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The Smurfs<ref>And, no, the plural of smurf is not "smurves". Although maybe it should be.</ref> (''Les Schtroumpfs'') are originally an extremely popular (and still ongoing) [[Belgian Comics|Belgian comic book series]] by cartoonist Pierre Culliford (aka ''Peyo'') that started in the [[The Sixties|1960s]]. It is more universally known for the long-running [[Saturday Morning Cartoon]] series that [[Hanna-Barbera]] created for [[NBC]] in the 1980s. The page for that comic can be [[The Smurfs (Comic Book)|found here]].
The Smurfs were born in another comic, ''[[Johan and Peewit]]'', where they made their first appearances in October, 1958. [[Breakout Character|They became so popular]] they got their own [[Spin -Off]] books. Starting with short comics in 1959, receiving their first album in 1963. These stories [[More Popular Spinoff|eventually overshadowed the comics that created them]].
The Smurfs (originally called ''[[Schtroumpfs]]'' in French) are tiny creatures, who looked human except for their blue skin and tails, and were constantly pursued by Gargamel, an impoverished sorcerer who plotted to steal the Smurfs so he could create gold (or eat them, he's [[Robot Chicken|never really been at that clear on his motivations]]). Papa Smurf, an alchemist in his own right, generally saved the day.
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The Smurfs tended to be named according to their personality or occupation. They were all male until Gargamel created a female Smurf with black hair. After she entered the Smurfs' mushroom village, however, Papa Smurf transformed "Smurfette" into a blonde, with an appropriate change in personality. In later seasons, the Smurfs made human friends such as Johan and Peewit, and three Smurfs were irrevocably [[Fountain of Youth|rascalized]], and later created ''another'' female smurf called Sassette. (More information [http://www.smurf.com here].) They also have two wikis dedicated to them: [http://smurfs.wikia.com/wiki/Smurfs_Wiki Smurf wiki] and then there is [http://wiki.bluebuddies.com/Main_Page another smurf wiki].
Although not strictly [[Merchandise -Driven]], the Smurfs were featured in just about every category of products intended for children: dolls, toys, clothing, comic books and even a breakfast cereal. Besides their Saturday morning series, the Smurfs appeared in a [[Christmas Special]] and other seasonal programs in prime time.
A CGI-animated ''Smurfs'' feature film was released by Sony Pictures (not Warner Bros.!) in 2011. Its page is [[The Smurfs (Film)|here]].
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* [[Animated Adaptation]]: In addition to the [[The Smurfs (Animation)|Hanna-Barbera series]], there were several animated Belgian shorts produced in the 1960s, a Belgian feature film in 1976 (''La Flûte à six schtroumpfs'' which was later dubbed to English and released in the United States in 1983 as ''[[The Smurfs and The Magic Flute (Animation)|The Smurfs and The Magic Flute]]''), and ''The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol'' which uses both 3D CGI and regular 2D animation.
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: Father Time and Mother Nature helped the Smurfs on more than one occasion.
* [[Are We There Yet?]]
{{quote| "Is it much farther, Papa Smurf?"<br />
"Not far now..."<br />
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* [[Black and White Morality]]: Smurfs = GOOD. Gargamel = Evil.
** Though Gargamel become more of a minor character as the series went on. The most important problems come generally from the Smurfs themselves, especially when [[Mentor Occupational Hazard|Papa Smurf is away]].
* [[Blind Without 'Em]]: Brainy Smurf.
* [[Born As an Adult]]: Smurfette.
* [[Broken Aesop]]: The Smurfs, who generally do not use money in their society since they emphasize friendships and family more than personal possessions, pay the player of the Facebook game ''The Smurfs & Co.'' with coins which can be used to purchase more Smurf houses and structures to populate their village with.
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* [[The Chick]]: Smurfette.
* [[Child Mage]]: Baby Smurf.
