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The Dresden Files/Tropes A-M: Difference between revisions

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=== <big>'''The books of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' have many, many tropes. These are tropes A through M. You can find tropes N through Z [[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Tropes N-Z|here]]. ==='''</big>
'''Please make sure spoilers are properly tagged.''' [[Spoilered Rotten|The series has a lot of them,]] so try not to ruin everyone else's fun.
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* [[Affably Evil]]: "Gentleman" Johnny Marcone can be nice and charming when he wants to be, and Harry has to keep reminding himself that, no matter how often Marcone assists him or even saves his life, he is still a ''bad person''.
** Nicodemus also counts as this in the earlier books in which he appears. He is an immortal monster, slaver, traitor, and murderer who willingly works with a fallen angel, one of the most evil beings in all of Dresdenverse. He is one of the oldest characters in the series, and has been committing horrifying atrocities for most of his life. He is also well-spoken, unfailingly polite, and actually seems to enjoy bantering with Harry at times.
* [[After -Action Patchup]]: Charity uses iodine.
* [[Alien Blood]]: Black for Red Court vampires, a paler shade of red than usual for the White Court, all over the map for the more exotic beasties.
* [[All Crimes Are Equal]]: How the Wardens and the Council view [[Black Magic]], regardless of intent or circumstance. The theory is that black magic is addictive, so any at all can lead to more and will eventually warp the minds of those who use. The thing is... they are not wrong.
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* [[All Myths Are True]]: Yep, all of them. Particular emphasis tends to be given to the Western mythologies and beliefs (Christian, Celtic, Greco-Roman, Norse, et cetera).
** A fourth [[Our Vampires Are Different|type of vampire]], the Jade Court, is briefly mentioned, but hasn't been seen yet. As the name would indicate, they operate out of East Asia. One can only assume that, given the cosmopolitan nature of [[The Windy City|Chicago]], they and possibly other Eastern myth creatures will be showing up.
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: The Council's opinion on any vampire, although the White Court are at least capable of acting civilized and not sucking the life force from anyone they meet. That does not make them any less monstrous.
* [[Anchored Ship]]: Harry/Murphy. {{spoiler|The anchor looked to be being pulled up right at the end of ''Changes'', but [[The Hero Dies|subsequent events]] again put the end destination in question.}}
* [[Angels, Devils, and Squid]]: There are angels (and [[Fallen Angel|Fallen Angels]]). Both of these are separate and distinct from the demons, [[Fair Folk|sidhe, wildfae]], old gods, demigods, vampire lords and [[Eldritch Abomination|Outsiders]] hanging around the place, to the point where it reaches [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] levels.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Harry has always been deeply convinced that he is one of these. Early on this was clearly just in his head and he was really a straight-up hero who occasionally caused some collateral damage, and this was frequently pointed out to him by those who knew him. As the series progressed his friends and allies began to grow concerned that he ''was'' beginning to edge closer to the dark side of the morality scale, but afterwards always explained that they had faith he would remain focused and on the side of the righteous.
** Now that Harry {{spoiler|has taken up the mantle of the Winter Knight}}, this will bear watching.
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* [[Anyone Can Die]]: {{spoiler|Carmichael, Morgan, Susan, and even Harry himself.}}
* [[Armor Is Useless]]: Generally averted; while Kevlar vests are usually not sufficient against most supernatural threats, everyone who knows what they are up against makes sure to include mail of various kinds, generally chain or plate, to deflect claws or blades. Charity even gave Murphy a bulletproof vest with titanium chainmail fitting underneath for Christmas.
{{quote| ''My faith protects me. My Kevlar helps.''}}
* [[Army of Lawyers]]: It is mentioned many times that [[The Don|Marcone]] has one to protect him from any kind of legal charges.
* [[Artistic License Geography]]: The Chicago of the early books is not quite the Chicago of reality. Butcher cleans up his geographical act by the later books, though.
* [[Ask a Stupid Question]]: Michael ''loves'' these, being in a position to innocently pull off these [[Captain Obvious]] quips.
{{quote| "Demon," breathed Rudolph. "Jesus, can you believe this shit?"<br />
"Jesus did believe in demons," Michael said, his voice quiet. }}
* [[Asteroids Monster]]: Several critters in the series have this ability. Certain trolls, for example, shed lots of little trolls when they are wounded. The Denarian Tessa while in mantis form also bleeds countless tiny bugs which recombine into her primary body as a sort of [[Terminator|T-1000-esque]] regeneration. The guardian centipede in Lea's garden {{spoiler|on the other side of the Nevernever from Harry's apartment}} splits into two separate insects when Harry slices it in half, prompting Lea to complain that now she has two gaping maws to feed.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: The Senior Council of the White Council of Wizards is composed of the seven wisest and most powerful wizards on the planet. The leader of the Senior Council, the Merlin, is supposedly the most powerful wizard '''''period'''''. Though there is shown to be a lot of politicing and deal-making that determines who gets appointed to the Senior Council, not even Harry (Insubordinate wise-cracker though he is) disputes their power and skill.
** This applies to pretty much the entire Dresdenverse. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in the case of the supernatural community, since supernatural power grows with age, so that someone's climb through the political hierarchy will correlate with growing supernatural power. Though Marcone and arguably Murphy also qualify. Subverted in the case of {{spoiler|Lord Raith, who used to be an ass-kicker, but lost most of his power thanks to Maggie's death curse.}}
* [[Back -Alley Doctor]]: Coroner Waldo Butters plays this role for Harry, especially when the hospital is not a safe option.
* [[Badass]]: Harry is a true personification of the [[Rule of Cool]].
** "Hat and spurs next time, ''I swear to God''."
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* [[Badass Family]]: The Carpenters. There's the [[Knight in Shining Armour|father]], [[Mama Bear|mother]], [[Master of Illusion|eldest]] [[Action Girl|sister]] and now, as of ''Ghost Story'', [[Badass Normal|her younger brother]]. With plenty of other siblings to come.
* [[Badass in Distress]]: Harry gets stuck in [[James Bondage]] on a regular basis and can not always get out on his own.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Harry wears a duster. A ''magically reinforced'', black leather duster "with extra billow" that can repel almost any physical attack, and occasionally [[Lampshade Hanging|gets made fun of]] because "You look like you belong on the set of ''El Dorado''." In ''Fool Moon'', Dresden laments the lack of his duster when he steps through a wall he just vaporized because of cool effect it would have had. In ''Changes'', {{spoiler|Lea}} turns his coat into a suit of armor resembling a Conquistador turned Jedi Knight as made by [[Warhammer 40 K,000|Games Workshop]]. He finds it rather silly. {{spoiler|After it reverts back at noon the next day, the coat decays into nothingness.}}
** He started out with a canvas one; the leather one was a gift from Susan. It has some of the same practical enchantments, but lacks the "extra billow" and in general is kind of the poor-man's knockoff of the leather one in terms of both utility and effect.
*** For added hilarity, when the coat needs to be cleaned after getting hit by slime demons, Harry takes the most practical route: [[Mundane Utility|he throws it in a fire.]] I mean, hey, when you enchant something to be the next best thing to wearable indestructibility...
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* [[Beneath the Mask]]:
** If a wizard looks anyone in the eye, something happens called a "Soulgaze". Each person sees the other for who he or she really is, with no chance of deceit.
