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== The Jedi order requires being consistently and repeatedly destroyed to remain effective ==
In [[Knights of the Old Republic]], the Order has become decadent, terrified of action and useless. By Knights of the Old Republic 2, the Jedi Order is all but wiped out. Canon says the Exile goes on to reboot the order and it becomes effective once again. This lasts until The Old Republic, where they grow complacent and get nearly wiped out again. Fast forward to the prequels, and guess what? They are decadent, terrified of action and useless. Again. Oh, what's this? Yep, they get wiped out, and are then rebooted again, this time by Luke Skywalker. This is what "Bring order to the force" quite literally means: [[Kill 'Em All]] and start again from nothing.
== The Dark and Light sides are tangible. ==
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** Sith Alchemy is actually a totally in universe thing. In fact, alchemy in general is often identified as being one of the worst Dark side powers imaginable (possibly as it usually is an utter perversion of the Jedi's Heeling powers. This would explain Anakins miraculous birth, as well as his incredible power in the force. It would also pretty much mean that Palpanite was aware of Anakin from the start, further cementing his Chessmaster status.
== Palpatine tried to take over the galaxy in a Subverted [[Self -Fulfilling Prophecy]] ==
At some time in his youth, Palpatine saw the galaxy in flames and the jedi were completely incapable of stopping it. He also unable to see his mysterious enemy, just that the galaxy burned. So, in response, he seeks out whatever means he could find to advance his goals, meeting his eventual Sith Master, who proceeds to tell him of the Sith Lords who had taken over large swaths of the galaxy with similar goals (conveniently leaving out the parts where they turned such places into complete shit holes and had to be toppled for the good of everyone). So, Palpatine joins the [[Dark Side]] and orchestrates the Clone Wars as part of his power bid, adding the destruction of the Jedi as part of the goal due to the pressures of the Sith teachings. Of course, the galaxy is consumed in flames as the Clone Wars spreads across it, and Palpatine eventually realizes that he foresaw his own rise to power. However, by now he has been so thoroughly corrupted by [[The Dark Side]] that he really doesn't give a damn, and is basically in power for the power trip and [[For the Evulz|for kicks]]. So the superweapons he felt he'd need to deal with his unforeseen threat get re-purposed as excessively powerful anti-insurgency weapons, and Palpatine and his Empire needed to be defeated. However, the Subversion is that what he really saw was the destruction wrought by the Yuuzan Vong, but their lack of presence in the Force kept him from discerning the true threat. That being said, the benefits of the Empire were far outweighed by its dangers, as many of the adopted policies (like non-human subjugation and marginalization) basically meant that most of the galaxy would have been rooting for the Vong to win.
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* The elite Arc Troopers on Munnilist were killed to show off how powerful Durge was, in a combination of [[The Worf Barrage]] and the [[Red Shirt]] effect.
* Endor. An armored company of the most feared soldiers in the galaxy, massacred by ''bears''.
** You say that like [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bears|bears aren't good at massacreing]]
*** Midget bears at that....
**** ...point.
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== R2-D2 mostly speaks in obscenities. ==
Maybe C-3PO isn't just being uptight, and Artoo is dropping a [[Cluster F -Bomb]] with practically ''every'' statement. If so, those aren't just beeps. They are [[Sound Effect Bleep|censor beeps]]. And anyone who can translate them is right to take offense.
* Maybe he's swearing in the [[Star Wars]] equivalent of Morse Code.
* R2-D2 is the [[Star Wars]] equivalent of [[South Park|Kenny McCormick]]. "Oh, my god! They shot R2! You bastards!"
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** The puppet Yoda will be replaced with a CGI Yoda (one that resembles the puppet more than the prequel Yoda) in all shots.
** Lightsabers will constantly flip back and forth between being their correct colors and being odd color-time-error-caused colors such as hot pink for Darth Vader.
** It'll be in [[Three D3D Movie|3D]], and unable to be viewed in 2D.
** If any additional scenes of Boba Fett are added, it'll be Temuera Morrison wearing the suit, especially if he takes his helmet off.
** Various ''[[Star Wars the Clone Wars|Clone Wars]]'' characters will make cameos if they're still alive, and possibly [[Sam Witwer]] as a [[The Force Unleashed|Starkiller]] (clone) non-speaking cameo as well.
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== George Lucas and all the writers of the EU stories are Rebel propagandists. ==
In truth,the two are a [[Grey and Grey Morality]].Both sides [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|have good intentions.]]Both Jedi and Sith are far more ambiguos.The Rebels hired influential storywriters to demonize the Empire,and since they won,over the centuries what really happened has been utterly blurred.The reason why they're still around is due to time travel,being a Time Lord and the fact George Lucas is a powerful Force-user.
== ''Luke Skywalker and the Jedi's Revenge'' is exactly how the Galactic Civil War happened, and the movies are Rebel propaganda. ==
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== The Original Trilogy is an elaborate allegory for the Second World War. ==
[[Putting On the Reich|Obviously, the Empire are the Nazis]] (or perhaps a combination of the Nazis and Japanese Empire) and [[La Résistance|the Rebels are the Allies.]] All of the filming locations represent actual locations on Earth; ie. Tatooine is North Africa, Hoth is Scandinavia, Endor is a forest in northern Europe (or possibly a jungle in Southeast Asia) and of course, [[Space Is an Ocean]]. This runs into problems, however, over the inclusion of the Soviet Union [[Nuke 'Em|and the way the actual war ended.]] On the other hand, it allows ''Executor'' to be the ''Bismarck'' and the Death Star to be the rocket experiments at Peenemünde. The prequel trilogy is the leadup to the war: Palpatine is [[Adolf Hitler|the charismatic politician]] who militarizes the state against the wishes of others, engineers a crisis (the Reichstag fire/the Clone Wars) to gain popular support, and turns the republic into a dictatorship.
