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[http://www.swtor.com/ And here] is the official website for the game.
* [[Two2-D Space]]: Played straight with the game's [http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/galaxy-map Galaxy Map]. [[Justified Trope|Justified]], as a spiral galaxy (like the one in Star Wars or the Milky Way) can be 100 times wider than it is thick.
=== This game provides examples of: ===
* [[Two-D Space]]: Played straight with the game's [http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/galaxy-map Galaxy Map]. [[Justified Trope|Justified]], as a spiral galaxy (like the one in Star Wars or the Milky Way) can be 100 times wider than it is thick.
* [[Acrofatic]]: If you pick male body type 4 during character creation. It will not hinder you from force jumping around or barrelrolling into cover. Funny and impressive at the same time.
* [[Action Girl]]: Three of 'em; [[Proud Warrior Race|Mandalorian]] bounty hunter Shae Vizla, the Twi'lek Eleena Daru, and Satele Shan (descendant of Bastila Shan), as well as any female player character or companion.
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* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: Ffon serves as one to the Sith Inquisitor on Korriban, constantly putting down the character (and other apprentice hopefuls) and having his skills as a true Sith being boasted about by Overseer Harkun. {{spoiler|He eventually resorts to trying to steal your character's success when he fails the final test, and is caught in the lie by Lord Zash, and fried for it.}}
** Also Thana on Taris. She keeps doing worse than you and getting ''captured'' on top of that, yet keeps insisting that she's better than you and that you're "getting in her way." Fortunately, none of her superiors are duped by her whole bragging. {{spoiler|Killing her shortly after confronting Cerik is a very satisfying way of proving her you were the best one all along.}}
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]] Lord Grathan is a mad scientist type. He likes weapons, cyborgs, and ergonomic chairs.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: {{spoiler|HK-47}} himself makes an appearance.
** The Sith governor of Balmorra enjoys crushing rebels a little too much. The lines used to flirt with her are hilarious because of it; player characters can only... spend quality time with her, by acting like a complete sociopath.
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* [[The Chosen One]]: The Jedi Knight is the Jedi [[Revan (Literature)|Lord Scourge saw killing the Emperor.]]
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: This is the short, and the long description, of society within the [[The Empire|Sith Empire]].
* [[Co -Dragons]]: At the end of their storylines, the Sith Warrior and the Sith Inquisitor both elevate to such positions that the Emperor is the only real authority over them.
* [[Colony Drop]]: Hammer Station is a space station that shoots asteroids at planets.
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: Players get a lot of opportunities for this in the [[State Sec|Imperial Agent]] and [[Agony Beam|Sith Inquisitor]] storylines.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Everyone except Jedi Knights, and Sith Warriors, can specialize in healing (after level 10). Otherwise, every class gets a healing-focused companion at some point, allowing them to serve as this everywhere except Operations.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Most non-Jedi classes have to have shades of this in order to fight Jedi, but special mention goes to the smugglers, who use a [[Groin Attack]] and immediately follow up with a headshot.
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* [[Cutting the Knot]]: A Sith holocron has sat entombed in an obelisk for over a millennium. Hundreds of sith have tried to puzzle out how to release it. The Sith Inquisitor shot it with Force Lightning, proving that sometimes, the simplest solutions are the best.
* [[Cyanide Pill]]: In the Agent questline, {{spoiler|the Old Man}} injects himself with lethal poison if you don't kill him immediately after defeating him.
* [[Cyborg]]: Plenty of them, with this being [[Star Wars]], and cyborg Human is one of the playable races. One Sith Inquisitor Darth Mekhis from ''The Lost Suns'' tie-in comic has [http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/Previews/17-772?page=4 has] ''cybernetic [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|eyebrows]]''.
** There is a [[Mad Scientist]] cyborg genius in the Republic Trooper storyline, who's trying to make innocents into [[Manchurian Agent]] [[Living Weapon|suicide bomber]] cyborgs.