** Wizards can use an ability known as the "Wizard's Sight", which shows them literally everything about whatever they look at with it. Anything about the item, object, person or whatever it is will be made visible to the wizard, also with no chance of deceit. For example, Harry catches a glimpse of Murphy in ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Grave Peril|Grave Peril]]'' with his sight, and she appears as {{spoiler|an angelic figure in pure white robes}}.
* [[Big Bad]]: At least one super-nasty per book. Additionally, it seems that most of the events of the series so far have been orchestrated by what Harry calls the "Black Council," serving as the [[Big Bad]] for the ''series''.
* [[Big Badass Wolf]]: Billy and the Alphas, especially once they grow up and fill out. Billy in particular is noted as being particularly muscular in human form, which translates to the wolf form. And per the [[The Dresden Files (Tabletop Gamegame)|RPG]], he and Georgia, and by implication the rest of the Alphas, have the [[Super Strength|Inhuman Strength]] and [[Super Speed|Inhuman Speed]] powers, making them that much more deadly.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Harry and Thomas are both prime examples. Also, Harry to every young girl he comes across in the series - Kim, Molly, Lydia, Faith....
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Harry and company frequently arrive at exactly the right moment, often with only seconds to spare, to save the day and rescue everybody. Well, ''almost'' everybody...
** Because of the Knights of the Cross's [[Contrived Coincidence]] [[Super Power]] they the often arrive exactly when they are needed, Harry even counts on this in Proven Guilty.
* [[Big Friendly Dog]]: Harry's dog Mouse, who started out as a puppy whose size merited the name. He has grown quite huge (waist-high on a man who is six-foot-nine-inches tall), and has proven that he has human-level intelligence. He knows that his size would scare the [[Muggles]], so he plays up the sweet, friendly dog act. Mouse, or more properly Thomas' preparations for the care and feeding of Mouse in ''Blood Rites'', prompted the best final line of a book in the history of the written word: "Thomas, why did you buy Large Breed puppy chow?"
* [[Bigger Onon the Inside]]: The living area or ''sanctum'' for Bob inside his skull. Harry visits it during ''Ghost Story'' and finds it to be a pimped-out mansion on the level of James Bond, decked out with home theater, every videogame system known to man, and other comforts. Harry initally questions why Bob would ever want to leave. Bob replies, "A gold cage is still a cage, Harry."
** In the same book, Harry says almost the exact trope name in reference to {{spoiler|Molly Carpenter}}'s mental "command center": on the outside it looks like {{spoiler|the Carpenter kids' treehouse}}, but on the inside it looks like [[Star Trek|the bridge of the]] ''[[Star Trek|USS Enterprise]]''. The ''really really cheesy'' version from TOS.
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]] / [[Royally Screwed -Up]]: The Raiths.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: See that picture on the main page? The characters on Harry's staff are Japanese; specifically, the are the katakana for "matorikkusu", which is how the Japanese would write "matrix", but as you would see in a mirror.
* [[Bishonen]]: Thomas, who is so pretty and handsome that [[Even the Guys Want Him]].
* [[Black and White Morality]]: Harry often views himself as somebody [[Anti-Hero|on the edge]], and he frequently [[Enemy Mine|teams up with Marcone]], but the series is very firm on the concept of right and wrong, good and evil, etc. Harry himself refuses to break, no matter what. The story universe at large is filled with [[Black and Grey Morality]], as even the "good" White Council has its own serious problems, but the primary protagonists never compromise. Period. {{spoiler|Until ''[[Wham! Episode|Changes]]''.}} In ''Ghost Story'', {{spoiler|Harry realizes how badly he messed up by making that fatal compromise - but it is also not entirely Harry's fault he chose as he did.}}
* [[Black Magic]]: Killing someone using magic, necromancy, using [[Mind Control]] and summoning an Outsider are the main forms we have seen. Addictive, and it comes with a death penalty if you get caught. [[Word of God]] states that every time a [[Muggle]] is killed with magic, indirectly or otherwise (as in throwing someone off a building using a magic gust of wind), it breaks the first law and makes the forces of darkness even stronger. If the RPG previews are correct (and they have enough [[Word of God]] on their side to say it is), even ''seeking'' information about '''anything''' beyond the Outer Gates is a no-no. Exceptions probably exist for the Merlin and the Gatekeeper, and definitely exist for the Blackstaff (that ''is'' his purpose).
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]:
** When Harry looks into a person's eyes for the first time they both see each other's inner nature. This is such a turbulent experience that for every day of his life, Harry has to avoid looking into the eyes of any person he talks to. He focuses on the nose instead. Similarly, The Sight, which functions on the same principle as a soul gaze. It lets him see the true nature of anything he looks at, and the memory never fades. Ever. This can be very bad considering how nasty a lot of stuff out there is. Looking at a [[Eldritch Abomination|skinwalker]] left Harry a gibbering wreck for about an hour afterwards. It is mentioned that wizards who spend too much time looking at things with their Sight often [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|go insane.]]
** The Archive knows everything that has ever been written or committed to paper (yes, this means Porn, Hate Speech, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and even]] [[Purple Prose]]), and the Archive itself itself is passed down from mother to daughter along with the personal memories of each previous Archive. This means that, in addition to knowledge and power, one woman gains all the trauma, heartbreak and memories from countless previous lives.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: The Fae, who simply do not view the world the same way humanity does. Lea, for example, honestly does not understand why Harry would object to being "protected" by being turned into a faerie dog.
* [[Book Dumb]]: Played with. Harry is clearly pretty well-read and generally seems well-educated, but he never finished high school and compared to most of the White Council he is hopelessly ignorant. In ''Turn Coat'', when he was in a room full of wizards that contained a guy who went back to med school every ten years or so to stay current and others who had so many doctoral degrees their stoles were stretched from the little markers, he considered that he would like to embroider "GED" on his in red, white, and blue.
** The fact that Harry never finished high school probably has less to do with his intelligence and academic aptitude and more with the whole shebang with Justin [[Du Morne]]DuMorne, He Who Walks Behind and the Doom of Damocles that hit the fan when he was 16.
* [[Boom Stick]]: Harry's blasting rod is basically a stick he uses to burn everything in sight.
* [[Boring but Practical]]: Despite being incredibly boring, Martin is an incredible fighter and gun master. He is boring for a reason, and uses his unobtrusiveness to his advantage, easily blending into crowds and being able to take on other appearances.
* [[Brass Balls]]: "You can say what you like about Gentleman Johnny Marcone, but he has a set of brass balls that drag the ground when he walks."
* [[Brown Note]]: Harry does not respond well to some of the stuff he sees with his Sight. He just about broke his brain at least twice looking at very powerful, incredibly nasty things, and you ''never '''ever''''' forget what you see...
* [[Buy Them Off]]: Weregilds, which are paid for deaths throughout the supernatural community.
* [[Call Back]] / [[Brick Joke]]: In the early novels, Lea wants to turn Harry into one of her hounds, in order to protect him. {{spoiler|She gets her chance in ''Changes'', when the group needs to get to Chichen Itza from the Ways quickly.}}
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: By the events of ''Skin Game'', Harry has mastered [[Le Parkour]] -- and has taken to shouting "Parkour!" every time he uses it.
* [[Canis Latinicus]]: Lots of it, Harry uses it for ''all'' his spells. {{spoiler|Elaine}} uses Dog-Babylonian and Egyptian. Morgan uses Ancient Greek. As of ''Changes'', {{spoiler|Molly}} seems to prefer Japanese. The explanation given in ''Fool Moon'' is that they provide a wizard's mind with "an extra layer of protection against the magical energies coursing through it". The protection is thinner if you use words you are too familiar with, as the words will be close enough to your thoughts that the two are near impossible to separate. Thus, wizards use words that are either made up or from languages they do not really understand.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: If Harry could just fit his mouth around "I can't tell you, it's a 'Wizard Thing'", 99% of the angst with Murphy could be dispelled. This actually becomes less of a problem in the books after ''Summer Knight'', when Harry finally spills the magic beans to Murphy about the supernatural world.
