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Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptation Distillation]]: He's much more likable here.
* [[Aggressive Negotiations]]: The trope namer.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: In Season 4, when his aggressive tendencies become more prominent, he starts slipping into a [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type II or III]].
* [[Badass]]
* [[Bash Brothers]]: With Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.
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** [[Eyes of Gold]]: In "Ghosts of Mortis", when {{spoiler|he briefly turns to the dark side}} and in the Zygerrian arc, where his eyes turn Sith gold for certain scenes.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Did We Just Have Tea With Cthulhu?]]: The Father, embodiment of the Balance of the Force, having Anakin as a guest on a stormy night.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Taming the Daughter and the Son, embodiments of the Light and Dark Sides of the Force ''simultaneously'' certainly counts.
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Inverted. He's pretty caring towards Rex and Ahsoka, but he usually comes up with reckless plans that send both of them into serious danger. Then again, given they are in the middle of war, his plans could be argued as the lesser of two evils: he doesn't send his men into situations he knows they won't survive.
** He also leads from the front and seems unwilling to order his men to do anything he wouldn't do himself.
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* [[Overprotective Dad|Overprotective Master]]: Played with. Usually he has no problem with bringing Ahsoka into a combat situation, since it ''is'' part of her training after all (and he's usually there to keelhaul anything that so much as thinks of killing her). But, when a mission is so dangerous that even ''he'' overthinks every plan going into it, he justifiably wants her to stay out of it.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Don't endanger Ahsoka's life. Unless you're either massively suicidal.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red to Obi-Wan's Blue.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: In "Overlords", when he {{spoiler|controls the Son and the Daughter}}.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Obi-Wan, but the vitriol is definitely of a [[Deadpan Snarker|deadpan]] variety.
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* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Badass Teacher]]
* [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]: Seems quite prone to this, even managing to pull it off with a) an [[Actual Pacifist]] (Satine) and b) [[Enemy Mine|one of his enemies]] ( {{spoiler|Ventress}}).
* [[Bash Brothers]]: With Anakin.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Polite, kind-hearted and fatherly Jedi Knight who mercilessly and repeatedly beats the crap out of the Separatists. And even though he's called the Negotiator, that doesn't mean he does it by just [[Talking the Monster To Death|talking them to death]].
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* [[Friendly Sniper]]: {{spoiler|As Rako Hardeen}}. From the man who refers to blasters as "Uncivilized".
* [[Not So Different]]: To Anakin, given that both of them have politicians for love interests. Anakin ''really'' enjoys pointing this one out.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Blue to Anakin's Red.
* [[Snark Knight]]: He could be the poster boy of the trope.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Anakin, but it's the [[Deadpan Snarker|deadpan]] type of vitriol.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Seems to have picked this up from Anakin and Obi-Wan.
* [[Designated Girl Fight]]: She has had [[Once a Season|one in each season]].
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: Starts doing this in Season 3.
* [[Generation Xerox]]: To Anakin and possibly [[The Force Unleashed|Starkiller]]. She has an attitude similar to Anakin's and even lost her lightsaber once.
* [[Kid Appeal Character]]: At the beginning, but she's since grown out of this role.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: She calls Anakin "Skyguy" and refers to R2 as "Artooie".
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red to Barriss's Blue. She even has the skin color to match!
* [[Reverse Grip]]: Her fighting style.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The tomboy to Barriss's girly girl.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: She's taken several over the course of the series.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Well Done Padawan Girl]] She tried to cover it for most of the time, but Anakin's acknowledgement means very much to her, as seen in [[The Movie]] and {{spoiler|when she ranted about not getting any, while her inner darkness was brought out by [[The Corrupter|the Son]]}}. {{spoiler|She [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|finally earned]] it in the Season 3 finale.}}
=== Senator Padme Amidala [[File:Padme1b_7199.jpg|frame]] ===
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{{quote| Voiced by: Anthony Daniels}}
* [[Non -Action Guy]]
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Sensitive guy to R2's manly man.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: With R2-D2.
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* [[A Father to His Men]]: He encourages the clones to develop self identity. Which is pretty ironic when {{spoiler|Commander Gree decides to go on with Order 66, forcing Yoda to kill him.}}
* [[Old Master]]
* [[One -Man Army]]: He [[Curb Stomp Battle|totally owns]] Ventress's droid army on Toydaria pretty much singlehandedly.
* [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse]]
=== Mace Windu [[File:MaceWindu_1a_7931.png|frame]] ===
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* [[Bald of Awesome]]
* [[Bald Black Leader Guy]]: Technically outranked by Yoda, Mace is the most assertive and dominant personality in the Council, with Yoda seemingly content to let Mace run the show.