* [[DaddysDaddy's Little Villain]]: The [[Backstory]] for Sith Warrior [[Player Characters]]. Contrast with [[Made a Slave|the Sith Inquisitor's back-story]]. There's also Darth Zhorrid, daughter of Darth Jadus.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: The Emperor. {{spoiler|He has visions that the Jedi Knight will be the one to stop him and defeat him. So he possesses the Hero's friend and attacks them while they are weak. And if Kira hadn't snapped out he might have pulled it}}
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Might be too early to tell for certain sure, but this Sith Empire are not your grandad's villains. Darth Malgus is a loving husband who cares about his men and the civilians of the Empire, the troopers follow their leaders out of respect and not fear<ref>Well, ''usually'', anyway, and gameplay vids showcase that you'll be able to ''influence'' how true this is.</ref>and the Empire itself is a meritocracy done right (usually)[[hottip:*:Related to [[The Starscream]], the Bounty-Hunter's quest on Balmorra consists of {{spoiler|an Imperial commander trying to undermine his superior and look better to the overseer of the base, and hiring the BH to do the dirty work for him. This [[Hoist By His Own Petard|comes back to bite him in the !@#$%^&*]], as the overseer [[Genre Savvy|had been paying attention]] and orders the execution of the backstabber.}}.
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* [[Dramatic Irony]]: In one of the promotional videos, showing the cinematic camera usage in the game, a team of Sith are confronting an Alderaanian noble who exclaims "I would sooner see Alderaan blasted into space dust!"... cue about [[A New Hope|3000 years later...]]
* [[Driven to Madness]]: {{spoiler|Revan}}, after 300 years as a prisoner of the Emperor, enacts a plan that would wipe out 98% of the Imperial population.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]/[[Guns Akimbo]]: Sith Warriors (as Sith Maradeurs), Jedi Knights (as Jedi Sentinels), Bounty Hunters (as Mercenaries) and Smugglers (as Gunslingers).
** In the final cinematic trailer, one of the Jedi manages to dual-wield with one single-bladed lightsaber plus a double-bladed one.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Sel Makor
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: The Republic world quest on Belsavis gives the option of working with a Sith to stop a creature called [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|the World Razer]] from being unleashed.
* [[Epic Movie]]: Well, Epic Videogame, whatever. It features 200,000 lines of voiceover, for starters.
* [[Et Tu, Brute?]]: Almost every class story-line features this. It's [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|to be expected for within]] [[The Empire]], but still.
** The Sith Warrior must win some kind of prize for it. You end up killing your master's master, convincing a party-member-to-be to kill ''her'' master, {{spoiler|almost getting killed by your minion}}, and killing ''two'' of your own personal masters. It comes with the [[When All You Have Is a Hammer|when in doubt, kill things]] philosophy.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Darth Malgus. Despite willing to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent and less innocent lives, he loves his Twi'lek wife, Eleena Daru (though sometimes has a rough relationship with her). {{spoiler|Sadly, he kills her because she was his greatest weakness that could be exploited against him. Though he did express great remorse in killing her (even crying at having to do so). And her death turns her into his greatest strength. [[Battle Cry|ELEENA!!]]}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: So what does it mean, when [[Eldricht Abomination|Sel Makor]] does his best to keep the Sith Warrior from releasing the Emperor's conscience from his domain out of fear of what the Emperor would do to the galaxy?
* [[EverybodysEverybody's Dead, Dave]]: For level 10 Imperial Players, {{spoiler|this is what happens to the crew of the Black Talon if it was decided to execute the captain; the bridge crew tried to desert and others tried to stop them.}}
* [[Evil Army]]: The Sith Imperial Army
** We haven't seen much of them outside of combat. They may be mostly [[Punch Clock Villain|Punch Clock Villains]]. See [[Dark Is Not Evil]] above.
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** Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior
*** Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaut (Melee Tank/DPS)
*** Jedi Sentinel/Sith Marauder ([[Dual -Wielding]], Melee DPS)
** Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor
*** Jedi Sage/Sith Sorcerer (Ranged Force DPS/Healing)
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*** The Eternity Vault operation, where the Empire faces off against a [[Sealed Evil in A Can]].
* [[Explosive Stupidity]]: If a team [[No Fair Cheating|hogs the ball]] in a corner for too long in [[Pv P|Huttball]], [[Comedic Sociopathy|the Hutts will get bored]], and [[Blood Sport|detonate it]]. The ball is made out of Uranium...
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Most non-Jedi and non-companions in the Republic, if they aren't repeatedly [[Shoot the Dog|shooting the dog]], or just corrupt, have done this, or so it seems. Taken to extreme levels for the Republic Trooper storyline, {{spoiler|where [[ItsIt's Up to You|you, and your companions, are among the few Republic Special Forces to not defect with Tavus.]]}}
** Played with Ashara Zavros, one of the Sith Inquisitor's companions--while her recruitment involves her being manipulated into defecting from the Jedi order, at no point does her ideology actually change; she eventually admits that she's a Sith, but she's...[[Token Good Teammate|not]] [[Hero Antagonist|exactly]] [[The Pollyanna|villainous]].
