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Belgariad/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** [[BFS]]: Justified, as the Orb of Aldur lightens it's weight.
** [[Flaming Sword]]: The Orb causes the Sword to burst into blue flame.
** [[One -Handed Zweihander]]: Normally Garion uses the Sword with two hands, but he can do this if the situation calls for it.
** [[Only the Chosen May Wield]]: As long as the Orb is attached.
** [[Power Glows]]
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* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Until late in Book 4.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Garion becomes frighteningly proficient with both weaponry and sorcery.
* [[Moses in The BullrushesBulrushes]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Delivers a brutal one to Torak in the first series, and to the Dark Prophecy in the second.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: has acquired this skill ever since he hit a log on a pond while showing off.
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* [[Upbringing Makes the Hero]]: [[Invoked Trope|Invoked]] by Polgara; she deliberately raises Garion as a [[Farm Boy]] to give him a solid moral foundation for when he ends up having to save the world.
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]: Especially in the first series, where he lacks finesse and experience, but has enough raw power to terrify the Grolim Hierarchs (though notably, not the likes of Ctuchik). This isn't really rectified either--it's just that by the second series his raw power is so significant that his lack of talent doesn't matter.
* [[Well, Excuse Me, Princess!]]: His relationship with Ce'Nedra summed up in four words.
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* [[Animal Motifs]]: A snowy owl
* [[Brainy Brunette]]: Their mother sorcerously altered both twins in the womb to prepare them for their roles in life, including making Polgara this as opposed to Beldaran's [[Hair of Gold]].
* [[Dark Chick]]: Torak always kept this place in his [[Five -Bad Band]] open for her.
* [[Magical Nanny]]: Polgara plays this role as caretaker of the Rivan line for two thousand years. And her cooking... divine!
* [[Mama Bear]]: Dear gods, yes.
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* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]
* [[Skunk Stripe]]: Her trademark.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: This is Polgara every inch of the way. [http://ofearna.us/books/eddings/polgara.jpg If she had a good picture,] they could use her for the trope's front page.
* [[Tantrum Throwing]]: Polgara does this at least twice.
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** [[Badass Beard]]
** [[Badass Grandpa]]
** [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: Belgarath has several bad habits- the stealing and overimbibing and all that business in Maragor after Poledra's death- and he generally looks like a tramp, but he is still Aldur's first disciple and quite capable of demonstrating why all the Grolims are terrified of him.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!|Grandpa What Massive Hotness You Have]]: He's the oldest person in the world short of the gods and ''looks'' appropriately venerable for an aged sorcerer, yet pulls this off when he strips to his briefs to dive into a lake and shows off his impressive physique in the process.
* [[Large Ham]]: He is a professional story teller and he uses it whenever he can.
* [[The Mentor]]
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* [[The Big Guy]]: He fullfills this role in ''Pawn of Prophecy''. In the later books he's [[The Hero]] of [[The Big Guy]] Band, doing his best to keep the likes of Hettar, Mandorallen, and Relg in line.
* [[Cursed With Awesome]]: Barak's "curse" is to turn into a bear when Garion {{spoiler|Heir to the long-empty throne of Riva and Overlord of the West by treaty}} is threatened. A rampaging, unstoppable bear. At first he thinks it's just a progressive ailment and attempts suicide, but once he gets filled in on the trigger conditions (i.e., his family is now the hereditary protectors of Garion's family), he contemplates tasteful ways to work it into his coat of arms. Who wouldn't want to advertise that?
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: With a sword in one hand and a battleaxe in the other.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears]]: Called "The Dreadful Bear" for a reason.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: A male version
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: A very good man in a fight, he's also very politically savvy, good at reading peoples' intentions, and has a philosophical way of looking at things.
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* [[Loveable Rogue]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[May -December Romance]]: He's about twenty years older than {{spoiler|Liselle}}.
* [[Professional Killer]]
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: At one point during The Mallorean, certain parties conspire to have one of Silk's fellow spies killed. The woman in question is an old friend/enemy, but someone Silk had immense respect for. His response to their conspiracy eventually causes a mass exodus of all the most powerful people related to the plot, surrounded by guards, and many of them simply do not make it out.