* [[Can't Have Sex Ever]]: Thomas, with Justine only. If he tries, his [[Allergic to Love]] nature gives him horrible burns. {{spoiler|Justine figures out a method. It involves cheating on Thomas, but it works. Though from what we see, Thomas seems more or less okay with [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot|how it works...]]}}
** Harry and Susan as well, because pleasure makes her lose control and {{spoiler|might lead into biting him and turning into a full vampire.}} Eventually, Harry solves the problem by tying her up.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: A Wizard's Death Curse, which uses up the life in their body for a final spell.
** Soul Fire, which burns the soul itself - and no soul means no life. {{spoiler|Nice thing about the soul, though: It's a renewable resource.}}
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Harry has two: "Hell's bells!" and "Stars and stones!" Thomas has, "Empty night." [[Word of God]] has said that those three phrases will also be the titles of the Apocalyptic Trilogy that ends the series. In Butcher's own words, "there's a reason those are curses."
** It should be noted however that those three are not completely exclusive as Elaine has been seen to use the first two and Lara (presumably along with other Raiths) use the latter.
** The [[Catch Phrase]] of Harry's musclebound-barbarian PC in the AlphaAlphas's role-playing adventures is "Enough talk!"
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: The ratio of funny to horrendously depressing has changed in the last few books. To the point where, before reading a new book, one might ask "Is it worth the [[Crazy Awesome]] to have my heart ripped out and stomped on?"<ref>The answer, of course, is yes.</ref>
* [[Character Development]]:
** Know that [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]] quote about wizards? Harry's always had the "quick to anger" thing pretty much covered, but over time he is getting better at the "subtle."
*** He's also getting much more magically powerful. The first two books had him struggling to use magic after a few powerful bursts, and ''Fool Moon'' has a point where he's worried he may have burnt out his magical batteries permanently. Since ''Grave Peril'', he's been throwing around more and more major mojo without showing any signs of weakening, to the point that the only thing that stops him from using magic is lack of consciousness or severe pain.
** ''Ghost Story'' takes place six months after the end of ''Changes'', during which Harry was out of contact with most of his friends and allies. The changes are somewhat startling. Molly has grown up, Murphy has wised-up, Butters has toughened-up...the list goes on.
** Billy and Charity both start out a bit flat, but become full three-dimensional characters by their second and later appearances.
* [[Chaste Hero]]: Averted. Harry likes sex just fine, the trouble is that the majority of women who are eager to sleep with him would kill him or enslave him. Plus, he would rather not indulge out of sheer carnal pleasure, but love. As if this were not handicap enough, he is also kind of clueless about women. Taken to tragicomic extremes at the end of ''Changes'': {{spoiler|Harry and Murphy, both traumatized by events, agree to meet up and have mindless sex in an hour... but just before he goes to meet her Harry is shot dead.}}
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* [[Classical Movie Vampire]]: The Black Court Vampires (or, to quote Harry, [[The Nicknamer|blampires]]). In fact, [[Dracula|Stoker's book]] was written and published on the orders of the White Court in order to help teach [[Muggle|muggles]] how to fight the Black Court.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]
{{quote| '''Harry:''' "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells." }}
* [[The Collector of the Strange]]: Harry Dresden has a collection of vampire fangs (not the hinged plastic kind), parts of rhino horns, depleted uranium dust and spell/potion ingredients.
** Also a lion scrotum. It was a gift. Stop looking at me like that.
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* [[Complexity Addiction]]: If your plan is not insanely complicated the White Court vamps will not respect you for it. Needless to say, they do not respect Harry very much.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Molly. Subverted by Lara.
* [[Cool Car]]:
** Thomas' Hummer is so cool Harry refuses to admit it aloud.
* [[Cool Pet]]: Mister and Mouse. Mouse is a Temple Dog / Fu Dog with unspecified magical powers and human level (at least) intelligence. Mister is an enormous house cat (30+ pounds, but no excess fat) who loves Coca-Cola and food from Harry's favorite pub. He is so awesome that his true form and the way he appears to normal sight are ''exactly the same''. Mister is too dignified to abide by such silly things as the laws of physics.
* [[Cool Sword]]: The swords wielded by the Knights of the Cross, each imbued with Holy might and one of the nails of the Crucifixion. They're named Amoracchius, Fidelacchius, and Esperacchius. Or, if you wanna go by their more famous names, {{spoiler|Excalibur, Kusanagi, and Durendal}}.
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* [[Cowboy Cop]]: Ortega accuses Harry of meting out "cowboy justice" to the Red Court in ''Grave Peril''.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Harry. Half of the reason he survives through most of the series is because he either prepared for just such an eventuality or he knows who to call or where to go to ''get'' what he needs. The rest, [[Indy Ploy|he makes up as he goes.]]
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Averted. {{spoiler|One time, Harry blocked napalm with his shield and burned his hand to a crisp nonetheless -- his shield could block the physical elements of the napalm, but the ''heat'' was still able to make it through. His ''next'' shield bracelet is made to cover for this, among other things.}}
* [[Cool Guns]]:
** Murphy uses a FN P-90 from ''White Night'' and onward, mostly because the compact size of the weapon makes it ideal for her small size. The weapon she uses was bought for her by a Kincaid as commemoration for [[Noodle Incident|something that happened during their vacation in Hawaii]]. She eventually adds a red dot sight and a silencer to it. Murphy also alternates between using a Glock and an unspecified SIG model.
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* [[Crime of Self Defense]]: The White Council believes that all killing using magic is bad, even in self defense.
* [[Crossover Cosmology]]: Big G [[God]] exists in the Dresdenverse and is fairly active, and so are all the demons and angels that come with Him. However, the Fae are real and there are various demons, loa, and other supposedly mythological spirits and creatures around that Dresden can call up. The Norse gods formed a corporation relating to magical security.
{{quote| "...there are beings who aren't the Almighty who have power way beyond anything running around on the planet...Old Greek and Roman and Norse deities. Lots and lots of Amerind divinities, and African tribal beings. A few Australian aboriginal gods; others in Polynesia, Southeast Asia. About a zillion Hindu gods. But they've all been dormant for centuries."}}
* [[Curse]]: Several varieties, including a Wizard's Death Curse.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: Ivy, the all-knowing Archive in ''Death Masks'', is all business when introducing herself and her purpose for visiting Harry... but goes to full 7-year-old little girl mode when [[Mega Neko|Mister]] enters the room. Or, in ''Small Favor'', goes to full 12-year-old little girl mode when she sees otters. ''Otters!''
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== D-F ==
* [[Deadly Decadent Court]]: The White Court Vampires, complete with institutional [[Complexity Addiction]].
* [[Death Byby Childbirth]]: Harry's mother, {{spoiler|although it is later revealed that this was the result of a curse}}.
* [[Death of the Old Gods]]: Most of the old gods have effectively gone into hibernation over the last few centuries. The Lord Almighty (as Harry calls the Christian [[God]]) is still very active in modern times, and not ''all'' the Old Gods are completely out of the game.
