the game}}.
* [[Rebellious Princess]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red Oni to Lucca.
* [[Ripple Effect Indicator]]: Marle serves as this at the start of the game in 600 A.D.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Samaritan Syndrome]]: She's one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet, puts on no airs whatsoever regarding her rank, and her idealism is what leads her to declare that they should [[Screw Destiny]] and [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong|change history]] by opposing Lavos.
* [[Screw Destiny]]: Might as well be her catchphrase.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Officially "Marl" in Japan.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: Marle has a few aspects of this. She could hardly be called shallow, but her [[Gilded Cage|sheltered]] upbringing ''has'' left her a trifle [[Wide Eyed Idealist|naïve]], she nurses a definite sweet tooth, and she knows how to give orders to get her own way -- and, if that doesn't work, how to throw proper tantrums.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: She can't take as many punches as the others. A funny sort of subversion is that she has the highest natural magic defense of anyone in the party, which makes her one of the easiest characters to keep alive in the final battle against Lavos.
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* [[Arm Cannon]]: He uses it in several techs. And in one case, "uses it" means "fires Frog out of it."
* [[Badass Automaton]]
* [[Beam Spam]] / [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Spinning]]: Laser Spin!
* [[Casting a Shadow]]
* [[Defector From Decadence]]
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* [[Evil Twin]]: Six of 'em! They're [[Palette Swap|Palette Swaps]], but the principle's the same.
* [[Fastball Special]]: He can throw Frog with the Blade Toss attack and Ayla with the Spin Kick attack. Frog can also throw him with a Bubble Hit attack, trapping Robo in a bubble, moving him over the enemy and then popping it so Robo's heavy metal body lands on the monster.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: Robo's other type of attack, fired from his body. Strangely, they're shadow-elemental.
* [[Healing Shiv]]: His lasers can be tuned to Shadow-element implements of destruction, or healing rays.
* [[I Owe You My Life|I Owe Lucca My Life]]
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: No pun intended. Does not initially remember much about his setting.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Has the highest HP of any character, yet moves quite slowly. (Although he has rollers in his feet, used in his Tackle attack.) One of the sidequests he can undertake upgrades his speed, however.
* [[Pick Your Human Half]]
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* [[Badass Normal]]: The only human character without magic.
** Also the only character to not equip weapons. Her "weapons" slots are her fists, which are periodically upgraded at level milestones.
* [[Bare -Fisted Monk]]: Her powerset is like this.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Seen by some in this line: "Me like strong person. Man, woman, both like!" and her [[Intimate Healing|Kiss]] and Charm abilities work on allies and enemies (respectively) regardless of gender.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
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** {{spoiler|If she was pregnant, the fetus is now dead from alcohol poisoning. Yes, [[Fridge Horror]] is a dish best served cold}}.
* [[Running On All Fours]]
* [[Shout Out]]/[[NamesName's the Same]]: Shares her name with the protagonist of Jean Auel's ''[[Earths Children]]'' series, who was also a prehistoric woman. She lived less than a million years ago, however (you know, because there were no humans around in 65,000,000 B.C. in the real world).
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Officially "Eira" in Japan.
* [[Summon Magic]]: Dino Tail.
* [[Thanks for The Mammary]]: Does it unabashedly to Marle during Marle's [[Sidequest]]. Ayla claims that Marle isn't "ready" to have her own kids yet (of course, Ayla was comparing Marle's chest to [[Boobs of Steel|her own]], so the bar is a little high...)
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* [[Adaptive Ability]]: First battle only.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type V]].
* [[Arch Enemy]]: To Frog.
* [[Badass]]: He seems specifically designed to be as awesome as possible.
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* [[Duel Boss]]: The second time around, if you choose to confront him with Frog in your active party.
* [[Early Bird Boss]]: The first fight with him, it's an elemental magic reliant brawl, at which point few if any of your party members has their level 2 spells. Frog and Crono are forced for this fight, so Lightning and Water are covered, but you can't possibly cover all of the elements, since only Lucca can use Fire magic and only Robo can hit with Shadow element (and it's a rather weak spell against a boss to boot). Taking either could leave your healing a bit weak, and Magus can be a very hectic boss requiring constant healing, but taking Marle to better cover your healing will leave you only able to cast Lightning and Water magic. [[Oh Crap|And God help you if you forgot to take Frog to meet Spekkio.]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: In the SNES translation and Japanese version, "Magus" and "Maoh" (literally "demon king") are his names, respectively. Averted in the DS translation: "Magus" is [[That Man Is Dead|a name he gave himself]], while his title is "[[Red Baron|Fiendlord]]."
* [[Expy]]: Of [[Dragonball|Piccolo and Kibito Kai]].
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: He uses these as his barriers, along with a shadow one he very rarely uses and you probably won't be able to damage. {{spoiler|When he joins you, his three starting techs are the level 2 spells of these elements.}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
** Right from the beginning, Magus' name keeps being dropped.
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* [[Master of None]]: In terms of his non-Shadow magic anyway. {{spoiler|He starts with the level 2 versions of lightning, fire and ice magic, making him very versatile for some of the endgame bosses. However, Crono, Frog and Lucca will eventually learn stronger spells of their own elements. He's still party's the master of Shadow magic, mind you.}}
* [[Number of the Beast]]: His HP (as a boss) is 6666.
* [[One -Hit Kill]]: {{spoiler|Black Hole. Like most spells of this type it only works on regular enemies.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Optional Party Member]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Pet the Dog|Pet The Cat]]: After he joins your party, Alfador recognizes him, indicating that he hasn't changed so much that he'd seem like a different person to his cat}}.