== [[Unfortunate Implications]] ==
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** I vaguely remember reading a book years ago, where it was mentioned people thought the choking came from some of the technology built into him, not from the force.
*** Yes! I know what you're talking about! Someone else even built a glove with sonic disruptors to mimic Vader and make everyone think he had force powers.
*** You're thinking of ''The Glove of Darth Vader'', one of the Young Adult books of the ''Jedi Prince'' series. While the glove itself was augmented to enhance the wearer's strength, the Force Choke was all Vader. Trioculus had it installed with a device to simulate the Force Choke in order to maintain the illusion that he was Palpatine's son and heir to the throne. And that's about the most believable part of the series. The rest are painful to read, even at the appropriate age, and left completely out of continuity for a [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible (Darth Wiki)|very good reason]].
**** The sonic disruptor didn't mimic the force choke, it caused intense pain and tissue damage exactly the way you would expect a sonic cannon to have cause, though it ''was'' meant to be his version of a force choke. It was the lightning emitters that maintained the illusion that he was Palpatine's son.
* Nobody else sees Yoda, and R2 seems really quite concerned throughout the Dagoba sequence -- which lasts for weeks by the look of it, and yet very little time has passed for everyone else.
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== Assassination is just a cover job for the Emperor's Hands. ==
Think about what we know about Palpatine: He's obsessed with superweapons, and he did away with the only people who would oppose genocide, because the only way to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong was to destroy them entirely. In addition, Palpatine knows about the Yuuzhan Vong because of his connections to Thrawn. We also know that Luke carries Anakin's name and lived with Anakin's family on Anakin's home planet. He's not hidden very well. Palpatine ''let'' him survive because Palpatine knew only Vader's grandchildren could defeat the Yuuzhan Vong. We also know that Force-sensitive clones are mentally unstable. What does this have to do with the Emperor's Hands? The name "Emperor's Hand" comes from an [[Is That What TheyreThey're Calling It Now?|ancient method of extracting DNA before cloning technology was perfected]]. Palpatine, knowing only of Luke (and besides, Luke can have many more children than Leia can just by virtue of being male), <s>abducted</s> recruited young girls and trained them as assassins, but the assassin job was just a cover for their real purpose: To be the mother of Luke Skywalker's children. The male Hands only exist for the sole purpose of perpetuating this façade. This is why Palpatine was thinking ''Kriff you, Skywalker!'' at the end. It was the last command.
* Mara actually has a nightmare in ''Union'' #3 that goes something along the lines of this WMG; well, the last part anyway.
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== The Rebel Alliance are a small band of religious terrorists ==
The films are just propaganda films released after terrorist attacks. The Empire is shown to basically be secular with little regard for the Dark Side of the Force. The top generals openly mock Darth Vader. Vader's role in the Empire is greatly inflated in the films in order to suggest that the Empire are religious crusaders as well. Luke and Obi-Wan represent religious fanatics who hijack an originally purely political rebel movement. The destruction of the two Death Stars are just tactical victories, but presented in the films as decisive final wins. Palpatine is just a Machiavellian politician with no interest in the force. Han Solo was an important rebel leader from the beginning, but he is portrayed as a mercenary because non-Jedi rebels are played down, but his historic role was too large to ignore.
** Word of god confirms that the films are completely accurate. As for the top general mocking vader; only one does it, and after Vader uses the throat choke the general doesn't dare insult him again. Also, Vader is seen throttling officers with impunity to the point where they practically wet their pants at the prospect of failing him. As for Vader's role being inflated; he's the second in command of the emporer. He's the second most powerful man in the whole empire. The role he has in the films is not at all inflated. 3.) Luke and Obi Wan were not the leaders, nor is their any evidence that they had an effect on rebel policy. It was always a political movement. At best, Luke was a soldier who took orders and who happened to be a jedi. 4.) The destruction of the second death star was definately a final win, seeing as the two leaders died, and the sith chain of succession was "if we die then as far as we care the galaxy can go fuck itself." meaning all the leaders essentially started to fight each other and tear each other to pieces. The first death star: well you've just won your first major victory against impossible odds. I'd be happy too 5.) Why do people try to downplay palpatine? We all know he's a sith, he's shown his dark abilities in action many many times. He is a sith. I'm for fanon, but pissing on the core aspects of the saga without proof is just silly. 6.) Han is a smuggler. Same as before. [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|Look, I respect fanon, but it should not completely disregard the core elements without proof.]] [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped|There is a difference between fanon and trying to rewrite the whole saga for shits and giggles.]]
== Miscellaneous ==
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The slower light carries much less heat energy, and can be just as powerful as our light if more photons are added. The police were able to use light batons on ''[[Futurama]]'' because the speed of light will be even slower in the year 3000 than it was a long time ago, in that galaxy far far away.
** [[You Fail Physics Forever]].
*** Time from posting to [[PoesPoe's Law|someone completely missing the point]]: 20 days.
== Darth Vader keeps killing Imperial stormtroopers and soldiers because he thinks Palpatine will use them to kill ''him'' ==
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