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The Muppet Show/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** Whitmire initially didn't want to have any lines for his puppetry, since he didn't think he was a good actor, but eventually broke out with Rizzo late in the show. When Whitmire was told he would voice Kermit for ''[[A Muppet Christmas Carol]]'', he was apprehensive. He said he had a dream where he met up with Henson and Henson stated that he'd do fine. Whitmire then did the voice for Kermit, and the rest was history.
** At one point, Whitmire was unavailable to make an appearance, so they used a mostly unknown puppeteer (Artie Esposito). The reaction wasn't very positive.
* [[Southern -Fried Genius]]
* [[Species Surname]]: In the 2011 Movie, it's stated that his last name is "The Frog". <ref> It was something of a running gag back in the old days as well.</ref>
* [[Straight Man]]
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** Female guest stars weren't safe either, its just they couldn't [[Punched Across the Room|be sent flying]] as easily as the male Muppets.
* [[Acting for Two]]: Played all four Witches in The Muppets Wizard of Oz.
* [[Armor -Piercing Slap]]: More like Karate Chop!
* [[Badass]]
* [[Breakout Character]]: She was a fairly minor bit character early on in the first season, but swiftly became one of the most important stars of the show. In real life, Miss Piggy was one of the most popular fictional celebrities ''in the entire world'' during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Hi-ya! and ''Moi''.
* [[Cross Dressing Voices]]
* [[A Dog Named "Dog"]]
* [[Gratuitous French]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Recently revealed to be a wig (to avoid being mistaken for [[Angelina Jolie]]), at least [[Kayfabe|out-of-]][[Animated Actors|universe]].
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** The only people to survive a direct hit from Piggy are Charlie McCarthy (Solid oak!) and Christopher Reeve (He really is the [[Superman|Man of Steel!]]). And even Reeve doubled over in pain once Piggy stormed off.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Vain and violent tempered prima donna. Don't ever imply she doesn't love her Kermy however.
* [[Large Ham]]: Both literally and figuratively.
* [[Mister Muffykins]]: Her dog Foo-Foo.
* [[Official Couple]]: With Kermit.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: Her initial relationship towards Kermit.
* [[Tsundere]]
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* [[Couch Gag]]: First season.
* [[Cower Power]]: Whenever in a threatening situation, he tends to hide behind the much-smaller Kermit.which leads to ...
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: He actually does have his share of awesome when matters have fallen into his own hands.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]: Averted, despite what [[Statler and Waldorf]] might think.
* [[Freudian Trio]]: The Ego to Gonzo's Id and Kermit's Superego.
* [[Funny Animal]]
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* [[Produce Pelting]]: In ''[[Muppet Babies]]''
* [[Pungeon Master]]
* [[So Unfunny ItsIt's Funny]]: He was (in theory) the show's stand-up comedian. Most of the humor of these skits came from how terrible he was at his job.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: In some of the early post-Henson productions such as ''[[Muppets From Space]]''. He later returned to his regular level of intelligence.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Frank Oz gave Fozzie a series of weird noises (the closest you could come to writing them out would be something along the lines of "Daaaaaaaagh" and "Agghaahaahaa") that he uses to convey certain emotions.
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Following Richard Hunt's death, Scooter was used far less often - not appearing in most productions and having minimal screentime in others. The 2011 movie appears likely to reverse this.
** During the 1990s, Scooter was damn near [[Unperson|unpersoned]]. Other characters without performers, like Rowlf and Dr. Teeth, at least made token unspeaking cameos, but Scooter was nowhere to be seen for just shy of a full decade. When the official Muppets website was launched, minor characters like Julius Strangepork got their own bios, but Scooter was only added after mass e-mails from angered fans. <ref>Some even called [[Unfortunate Implications]] at stonewalling away a character whose performer died of AIDS.</ref>
* [[Half -Identical Twins]]: With Skeeter in ''[[Muppet Babies]]''
* [[The Intern]]: During the first season.
* [[Nepotism]]: His uncle owns the theater and got him his job. Before developing a solid friendship with him, Scooter was quick to remind Kermit of this whenever he wanted something.
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* [[The Eeyore]]
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Hinted, in one episode, he mentions that is displeased with his daughter for [[Interspecies Romance|dating an owl.]]
* [[Feigning Intelligence]]: He's probably smart ''academically'' (even hosting a "Muppet University" segment), but is a complete nutcase in terms of morals and values [[Know -Nothing Know -It -All|and refuses to believe that he is]].