** An unusual variation occurs with {{spoiler|Darth Malgus on Ilum. Malgus, who up to that point had primarily been a Sith who could be generally considered [[Blood Knight|"honorable"]], suddenly turns against the Empire in a bid to reform it into a more alien-friendly place. Naturally, this only counts from the Imperial perspective: he was always a villain from the Republic point of view.}}
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* [[Fighting a Shadow]]: {{spoiler|A letter the Sith Warrior receives at the end of their class quest reveals that the final boss of the Jedi Knight Class Quest was the Emperor's Voice and not the Emperor himself. However, the death of the Voice seems to have put the Emperor out of commission for a while, so the Knight's struggles were not meaningless.}}
* [[Fighting for A Homeland]]: One of the reasons the Empire is warring with the Republic is to regain former Sith territory from before The Great Hyperspace War.
* [[Five -Man Band]] / [[Five -Bad Band]]: Most classes and their assorted crews fall into this pattern
** '''Smuggler'''
*** [[The Hero]]: The Smuggler
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* [[Funny Background Event]]: During the wrap-up of Act 1 for the smuggler, he gets the oportunity to make a joking comment that he was going to use the fortune they found to hire an army of Wookies. In the background, Corso can be seen walking by the hatchway and stumbles at those words, apparently having been listening in and thinking he's gonna be replaced by Bowdarr and his wookie army.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Two NPCs have a banter in front of Imperial Intelligence headquarters. One of them blames the other for getting them called before Intelligence for selling a large amount of medical supplies to someone suspicious. The other NPC responds that he put a tracker in the box just in case.
* [[God Was My Co -Pilot]]: [[Badass Normal|Non-force-sensitive classes]] can get "force bonuses" to their combat ability.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Many Republic quests give players the option of reacting with righteous fury to the [[Knight Templar]] behavior of authorities. For example, after discovering Republic Intelligence officials on Ord Mantell torturing a woman just because she's related to a separatist, you can threaten to kill everyone else in the room to set her free.
* [[Gotta Catch Them All]]: [[Encyclopedia Exposita|Datacrons]]. Most of them are hidden, and the majority give a permanent stat boost for finding them. A few, however, give "shards" which can be assembled on the capital worlds to create "artifacts", that you can equip.
* [[Gatling Good]]: Several of the weapons available to high-level Troopers are [[Frickin' Laser Beams|gatling blasters]].
* [[Genocide Backfire]]: The current Sith Empire is made up of descendants of those few fleeing survivors from when the Republic attempted to wipe them out after their defeat in the Great Hyperspace War.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: While each class has more than one path for building their character into this, [http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9672671#edit9672671 all of them start out this way]. Only after several levels do players get to specialize in absorbing damage, or healing, both through progression and their companions.
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** An even better example goes to the Ord Mantell Civil War. On one hand, you have a corrupt, oppressive government that remained loyal to the Republic. On the other hand, you have a guerrilla force of separatists that want to secede, backed by the Sith.
** The two factions themselves are morally grey as well, as both are itching to make the cold war hot, and are constructing planet-destroying superweapons to boot.
* [[Green -Skinned Space Babe]]: Both sides have Twi'lek as character race option, the Republic side has the Mirialans, as well as other races that can have green skin. Being an MMO, female character models tend to be babalicious. Babes also available in blue, pink, grey, and many other colors.
* [[Grenade Launcher]]: The Republic Trooper's specialty, [[Blown Across the Room|good for keeping enemies off their feet.]]
* [[Groin Attack]]: The Smuggler has this as one of his abilities.
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* [[Hot Chick With a Sword]]: Well, it's actually a double-bladed lightsaber, but Satele Shan in the "Hope" and "Return" trailers is definitely one of these.
* [[Human Popsicle]]: Carbonite freezing is present in the game, just like the movies. In fact, one of the trailers shows the Bounty Hunter class freezing one of his bounties. Awesome.
** The [http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/bounty-hunter-character-progression Bounty Hunter Progression Video] shows a bounty hunter spinning and carbon freezing enemies on all sides of him, then finishing them off with his flamethrower. [[Buffy -Speak|Awesomer]].
** {{spoiler|The government on Taris did this to themselves, and are kept in the Archives.}}
* [[Humanoid Aliens]]: Obviously, since this is [[Star Wars]]. All of the playable alien races are these, with [[Word of God]] saying that being a [[Starfish Alien|weirder alien]] would inhibit storytelling.