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* [[Badass]]: Quite possibly the best cavalryman in the world, and very dangerous with that sabre of his.
* [[The Big Guy]]: A member of The Big [[Five -Man Band]]; he plays Lancer to Barak.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: By Cho-Hag.
* [[Happily Married]]: In the sequel.
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* [[Breast Plate]]: Justified, believe it or not. Ce'Nedra intends to speak to an army, and it's very important that she look like a queen and not a little girl (or boy). Problem is, she's very flat. So she has an armourer solve her problem (after a very long debate).
* [[The Chick]]: Well, somebody had to do it.
* [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?]]: She raises an ''international army'' just to provide cover for Garion sneaking off to fight [[Big Bad|Torak]].
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Very much so.
* [[Half -Human Hybrid]]: Her mother was a Dryad.
* [[Happily Married]]: To Garion in ''The Malloreon''.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]
* [[Inelegant Blubbering]]: Polgara tells her she shouldn't cry in public; she hasn't the right coloring for it.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: She eventually grows out of it.
* [[Jerkass]]: For most of the first series.
** [[Spoiled Sweet]]: In her better moments, after [[Character Development]].
* [[Keep the Home Fires Burning]]: See [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?]].
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Ce'Nedra's cooking is only edible by a very loose definition of the term.
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: Until Book 4.
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* [[Rousing Speech]]: She's damn good at this. In fact it's why she was born in the first place.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: [[In Universe]] example. Dryad names always have an X in them, but hers seems to break the rule. In ''The Malloreon'' it's explained that it can also be spelled "Xe'Nedra."
* [[Tantrum Throwing]]: She's thrown some impressive ones.
* [[Tsundere]]: Ce'Nedra makes most anime Tsunderes look ''amateurish''. A good capsule description of her is "[[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Asuka]], only having traded in all of her self-esteem issues for even more self-centeredness."
Line 180:
* '''[[Badass|BADASS]]''': He slays lions with his bare hands. He attacks [[All Trolls Are Different|Algroth]] packs for fun. He threatens Tolnedran legions by himself. He refuses to fight an enraged [[Kill the God|Garion]]--because he doesn't want to hurt him. In a [[World of Badass]], Mandorallen manages to stand head and shoulders above the rest.
** [[Badass Normal]]: All that crazy stuff we just mentioned? He does it with no powers or supernatural aid of any kind.
* [[The Big Guy]]: The most archetypal example. In the Big [[Five -Man Band]] he's Big Squared.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Mandorallen is always spoiling for a chance to demonstrate his prowess.
* [[The Champion]]: Ce'Nedra's.
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* [[Love Triangle]]: His love is married to an older man she respects far too much to cheat on. For that matter Mandorallen respects them both too much to ask her to.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Lelldorin
* [[One -Man Army]]
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]
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* [[Odd Friendship]]: With Mandorallen
* [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]]
* [[Star -Crossed Lovers]]: Averted. Despite the fact that he and Arianna are an Asturian and a Mimbrate and married without her father's consent they end up [[Happily Married]].
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Garion and anyone else he considers a friend.
Line 233:
* [[Badass]]
* [[Beard of Barbarism]]/[[Seadog Beard]]: Anheg is still a pirate at heart.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Anheg pretends to be far dumber than he really is.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Anheg is a brutal Viking warchieftain. He's also one of the most widely read people on the continent, and can read ''The Book of Torak'' without endangering his mental health.
* [[Horny Vikings]]
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* [[Hot Consort]]: This is why Anheg married her.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Initially Islena is a pompous wuss who caves in every time Grodeg shouts at her. She finally has enough, threatens to have him muzzled and throne in jail, and ships he and the rest of the Bear-Cult off to join the army. Anheg is impressed.
* [[Weak -Willed]]: Is initially totally under the thumb of Grodeg, Chief Priest of Belar. With some help from Merel and Porenn she eventually overcomes this.
