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Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ace Pilot]]
* [[Ambiguous Disorder]]: Kamille sucks at relating to people. Like Amuro before him, he'd rather spend his time with machines.
* [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]: Does this with his fellow pilots a lot, especially Quattro.
* [[Big Brother Mentor]] / [[Stern Teacher]]: To Katz. Unfortunately, [[The Scrappy|it's]] [[Too Dumb to Live|Katz]].
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: With Fa.
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* [[Hot Blooded]]: While fighting. He's sometimes like this outside his mecha too, if angered enough, especially early on. Later he learns to control his emotions, but he still can get pretty loud if you piss him off.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Mild example. Kamille is without a doubt a superb [[Ace Pilot]], but not noticeably more so than [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Amuro]], [[Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ|Judau]], or any of the other protagonists in the series. So, to make him seem more [[Badass]] than he really is, Tomino has everyone, on both sides, comment on just how great a fighter Kamille is and how only a truly awesome Newtype could be doing what he is doing.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: With Jerid
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: The Zeta Gundam.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: With Four
* [[Mid -Season Upgrade]]: From the Gundam Mark II to the Zeta Gundam.
* [[Military Brat]]
* [[Mood Swinger]]
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* [[Transforming Mecha]]: The Zeta Gundam.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Ask Lila about that. Or Rosamia.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: [[Self -Demonstrating Article|It's blue.]]
=== '''Quattro Bajeena (Char Aznable)''' ===
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* [[Ace Pilot]]
* [[Badass]]
** [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]:Does this regularly with Kamille.
** [[Badass Long Hair]]
* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Kamille.
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* [[Hypocrite]]: Whether it's lecturing Amuro on getting over Lalah, getting mad at Haman for manipulating a member of the Zabi family, or being outraged by Axis-Zeon's treachery, Char spends most of the show calling people out on things he has no right to call them out on.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Again, it's not that Char doesn't demonstrate his ability as a leader, pilot, etc over the course of the series. It's that the constant shillinig he recieves from the rest of the cast (including people like Hayato and Amuro who should not be doing so) makes him out to be even more of a [[Badass]] than he really is.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]
** Somewhat [[Justified Trope|justified]] in that there are only two (living) people in the entire universe who actually saw what Char looked like under the mask.
** Even then, it's implied that most people in the AEUG know who he really is, but keep quiet since he isn't admitting it himself.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Armor -Piercing Slap]]: Delivered to Kamille, more often than not.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Not a Newtype. Still a more than capable pilot.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Kamille and Fa.
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* [[Designated Girl Fight]]: {{spoiler|With Reccoa.}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Very early on.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: [[Maya Okamoto]]'s ''debut'' role.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Henken towers over her.
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: By Yazan Gable, following her battle with Reccoa.}}
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Mid -Season Upgrade]]: Becomes the regular pilot of the Gundam Mark II following Kamille's promotion to the Zeta.
* [[Official Couple]]: With Captain Bekkener.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Often. Out of all the cast members she's easily the one who grabs the [[Idiot Ball]] the least.
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Gentle Giant]]
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: With Emma.
* [[Jurota Kosugi]]: ''Debut'' role.
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: By Yazan Gable.}}
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* [[Moral Myopia]]: Accuses Char of being a [[Selfish Evil]] creep who thinks the world revolves around him. She's not wrong, but given her own behaviour it's damned funny. And then there's her constantly expecting {{spoiler|special treatment from the ''Argama'' crew whenever she attacks them, while being totally unwilling to do the same.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Rape As Backstory]]: Implied in the second-to-last episode. It certainly would put quite the spin on her [[Famous Last Words]].}}
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Reccoa's opinion of her piloting skill is truly inflated.
* [[Street Urchin]]: She was one before joining the AEUG.
* [[Team Mom]]
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* [[Dating Catwoman]]: He and Sarah have a mutual attraction, though it's far stronger on his end.
* [[Happily Adopted]]
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: He used to be like this towards Amuro, but the latter's [[Shell -Shocked Veteran|shellshock]] turn him into a [[Broken Pedestal]]. However, when Amuro decides to sortie out in the Rick Dias, Katz goes right back to idolizing him.
* [[Hot Blooded]]: To ridiculously stupid degrees.
* [[Keiichi Nanba]]
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* [[Kouji Ishii]]: Movie
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
* [[The Obi -Wan]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lamb]]}}
* [[Team Dad]]
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* [[Ace Pilot]] - [[Captain Obvious|He's]] [[Badass|Amuro Ray.]]
* [[Badass]]
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: Katz and to a lesser degree Kamille do not take their idol's [[Shell -Shocked Veteran|shellshock]] well.
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Only shows up in a handful of episodes.