* [[Debt Detester]]: The fairies, although it's not so much that they ''dislike'' being in debt as that if they make bargains they're compelled to keep them.
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* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Michael Carpenter has a history of this. He is known to have rescued his wife-to-be by slaying a dragon. (See Our Dragons Are Different.) Holy swords are particularly good at that sort of thing.
* [[Dirty Business]]
* [[Discard and Draw]]: {{spoiler|Harry lost the Hellfire and immense knowledge he gained from Lasciel's shadow in ''White Night'', then picked up Soulfire from Uriel in the very next book, ''Small Favor'', and forged a mystical link with a sentient island in the book after that (''Turn Coat'').}}
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: The subject of what amounts to a [[Running Gag]], with Harry inevitably helping her (even when it is unwise) because he has a chivalrous streak he [[Fatal Flaw|can not seem to override]]. He even puts himself back under the {{spoiler|Doom of Damocles}} again to save a girl.
* [[Divided We Fall]]
* [[Don't Fear the Reaper]]: The [[Eldritch Abomination|Naagloshii]] and Mab.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]
* [[Double Meaning Title]]: [[Jim Butcher]] seems to have a lot of fun making these up.
** For example, the title of Storm Front, which is about people being murdered with a curse, was going to be Semiautomagic.
*** Still a double meaning. {{spoiler|Victor Sells was using thunderstorms to fuel the curse}} and the incident was the beginning of the metaphorical storm that has been Dresden's life since then.
* [[Doom Magnet]]: Harry. He can not even get a day off without mayhem.
* [[The Dreaded]]: We know Harry Dresden is a [[Hurting Hero]] and [[Sad Clown]]. Everyone else, like the [[The Fair Folk|Faerie Queens]], [[Fallen Angels]], and White Council? Not so much. They know him as a possibly-not-so-former warlock who shows a glaring disrespect for Faerie Queens, Fallen Angels, the highest nobility of the vampire courts, and even his seniors on the White Council and gets away with it, continually gaining more power in the process. As far as they're concerned, he is the guy that killed the Summer Lady, fought off Outsiders, and stopped the Darkhallow with a zombie Tyrannosaurus, succeeding Morgan as the "Most Infamous Warden on the White Council." This reputation is enough to give a half-dozen Wardens pause when they are told to arrest him. It has reached its peak by ''[[Wham! Episode|Changes]]'', when a Red Court vampire assassin, the most badass of the vampire badass, one of the most feared vampire assassins ''in the world'' sees Harry... and ''[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|screams in terror and runs the other way.]]''
* [[Drunk Onon the Dark Side]]: Using [[Black Magic]] almost inevitably leads to the temptation to use it again, ultimately leading to this trope. There are examples of characters who have been able to withstand that temptation, Harry among them, but the only person actually immune to it is {{spoiler|1=Ebenezar McCoy in his capacity as the Blackstaff}}.
** The last one has its downsides. Those black veins that appeared on his arm did so for a reason.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Harry has managed to defeat multiple black wizards, demons, and vampires, played a pivotal role in the war between the White Council and the Red Court, saved Chicago from a horde of necromancers, prevented a death plague from taking out most of the United States ''and'' saved the entire world from the faerie Courts being thrown out of whack, just for starters. Unfortunately, the only kind of respect he gets from most members of the White Council is the sort of respect with which one might approach an unexploded land mine.
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** Skinwalkers are said to be able to draw power from people's fear so potently that even so much as ''talking'' about them can strengthen them. Subsequently, the Navajo tribespeople who know of them tend to not discuss them with outsiders, meaning that those who encounter them will probably not recognise them, which ''also'' leads to fear of them.
* [[Enemy Within]]: Subverted. Harry does have an inner subconscious persona, but he is really harmless, or at worst annoying. Harry thinks his inner self pronounces words like "issues" funny and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in his first appearence.
{{quote| '''Harry:''' Wait, I've seen this before. I'm good Harry and you're bad Harry, and you only come out at night.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: More than a few villainous characters have worked with Harry for this reason.
** Thomas Raith's motivation for helping Harry out. {{spoiler|He lied. It is actually because Harry is his half-brother, through their Mom.}}
** "Gentleman" Johnny Marcone is perhaps the best example of this. He is an unrepentant criminal and vice lord, yet he refuses to tolerate anything or anyone that exploits or harms children. Indeed, in ''Even Hand'', it was shown that he personally executes anyone who dares to deal drugs to kids or pimp out children in his city.
** Mab and Bob, both of whom are highly amoral, are disgusted with Heinrich Kemmler, who singlehandedly engineered [[World War I]] just to get a supply of bodies to work with.
* [[Even the Dog Is Ashamed]]: Mouse's remarkable degree of common sense leads to a few instances of this, especially in ''Turn Coat''.
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** Played straight with, of all people, Michael and Charity. There's a reason they have so many kids, and they've even Squicked their kids a little from the frequency and volume of their lovemaking, especially when Michael is about to go out on a mission. Justified by both of them knowing that despite a certain degree of heavenly protection, sooner or later Michael won't come back and they want every minute to count.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Averted with The Archive. Everybody ''did'' just call her "the Archive," until she met Harry. [[The Nicknamer|Now she is "Ivy."]]
* [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears]]:
** The first Denarian ever seen in the series is, appropriately, a giant demonic bear...with six limbs, horns, and four eyes.
** One of the forms the Skinwalker in ''Turn Coat'' takes is a [[Biological Mashup]] of a bear, a cougar, and some sort of lizard.
** [[Magical Native American|Listens-To-Winds.]] Minibus-sized war bear. [[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Awesome|Pure awesome.]]
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]
* [[Evil-Detecting Dog]]: Mouse.
* [[Evil Feels Good]]: [[Black Magic]] and vampires.
* [[Evil Mentor]]: Justin DuMorne, who tried really really hard to turn young Harry into a Black Magic practitioner. Almost succeeded, too.
* [[Evil Overlord List]]: [[Lampshaded]] Harry suspects Nicodemus of having read it.
* [[Evil Plan]]: A case could start out as somebody hiring Harry to look into why their sock got lost in the wash, and by the end of the book it'd still turn out to be connected to one of these.
Line 216 ⟶ 217:
* [[Expecting Someone Taller]]: Ferrovax the dragon to Michael, dragon-slayer: "I thought you'd be taller."
* [[External Retcon]]: The White Court of vampires convinced Bram Stoker to write ''Dracula'' in order to expose the weaknesses of the Black Court of vampires, one of several factions of vampires [[Our Vampires Are Different|that each conform to different vampire mythologies]]. This resulted in the near destruction of the Black Court, as almost all of humanity learned their weaknesses.
** According to [[Word of God]], [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]] wrote his books to spread knowledge of Outsiders. Furthermore, Abdul Alhazred the "Mad Arab" was killed by the Gatekeeper and the Necronomicon was a book of rituals that got distributed by the White Council after his death to lessen its power (each ritual can only give so much power at once and when too many people try to draw on a ritual's power source, it is rendered so weak as to be harmless).
* [[Extra -Strength Masquerade]]: Harry quotes statistics on missing persons to point out that, if a dozen people got eaten by trolls or vampires in a good-sized city over the course of a year, no one would really figure out that there was a supernatural menace as long as the bodies did not turn up. In addition, anything magic is [[Walking Techbane]], which among other things makes cameras of all kinds almost completely useless as evidence of something magical. No matter how many zombies, ogres, vampires, werewolves, other faerie tale creatures and ''dinosaurs'' run around Chicago, somehow the general public remains convinced that anything apparently supernatural is actually the result of a hoax, hysteria, or hallucination brought on by moldy bread.