::'''Merel of Trellheim'''
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* [[Adipose Rex]]
* [[Happily Married]]: To Porenn.
* [[May -December Romance]]: He and his second wife, Porenn. Despite the age gap they are deliriously happy together.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Among the Kings of the West.
* [[The Spymaster]]: Thanks to the work of his right-hand man, Javelin, Rhodar is privvy to almost every secret in the world.
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* [[Happily Married]]
* [[Hot Consort]]: To Rhodar
* [[May -December Romance]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Among the Queens of the West.
* [[The Spymaster]]: Shares this role with her husband.
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* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Cho-Hag can barely stand, but that doesn't stop him from kicking ass. Justified as he, like most Algars, is a cavalryman, and lets his horse do the fighting for him.
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: His hatred of Taur Urgas goes far beyond mere politics.
* [[The Quiet One]]: Among the Alorn rulers, he and Brand share this role.
* [[Sword Fight]]: Has an epic one with Taur Urgas.
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* [[Man On Fire]]: How he makes his exit.
* [[Sinister Minister]]: The first of the Grolim priests encountered in the series.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: He's undoubtedly dangerous, but he can't hope to threaten Belgarath in person, despite his protestations to the contrary.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Starter Villain]]
Line 299:
* [[Beard of Evil]]: A matted, patchy black one.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Appears to be a common footpad. Is actually a ninja.
* [[Disney Villain Death]]
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Blind in one eye. Can fight Silk on an equal footing.
Line 320:
* [[Beard of Evil]]: His [[Wizard Beard]] is yellowed, greying and filthy.
* [[Black Cloak]]
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: Has a room in his tower filled with torture equipment, that he uses for his personal entertainment.
* [[Deceptive Disciple]]: He's only loyal to Torak out of fear, and has no intentions of waking him.
* [[The Dragon]]: There are other contenders for the title of Torak's right-hand man, but Ctuchik is the most archetypal, running the Grolim priesthood and Cthol Murgos in his master's absence.
** [[Co -Dragons]]: Alongside Zedar and Urvon, though it's fairly obvious that he has primacy amongst the three.
** [[Dragon With an Agenda]]: Has no loyalty to Torak and plans to rule the world himself.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]
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* [[Famous Last Words]]: "Come back Cho-Hag! Come back and fight!"
* [[I Control My Minions Through]]: Fear, and a degree of Respect. See [[The Berserker]] for how.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]]: With Silk and Cho-Hag.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[The Mentally Ill]]: In addition to his bloodthirstyness, Taur Urgas is prone to fits wherein he chews on the furniture.
Line 375:
* [[Break the Haughty]]: In the backstory. It's why he's a [[Fallen Hero]].
* [[Butt Monkey]]: To the universe.
* [[Co -Dragons]]: To Torak, alongside Ctuchik.
* [[Elderly Immortal]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Could be Belgarath's clone.
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** [[Evil Counterpart]]: To the Sword of the Rivan King.
** [[Evil Weapon]]: It's not actually sentient, but given its association with the Dark Prophecy it's safe to say that it can't be used for anything good.
** [[One -Handed Zweihander]]: Not that Torak particularly has a choice in the matter. [[Handicapped Badass|He]] has to use it like this.
** [[Unbreakable Weapons]]
* [[Dark Is Evil]]
Line 436:
* [[Guile Heroine]]
* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[May -December Romance]]: She's about twenty years younger than {{spoiler|Kheldar}}.
* [[Precocious Crush]]: When Silk was an up-and-coming star of the Intelligence Service, he'd often play dolls with the boss's niece, Liselle, who was approximately twenty years younger than him. As an adult, she pursued him {{spoiler|and caught him}}.
* [[Professional Killer]]
Line 449:
** [[Badass Beard]]: Grows one.
* [[BFS]]: Justified. Garion has the Orb make an enormous greatsword as light as a rapier, enabling 'Zakath to fence with it.