* [[Flanderization]]: On ''[[The Muppet Show]]'', he started out as a general, pro-American detractor of the show's non-cultural content and a [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|Stop Having Fun Guy]] with strong, exaggeratedly right-wing strawman views on various issues. In recent media, such as the [[Muppet Viral Videos]], he's been depicted as generally obsessed with Americana itself and not much else. (For instance, he starts singing<ref>actually sing-talking</ref> "American Woman" by The Guess Who just because it has "American" in the title, something that the old Sam would never do.)
* [[Know -Nothing Know -It -All]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Moral Guardian]]
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* [[Ambiguously Gay]]
* [[Absent -Minded Professor]].
* [[Eyeless Face]]: His glasses give the appearance of eyes, but his melon-like head is basically [[The Blank]].
* [[For Science!]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Towards poor Beaker, though not intentionally. He's just ''really'' inconsiderate.
* [[Mad Scientist]]
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* [[Carnivore Confusion]]: His sketches often deal with this trope. Half the time, he's trying to cook members of the ''cast''.
{{quote| '''Robin''': Uncle Kermit, ''help''!}}
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]
* [[Eyeless Face]]: He has no visible eyes, only bushy eyebrows where eyes should be.
* [[Fauxreigner]]: Is sometimes acknowledged to not really speak Swedish.
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* [[Funny Foreigner]]
* [[Lethal Chef]]: The very few times he does actually manage to complete a dish, it usually ends up something the non-suicidal would not want to put in their mouths.
* [[Once an Episode]]: Doing a little song and dance, then throwing some cooking utensils over his shoulder. Frank Oz had a [[Self -Imposed Challenge]] to try to knock over every single item on the back wall. He only ever managed it once.
* [[Non Standard Character Design]]: The only Muppet to be designed to use the puppeteer's exposed hands. It takes a lot of dexterity to be that clumsy.
* [[Norse By Norsewest]]
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* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]].
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Jerks With Hearts of Gold]]
* [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!|Screw Politeness, We're Seniors!]]
* [[Self -Deprecation]]
* [[Sour Supporter|Sour Supporters]]
* [[The Stinger]]
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Throughout the '90s - with only Animal maintaining a steady presence and involvement in stories. Likely a result of Jim Henson and Richard Hunt's passings.
* [[Fake Band]]
* [[Five -Man Band]]: Literally!
** [[The Hero]]: Dr. Teeth.
** [[The Lancer]]: Sgt. Floyd Pepper
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* [[Divergent Character Evolution]] / [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: Something of an odd example. In the first season, Floyd Pepper made few appearances, due to the availability of his performer. During this time, Zoot essentially played Floyd's role on the show outside of musical numbers, which is why he is much more verbal during this period, as well as dating Janice. When Floyd became a full-time cast member, Zoot rescinded his duties and became the silent, low-key character we know today.
* [[Heavy Sleeper]]
* [[Informed Judaism]]: Revealed in ''[[A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa]]''
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Shy Blue -Haired Girl|Shy Blue Haired Guy]]
* [[Starving Artist]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAomKAMN2Pw Recently revealed] that he's been sleeping in a phone booth for three months. This isn't quite an example, though, Zoot seems to imply that he's been sleeping for the entirety of those three months.
* [[The Quiet One]]
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* [[Lantern Jaw of Justice]]: With a cleft you could lose spare change in.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
=== Lew Zealand ===
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* [[Odd Couple]]: He and Sweetums are the best of friends.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Sweetums. Really odd considering ''The Frog Prince'' story cast them as enemies.
** If [[Animated Actors]] applies to ''The Frog Prince'' maybe Sweetums is a case of [[Mean Character, Nice Actor]] ?
* [[Tagalong Kid]]
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* [[Gentle Giant]]: He looks big and mean, but it's just bluster 90% of the time. Just watch out for that remaining 10%...
** Except in "[[The Frog Prince (Literature)|The Frog Prince]]", which was also his first appearance. He repeatedly tried to eat or smash Robin. Speaking of...
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl|Huge Ogre Tiny Frog]]: Often paired with Robin.
* [[Larynx Dissonance]]: His voice is deep, but he sounds more "big-city truck driver" than "man-eating monster".
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: He is a ''fantastic'' dancer.
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* [[Ascended Extra]]: Became a major character in ''[[The Muppets (Film)|The Muppets]]''.
* [[Badass]]: In [[The Muppets (Film)|the 2011 movie]], where {{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|he (a Muppet) pushes his boss (a human) off a building]]}}!