* [[One -Man Army]]: While not as exaggerated here as in the ''other'' show, Mace is on par with Yoda in his ability to devastate Separatist infantry as seen in the Ryloth arc.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: His implacable nature and fierce disposition are such that in the Ryloth arc, Dooku ordered Wat Tambor and his army to retreat rather than face Windu.
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* [[Can't Catch Up]]: To Anakin. She first met Anakin when he was a Padawan. She still is one while he has since become a Knight and gained his own Padawan.
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: A rather epic subversion. Ahsoka had to save Barriss's life... when Barriss was overtaken by a Geonosian zombie-worm and trying to kill Ahsoka.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Blue to Ahsoka's Red. She even has the eye and lightsaber colors to match!
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The girly girl to Ahsoka's tomboy.
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Cat Grin]]
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: He picks it up on the fly against General Grievous. And it. [[Badass|Is]]. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Awesome]].
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: He's the only male character so far to gain a completely gratuitous, non-[[Justified Trope|justifiable]] shirtless scene in this series. The directors joked that it was something of a ''[[Twilight (Literature)|Twilight]]'' reference.
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: Let's just say was there was a good reason all the fangirls looked forward to Season Four.
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* [[Bare Your Midriff]]
* [[Everything Sounds Sexier in French]]: Like the rest of the Twi'lek characters, she speaks with a French accent.
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe|Blue Skinned Space Babe]]
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Uh-huh.
* [[Hartman Hips]]: Especially noticeable in the second season episodes featuring the Zillo Beast. And by noticeable, we mean the "impossible to miss unless you're not looking at the screen in the first place" kind.
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* [[Attack Attack Attack]]: Summary of his strategy.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: With double-bladed lightsabers.
* {{spoiler|[[Evil All Along]]: Having foreseen the Republic's eventual collapse, he intends to defect to the Sith. In hindsight, all of his idiot strategies make sense.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Is Hammy]]: When he reveals where his true loyalties lay, he does it with a big, hammy speech.}}
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* [[Informed Ability]]: Said to be a highly successful military strategist, but mostly just gives orders that seem intended to get as many clones killed as possible. Not surprisingly, he's also stated to have the record for highest clone casualty rate. {{spoiler|It is later revealed that Krell truly is a brilliant strategist: all of his battle plans were ''intended'' to kill as many clones as possible.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]: At the hand of Dogma, the one clone who was utterly loyal to him out of duty.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Mid -Sentence]]: Dogma shoots Krell right in the middle of his [[Hannibal Lecture]] to Rex.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[Large Ham]]: From the start. {{spoiler|Once Krell reveals himself to be a traitor, he makes his world even hammier by delivering every line with as much malice and smug superiority as he can, with a few evil laughs thrown in for good measure.}}
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]
* [[The Neidermeyer]]: Even before {{spoiler|he was revealed to have been evil all along}}, the clones hated him.
* {{spoiler|[[Smug Snake]]}}
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* [[Bald of Awesome]]: He seems to dye his hair blonde, making his shorter hairdo look "bald." He's no less awesome, however.
* [[Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough]]: The Sergeant Rough to Cody and Bly's Captain Smooth.
* [[Clones Are People, Too]]: His speech towards [[General Ripper|Master Krell]].
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: Seems like Rex has a bit more of Jango in him than most clones.
* [[Talking to Himself]]: He has the same voice actor as the rest of the clones.
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* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Sort of. His constant complaining to his superior officer's face puts him into this trope. It's also hinted that he got his position from his connection with Palpatine as well.
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* {{spoiler|[[Man Behind the Man]]: He's Dooku's Master.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]}}
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: He’s a politician by trade, {{spoiler|but more appropriately an [[Orcus On His Throne]].}}
* [[Permanent Elected Official]]: {{spoiler|With each passing episode.}}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: To the Republic citizenry and to most Jedi {{spoiler|except Mace Windu.}}
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{{quote| Voiced by: [[Phil La Marr]]}}
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: Compared to Padme and his step-daughter.
=== Duchess Satine Kryze ===
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Hates the battle droids under his command, deeming them useless (who can blame him?) and regularly destroys and abuses them when he loses his temper. On one occasion, he even throws one from an escape pod in order to save himself.
* [[Body Horror]]: Only his head and heart are still organic. Judging from [[The Un -Reveal]] below, it's obvious his face is probably mutilated too.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Dirty Coward]]
* [[The Dragon]]: With {{spoiler|Ventress' abandonment and Savage's betrayal}}, Grievous has now become one to Dooku.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: Times two.