** Everyone knows there is no such thing as magic, so witnesses are never believed. Most just convince themselves they imagined it because the alternative means that the world doesn't work the way they think it does, challenging their entire concept of reality.
* [[The Fair Folk]]:
** Harry has a faerie godmother, only she is the Leanan Sidhe and there is nothing nice about it. Think "vampire fae who grants poets and artists inspiration in exchange for a vastly shortened lifespan." {{spoiler|Also, for a while there she was trying to "protect" Harry from being hurt or killed in the real world by attempting to trap him in [[Faerie]] and turn him into a dog. Permanently.}}
** Harry also has two Queens of [[Faerie]] furious with him at the moment: Titania, one of the Queens of Summer, {{spoiler|because he killed her daughter, Aurora, in ''Summer Knight''}}, and Mab, one of the Queens of Winter, {{spoiler|because Harry managed to rain destruction on her capital, Arctis Tor, in ''Proven Guilty''...and used Summer fire to do it.}}
** On the other hand, [[Fairy Companion|Toot-Toot]] the fairy and his pixie buddies are quite fond of Harry, to the point of putting together the "Za Lord's Guard". As a result of ''Summer Knight'', he also has a faerie housekeeping service he can never mention (except to the reader) or they will leave forever.
Line 229 ⟶ 230:
* [[Fascinating Eyebrow]]: Harry is a fan of the inquisitive eyebrow arch, and his narration in ''Death Masks'' describes it as Spock-like.
* [[Faux Yay]]
{{quote| I was going to ''kill'' Thomas.}}
* [[Fearless Fool]]
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Too many to list. Once again -- subject of ''a lot'' of lampshade hanging.
* [[Fertile Feet]]: The more powerful Summer fae like Eldest Brother Gruff or the Summer Lady do this.
* [[Fiction 500]]: The White Court in general, and Lara Raith in particular.
* [[Fiction Asas Cover -Up]]: Inverted by the White Court, which arranged for the publication of Dracula in order to expose the rival Black Court's secrets and vulnerabilities.
* [[Fingore]]:
** One way Mab shows to Harry that she really has control of him, and then she freezes the wound just for spite.
Line 240 ⟶ 241:
* [[First-Person Smartass]]: Harry Dresden, primarily, though Thomas Raith exemplifies this trope in the novella ''Backup''.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
{{quote| [[The Hero]]: Harry.<br />
[[The Lancer]]: Murphy.<br />
[[The Big Guy]]: Michael.<br />
[[The Smart Guy]]: Butters, or Bob. {{spoiler|In Ghost Story Bob belongs to Butters now, so they're counted together now.}}<br />
[[The Chick]]: {{spoiler|Molly.}}<br />
[[The Sixth Ranger]]: {{spoiler|Thomas.}}<br />
[[Team Pet]]: Mouse. }}
* [[First-Name Basis]]
{{quote| ''Everyone else who lets me ride on their dinosaur calls me Carlos'.'}}
* [[Flat Earth Atheist]]: Sanya (see [[Church Militant]] example above). Sanya has a pretty sophisticated and logical personal philosophy on all the supernatural stuff. He lives in a world with ridiculously powerful beings who are not actually worshipped or called gods, and it is possible for mere mortals to gain near-godlike power. So why assume that one particular powerful entity really is a god, or God? And his mission, as he points out, is worthwhile whether he was given his task by a real angel or not, because either way he is still [[We Help the Helpless|helping the helpless]].
* [[Flowery Elizabethan English]]: [[The Sidhe]] and other immortals have a tendency to talk this way.
* [[Foe-Tossing Charge]]: In the novel, ''Proven Guilty'', Morgan is said to have cut his way through a Red Court army, coming within feet of the Red King himself.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Tons of it, all throughout the series. One-off commentary by a character in one book becomes a whole lot more meaningful when re-read a second time, with knowledge of how the plotlines develop. There is a lot of material that gets subtly foreshadowed, particularly in ''Grave Peril'' and ''Proven Guilty''. The latter, for example, has a moment where Harry and Ebenezar discuss the traitor within the White Council, and Harry comments that no one has shown up with mysterious sums in their bank accounts. {{spoiler|Morgan's frame-up in ''Turn Coat'' involves exactly this.}} Murphy and Harry's discussion about their relationship foreshadows {{spoiler|Harry's daughter}} in ''Changes'' and Murphy's {{spoiler|taking up of Dresden's mantle as the protector of Chicago}} in ''Aftermath''.
* [[Formally-Named Pet]]: Harry Dresden's cat is named simply Mister.
Line 258 ⟶ 260:
** Harry and Lara, who always seem to end up working together and mutually hate and respect each other.
* [[A Friend in Need]]: Poor Murph. {{spoiler|She got demoted for helping rescue a teenage girl from monsters, then fired for saving the world.}}
* [[Friend Onon the Force]]: Lieutenant Karrin Murphy.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampires]]: Subverted; although some vampires like to portray themselves this way, especially to human groupies to be used as food sources, most of them are really nasty monsters. Thomas may be an exception to this subversion, but then again he is {{spoiler|half human (like all White Court vampires) as well as Harry's half brother.}}
* [[Full -Contact Magic]]: A [[Squishy Wizard]], Harry is not.
* [[Full-Name Basis]]:
** '''Very''' serious business for a wizard, since knowing the True Name of a magical creature allows you to summon or exercise influence over them. This works just as well for humans, but it is a limited-time threat since human self-image changes over time and learning a humans True Name will only ''remain'' their True Name for a few months. In ''Grave Peril'', a dragon in human form displays its power by sending Harry reeling, even though it only uses his first and last name (leaving out the two middle names). In ''White Night'', Harry is trying to make telepathic contact with Elaine, and he uses her full name along with his own in a desperate attempt to reach her.
Line 276 ⟶ 278:
* [[Geometric Magic]]
* [[Gilded Cage]]: The inside of Bob's skull (or at least how Dresden perceives it) is a luxurious mansion that can contain anything Bob wants. However, since he needs permission to leave it, he hates it.
* [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot]]: It is implied that this trope even EXISTS because of Lord Raith's personal tastes. House Raith controls the pornography industry, and by extension has their thumb in cultural perceptions of sex and attraction. Because Lord Raith isn't into male-on-male (to the point of murdering his own sons rather than dominating them through sex like he does his daughters), only female-on-female is considered "hot" by the mainstream male audience.
* [[Giving Them the Strip]]: Happens a ''lot'', e.g. when the loup-garou eats one of Harry's cowboy boots.
* [[Glamour]]: The Fae.
Line 287 ⟶ 289:
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]:
** Harry has not only fought and killed in the protection of the innocent, but tortured, manipulated and ''executed'' for the greater good. As he pointed out to Molly when she continued to disobey his instructions, he is ''not'' [[This Is Reality|some fictional character who can always avoid tough decisions]].