* [[Enemy Mine]]
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* [[Psychic Powers]]
* [[Retired Badass]]
* [[Shell -Shocked Veteran]]
* [[Stern Teacher]]: Slightly, towards Kamille and Katz. Though he actually he's easy on Kamille, compared to the others.
* [[Still Got It]]
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* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Partially, since she's clingy yet has no real love rival.
** [[Character Development]]: Later in the series, she has changed for the better and aknowledges how childish she used to be. Quite the growth for a [[Clingy Jealous Girl]].
* [[Green Eyes]]: Almost qualifies for [[Green -Eyed Monster]].
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Subverted; she's very blonde and isn't evil, but hardly innocent and especially not sweet.
* [[Hero Worshipper]]: Of Amuro Ray.
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** [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: He's actually got the right idea (or, at least, a well-reasoned one that's worth considering) most of the time. It's pretty much the only reason nobody on the ''Argama'' ever tries to shove him out of an airlock.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Gave Shinta and Qum drinks and said children shouldn't be afraid to ask for things.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]: Shoves his weight around the ''Argama'' by saying that the AEUG's allies, Anaheim Electronics, would support him on his attack plans. Even if they were dumb.
* [[Stern Teacher]]: Shades of this before getting Flanderized into a total jerk ass later in the series.
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* [[Beard of Evil]]: His goatee.
* [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|Until Scirocco kills and takes over the role.}}
** [[Non -Action Big Bad]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Commissar Cap]]
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]}}
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Tomomichi "[[Street Fighter|M. Bison]]" Nishimura, anyone?
* [[Hidden Agenda Villain]]: We know for most of the series that the Titans aren't just about hunting Zeon, but it takes a little while for Jamitov's true motives to become apparent.
* [[Insane Admiral]]: Literally. He suffers from obvious megalomania and is an Earth Federation admiral.
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* [[Take Over the World]]
* [[War for Fun And Profit]]: Uses the war against the AEUG to secure his own power.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|1=According to side material, [http://www.mechatalk.net/viewtopic.php?p=118415#p118415 a link], and several scenes throughout the series, Jamitov actually hates Earthlings and is trying to get them into space. He hired a mad dog like Bask to brutalize colonists and stir up rebellion, triggering the collapse of the Earth Federation and a mass exodus to the colonies with him in charge.}}
'''Bask Om'''
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* [[Eye Scream]]: According to some sources, those goggles are actually artificial eyes. He left his real ones behind in the Zeon POW camp where he spent most of the One Year War.
** He still has eyes. In an early episode he briefly takes off his goggles while talking to Jamaican. Whether they ''function'' any is the big question.
* [[First -Name Basis]]: Everyone calls him Bask, including his subordinates.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: He spent most of the One Year War in a POW camp, being tortured by Zeon. Given that this information is only available in side materials it's played as an explanation, not a genuine excuse.
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]: Possibly. No one's sure if Bask's eyes are functional, or if he needs the goggles to see.
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* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Large and In Charge]]
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: He'll slap his subordinates around, and he isn't afraid to lead from the front, but Bask is not a combatant.
* [[Non Standard Character Design]]: Bask stands head and shoulders above the rest of the cast, and has a peculiarly elongated face that looks like it belongs on a far fatter man (Bask is big, but hardly overweight). And that's without mentioning the goggles that he almost never takes off, or his darker skintone.
* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]: His goggles fulfill this purpose.
* [[Revenge]]: [[All There in the Manual|Side materials]] hint that the reason why he hates colonials so much is the fact that he was made into a POW and horrendously tortured by the Zeon in the One Year War.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: [[Ambiguously Brown|Maybe]].
* [[Shell -Shocked Veteran]]: If the sidestories are to be believed Bask never really left that Zeon POW camp.
* [[State Sec]]
* [[When All You Have Is a Hammer]]: His solution to most problems? Punch them in the face. No, really!
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* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Bookworm]]: He's a technician and an [[Ace Pilot]] to rival Amuro and Char.
* [[Bad Powers, Bad People]]: See [[Lack of Empathy]] below. He's pretty much the only Newtype in the Universal Century capable of using his powers to brainwash people.
* [[Beware the Superman]]: The single most sinister Newtype in the UC verse, Scirocco's a shining example of why normal humans were so afraid of them.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: Graduates from [[Enigmatic Minion]] to this after deposing Jamitov}}.
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* [[Deceptive Disciple]]: To Jamitov.
* [[Despotism Justifies the Means]]: Despite his protestations to the contrary, it can easily be argued that he's not out for a higher cause and really just wants to rule the world, ideally through a female puppet.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: The O quadwields with its four arms.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: He and Haman team up at the end to go after Char. They make for a lethal duo.
