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Doctor Who/Recap/2007 CS Voyage of the Damned: Difference between revisions

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* [[Faux Symbolism]] - Flying Angel Doctor! Some Church of England vicars actually used the scene to illustrate themes of redemption and evil.
** Also occurs earlier in the episode, when two Hosts are holding the Doctor. He is standing directly in the camera's line of sight of one, making it appear that he is wearing a halo.
* [[Flat What]]: At the [[Cold Open]], the Doctor's trademark escalating [[Big "What?"|"What? WHAT? ''WHAT?!''"]] ends with a lifebelt rolling into his hands with the word "TITANIC" written on it. Cue this.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Near the end of the story after the danger has passed, Mr. Copper and Rickston Slade are the only ones from The Doctor's group that have made it. Mr. Copper comments that "Of all the people to survive, Slade is not the one you would have chosen, is he? But if you could choose, Doctor, if you could decide who lives and who dies, that would make you a monster". Of course then cue the events of [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E16 The Waters of Mars|The Waters of Mars]] when he {{spoiler|does try to choose who lives and dies. Although we don't see it for very long, the potential horrors of the Time Lord Victorious are all too apparent.}}
** There's also a brief bit of foreshadowing when the tourists beam down to Earth for a bit of Christmas shopping. Aside from Wilf sitting in a kiosk selling newspapers, Astrid mentions that there are ''no stars in the sky''. Very subtle, but awesome to catch after watching the whole season.
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* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: The Doctor's joke about "How to get ahead in business" does not really go over well.
* [[Its a Costume Party I Swear]] - The higher class passengers tell Morvin and Foon the Christmas party is Fancy Dress
* [[Kill 'Em All]]: Oh, wow, does it ever fill that one.
* [[Killed Mid -Sentence]].
* [[Leave No Witnesses]]: Information: It is the plan.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Shiny white-and-gold angels! ''[[Uncanny Valley|Creepy]]'' shiny white-and-gold [[Super -Powered Robot Meter Maids|robot]] angels that decapitate people with their halos.
* [[Mauve Shirt]]
* [[Meaningful Name]] - Played straight with the ''Titanic''; averted with Astrid, whose name is an anagram of TARDIS (causing much speculation online), but nothing comes of it.
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{{quote| '''Host''': Information: You are all going to die.}}
* [[Overly Long Name]]: Bannakaffalatta
* [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner]]: A couple of ''awesome'' occasions. {{spoiler|Too bad they both pretty much precede a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}}
{{quote| '''Bannakaffalatta''': Bannakaffalatta proud! Bannakaffalatta CYBORG!<br />
'''Astrid''': Mr. Capricorn... I resign. }}
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* [[Shout Out]]: To [[Starship Titanic]]
** The penultimate security protocol number the Doctor tries on the host before settling on 1 and getting a result is [[The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy|42]]
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Meant in a good way with {{spoiler|Bannakaffalatta}} when everyone realizes that fighting off the Hosts with pieces of iron {{spoiler|and instead opts for a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}}
* [[Scully Box]]: [[Kylie Minogue]]'s diminutive height is exploited by having Astrid pull up a box and stand up on it in order to give the Doctor a goodbye kiss.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Mortality]]: Subverted. Every scrap of [[Genre Savvy]] says that [[Jerkass|Rickston]] will have [[Dropped a Bridge On Him|a bridge dropped on him]] early on, while Astrid will survive and leave with the Doctor; [[Karma Houdini|no such]] [[Heroic Sacrifice|luck]].
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* [[Space Sailing]]
* [[Stellar Name]] - Astrid was named as a more subtle version of "Astra". The anagram is apparently just a coincidence.
* [[Super -Powered Robot Meter Maids]]: The Host are meant to be servants and decorations, yet their halos can decapitate people. Justified, though; they were installed because the owner was planning to use them to [[Kill 'Em All|kill everyone]].
* [[Tempting Fate]]/[[What Did You Expect When You Named It?]] - A ship called the ''Titanic''! [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?]]
** Invoked actually - it was named after the "most famous ship of Earth" - they just didn't know what it was famous ''for'. And the passengers, having no idea of Earth culture, had no idea of the ship's history.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Bannakaffalatta, though wouldn't ''you'' be if you had a name like that?
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* [[Verbal Tic]] - The Host cannot begin a single sentence without first saying: "Information".
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]] - When the Angels go into battle mode, they remove their halos to use for weapons, leaving the little support struts on their heads, which resemble ''horns.''
* [[Whole -Plot Reference]] - To ''[[The Poseidon Adventure]]''
* [[You Fail History Forever]]: In-universe, the tour guide for Earth.
{{quote| '''Guide''': To repeat, I am Mr Copper, the ship's historian, and I shall be taking you to old London town in the country of U.K. ruled over by good King Wenceslas. Now human beings worshipped the great god Santa, a creature with fearsome claws, and his wife Mary. And every Christmas Eve the people of U.K. go to war with the country of Turkey. They then eat the Turkey people for Christmas dinner...like savages.}}
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