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** In a side quest on Dromund Kaas, some Sith are subjecting random Imperial citizens to this. {{spoiler|Light side players can turn the tables on them and trick them into hunting other Sith, geting them executed.}}
*** {{spoiler|Dark side players can shut up the man who originally tipped you off to this hunt so the bounty hunter can stop being harassed. It is done by tagging the man so ''he'' will be the next sith hunt target.}}
* [[I Call Her "Vera"]]: The Smuggler's first companion, Corso Riggs, is a local merc who names ''all'' of his weapons. His main motivation for joining up with you is to get revenge on the same guy who stole your ship - for stealing his favorite blaster. Which he calls Torchy.
** Andronikos Revel, one of the Sith Inquisitors companions, averts this, noting that ''It's not a good idea to get attached to a weapon'' when you ask him if he names his blasters.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]:
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Darth Malgus was married to the blue Twi'lek Eleena in the trailers.
** Several of the romance option companions for player characters are not of the same species as said character, particularly Vette (Sith Warrior), Ashara Zavros (Sith Inquisitor), and Nadia Grell (Jedi Consular).
* [[Interface Screw]]: A mild case. Of the three dialogue options in [[Cutscene|conversations]], typically the first is [[The Hero|good]], the second is [[Deadpan Snarker|neutral]]/[[Good Is Not Nice|pragmatic]], and the third is [[Anti -Hero|evil]]. If you're not careful, the exceptions to this can sneak up on you, and you might find your [[Mass Effect|paragon]] unexpectedly [[Evil Sounds Deep|growling]] at the poor refugee asking you for help.
* [[Interface Spoiler]]: Par the course for an MMO. Get a codex entry for a character in your storyline and it has likes/dislikes? They're going to join you. See a level-capped character going around with a certain title? Tells you flat out the end results of certain plot-points.
* [[Ironic Echo]]: {{spoiler|Upon Revan's apparent death:}}
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** Grand Moff Kilran lampshades this as he debriefs you from the Black Talon flashpoint, especially if you're a Sith inquisitor who chose the [[It Amused Me]] option. He notes that [[Deadpan Snarker|it's a great day when Sith hobbies and Imperial strategic interests are on the same page.]]
* [[Item Crafting]]: What's special about TOR's crafting, is that you can task multiple companions with collecting resources and/or producing items, at the same time, even while you are off-line. This is shown in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF1ThPQeUcY a trailer], with a player [[Crowning Moment of Funny|turning off the lights in the room where his companions are working]].
* [[ItsIt's Up to You]]: Abundantly [[Lampshaded]]; the one thing that all classes share is a reputation among NPC's for being the one who succeeds when everything else has failed.
* [[Jerkass]]: Many npc/questgiver on both sides but Harkun(the beginner overseer for Sith Inquisitor) takes this [[Up to Eleven]]...
** And the Player character too of course if you choose to.
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** In the Sith Warrior's storyline, during your hunt for Jaesa Willsaam, an Alderaanian general working for the House of Organa have information that you need. However, she refuse to tell you anything unless you help her turn the tide of a battle under her command. Instead of doing that, you have the option to threaten to kill her officers one at a time until she talks. She calmly replies that they are soldiers that knew the risk when they signed up and still refuse to talk. However, as soon as you start force choking an officer, the general (who according to her codex entry, is famous for being a [[The Stoic|cold, calculating military commander]]) immediately cracked, reveling that the officer you are chocking is her lover and give you the information that you want, [[Not So Stoic|all the while on her knees weeping and begging you to spare him]]. The two dark-sided options you have is kill either one of the two lovers, [[For the Evulz|even though she had already given you what you wanted and there is no benefit for you to do so]].
* [[Kill 'Em All]]: {{spoiler|Revan's}} plan for the Empire.
* [[Kill Sat]]: The Imperial Agent skill Orbital Bombardment basically defines the trope.
** The Firestar satellites on Balmorra.
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* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Republic players have both light and dark side options, but dark side is more [[Mass Effect|Renegade as opposed to Paragon]] rather than full on evil.
** Which is not excluding the possibility of pointless cruelty, if the player so chooses.
* [[Limit Break]]: Heroic moments, which every class gets. Causes you to regain 2% of your total health every few seconds and immediately finishes the cooldown on certain [[Oh Crap]] abilities (usually your basic stun). Also comes with its own [[Theme Music Power -Up]].