* [[Enigmatic Minion]]: Starts out this way and works his way up.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: 'Scirocco' is a powerful Mediterranean wind
* [[Mid -Season Upgrade]]: The O, which he adopts during the last few episodes.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: The O is designed to be one of these in a Jovian gravity well. Turned loose on Earth it becomes a [[Lightning Bruiser]].
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Scirocco's bishie looks and magnificent bastardry make him rather popular with the female fanbase.
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]: The O has four arms, each of which carries a beam sabre.
* [[Narcissist]]: Scirocco isn't totally callous when it comes to his pawns, but he's close enough, and has difficulty seeing them as anything more than his possessions. Even his [[Utopia Justifies the Means]] rhetoric has a certain "only ''I'' can save the world" edge to it.
* [[Playing Both Sides]]: Plays the Titans, the Axis, and the AEUG against one another as he climbs to power. Only Haman Kahn really catches on.
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* [[Keaton Yamada]]
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: Jamaican isn't a psychopath like Yazan or Bask but he cares about nothing other than his own career.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]
* [[Porn Stache]]: Jamaican wears his moustache [[Adolf Hitler]] style.
* [[The Rival]]: Views Scirocco as as his rival within the Titans. Scirocco [[Paper Tiger|feels differently]].
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* [[Ace Pilot]]: Reaches this status around the same time Kamille does.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]
* [[Anti -Villain]]: He accidentally kills Kamille's mom (believing that the capsule she was in contained a bomb) and is very nasty when he fights, but when he ''does'' grow fond of someone else, he genuinely cares for said person and heavily grieves if he loses him/her.
* [[Badass Normal]]: For most the show, Jerid demonsrates no Newtype powers. He's still one of the few people who can give Kamille a run for his money.
** [[Badass Abnormal]]: In the last few episodes, Jerid begins to unlock his Newtype potential.
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* [[Glory Hound]]: He seeks to one day lead the Titans.
* [[Hot Blooded]]
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: With Kamille.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Jerk Jock]]
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* [[Necessarily Evil]]: How he views the worst of the Titans' actions.
* [[Not So Harmless]]: Repeatedly.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: He and Mouar are a romantic variation. He's the red to her blue.
* [[The Rival]]: To Kamille.
* [[State Sec]]
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* [[Extra Eyes]]: The RX-139 Hambrabi features five Zeonic monoeyes, allowing it to see in all directions.
* [[Flawed Prototype]]: The Gaplant was rushed into production and has a blind spot. This does not stop Yazan from being very dangerous with it.
* [[He -Man Woman Hater]]: Yazan has no respect for females who think they can fight.
* [[Hero Killer]]: Kills {{spoiler|Katz, Henken, Reccoa and Emma (all in the space of one episode)}}, arranges for the death of {{spoiler|Jamaican and one of the ''Argama'''s [[Bridge Bunnies]]}}, and damn near kills Kamille himself on several separate occasions.
* [[Hochu Otsuka]]
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* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Make It Look Like an Accident]]: Gets Emma Sheen to fire at him, than dodges so that the blast will hit {{spoiler|Jamaican}}, whom he hated.
* [[MommasMomma's Boy]]: His mother, with her disdain for education and intellectualism, definitely left her mark on her thuggish son, who has nothing positive to say about his father.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: His misogyny is just the tip of the iceberg.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: The first one to appear in the franchise, and the prototype for [[Expy|all the ones that follow]]. If you're a fan of [[Gundam 00|Ali Al-Saachez]] or [[Gundam AGE|Decil Galette]], thank this guy.
* [[Put the Laughter In Slaughter]]
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A Titans officer who rescues Jerid during his time on Earth, Mouar becomes Jerid's closest friend and constant companion upon his return to space, eventually revealing that she has a crush on him.
* [[Anti -Villain]]
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Jerid. The two of them make a surprisingly effective combo, frequently tagteaming opponents in their Gabthley's.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: In addition to being calm, reasonable, and far more moral than her teammates, she's the only woman in ''Zeta'' (other than Haman Khan) to resist Scirocco (and in fact calls him on his egoism).
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Jerid's red.
* [[State Sec]]
* {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet]]: Intercepts a blast from the ''Zeta'' to save Jerid.}}
Line 623:
* [[Four Is Death]]: {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real|Indeed...]]}}
* [[Heel Face Door Slam]]: {{spoiler|She starts turning around and is promptly killed by Jerid.}}
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: She's perfectly willing to commit mass murder in the Psyco Gundam, burn down Hong Kong, and attempt to kill Kamille--the first person to treat her like a human being--as long as it gets her memories back for her. A lot of that can probably be attributed to psychological problems from being transformed into a Cyber-Newtype and using her powers, as she acts more reasonably in other circumstances.
* [[ItsIt's All Junk]]: Once she discovers Kamille's true identity.