{{quote| "I am ''not'' Yoda."}}
** Also shown in ''Death Masks'', where Harry and the Knights of the Cross are confronted by a willing collaborator of the Denarians who [[I Surrender, Suckers|surrenders and sarcastically promises to repent]], all the while [[Smug Snake|taunting them smugly]] because the Knights are bound to not judge or punish, but only to fight the evil possessing the Denarians. {{spoiler|Once the Knights leave, [[Shut UP, Hannibal|Harry takes a baseball bat to the man's kneecaps]].}}
{{quote| '''Harry:''' People like you always mistake compassion for weakness. Michael and Sanya aren't weak. Fortunately for you, they are good men. Unfortunately for you, '''I'm not'''.}}
** The White Council of Wizards as a whole is judgemental, hypocritical, isolationist and violent. However, even Harry eventually agrees that their bloody actions are exactly what is needed to protect humanity from supernatural threats, and perhaps even from wizardkind themselves. Their tendency to execute without a second glance is not because they enjoy the blood, but because there is no other option.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: The Knights of the Cross will try to persuade the Denarian-possessed to turn away from evil, but won't shy from taking heads if refused.
Line 305 ⟶ 307:
** Certain supernatural creatures have more enhanced versions. The RPG rulebook puts it at three levels, the highest of which allows a creature to heal from something that would normally take months or years within minutes.
* [[Held Gaze]]: There's even has a name for this - the Soulgaze, where two people catch a glimpse of each other's souls because they share a gaze. One of them has to be a wizard to trigger it, though.
{{quote| "For me, meeting someone's eyes is always risky. Every human being knows what I'm talking about. Try it. Walk up to someone, without speaking and look them in the eyes. There's a a certain amount of leeway for second, or two, or three. And then there's a distinct sensation of contact, of intimacy. That's when regular folks cough and look away. Wizards, though, get the full ride of a soulgaze." Harry Dresden, ''White Night''. }}
* [[Hermetic Magic]]: Most magic in the series is either this or [[Summon Magic]]. Both may be powered by [[Life Energy]], but especially this.
* [[Hero of Another Story]]:
** Michael Carpenter, The Fist of God. {{spoiler|Retired as of ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Small Favor|Small Favor]]'', but Sanya still counts}}.
** Carlos Ramirez, commander of the West Coast Wardens
** Karrin Murphy and the rest of SI.
** Warden Morgan.
** Billy Borden and the Alphas.
** Thomas Raith, {{spoiler|participant of the Dominion War}}.
** "Gentleman" Johnny Marcone, {{spoiler|mortal representative on the Unseelie Accords as of ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)/White Night|White Night]]'' and financial power behind the defense of Chicago against supernatural threats as of ''[[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Ghost Story|Ghost Story]]''}}.
* [[Heroic Fatigue]]: Harry goes through this all the time. Often he will forget to eat or sleep when he is on a case and the world needs saving from supernatural doom. By the time he manages to solve everything he is usually so strung out that he often ends up just blacking out from exhaustion.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: just about everyone.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]:
** Harry will tell the reader repeatedly that he is not a good and decent man, but any time the opportunity occurs to do the right thing at great personal cost, Harry Dresden steps up without a second thought. Receives a rather cruel [[Lampshade Hanging]] in ''Grave Peril'', when an enemy of Dresden's mockingly gives him a tombstone inscribed with the epitaph "He died doing the right thing". {{spoiler|She then promptly gives him the choice to either walk away safely, or risk a tenuous peace and the lives of himself and others. Harry sees the trap, and goes in anyway.}}
** When a bunch of super powerful warlocks are about to use [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child|the population of Chicago]] to turn themselves into a new God of Death, the Wardens assigned to deal with them stop slaughtering their way through the army of zombies to protect trick-or-treating schoolchildren.
* [[Honorary Uncle]]: Harry to the Carpenter clan.
* [[Hope Spot]]: Seems to happen at least once per book.
* [[Hormone-Addled Teenager]]: Molly Carpenter is a Perky Goth version of this. When she first becomes important to the story, she's dropped out of school, gotten a bunch of tattoos and piercings, started hanging around with the wrong crowd, and dresses like, in the protagonist's words, "Frankenhooker."
* [[Horny Devils]]: White Court vampires of House Raith.
* [[Hot for Teacher]]: Molly for Harry. Also Morgan towards Luccio. Both times unrequited.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Harry is 6'9'' tall, while Murphy is five foot even. Also Kincaid and Ivy.
* [[Humans Are Special]]: what differentiates humans from all other beings in this series is that humans are the only ones with free will. Other beings--the fae, the angels, the demons, the vampires<ref>White Court vamps, as half-humans, fall into a grey area, as do other [[Half Human Hybrids]]; typically this involves choosing their human sides or their vampiric natures.</ref>--have no choice; they act according to their natures. That humans alone ''do'' have a choice, and that those choices ''do'' matter, is perhaps the central theme of the series.
* [[Hurting Hero]]: Harry's life sucks.
* [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place]]: The Nevernever, or at least the parts closest to the mortal world, are fraught with faeries, demons and other dangerous creatures. The parts further away from the mortal world are ''worse.''
Line 334 ⟶ 336:
* [[Ignore the Fanservice]]: Practically a running gag, though he does have to exercise some forced methods of control. One time Harry winds up dumping ice water on his crotch. The next time he dumps the water on the temptress.
** [[Hormone-Addled Teenager|Molly]] is really bad about this, though. In ''White Night'', when Harry and Murphy talk about Murphy's sexual escapades with Kincaid in Hawaii, Molly, who is reading a book, drops the book on her face in surprise, then tries to act uninterested.
{{quote| '''Harry''': It would have been a lot more convincing if she wasn't reading the book upside-down.}}
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad]]: White Court Vampires are born, not "made" like the other Courts, and become vampires if they feed on someone before truly falling in love. Raith manipulates his children to make sure they turn, then he ensures his daughters' loyalties [[Parental Incest|through disturbing means]] and kills his sons before they can become threats. This is a large part of the reason behind Thomas' [[Obfuscating Stupidity]].
* [[I Know Your True Name]]: True names (i.e. a person's name pronounced ''exactly'' the way they do so themselves) grant a wizard power over the one named, to the point that demons will consider a portion of a person's name from their own lips to be worthy payment for a service. Some dragons are apparently so powerful they only need part of the name, and Harry wonders what he could do with the full one. However, it is pointed out that humans are far more mutable than supernatural beings, so a human's True Name can change over time.
** Wizards, being human, are also subject to their True Names changing, but because they are long-lived, it takes a significantly longer amount of time to do so.
* [[Immortality Inducer]]: The Denarians are immortal due to the presence of the Fallen contained in the silver denarius coin each one carries. Furthermore, Nicodemus is given extra protection by the fact that he wears the noose Judas Iscariot supposedly used to commit suicide around his neck, which allows him to regenerate damage that would drop even other Denarians who are protected by their respective Fallen.
* [[Inhumanly Beautiful Race]]: The White Court of Vampires, and the fae. The Red Court of Vampires ''look'' like the beautiful people in their flesh masks, but they are ''really'' not.
* [[Inspector Javert]]: Morgan. He harasses Harry at every turn, accuses him of black magic and cavorting with demons and vampires (which, to be fair to Morgan, Harry ''does'' do with Lash and Thomas), and ''eagerly'' looks for an excuse to execute him, but this is all because he legitimately believes that Harry is a threat to others. Their relationship mellows (slightly) over the books, and comes to a head in ''Turn Coat''.
Line 354 ⟶ 356:
* [[Join or Die]]: Nicodemus gives Harry an offer: {{spoiler|take up one of the [[Artifact of Doom|30 silver coins]] and join the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Order of the Blackened Denarius]], or have his throat slit after breakfast.}} Nicodemus believes very strongly in [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|pragmatic villainy]].
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Several characters, notably {{spoiler|Shiro}}, {{spoiler|Morgan}} and {{spoiler|Susan}}.