** Sith Marauder and Jedi Sentinel also has abilities that can only be activated after you get 30 stacks of the gauge.
* [[Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition]]: Two different ones: First, ''The Collector's Edition'' includes in-game items, a Statuette of Darth Malgus, and other items, [[Crack Isis Cheaper|costs $150]] . Second, the ''Digital Deluxe Edition'' costs a more reasonable $80, and has just 5 in-game items. In addition, every player who pre-ordered, even those who just ordered the vanilla version of the game, received a special color stone to turn their weapon's effect yellow with a black core, and up to five days of early acces to the game, depending on when they pre-ordered.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: To help put this in perspective: All eight player classes get at least five unique companion characters, and their own branching storyline, that lasts for [[Three Act Structure|three acts]]. Then, add all of the end-game content, twelve "world quest" story-lines, and any future content... [[Star Wars the Old Republic (Video Game)/Characters|help with the character sheet is appreciated]].
* [[Lost Forever]]: As can be read in the blurb for the game, it was [[What Could Have Been|originally possible]] to get into situations like having your companion betray you, then [[Killed Off for Real|needing to kill them]]. But this [[Averted Trope|was removed]].
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* [[Never My Fault]]: On Tython if you're a Jedi character, there's a Padawan whose master sent him to meditate and try and lift a rock. When you come along he asks if you can do it, since he wasn't able to. His master then comes along and scolds him for relying on others to do his work for him instead of admitting to his weakness, which was the point of the lesson. The guy then claims ''you'' offered to help him and that he tried to decline, though you are able to protest and your calmness tells the Master that you're the one telling the truth, and the apprentice is sent to be an archive clerk. The guy then blames ''you'' for ruining his chances at being a Jedi.
* [[Nice Hat]]: While most hats are...not that nice, Smugglers get quite a few that are.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Imperial characters save 98% of the Imperial population from being wiped out by {{spoiler|Revan.}}
* [[Noble Demon]]: Light-sided Imperial characters are in most cases a bunch of [[Punch Clock Villain|Punch Clock Villains]] that want to protect their country or to slowly reform the Empire from within.
* [[No Blood for Phlebotinum]]: The Republic and Empire fight over the [[Power Crystal|Power Crystals]] needed to construct their [[Laser Sword|Laser Swords]], on [[Slippy Slidey Ice World|Illum]]. And by fight, we [http://www.swtor.com/media/trailers/signs-war mean] [[Big Badass Battle Sequence|with armies.]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Previous Player Character Cameo]]: Both [[Knights of the Old Republic|Revan and the Exile]] appear.}}
* [[Putting On the Reich]]: Just like Palpatine's Galactic Empire from the [[Star Wars|original movies]], the Sith Empire shares a lot in common with the Nazis. Including their grey and black uniforms, the crimson flag, [[State Sec|a powerful secret police force]] {{spoiler|that got purged}}, widespread racism against all not pure blood Sith and humans, and that their aim for starting the war in the fist place was to regain historical Sith territory that they lost at the end of the The Great Hyperspace War ([[World War II|Lebensraum]]). {{spoiler|The Empire even run a mass extermination camp for Evociis on Nar Shaddaa to gain favor with the Hutts. In the camp you will find lots of bodies and bones piled on top of each other that was clearly suppose to be reminiscent of the Holocaust.}}
* [[Pointy -Haired Boss]]: Some Imperial Intelligence missions result from the nominally superior Sith screwing up. For example, right at the start, you are sent to curry favour with a hutt's lieutenant so he influences his master to ally with the Sith. You manage to do it, the guy thinks [[Becoming the Mask|(?)]] you're his best friend and asks you to meet his family. Cue Keeper calling you and telling you that oops, some pointy-haired Sith {{spoiler|just murdered the man's sons, so... change of plans, you are to kill the lieutenant, "avenge" his death and "find" evidence that shows how the rival hutt already allied with the Republic. Although it'd be a stretch to call the Imperial Agent a ''cutie'', it's still the first time in the campaign [[Break the Cutie|you're expected to kill a largely sympathetic guy.]]}}
** Light Sided Agents can turn this into a borderline CMoH though. {{spoiler|You get the option let the guy go, faking his death, telling him (truthfully) that one son did survive and giving a hint of where he is. Later, you get a letter from Keeper saying that somebody mysteriously rescued the surviving son, and hints that he knows full well who did it. His reaction is more [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]] than true disapproval.}}
* [[Poison and Cure Gambit]]: A Mandalorian commander on Tatooine challenges you to take on his people's rite of passage: to take a vicious sandpeople-made poison and run out to their camp for the cure. Should you accept the challenge, you have 15 minutes to obtain and take the antidote ''or die trying.''
* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: Involved in many of the Imperial Agent's attacks. The Sniper [[Prestige Class|Advanced Specialization]] ability tree [[Master Poisoner|is all about this]]. Combined with [[Critical Hit|Critical Hits]], [[For Massive Damage|of course.]]
* [[Politically Correct History]]: In the Republic Taris is remembered as a prosperous city world that was destroyed by a Sith Lord. The fact that it was a xenophobic segregated shithole mostly dominated by organized crime is almost completely forgotten.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: The Sith Empire is extremely racist and considers humans to be superior to all alien species, even those that can be considered more Near Human than alien. Those of partial Sith descent are treated like nobility, partially due to their inherent Force sensitivity.
* [[Pragmatic Villainy]]: Often taking the lightside path will lead to better results, or the darkside path is pointless and counterproductive to your goals. Players who wish to be fully darkside will have to grasp the [[Villain Ball]] tightly.
* [[Prestige Class]]: Every class chooses between two Advanced Specializations around level 10. Each one opens up two unique skill trees, and one that's shared between the pair.
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* {{spoiler|[[Previous Player Character Cameo]]: Revan makes an appearance.}}
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race]]: What the Sith Empire has become, the ones that aren't [[Stupid Evil]] anyway, ranging from [[Psycho for Hire|kill crazed war mongers]] to [[Noble Demon|Noble Demons]].
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: A recurring theme for the [[Bounty Hunter]] class' Dark Side options. Early in their storyline, they can {{spoiler|[[Off With His Head|decapitate]] a man, [[Decapitation Presentation|then present the head to his wife]], [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|just because]] a Hutt ordered him to.}} Did we [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's for Kids?|mention this game is rated T for Teen?]]
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Several minions and mercenaries will walk away if you just ''ask'' them to and abandon their now desperately alone former boss because they're just not ''paid enough'' to face the likes of you.
** It seems that a lot of Imperials are this. Many soldiers, Imperial Reclamation Service staff and agents aren't evil personalities, just people doing their jobs.
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* [[The Real Remington Steele]]: Early on in the Imperial Agent's class quest, the player steals the identity of a pirate called the Red Blade. The real Red Blade eventually learns of this and [[Boss Fight|is not amused]].
* [[Reconstruction]]: If you view it as a direct sequel of [[Deconstructor Fleet|Knights of the Old Republic 2]], this game very much brings Star Wars back to its space fantasy roots.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The color scheme for Sith and Republic, especially in starships and bases.
* [[Redshirt Army]]: Some of the space battles start off, with the player being part of a fighter formation and... [[ItsIt's Up to You|yeah]]. What's funny about this, is that Republic Trooper players will see extremely expensive armed transports, crewed by Special Forces, slagged on a regular basis.
** Pretty much ''any'' army or squadron sent ahead of you on a mission will end up as one of these, either already dead or minutes away from being slaughtered. There's a reason why they need player help so much.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: In the Trooper storyline, this is a potential fate for {{spoiler|Fuse}}.
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* [[Rooting for The Empire]]: Although the game presents the possibility of good and evil characters in both factions, there is still a group of people on the official forums that believe the Sith to be better than the Jedi because they believe the Jedi to be too [[Emotions vs. Stoicism|strict]] and [[Knight Templar|hypocritical]], even though the same could be said about the Sith. This has lead to debates about the Light Side and the Dark Side that are treated like [[Serious Business|serious philosophical arguments]].
** The novel "Fatal Alliance" revealed one truth about the Sith of this era. As some know, the Jedi policy of taking children from their families for training was controversial both in-universe and in fandom. Well, the Sith of this era do the same. Such Sith basically lose their claim of being the way of "free" Force-users and aren't better than the Jedi Order in restricting every born Force-sensitive. Except it's lethal.
** Of course, there are many people who root for the empire for completely unrelated reasons, [[Invoked Trope|like]] [[Evil Is Cool|evil being cool]], [[Spikes of Villainy|their]] [[Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains|various]] [[Power Crystal|fashions]], sexy [[Evil Brit]] accents, the [[Comedic Sociopathy|pleasure]] of getting to wield [[Agony Beam|Force Lightning]] both [[Shock and Awe|inside]] and [[Electric Torture|outside]] of combat, because all of their class story-lines [[Playing With a Trope|play with]] or [[Subverted Trope|Subvert]] [[The Hero]] archetype that RPG's always force players into, and just because they like the Imperial companions. [http://empowerednews.net/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor-guilds-filling-up-fast/1814921/ More] Imperial than Republic guilds are registered for a reason...