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: She's apparently a war orphan picked up by the Titans and trained as a Tykebomb. The treatment removed her prior memories, and one of her goals is to get them back.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: With Kamille.
* [[Mysterious Past]]: She isn't too happy about having one, and one of the biggest holds the Murasame Institute has over her is their promise to give her memories back. {{spoiler|It's implied, though, that [[Artificial Human|she might not have a past at all]].}}
** [[All There in the Manual|In one of the MSV collections]] it's implied that she might actually be Miharu's little sister Milly from the original series.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Psyco Gundam. Four herself could count if you're familiar with Japanese beliefs about [[Four Is Death|certain numbers]].
* [[NoblewomansNoblewoman's Laugh]]: Frequently employs it.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Courtesy of being a Cyber Newtype.
* [[Saeko Shimazu]]: Her original seiyuu.
Line 636:
* [[Sanity Slippage]]
* [[State Sec]]: The Newtype lab is allied with the Titans.
* [[Star -Crossed Lovers]]: With Kamille.
* [[Super Soldier]]: She's an experiment in "remodelling" a human's brain to artificially induce Newtype abilities.
* [[Teens Are Monsters]]: Her entire persona is that of a particularly psychotic teenager in the midst of a rebellion.
Line 662:
* [[Evil Is Bigger]]: The Psyco Gundam II
* [[Lady in Red]]
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]
* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]]
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Psyco Gundam II.
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* [[Tyke Bomb]]: Another Cyber Newtype, and even crazier than Four.
* [[Weapon of Mass Destruction]]: The Psyco Gundam II.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: "The sky! It's falling! NOOOOOOOO!"
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
Line 697:
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]
* [[Love Martyr]]: For Scirocco. She's not exactly ''evil'', but completely devoted to him.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: [[Yuko Mizutani]]'s ''debut''.
* [[Perky Female Minion]]
* [[Precocious Crush]]: On Scirocco. It's a very dark take on the trope, and ultimately gets her {{spoiler|killed}}.
* [[Rose -Haired Girl]]
* [[State Sec]]
* [[Super Prototype]]: After an initial appearance in the mook suit Marasai Scirocco assigns her his Messala and later upgrades her to the Bolinoak Samaan.
Line 756:
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]: Showed up for a grand total of ''two'' episodes, and is absent from the movie remake altogether.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Originally, Gates was {{spoiler|supposed to die together with Rosamia.}} And ''then'' he was going to {{spoiler|survive and reappear in ''ZZ Gundam''}}.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: The one aversion.
Line 764:
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Initially dislikes Scirocco but eventually has his ship join up with the former's fleet. {{spoiler|In the movies, Scirocco trusts him enough to let him come along with his other loyal retainers to the meeting with Axis.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: In Episode 42 he claims his ship has engine problems and can't help with the gassing of a colony.
* [[Laser -Guided Karma]]: He lets Haman disable the Colony Laser then the AEUG takes it back from Haman and proceed to fire it, killing Gady and destroying his ship.
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Smug Snake]]: Though higher functioning than Jamaican.
Line 800:
* [[Corruption of a Minor]]: Her control of Mineva hasn't had a good effect on the girl.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: The Qubeley's lack of a shield and incorporation of a detached ranged weapons system allows her do this a lot.
* [[Duel to The Death]]: Proposes one to Char, but he [[Take a Third Option|takes a third option]].
* [[Evil Chancellor]]: To Mineva. As is typical for the trope, she's the real power behind the throne.
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* [[If I Can't Have You]]: Towards Char.
* [[Improbable Age]]: She's only twenty years old, according to Char, which is pretty young to be leading Axis. But it becomes very clear that she's more than qualified for her position.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: Her and Char. She also develops a major grudge towards Kamille by the end.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: As of the end of ''Zeta''.
* [[Lady of War]]
Line 822:
* [[Psycho Ex Girlfriend]]: Played deadly seriously. Here's a hint Char--if you really did seduce a teenage girl while you were in your twenties, than you have this coming.
* [[Regent for Life]]: Whether or not Haman intends to give up her position as regent or not isn't explored (as Mineva is only seven) but she certainly gives off this vibe.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Karn, Kahn, Khan?
* [[Super Prototype]]: Her Qubeley.
* [[Tsundere]]: Towards Char, bordering on [[Yandere]].
Line 843:
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]: Subverted, she's just a figurehead.
* [[Enfante Terrible]]: Played with. Mineva's a child, and she's the dictatorial head of [[The Remnant]] of [[The Empire]]. Yet she's also a scared little girl who's totally dependent on Haman Khan.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses]]: No it isn't.
* [[Evil Redhead]]: Barely. She's totally under Haman's thumb.
* [[Last of His Kind|Last Of Her Kind]]: She's the last Zabi.
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