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* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Subverted. When Kuro asks him for a gun, Haguro invokes the trope, explaining to him how guns complicate things and must be avoided. Then leaves the armory key easily within reach.
** {{spoiler|Don't use guns, use ''explosives!'' Eventually Haguro uses an [[Gun Porn|MGL-140]], a semi-automatic grenade launcher. And he fired it at the school. Thus committing the SECOND school shooting of the series. The attack hospitalizes Aoshika, and she later identifies him as the shooter.}}
* [[Dying Like Animals]]: The student body are presented as [[Leeroy Jenkins|boars]] and their actions are deconstructed by Inugami in Chapter 24 when they try to intimidate Haguro's thugs from jumping Inugami. He actually invoked this trope in chapter 35 by calling them all "[[Somebody ElsesElse's Problem|sheep]]", since the student body were holding out for Inugami to take the major blows from Haguro and his gang before acting against Haguro themselves (though by this definition, they'd be [[Holding Out for A Hero|lambs]]).
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: All the important characters have problems. Those who currently have ''[[Your Mileage May Vary|manageable]]'' ones will soon have more piled on top of those.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: The [[You Fail Logic Forever|leaps in logic]] that Haguro makes sometimes must be read to be believed. {{spoiler|[[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Unfortunately,]] [[Complete Monster|he's]] [[Rape As Drama|getting]] [[No Kill Like Overkill|better.]]}}
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* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: Kuro.
* [[Gang Bangers]]: They abound.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: Delivered by Aoshika to the local [[Butt Monkey]] when {{spoiler|he turns on Inugami after the shootout.}}
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Inugami rescues his teacher from baddies on the regular, gives hope to his oppressed fellow classmates and stops an [[Ax Crazy]] {{spoiler|from gunning down the student body vice president at point-blank range.}} He is also a jerk to everyone.
** [[Hidden Heart of Gold]]: He may be a jerk, but not a super asshole either.
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* [[Insane Troll Logic]]/[[You Fail Logic Forever]]: Who misses the {{spoiler|sane, emotionless Haguro?}}
** {{spoiler|Strangely, he doesn't make the connection that people don't tend to SEEK OUT the people who want to do them harm even if they can't actually harm them.}}
** Reaches new heights in chapter 65. The correct response is"[[You're Insane!|You're insane]], Haguro."
* [[Interplay of Sex and Violence]]: This appears to be the author's [[Author Appeal|"thing".]]
** Pretty much everything that comes out of Ryuuko's mouth has to do with this trope. {{spoiler|Interestingly, Ryuuko and Haguro's latest coupling seems to imply she's not too keen on violence being done to ''her''.}}
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* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Healing aside, no one except for Aoshika seems to pick up on the fact that Inugami could kill pretty much everybody. [[Bullying a Dragon|Unfortunately, they have learned NOTHING.]]
*** Now they're TRYING to earn the monster's ire. Of course {{spoiler|raping his girlfriend and [[Morality Chain]]}} might do it...
* [[Murder Dot .Com]]
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: "Murder" might be pushing it (for now), but Haguro does NOT take it well when Chiba briefly meets up with Inugami.
** Played straight. {{spoiler|[[Unexplained Recovery|Chiba got better.]]}}
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* [[Never My Fault]]: ''Goddamnit,'' Haguro.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Mr. Tadokoro, Ms. Aoshika's coworker. Aside from Inugami, Jin, and Chiba, he is the only other decent male in the whole comic.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: {{spoiler|Hey Ryuuko, thanks for stabbing Akira during the New Moon, it just forced him to go over the limit and not be bound by the phases of the moon anymore.}}
* [[Noble Demon]]: Chiba{{spoiler|, pre-transformation.}}
* [[No Holds Barred Beatdown]]: Usually delivered to Inugami. {{spoiler|And then delivered to Chiba.}}
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* [[Not So Stoic]]: Haguro, [[Oh Crap|after Inugami shows him his werewolf form]].
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Absolutely NOBODY buys it, but Inugami.
* [[Oh Crap]]: {{spoiler|When it finally dawns on Kuroda and Haguro that Inugami [[Half -Human Hybrid|really isn't quite human.]]}}
** Everyone wears this face in Chapter 62 when they realized just how '''FUCKED''' they are {{spoiler|after Chiba goes [[One -Winged Angel]].}} Even ''[[Nightmare Fetishist|Ryuuko]]'' is stunned into horrified silence.
** Chapters 86 , when Inugami gets back up despite {{spoiler|[http://www.mangareader.net/wolf-guy-ookami-no-monshou/86/13 being stabbed by Ryuuko during the new moon], and proceeds to [http://www.mangareader.net/wolf-guy-ookami-no-monshou/86/15 demand the location of where Aoshika was being kept.]}}
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: {{spoiler|CHIBA.}}
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: Obviously.
* [[Out -of -Clothes Experience]]: Aoshika has one in chapter 50 when she had a [[Green Aesop|back-to-nature]] experience when she sees a wolf (supposedly Inugami in his more "tame" form).
* [[Power Born of Madness]]: Haguro is much more dangerous than a normal human should be.
* [[Rape As Backstory]]: {{spoiler|Aoshika was raped as a highschool student}}. Ryuuko too, but she doesn't appear to care that she was raped anymore.