* [[Civil War]]: Two of them. The first when King Smurf [[Tyrant Takes the Helm|took over as]] Papa Smurf's replacement, and his despotism drove some of the Smurfs into underground dissent and eventually open rebellion. The second when a linguistic divide between the northern and southern halves of the village degenerated into actual war. [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Peyo was from Belgium... hmmm...]]
** The [[Animated Adaptation]] had "Romeo And Smurfette" where the village takes sides in Hefty and Handy's feuding over Smurfette, which was induced by a spell cast on her by Gargamel.
* [[Clockwork Creature]]: The Clockwork Smurf, followed by his companion the Clockwork Smurfette in the cartoon show.
* [[Color -Coded Patrician]]: Papa Smurf wears red, where everybody else wears white. Grandpa Smurf - who is no longer a leader, but used to be one, and is considered a great adviser - wears yellow.
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: In the cartoon, [[You Keep Using That Word|Clumsy]] Smurf isn't so much clumsy as he is [[Too Dumb to Live]].
* [[Conjoined Eyes]]
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* [[Ephebophile]]: Papa Smurf's one-time attraction to Smurfette, which also overlaps with [[Pervert Dad]].
{{quote| "You could be Mama Smurfette!"<ref>Smurfette, ironically, is appointed as Mama Smurfette in the comics in a recent album, but because Papa Smurf wanted the Smurfs to learn to respect her despite her gender.</ref>}}
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: None of the Smurfs has a name; they are known by their occupation or most obvious personality trait (Handy Smurf, Clumsy Smurf, etc.). The only Smurf that has an actual given name is Sassette.
* [[Everyone Loves Blondes]]: Smurfette is modeled after Gargamel, so he creates her with short black hair. At the beginning, everyone finds her unappealing, so Papa Smurf gives her a makeover. After she becomes a blonde, everyone falls in love with her.
* [[Everything Is an Instrument]]: The Smurflings upstaged Brainy's orchestral performance in one story (and the animated episode adapted from it) with music from instruments made of junk.
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* [[Follow the Leader]]: The extreme popularity of the comics and the animated series led to many attempts at repeating this success. Examples include the Galaxians from ''[[Le Scrameustache]]'' and ''[[The Snorks]]'' (part of a few attempts by HB studios itself!).
* [[Fountain of Youth]]: Three Smurfs get youthened unexpectedly in "The Smurflings".
* [[Four -Fingered Hands]]: The Smurfs have four-fingered hands and four-toed feet, while the humans they encounter have five-fingered hands. In their first comic book appearance, though, they did have five fingers.
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]
* [[Furry Female Mane]]: Although not a furry, Smurfette embodies the spirit of this trope: Males of a species are apparently bald but females must have plenty of head hair.
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* [[Jerkass]]: Jokey Smurf and his constant pranks.
* [[The Klutz]]: Clumsy Smurf.
* [[Know -Nothing Know -It -All]]: Brainy.
* [[Lilliputians]]
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: [[Walking Shirtless Scene|Just a hat and pants for the male Smurfs]]. Papa Smurf wore red pants and Grandpa Smurf yellow; other Smurfs wore white.
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* [[Mass Oh Crap|Mass Oh Smurf!]]: Happens when a crowd of Smurfs instantly find themselves confronting Gargamel or some danger bigger than themselves.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Every Smurf character seems to have one, which is coupled with [[Everybody Calls Him Barkeep]].
* [[Merchandise -Driven]]: Smurfs tend to be created more for collectible plastic figures than for stories.
** Not to mention that much of the latest comic book stories are [[ClicheCliché Storm|cliché storms]] that do little to add depth to the universe.
* [[Meta Guy]]: Brainy.
* [[Mirror Self]]: In the Smurfs story "The Hundredth Smurf", Vanity Smurf's mirror is struck by lightning, which brings his reflection to life. The reflection speaks backwards and does everything Vanity Smurf does, but in reverse (lifting the right arm when Vanity lifts the left, for instance). After he causes chaos in the village by his opposite nature, the reflection decides to return to the mirror, but he goes through it instead, and comes out a regular Smurf.