* [[Kiss of the Vampire]]: The Red Court vampires have a powerful narcotic in their saliva that addicts their victims to being bitten. They also spit into beverages to poison and thrall people that way. {{spoiler|Well. They ''did'', anyhow.}}
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: Michael is a ''literal'' embodiment of the title and elso exemplifies its meaning, as Harry himself says that he is the closest anybody will ever get to meeting an Honest-To-God ''angel''. {{spoiler|Well, ''most'' people. Harry has hung out a few times with the archangel Uriel.}}
** And Michael is armed with a magic sword to boot, ''Amoracchius''. The sword's ''real'' name? {{spoiler|Excalibur. Yes, ''that'' Excalibur}}.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Harry and Murphy.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: [[Better Than a Bare Bulb|Enough for a whole]] ''[[Better Than a Bare Bulb|store]]'' [[Better Than a Bare Bulb|of various lighting fixtures and accessories.]]
* [[The Laws of Magic]]: The title character uses and names the [[LocardsLocard's Theory|Law of Contagion and Similarity]], as a basic crime-solving technique. He also mentions and frequently uses the Law of Names, as well as the Law of Words of Power (mentioning in passing that you could technically use English words, but there isn't a sense of buffer between the self and spells, so it causes pain to the user).
** There's numerous other ones that aren't explicitly named, but invoked. He used the Law Of Infinite Data to send Ivy a message, the Law of Pragmatism (numerous times, seeing that he used necromancy to raise a giant dino because it worked), and others.
** Dimensional travel assumes the Law of Infinite Universes, and there is a wizard with the task of guarding certain dimensions.
* [[Layman's Terms]]: Lampshaded in ''Summer Knight'', when Harry stops to give a massive plant monster a cool name, simply because such a thing ''needs'' a cool name.
{{quote| '''Harry''': ''"It's a chlorofiend."''<br />
'''Murphy''': ''"A what?"''<br />
'''Harry''': ''"Plant monster."''<br />
'''Murphy''': ''"Oh."'' }}
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]: Every now and then, Harry says things which are clearly directed at the audience. Probably the most egregious example is in ''Fool Moon'' when he jumps out of a moving car and the text reads, without any spoken dialogue, "Don't look at me that way." The RPG refers to the books as his case files, and he quite rightly expect that someone other then himself will be reading those case files in the future.
* [[Lesser of Two Evils]]: A running theme throughout the series is Harry having to deal with these.
** From the point of view of the police, Marcone embodies the trope: he's a ruthless crime lord, but better than anyone else who might try to take over the role.
* [[The Library of Babel]]: Ivy is this in the form of an adorable little girl.
* [[Lie to Thethe Beholder]]: At one point, Harry uses a spell to make Thomas look like him as a decoy to help him hide from the Fae.
* [[Literary Agent Hypothesis]]:
** According to Harry, Bram Stoker wrote ''[[Dracula (Literaturenovel)|Dracula]]'' at the behest of the White Court in order to weaken the Black Court of Vampires by instructing [[Muggle|muggles]] in their traditional means and weaknesses.
** William wrote the RPG for much the same reason. The RPG rulebooks are framed as being a first draft written by Billy and company which he has given to Harry to look over. See [[Painting the Fourth Wall]].
*** The Trope is inverted in the RPG as a [[Running Gag]] is Jim B. a player of the game who's character is Harry Dresden
Line 380 ⟶ 382:
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: Ivy takes this to levels unequaled by pretty much anyone else, ever. For one thing, she can control Mordite, a literal piece of antilife, with needle-threading precision.
* [[Living Shadow]]: Nicodemus has one of these that can ''strangle people'' and ''fly''. The shadow is not even his Denarian form. To quote Jim:
{{quote| "No, he just has his shadow do things for him. You go relying on an alternate form to get things done, that still puts you in personal danger and Nicodemus is more practical than that. He'd rather stand over here and let something else kill and get the work done. Unless it's something cool like a Knight of the Cross, in that case he's still got something to prove."}}
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]: Harry spends the first few books as a "loner", but less so in the later books when he builds up a decent group of [[True Companions]]. It is worst between ''Grave Peril'' and ''Summer Knight'', when he is trying desperately to figure out how to cure a loved one of vampirism.
* [[Long Running Book Series]]
Line 394 ⟶ 396:
** Molly's wands and Harry's staff and rod are both foci, and depending on preference other wizards might use, say, a soup ladle or a pair of earrings. None of them are strictly necessary; fitting with the general [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe]] nature of magic, they're just tools to make it easier. For example, Harry casting a fire spell without his blasting rod is like trying to carve a butter sculpture with your bare hands; possible, but difficult.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Harry draws people into his orbit and transforms them without even realizing it.
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: No Dresden book is complete without one or two. Or more. We do not always find out about them until later.
** {{spoiler|Lara Raith}} eventually comes to rule the entire White Court in this way, after {{spoiler|learning her father is unable to feed thanks to Margaret Dresden's curse on him, and then proceeds to literally [[Mind Rape]] him into her slave.}}
* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: The sex lives of some of the guys in the series bring this trope into play straight or with twists. Carlos, the big talker, subverts this in ''White Knight'' as he really is a virgin. Harry, needless to say, laughs himself sick.
{{quote| Lara (of Carlos to Harry): A virgin?...Is he a present?}}
* [[Masquerade]]: Though most of the supernatural creatures do not really bother to hide themselves, the public [[Weirdness Censor|refuses to believe they exist]]. Harry himself pays very little attention to the Masquerade, he is in the Yellow Pages under "Wizards". The vampires, demons, and the other supernatural creatures usually try to sweep their tracks, because if normals find out that they exist the general response for all of them will be [[Kill It Withwith Fire]] and [[Muggle Power|they will be totally outnumbered]].
* [[Magical Underpinnings of Reality]]: The Fae courts control global climate change.
* [[A Magic Contract Comes Withwith a Kiss]]: {{spoiler|With Mab, it's a ''[[Sarcasm Mode|bit]]'' more than just a kiss.}}
** Maeve tried to ruin Billy and Georgia's wedding by having a friend take Georgia's place. During the [[Race Against the Clock]] Harry tries to figure out when it would be to late to stop it. At the vows? No it's the kiss that seals the deal.
* [[Male Gaze]]: Pretty much constant, and not exclusive to Harry's narration either. Even when ''Murphy'' is the viewpoint character, mention is made of a female werewolf having 'curves that drew the eye'.
* [[Master Apprentice Chain]]: Harry is actually part of three different chains. The first is Merlin > Over a thousand years worth of Masters and Apprentices > Ebenezar's master > Ebenezar > Harry > Molly. The second is Simon Pietrovich > Justin [[Du Morne]]DuMorne > Harry > Molly.
* [[Master of Your Domain]]: Lash teaches Harry quite a few tricks.
* [[Master Swordsman]]: Shiro of the Knights of the Cross is said to be an artist with his blade. The RPG codifies this, giving him a Weapons skill of 6, with stunts to boost it further in certain situations (for reference, skills top out at 4 or 5 for most non-wizard, non-"[[Plot Device]] level" characters), and outright says if you try to take him on one-on-one, you are going to lose. Even Nicodemus, who hates Shiro, grudgingly respects Shiro's abilities. Nicodemus himself is also pretty good due to having more then 2000 years to practice.
* [[May-December Romance]]: Kinda-sorta Harry and Luccio--though she's in the body of a 20-year-old coed by the time their relationship starts, she's actually a 200+ year old wizard who grew up in Italy in the early 1800s.