*** There's also the fact that one can play a [[Dark Is Not Evil|light-side Imperial or Sith]], which many find more interesting than playing a good guy who belongs to the faction where you'd expect to find them.
** There is a strong argument that most of what is wrong with the Empire lies with the Sith. Thirty minutes on Ord Mantell is usually enough to nip any Good Guy/Bad Guy discussions in the bud.
Line 571 ⟶ 570:
* [[Serious Business]]/[[Fan Dumb]]: [http://darthhater.com/2010/10/06/dissection-designing-the-advanced-classes-system/ This] is an article that spends several pages going through a short post by the Lead Systems Designer word by word, sentence by sentence in order to gleam as much information as possible. Down to the degree of "...by using the word 'several', Georg is implying...'. Unfortunately for them, said designer himself has noted that he isn't implying anything. He was just being nice and spent a few minutes during lunch to answer some questions. When he says 'several', he really just meant several. No hidden messages or implications.
* [[Sex Is Evil]]: The Jedi Code forbids Jedi from engaging in romance. As a result, Jedi player characters gain slight amounts of dark side points just for flirting with people. Ironically enough this is also subverted: the Jedi don't have any real problem with emotionless sex as it tends to produce rather powerful Jedi. It's the emotional attachments that come with it that are a problem. The current Grand Master even has a son.
* [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Villains]]: Should one keep on choosing Light Side options while playing an Empire character, one ends up firmly planting somewhere on here, with varying degrees of [[Noble Demon]].
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: Dark Side Republic Troopers, or just ones who want to get on [[Knight Templar|General Garza]]'s good side, will do this ''all the time''. Also, it seems like everyone who isn't corrupt, or [[Face Heel Turn|consorting with the empire]], [[Black and Grey Morality|does this]].
* [[Short -Range Long -Range Weapon]]: All pistols and rifles have a range of only 30 meters. A dedicated sniper gets this extended... to ''35'' meters. For comparison, a Sith Sorcerer can shoot lightning for up to 60, which in real life is still in ''pistol range'' for a decent marksman.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Is the speciality of the Sith Inquisitor class, although the Trooperr uses it to a lesser degree too.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: The fate of the Promised Ones on Taris.
Line 613 ⟶ 612:
** Smugglers also get an (in-combat) area-of-effect ability called Smuggle, allowing them [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|to smuggle]] groups of players.
** Similarly, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ANqo9hYzOk&feature=related Jedi Shadows] have a similar [[Invisibility Flicker]] ability though Force Cloak.
* [[Stupid Good]]/[[Stupid Evil]] : Most of the Light Side options are simply being patient and reasonable, and Dark Side cold pragmatism. The requirement to have a decision in most quests means there are plenty of these too however, which makes a full LS/DS run rather difficult. The game knows they’re stupid decisions as well, [[What the Hell, Hero?|as you will get called on most of them.]]
** But don't worry too much about witnesses angrily calling you out on killing people, because most of the time you can [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|callously murder these too.]]
** Background Sith characters seem to default to [[Stupid Evil]], which is a running problem for non-Sith Imperial characters For example, {{spoiler|an early Agent questline has your attempts to sway someone towards your faction totally derailed when a Sith murders his sons for no reason.}}
Line 628 ⟶ 627:
* [[The Computer Shall Taunt You]]: Playing as a Bounty Hunter, you get an assignment to kill a Sith. When you get to her, she says she's disappointed that it was just some bounty hunter who was sent after her, not even a Mandalorian! If you ask her why, she says that ''obviously'' she's going to make short work of you, since she's this badass Sith and you're just some chump who can't even use the Force. Maybe another Sith could beat her, or possibly a really lucky Jedi, but not the likes of you.
* [[The Dulcinea Effect]]: Unsurprisingly, players are offered the chance to follow this course of action with various quests on more than a few occasions.
* [[The Starscream]]: Some of those in the Empire suffer from this, with their primary goal being [[ItsIt's All About Me|self-advancement]], with the Empire itself coming in a distant second. This is highlighted thoroughly during the Bounty Hunter's quest line on Balmorra in the low [[Character Level|20s]]. The Imperial they're getting close to edges pretty close to the [[Too Dumb to Live]] category.