* [[Classically -Trained Extra]]
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Resembles a dragon, and was referred to as one in [[The Muppets (Film)|the 2011 movie]]'s junior novelization.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: The ghost of a Shakespearean actor who was murdered... by the critics!
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* [[Mad Artist]]
* [[Mustache Of Failed Heterosexuality]]: It's fake, too.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[What the Hell Is That Accent?]] (According to Frank Oz, he based Marvin's accent on an exaggerated version of a French friend's voice.)
** [[French Jerk]]
* [[You Do NOT Want to Know]]: Marvin once told Kermit that the Muppaphones have to be replaced after a while because they go flat (literally). When Kermit asks him what happens to the old Muppaphones Marvin replies, "I don't think you want to know."
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* [[Dead Line News]]: Or at least ''injured'' line news.
* [[Doom Magnet]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]
* [[Genre Blind]]: He ''never'' learns.
* [[I Have Many Names]]: The Newsman, the Newscaster, the Reporter...
* [[Once an Episode]]
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]
* [[Running Gag]]
* [[Speak of the Devil|Speak Of The Falling Cow]]
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** [[Relationship Upgrade|They were caught getting]] [[Unusual Euphemism|pretty un-platonic]] in the 2011 movie.
* [[Public Domain Soundtrack]]
* [[Put On a Bus]]: While Wanda's disappearance after the first season was unremarked at the time, she and Wayne reunited reappeared a couple years later as part of a ''[[This Is Your Life]]'' show for Kermit's birthday. They revealed that Kermit had fired them, and they were now scraping by on minimum-wage jobs. Kermit, appalled that he could have done such a thing, [[Throw the Dog A Bone|re-hired them.]] When they sang out of joy, [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain|Kermit re-fired them.]] Amusingly, this successfully kept the pair out of the Muppets for the next three decades.
** [[The Bus Came Back]]: The pair finally rejoined the Muppets in the 2011 movie. While their return was a mild surprise in and of itself, nobody expected them to get one of the biggest laughs in the film!
* [[Running Gag]]: The first season of the show had more running gags than character pieces. When the writing staff changed, Wanda was dumped, as running gags were all she had. Wayne, however, sporadically appeared in skits during the second and third seasons, oddly paired now with Uncle Deadly!
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: One of the few times they were given any non-musical dialogue, they made rude remarks about Kermit until they realized that [[Right Behind Me|he was listening the whole time]].
* [[Speak of the Devil]]
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* [[Non Sequitur]]: His act basically makes no sense whatsoever, but it's extremely catchy to most people. In ''[[Muppets Tonight]]'', the song was presented as a mental disorder wherein the Snouths would appear from nowhere and sing whenever someone would say the name of the song. In ''[[The Muppets (Film)|The Muppets]]'', it's played during the end credits. Some people say it to break the ice in a conversation when they don't know what else to say, in the same vain as "[[Mary Poppins|Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious]]"!
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]: That one sole skit on the first episode of ''[[The Muppet Show]]'' became so popular, all three characters made appearances on ''[[Muppets Tonight]]'', and all the way into ''[[The Muppets (Film)|The Muppets]]''!
* [[Pokémon Speak]]
* [[Screwy Squirrel]]
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Creatures that sing anything other than "Hugga Wugga".
* [[Blow You Away]]: Shoots jets of air out of his nose whenever he gets angry.
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]
* [[Plant People]]: He looks rather like a ''[[Pikmin]]'' enemy.
* [[Pokémon Speak]]
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* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: His description reads like a [[Mad Libs]] game: he's a purple kilted Scottish gargoyle who gargles [[George Gershwin]] compositions for his act.
* [[Non Singing Voice]]: One of the series' few examples, though you could hardly classify it as "singing"; his gargling is provided by Richard Hunt.
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]: It helps that his episode has the Star Wars cast.
* [[Overly Long Tongue]]
* [[Trrrilling Rrrs]]: "Yes sirrrrree, Scoo'er lil' buddy, I'm rrrrready t'gae!"
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** However, the writers and performers eventually degreed that while Grosse was fun as an offscreen presence, in person he was too abrasive and threatening to be funny. Grosse was quickly [[Demoted to Extra]]. To see how they ultimately dealt with him, see below.
* [[Grumpy Old Man]]
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: If you take a deleted scene from ''[[ItsIt's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie]]'' as official word, Kermit inherited the theater after Grosse's death. Either way, he hasn't been seen since. It says something about how unsuccessful the character was that he was the only Muppet to be ''killed off''.
* [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]
* [[The Scrooge]]
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