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** Thankfully [[Averted]] with the books; arguably the best thing about the movie coming out is that nearly all of Peyo's albums are being translated, most of them for the very first time.
* [[No Eye in Magic]]: In the comic book story ''Smurf vs. Smurf'', Papa Smurf uses an eye contact magic spell on Gargamel the wizard so that the two of them would switch appearances and that Papa Smurf would be able to stop the Smurfs from fighting over [[SMURFING|the use of the word "smurf" in compounded words and phrases]]. During this, however, Gargamel breaks into Papa Smurf's laboratory and finds the magic words so that he can make eye contact with Papa Smurf and transform back to their original appearances. This scene is later adapted into the cartoon episode version of "Romeo And Smurfette".
* [[Non -Fatal Explosions]]: Jokey's explosive presents never do any harm except just splatter black soot on people.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: The young adult male Smurfs are really about 100 years old (150 in the cartoon show), while Papa Smurf is 542. Grandpa Smurf was mentioned as being [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|twice Papa Smurf's age]].
* [[Once in A Blue Moon]]: The stork brings new baby Smurfs when the moon is blue.
* [[One -Gender Race]]: And it is to be remembered that all the female Smurfs were magically created.
** [[Shrug of God|...though nothing has been revealed as yet about Nanny...]]
* [[Our Ogres Are Hungrier]]: Bigmouth, from the comic book story "Smurf Soup" and its [[Animated Adaptation]], although in the original story he was technically a giant.
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* [[La Résistance]]: The opponents to King Smurf's tyranny.
* [[Rightful King Returns]]: Besides Dreamy in the cartoon episode "The Smurf Who Would Be King", Papa Smurf also plays this role in "King Smurf" when he returns to stop the fighting among all his little Smurfs and to put an end to King Smurf's role as king.
* [[Right -Hand -Cat]]: Azrael, who due to his relative size to the Smurfs, doubles as a [[Right -Hand Attack Dog]].
* [[Rip Van Winkle]]: In an episode, the other Smurfs fool Lazy into thinking he has slept his way into the future where all his fellow Smurfs are now elderly and Papa Smurf has long since passed away. However, Lazy discovers the truth when he uses magic to try bringing them back to their actual ages and they wind up being young Smurflings.
** The comic version is almost the same, except that Lazy Smurf finds out when overhearing a conversation, and pretends to have added a de-aging potion in the soup to get even.
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* [[Stern Chase]]
* [[Stroke the Beard]]: Papa Smurf can be found doing this.
* [[Suddenly Sexuality]]: The Smurfs are supposed to be an [[One -Gender Race]] or genderless. Yet, right after Smurfette's transformation (plastic surgery or magical transformation into being a real Smurf, [[Depending On The Media]]), they are like [[Hello Nurse]].
* [[Sugar Apocalypse]]: The rather infamous Unicef ad campaign that bombs the Smurf Village.
** Also see [[Zombie Apocalypse]] below, they almost faced extinction that time.
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* [[Take That]]: Peyo got the inspiration for Brainy Smurf through one of his childhood friends, who liked to show off and to play the wise guy.
* [[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics]]: Smurfette gets changed into a 'proper Smurf' by Papa Smurf because the other Smurfs don't approve of her.
* [[That Poor Plant]]: Papa Smurf once tried a growth serum on a daisy, but it ended up turning the flower into a huge [[Man -Eating Plant]].
* [[Theme Park]]: There was a Smurf theme park in France, but it didn't work well and has now become Walygator Parc (with not a single Smurf-related element in it).
* [[This Is My Side]]: In ''Smurf versus Smurf'', the village is divided and one enterprising north Smurf paints a line along the middle. Unfortunately, it runs right through one poor Smurf's home, creating confusion as to which side he belongs to.
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