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]]:
** Each class has an ability (which can only be used with an active companion) which allows them to regenerate health and resets the cooldown on one of their abilities (usually a stun). It's meant to be used if you are in danger of losing a fight and causes a special theme to be played when it is used.
** The track that was eventually revealed to be the main theme plays in the ''Hope'' trailer, when Satele sends Malgus flying into a boulder.
Line 636 ⟶ 635:
* [[Three Act Structure]]: Each of the eight class story-lines follow this.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: When Darth Jadus [[Bad Boss|tells you to bow]], [[You Have Failed Me|you should listen.]]
** Major Bessiker on Balmorra in the sith inquisitor class quest. He basically ''orders'' the player to go rescue his son or the player will not get the required anti-toxin remedy. His son himself fits the trope, a sith apprentice who ''orders'' you to free him "so he can go claim a rare artifact of power whose map he holds." No points for guessing [[Kill 'Em All|that it all ends in blood.]]
* [[To Win Without Fighting]]: The Jedi Consular and Imperial Agent both get a lot of opportunities to end confrontations without bloodshed. Even when it fails it often gives you an advantage in the ensuing fight.
** On a rare and rather [[Crowning Moment of Funny|silly]] occasion, the [[Blood Knight|Sith Warrior]] can avoid a fight by threatening to [[I'm a Humanitarian|eat]] a band of mercenaries after he kills them.
Line 644 ⟶ 643:
** Hell, the Sith Inquisitor fits in here to with Ashara, and both the Trooper and Imperial Agent have at least one romance option with an explicit subordinate in rank. This may be due to the PC usually being the official leader of the little band, but it's hard not to think someone in Bioware has a certain fetish...
* [[Unflinching Faith in The Brakes]]: Malgus doesn't even bother looking when {{spoiler|the starship crash lands inches behind him}}. Though as a Sith, it is reasonable to assume he'd sense if it was going to actually strike him anyways.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: {{spoiler|Believe it or not, Darth Malgus, that cool Sith from the "Deceived" trailer is married to that blue Twi'lek that was with him! In all fairness, a lot of his current physical deformities are recent battle scars, and he isn't bad looking prior.}}
* [[Unexpected Gameplay Change]]: You'll find yourself playing ''[[Star Fox (Video Game)|Star Fox]]'' [http://www.gamestooge.com/2010/08/18/gamescom-10-the-old-republic-space-combat during space combat sequences]. They aren't mandatory, but they do give you [[Experience Points]].
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: The History videos are explicitly pieced together from incomplete information, and some things are pure supposition on the narrator's part. This keeps things like Revan's true motives and ultimate fate nice and vague for in-game development.
Line 668 ⟶ 667:
** Playing as an Imperial, this may pop up once you realize who the Jedi running the Foundry is (provided you haven't read the books, of course). Also, who his underling, and thus one of the Flashpoint Bosses, is.
* [[What a Senseless Waste of Human Life]]: This is what spurred the {{spoiler|Star Cabal's formation eight centuries ago}} and motivated their plans.
* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]: Killing NPCs you converse with often gives you Dark Side points, but as for the [[Mooks]] defending those NPCs? Oh, go ahead and slaughter them all, the game won't punish you for it.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: {{spoiler|If you give the Black Codex to the Dark Council, the Minister of Intelligence (formally Keeper) will call you out on giving the guys who just spent the whole story screwing you over the one object that could have helped improve Imperial life. }}
* [[When All You Have Is a Hammer]]: Most of a Sith Inquisitor's problems are solved by blasting the problem with lightning.
** [[Cutscene Power to The Max|Inside of cutscenes]], a Sith Warrior has a similar reliance on Force Choke, with the occasional telekinetic wall-slam for variety.
* [[Whole -Plot Reference]]: It's [[Bio Ware]] and it's an MMORPG, so quite a few of the quests fall under this heading.
** The Tatooine quest chain "Ghosts of the Desert," in which an Imperial archaeological team [[Dug Too Deep]] and unleash a bodiless collective that turns its hosts into [[Ax Crazy]] maniacs, is mostly a [[Shout Out]] to [[John Carpenter]]'s ''[[Ghosts of Mars]]''.
* [[With This Herring]]: Justified for the Force users on both sides since their plots start so early in their careers they aren't even using real lightsabers yet, and the Bounty Hunter starts off as more or less a greenhorn with a blaster. On the other hand, no explanation is given for Republic Special Forces troopers start the game in a T-Shirt with a worse weapon than the starting enemies use instead of the armor all your squadmates have.
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