* [[Evil Is Hammy]]: What the good general may lack in dueling skill, he makes up for in evil delivery.
* [[Firing One -Handed]]: How he uses his blaster.
* [[Four Star Badass]]: He's one of the highest ranking Separatist military leaders.
* [[General Ripper]]: Definitely.
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]: Grievous is at his deadliest when he busts out all four arms; then he can hold his own against top tier Jedi.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: In "Grievous Intrigue". He defeats a Jedi Master, predicts Obi-Wan's entire battle plan (doesn't quite work, but he gets points for cleverness), fights his way through two more Masters, and a legion of clones in order to escape, and manages to flee Saleucami while under fire and despite Obi-Wan's attempts to stop him, laughing as he escapes.
** He took another in "Massacre", where he {{spoiler|defeats Ventress and utterly destroys the Nightsisters.}}
* [[The Un -Reveal]]: His face.
=== Asajj Ventress ===
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* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To Dooku, prior to {{spoiler|his betrayal}}.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]
* [[Enemy Mine]]: {{spoiler|Teams up with Obi-Wan to fight Savage and Darth Maul.}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: [[Pet the Dog|She returned a girl that had been kidnapped as a bride for a warlord]], though she did insist on being paid for the trouble, first.
* [[Evil Albino]]
* [[She's Got Legs]]: And likes to [[Show Some Leg|show it]].
** Her Nightsister outfit is a [[Hell -Bent for Leather]] [[Zettai Ryouki]].
=== Savage Opress ===
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Clancy Brown]]}}
* [[Anti -Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Villains|Type I/Type II]]. Savage didn't choose to be evil, and most of his evil acts were undertaken while he was brainwashed, leaving the degree of control he had over his actions ambiguous. Even the moral of his debut episode lampshades this particular quality:
{{quote| "Evil is not born. It is taught."}}
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]
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* [[Bad Boss]]: He's been known to shoot droids just for mentioning the word "escape".
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: By Ahsoka.}}
* [[No MacGuffin, No Winner|If I Can't Have It]]: He tries to kill Tarkin when it seems that he won't be able to recapture the escaped prisoners, and the intel they carry.
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice]]}}
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: His voice is based off of Christopher Walken's.
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* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Will not hesitate to kick, punch or use his jetpack to gain the edge in a fight.
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: Of a sort given it's all CG anyway - compared to everything else, his darksaber looks very strange when activated and looks even more so when it's being waved around. But that's probably the point - to illustrate just how unusual the device is.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: His appearance and motivations seem intended to suggest Neo-Nazi parallels.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Gives Obi-Wan his lightsaber back so that they can fight more evenly.
** Averted when he just planned to execute Ahsoka on the spot after he captured her. She didn't have her lightsabers at the time, but he didn't even give her a sporting chance.
* [[Executive Meddling]]: Was originally meant to fight Obi-Wan with a vibro-sword modeled after those used by Mandalorians in the [[Knights of the Old Republic]] games. However, [[George Lucas]] mandated that it must have an energy blade to maintain the "special" status of lightsabers, resulting in what's essentially a ''KOTOR'' vibro-sword with a black [[Laser Blade]].
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: He and Dooku have a falling out that leads to Viszla trying to locate and kill Dooku, and Dooku making Viszla an example of [[Scars Are Forever]].
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: Wields the Darksaber, a black, lightsaber-like power sword looted from the Jedi Temple centuries ago.
* [[Jet Pack]]
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* [[Fisher King]]: {{spoiler|After he dies, Mortis itself seems to destabilize and collapse.}}
* [[Made of Iron]]
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: After his actions in bringing Anakin to Mortis {{spoiler|result in the Daughter's death.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Wipes Anakin's memory of the Son's [[Mind Rape]], ''including'' his vision of killing Padme, ending the Jedi, and becoming Darth Vader.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Precursors]]: According to ''[[Fateofthe Jedi|Apocalypse]]'', he and his family are, or at least are descended from, the mysterious precursor race known as the Celestials}}.
* [[Physical God]]
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* [[Phosphor Essence]]: She is so in tune with the light side of the Force that she innately glows. {{spoiler|In fact, when she dies, one sign is that she stops glowing.}}
* [[Physical God|Physical Goddess]]
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: With the Son.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
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* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]
* [[Self Made Orphan]]: Tries to become one throughout the Mortis arc, {{spoiler|and ultimately fails.}}
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: With the Daughter.
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Touch of Death]]: Nearly kills {{spoiler|Ahsoka}} with a simple tap on the forehead.
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