* [[Mayfly-December Romance]]:
** Harry and Luccio. He is in his mid-thirties. She is in her mid-three-hundreds. But thanks to a [[Sarcasm Mode|kindly necromancer]], Luccio is in the body of a co-ed girl, so she is actually physically ''younger'' than Harry.
*** Harry and Luccio are more in the [[May-December Romance]] Trope as she may be centuries older but he will live just as long.
** The complications of this kind of relationship are brought up by Murphy in ''Proven Guilty'' when she and Harry talk about their relationship. Murphy notes that she [[Wizards Live Longer|does not have Harry's long lifespan]], and he will still be relatively young when she is dying of old age.
* [[Mayincatec]]: The cover for ''[http://jim-butcher.com/books/dresden/12/ Changes]''.
* [[Meaningful Name]]:
Line 416 ⟶ 418:
*** [[All There in the Manual|The RPG]] states the Dresden gets his last name from the Dresden Carpet Bombings fitting him as [[Person of Mass Destruction]].
** Nicodemus Archleone.
{{quote| '''Harry:''' Seriously? Archleone? As in "seeking whom he may devour"? Could you ''get'' any more obvious?}}
** Michael Carpenter. Michael, as in the archangel, and Carpenter, as in Jesus' day job, and Michael is an ''actual'' carpenter to boot.
** Thomas' sister Inari. Inari was the god of, among other things, foxes/kitsune in Japan. Given the folklore surrounding kitsune, it was kind of obvious who Inari was before it was said outright.
Line 422 ⟶ 424:
** In "Small Favor" {{spoiler|Uriel disguises himself as a janitor}} named Jake when Harry is in the chapel questioning God. In the Bible, Jacob wrestled an angel and got some cool perks out of it. Harry gets encouragement and knowledge of soulfire.
* [[Mega Neko]]: Harry's cat, Mister. He is huge. Seriously. Easily thirty pounds and described by Harry as potentially part bobcat. In the comics, he says he feeds Mister sheep.
{{quote| '''Harry :''' I like dogs, they give Mister something to snack on. '''}}
* [[Merlin and Nimue]]: Not ''the'' Merlin, the official leader of the White Council, but Harry himself. He has a younger apprentice of the opposite sex who he is training in magic and has a strong personal connection with; Harry was friends with her father for years before ever taking her as an apprentice. Harry is also guarding [[The Sword in Thethe Stone]] ( {{spoiler|or rather, he was until ''Changes''}}) and looking, when he can be bothered, for a suitable user for it.
* [[Mind Control]]: {{spoiler|Molly Carpenter}}, who has developed a ''very'' bad habit of entering people's minds without their permission. Her intent is always good, but the results are not. {{spoiler|She has driven her ex-boyfriend into permanent insanity by trying to frighten him away from drug use. She also invaded the mind of Captain Luccio -- and got caught by Morgan. If Morgan had turned them in when he got caught, or had told Luccio what Molly had done, both Molly and Harry would have been beheaded automatically.}} By Dresdenverse rules, invading another's mind and compelling someone to do something (or not do something) against his/her will not only breaks two of the Laws of Magic and can cause permanent psychological damage to both the victim and the perpetrator, but is [[The Dark Side|highly addictive]] [[Black Magic|black magic]].
* [[Mind Rape]]: A favorite tactic of vampires of all stripes and a decent number of sorcerers. Murphy states that her ordeal with Kravos was practically this. Even in the following book she is having trouble sleeping because she gets night terrors; the only way she can get some decent sleep is through a combination of alcohol and sleeping pills.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: In the later books, Harry and Thomas both mislead with this, though for different reasons. It does not help that Murphy and SI wil not let go of the joke.
** "[[Crowning Moment of Funny|NBA-sized gay burglar who works with a dog.]]"
* [[Missing Mom]]:
** Harry never knew his mother thanks to [[Death Byby Childbirth]]. {{spoiler|Or rather, death by being hit with a powerful entropy curse that killed her through [[Death Byby Childbirth]].}}
** Ivy. In ''Death Masks'', she claims that her mother went into a coma when the Archive passed to her, but Luccio reveals in ''Small Favor'' that {{spoiler|her mother got the Archive as a pregnant teenager after her grandmother died in a freak car accident. Angry at what happened and hating that the unborn Ivy would get to live a normal life instead of her, she killed herself, and thanks to the Archive containing all the memories of all the previous Archives, ''Ivy knows this.''}}
* [[The Mole]]: Numerous over the course of the series, but {{spoiler|Wizard Peabody}} is the best example.
* [[Monster Progenitor]]: The Red King to the Red court Vampires.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Harry likes to tell jokes to lighten tense scenes. In ''Death Masks'' Harry was being tortured and refused to take a bribe to end the pain with, "Sorry, I follow the Tao of Peter Parker." He then followed up by saying the nonplussed villain "must be a DC comics fan." However, it is not always inentional, and it often takes Harry himself by surprise. There is a scene in ''Storm Front'' when Harry goes to ask Bianca, a beautiful vampire, about the death of one of her girls. {{spoiler|The second he says what he is there for she lunges for him, shifting partially into her real form, assuming he is there to kill her. After he drives her back and explains himself, she changes back, and Harry leaves as she is having a snack. All he can now see is the monster who wants to be beautiful.}}
* [[Monster of the Week]]: Almost every villain appearing in one of the short stories as opposed to the main books. Includes {{spoiler|a Hecatean hag, the spawn of Grendel, a [[Crazy Survivalist]] priest, a group of [[The Lord of the Rings|ringwraith]] and [[Harry Potter|Slytherin house rejects]], supernatural fleas, and a maenad}}.
* [[More Hero Than Thou]]
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: Bob on anything magical. Waldo Butters on anything medical, up to and including trying to give scientific explanations for some of the weird stuff that happens to and around Wizards... ''and succeeding''. The RPG has Exposition and Knowledge Dumping, a Trapping (sub-skill) of Scholarship; on a successful roll, the [[Game Master]] can "borrow" the [[Player Character]] to use as a mouthpiece to [[Info Dump]] about the relevant subject. This effectively cuts out the middleman effect witnessed in most RPG knowledge skill checks (Player 1 rolls, GM relates info, Player 1 says "I tell everyone else".)
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* [[Muggles Do It Better]]: An ongoing theme is that plain old vanilla mortals could crush all of the supernatural monsters if they were aware of them, thanks to superior technology and [[We Have Reserves|an overwhelming numerical advantage]]. The various [[Badass Normal|Badass Normals]] are pretty good evidence for this. Harry himself takes advantage of it; there are several wizards, vampires, grendelkin and other supernatural nasties that make the mistake of thinking Harry's only as powerful as his magic, only to find out he is a pretty good shot with a .44, or that his six foot oak staff doubles as a pretty good bludgeon.
* [[Multiple Reference Pun]]: Most of the titles.
* [[Murder Makes You Crazy]]: The reason for the First Law of Magic. Magic is an expression of will given form, so using it to kill someone is particularly warping. Plus, magic is consistently referred to as the power of life, or coming ''from'', life, meaning you're warping the power of life to cause death.
* [[My Car Hates Me]]: The Blue Beetle is prone to giving out at very inconvenient times. However, this is partially due to the law of averages, since [[The Alleged Car|it dies the rest of the time, too]], and partially justified by the fact that since magic is fueled by emotion, the more distress Harry is in, the more likely he is to [[Walking Techbane|make the car short out]].
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]
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Continued [[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Tropes N-Z|here]].
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