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* [[Purple Is Powerful]]
* [[Retroactive Precognition]]: Magus is able to disguise himself as a {{spoiler|great prophet}} after some accidental time travel knocks him over twelve thousand years into the past. It also helps that he landed in {{spoiler|his home time period}}.
* [[Right -Hand -Cat]]: {{spoiler|Alfador}}.
* [[Self Fanservice]]: Magus is drawn in [[Fan Art]] as a typical [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]], but [[Akira Toriyama]]'s original character design for him is [[Looks Like Orlok|anything but]].
* [[Sinister Scythe]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Token Evil Teammate]]}}
* [[Villainous Widows Peak]]
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Even though {{spoiler|Janus}} was kind of a [[Royal Brat]], it's hard not to feel sorry for a child {{spoiler|thrown tens of thousands of years into the future}} and adopted by literal monsters.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Gets rather thoroughly defeated when he takes on Lavos solo.
** This happens every time: implied in the original timeline in the middle ages, {{spoiler|on-screen in the Ocean Palace}}, and on-screen in the DS version's bonus ending against the "Dream Devourer."
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** [[Humanoid Abomination]]: Its final form appears to be a humanoid [[Ancient Astronauts]] capable of warping time and space. {{spoiler|Actually, the core seems to be one of the two Lavos Pods, so... averted?}}
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Trying to harness its power is always a bad idea. ([[Plot Armor|Except for the Pendant, using that is fine, prob'ly because it's made of dreamstone]].)
* [[Final Boss Preview]]: Getting pummeled by Lavos in the Ocean Palace. In the first playthrough, you will likely have no chance to attack before he kills you instantly. Or, alternatively, [[Self -Imposed Challenge|skipping ahead to the Day of Lavos]].
** Somewhat [[Zig Zagging Trope|Zig-zagged]] in that Lavos' shell is not, in fact, the True Final Boss. Additionally, Lavos ''is'' beatable the first time, during a [[New Game Plus]].
* [[Final Exam Boss]]
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* [[Pink Means Feminine]]
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Specifically because Magic doesn't exist during her time.
* [[Right -Hand Attack Dog]]: Black Tyranno.
* [[Save the Villain]]: Attempted by Ayla. As {{spoiler|Lavos falls from the sky}}, Ayla tells Azala to come with them to safety by flying away on Dactyls, but Azala is {{spoiler|resigned to her fate and refuses.}}
* [[Skeletons in The Coat Closet]]
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* [[HP to One]]: Queen Zeal is fond of casting her Halation spell on your party, which makes this happen to everyone. Less commonly used when {{spoiler|she transforms}}.
* [[Immortality Immorality]]: She manages to achieve her desire for eternal life, at the cost of her sanity... and the lives of her children and most of her subjects... and the magic powers of the ones who survived... basically, everything but her body and her powers.
* [[Laughing Mad]]: Half the time you see the Queen, she's got a [[NoblewomansNoblewoman's Laugh]] going.
* {{spoiler|[[One -Winged Angel]]: After you destroy the Mammon Machine, she transforms into a disembodied head with [[Cognizant Limbs]].}}
* [[Sequential Boss]]: Your first fight with her is inside the Black Omen. {{spoiler|Then she goes [[One -Winged Angel]], and you teleport up to the roof for the final confrontation.}}
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Naturally, given the power source.
* [[You Are Too Late]]: If you try to enter the Black Omen in 2300 A.D., Queen Zeal appears and mocks you, saying that Lavos has already won.
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* [[Laughably Evil]]: He's the sole human villain without any redeeming characteristics, but we love him all the same.
* [[Left the Background Music On]]: "No, no, '''no, and no! ''Stop the music!!'''''"
* [[Not -So -Harmless Villain]]
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[The Starscream]]: When {{spoiler|the Queen is believed to be dead after the [[Floating Continent]] crashes and floods the world}}, Dalton quickly establishes himself as "King Dalton". It doesn't last very long.
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** Now if only they had a drummer...
** The [[Theme Naming]] in Japan is of food instead (Vinegar, Soysau, and Mayonnai).
* [[NoblewomansNoblewoman's Laugh]]: Flea quite enjoys this.
* [[Perky Female Minion]]: Flea at least ''acts'' and ''dresses'' like one.
* [[Power Floats]]: Ozzie and Slash. Probably Flea, but it's not clear if he's touching the ground when his dress spins
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* [[Proper Lady]]
* [[Save the Princess]]: {{spoiler|She's doomed anyway.}}
* [[Shy Blue -Haired Girl]]/[[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum]]}}: As the {{spoiler|Dream Devourer}}, and later {{spoiler|Time Devourer}}.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: {{spoiler|It's never really explained what happened to her in this game. This very trope is the reason why [[Radical Dreamers (Visual Novel)|Radical Dreamers]], and later [[Chrono Cross (Video Game)|Chrono Cross]], (because Kato wasn't satisfied with the former) were created.}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[The Chessmaster]]: As the mastermind of "Project Kid."
* [[Clothes Make the Legend]]: Between stories, his outfit remains unchanged.
* [[For Science!]]
* [[Gambit Roulette]]: His grand plan to save the world comprises roughly half of ''Chrono Cross'''s labyrinthine plot!
* [[Go Mad From the Isolation]]: In the original future.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The Time Crash, for starters. "You might think I really blew it, but perhaps it was really my finest hour!"
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Quite literally mad, at least in the original future.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In his pursuit of stopping the {{spoiler|Time Devourer}}, he set loose the {{spoiler|Dragonians}} and {{spoiler|FATE}}, too.
* [[Omniscient Morality License]]
* [[Sue Donym]]: Dubs himself the "Guru of Time" in ''Chrono Cross''.
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