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Alien (franchise)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Characters.Alien 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Characters.Alien, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] - To keep the company from getting their hands on a Queen.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Hive of monsters? Snarling Alien Queen? Imminent thermonuclear holocaust? Still not gonna stop Ripley from saving Newt.
* [[I Cannot Self -Terminate]] - Seems to believe this for a while and asks Dillon to help out.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|"...and hope to die."]]
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]]
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* [[Only Sane Man]]: In comparison to most of her comrades, she's this.
* [[Real Life Relative]]: For the deleted scene where Ripley discovers her daughter's dead, a photo of Weaver's mother was used.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Whenever Burke tries to invoke the rules.
* [[The Spock]]
* [[Survival Mantra]]
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Portrayed by Ian Holm }}
The doctor, chief [[Buffy -Speak|science guy on the ship]] and also the man responsible for all the incidents over the course of the film, from reminding the crew that they're ordered by the Weyland-Yutani company to stop and investigate the Space Jockey to breaking quarantine protocol and letting a facehugger-infested Kane on board the ship.
We later find out he's a traitorous android who is following the company's Special Order 937, which is that the Alien must get to Earth and that the crew is expendable. He tries to kill Ripley after she finds out about Special Order 937, but is stopped by Lambert and Parker, the latter of whom bashes his head in with a fire extinguisher and later incinerates him.
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* [[Distressed Damsel]]: Former [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Team Pet]]
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?|What Happened to the Cat?]] - Doesn't show up anymore after the first arc of the second movie. Ripley tells him he's staying there while she leaves for the colony with the marines, so presumably she left him with someone else while she was away (she had expected to come back, after all).
== Sulaco Crew ==
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Portrayed by Bill Paxton }}
The marine team's computer technician, played by a pre-fame [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy|Bill Paxton]]. At first he acts all arrogant and overconfident, but once the marines get totally pwned by the xenomorphs, loses his shit completely and becomes the movie's Lambert-equivalent, being all scared and whiney. He later regains his composure and redeems himself via [[Heroic Sacrifice]] during the aliens' attack on the med-lab. '''Really''' pissed off once he finds out the truth about Burke.
* [[Badass Boast]]: Hudson attempts one that even uses the word "badass" as often as he can. He does not deal well with the loss of the high-tech gear that he describes in said boast. He does go down shooting while spitting out even more 'heat of battle' boasts, as well. An Alien has to ambush him from below to take him down.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
* [[The Ladette]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Nice Job Shooting that Alien With Exploding Rounds and Killing Your Boyfriend, Vasquez.
** This leads to a minor [[Heroic BSOD]] where she wants to go back for him, but circumstances prevent her from doing so.
* [[Spicy Latina]]: Through a [[Race Lift]]. Jennette Goldstein is actually Jewish.
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* [[Ax Crazy]]: Was originally sent to prison for multiple violent murders. He mentions that he "knew lots of pretty girls, back home" and that they liked him [[Fridge Horror|"for a while"]].
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Apologizes (a little frantically) after slitting another prisoner's throat to get to the alien.
* [[Blood -Splattered Innocents]]: Well, sort of. He winds up splattered with a hell of a lot of blood through no fault of his own, so he's technically innocent. In that, at least.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: Nobody believes him about the alien but Ripley. The rest think he murdered the others on his crew.
* [[The Cuckoolander Was Right]]: And is proven right in a really gruesome way.
* [[Insane Equals Violent]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: in the [[Re Cut]], the prisoners actually ''did'' manage to trap the alien. Unfortunately Golic, who worships the thing as a kind of dragon, kills the guard and lets it out again. Oops.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: He's easily excited, easily upset, and apologizes frantically to his murder victim like a misbehaving child.
* [[Talkative Loon]]: Halfway. He doesn't say a lot, but when he ''does'' speak, he tends to babble.
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* [[Big No]]: When {{spoiler|Ripley falls into the fires to stop the Company from getting the Alien Queen inside her.}}
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]: That is, not including his performance as the ''other'' Bishop from ''Aliens''.
* {{spoiler|[[Robotic Reveal]]: Averted. While he tells the other people he's human, 85 hits him in the head calling him a robot... Causing him to bleed red.}}
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* [[Its Pronounced Tropay]]: It's spelled "Call," but it sounds more like "Cole."
* [[Last -Name Basis]]: Probably the only way you'd know her first name is from the credits or her toy.
* {{spoiler|[[Ridiculously Human Robot]]}} Lampshaded by Ripley:
{{quote| ''{{spoiler|"Only an android would be that human."}}''}}
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* [[Jerk With a Heart of Jerk]]: While it's true that he helps his teammates in a pinch, it's only because he kinda needs them to, y'know, ''survive''.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: See [[Wheelchair Woobie]].
* [[Last -Name Basis]]: According to the novelisation anyway.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: After Vriess successfully pilots the Betty and saves their butts, Johner gives him a big ol' ''kiss''.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]
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Portrayed by Raymond Cruz }}
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]
=== Dr. Carlyn Williamson ===
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=== Larry Purvis ===
{{quote| ''What's in-[[Precision F -Strike|fucking]]-side me?"<br />
Portrayed by Leland Orser }}
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