** [[One -Handed Zweihander]]: 'Zakath may well be the only fencer in the world to use a [[BFS]] instead of say, a rapier.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Zakath is one of the rare ''pre-emptive'' examples of this trope, in that after finally dawning to just how thoroughly the odds are against him he decides to just skip the 'defeat' and go straight to the 'friendship'.
{{quote| "You know something, Garion? I've always believed that someday you and I would go to war with each other. Would you be terribly disappointed if I decided not to show up?"}}
Line 462:
* [[Karma Houdini]]: 'Zakath did some pretty awful things that he's never punished for.
* [[Licked By the Dog|Licked By The Kitten]]: Zakath's pet [[Cute Kitten|Cute Kittens]] peg him as a [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]], an early indication that he's not the [[Complete Monster]] he's rumored to be.
* [[May -December Romance]]: With {{spoiler|Cyradis}}.
* [[Power Fist]]: Belgarath tells them not to kill anybody during the one battle. 'Zakath puts on a cestus and proceeds to smash it into the face of every man he rides past.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: His entire campaign against Cthol Murgos can be seen as this.
** [[Revenge By Proxy]]/[[Sins of Our Fathers]]: Plans to exterminate every single member of the Urga family--and possibly all of Cthol Murgos--because of what Taur Urgas made him do.
* [[Royal Rapier]]: Played with. 'Zakath is a trained fencer, and all his sword-fighting experience is with a rapier. Than Garion comes along and makes his [[BFS]] as [[One -Handed Zweihander|light as one]]...
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Sixth Ranger]]
Line 472:
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type IV.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: A minor antagonist in the first series; a major player in the second.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Justified. Sadi's brilliance as a poisoner stems from his experience as Chief Eunuch at the Nyissan court; if you want to live very long you get very good at surviving.
Line 553:
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: His madness leaves him no match for Zandramas and totally under Nahaz's thumb.
* [[The Dragon]]: One of Torak's three disciples
** [[Co -Dragons]]: With Ctuchik and Zedar
** [[Dragon Ascendant]]: Doesn't he wish.
** [[Dragon Their Feet]]: Completely absent from the first series.
Line 571:
* [[Dark Messiah]]: Sets himself up as a messianic figure to the Karands, even summoning their "[[A God Am I|god]]", Nahaz, to do his bidding.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Urvon
** [[Co -Dragons]]: Alongside Nahaz, who isn't under his dominion for long.
** [[Dragon With an Agenda]]: Intends to use Urvon as a [[Puppet King]] while he really rules Karanda.
* [[Evil Sorcerer]]
Line 587:
* [[Double Standard Rape Divine On Mortal]]: Averted. Heck, Nahaz having consensual sex is still treated like rape given what happens to his partners.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Urvon
** [[Co -Dragons]]: Alongside Harakan; {{spoiler|One could argue he and Mordja are Co Dragons to the King of Hell}}.
** [[Dragon -in -Chief]]: Urvon is both insane and completely under Nahaz's domination, leaving the Demon Lord as the one who's really running the show.
** [[Dragon With an Agenda]]: To Urvon. He'll take his soul, the Orb, the Sardion, and dominion over the world in the name of his master.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: With Mordja
Line 594:
* [[Fetus Terrible]]: Impregnates women than watches the fetus tear its way out and devour the mother alive.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: He's a [[Legions of Hell|demon lord]]. This is to be expected.
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]
* [[Power Glows]]: A sickly green.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Enjoys impregnating women with [[Fetus Terrible|Fetus Terribles]].
Line 610:
* [[Demonic Possession]]: Of the dragon.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Zandramas
** [[Co -Dragons]]: Alongside Naradas. {{spoiler|It could be argued that he and Nahaz are Co Dragons to the King of Hell}}.
** [[Dragon With an Agenda]]: He wants Zandramas' soul, the Sardion, and the Orb for the King of Hell.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: With Nahaz
Line 616:
* [[Final Boss]]: Provides the last physical confrontation of the series.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]
* [[Your Soul Is Mine]]
Line 664:
* [[Good Eyes, Evil Eyes]]: Subverted. Issa's eyes are snake-like and lifeless, but he's a pretty good guy.
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
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