* [[Rape As Drama]]: {{spoiler|Poor Chiba...}}
** {{spoiler|chapters 70-81 are basically one huge extended rape scene for Aoshika...}}
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Inugami, to most people.
* [[Rescue Romance]]: This is one reason why Aoshika has a crush on Inugami.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Haguro has been going downhill for quite a while now. {{spoiler|He's started to hallucinate about Chiba}}
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* [[Shower Scene]]: [[Mr. Fanservice|Inugami has one,]] [[Ms. Fanservice|Aoshika has a lot more...]]
* [[The Sociopath]]: Ryuuko Konuma, the Kurodas, [[Up to Eleven|Haguro.]]
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: If Haguro wasn't so used to getting what he wants and having it his way, he '''MIGHT''' be able to get over Inugami. Seems to be [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]] as well.
* [[Spinoff Babies]]: Not ''that'' young, but this version of Wolf Guy is actually more closer to ''Adult Wolf Guy'' than to the original manga, the adult adventures of Inugami does contain much of the [[Darker and Edgier]] stuff that it's found in this version, except that here Inugami still is a teen.
* [[Stay in The Kitchen]]: Inugami chides Noriko Kimura for daring to try and stand up to Haguro. Then again, Haguro would think nothing of having her shot and she is not [[Nigh Invulnerable]] like Inugami so he might just be concerned.
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* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Inugami.
* [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior]]: Egads. [[There Are No Therapists]] in this series, are there?
* [[Two -Teacher School]]: Aside from one of her co-workers, the school seems to consist of Aoshika, the principal and the vice principal.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: While not married, Haguro and Ryuuko take the trope and crank it...
* [[Up to Eleven]]: This manga seems to be everything the author and artist didn't get away with in [[Akumetsu]] and ''[[Beyond the Impossible|then some.]]''
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* [[Warrior Poet]]: Inugami all the way.
* [[Weirdness Censor]]: Ms. Aoshika is really good at rationalizing, even after seeing Inugami's true form.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Many people point out to Inugami that he could do much better in life.
** Delivered by Aoshika to {{spoiler|her surviving students.}}
** Even Ryuuko gets one, [[Jerkass Has a Point|when she tells Inugami that if he just shut his trap, he'd have less trouble.]]
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** And now Haguro is yandere for Inugami. Yandere times a thousand. Times a ''million''. If you thought Ryuuko was crazy, she's got '''nothing''' on Haguro.
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Inugami, Haguro, Ryuuko and Chiba all look older than they should.
* [[You Monster!]]
* [[You Sexy Beast]]: This troper prays Ryuuko never quite figures out what Inugami is, lest this come into practice.
** She's been clued in. Damn you, Haguro!! {{spoiler|Now he seems to think it too...}}
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=== The following spoiler tropes have been given their own section: ===
* {{spoiler|[[Achey Scars]] / [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Averted with Inugami due to his quick-healing; probably not with Haguro who survived a shooting at age 11 and during his [[Villainous Breakdown]] carved little "inu" kanjis into his arm}}
** {{spoiler|Inverted with Chiba, who lost his distinctive scar when he was healed with Inugami's blood}}
* [[Anguished Declaration of Love]]: Chapter 97 has a ''several'' pages-long one from {{spoiler|Inugami}} to {{spoiler|Aoshika}}.
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* [[Crazy Jealous Guy]]:Haguro.
* [[Doom Magnet]]: Inugami and to a comparatively lesser degree, Akira. They both visited the same psychic who pronounced doom on them; after Akira's visit she was hit by a car and after Inugami's visit ''a plane crashed into her house and killed her.''
** That he sometimes brings it on himself [[What the Hell, Hero?|does not help.]]
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Jin and Inugami, as of the last chapters.
* [[Expository Hairstyle Change]]: Played straight. {{spoiler|Chiba, whose hair ''grew'' (or he got a wig) after receiving a life-saving <s>candy</s> blood transfusion from Inugami.}}
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* [[Generation Xerox]]: After {{spoiler|Haguro's death}}, Aoshika gets to know more about Inugami's past {{spoiler|(to get over his supposed death)}}, his aunt tells Aoshika that {{spoiler|Tetsuya, her brother and Inugami's father, was a teacher at Standford and Lois, Inugami's mother, was Tetsuya's student}}. The werewolf student and human teacher love story had already happened before.
* {{spoiler|[[Government Conspiracy]]: Implied. Whoever hunted down and slaughtered Inugami's parents managed to follow them to Alaska with a well-armed troop of soldiers and a tactical helicopter.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Half -Human Hybrid]]: Inugami is actually only half werewolf -- his father was apparently a human while his mother (who also has pointy ears) was a full-blooded werewolf}}.
* [[Heroic Bystander]] - [[Heroic Neutral]]: {{spoiler|Mr. Tadakoro, Inugami's neighbor.}}
* [[Heroic Second Wind]]: Inugami pulls two consecutive ones after {{spoiler|Aoshika couldn't shot Haguro at point blank}}:
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** {{spoiler|In chapter 93, he now sees everyone he killed or whose death came as a result of his actions, like the Principal of the school.}}
* [[I Will Definitely Protect You]]: Inugami pretty much says this word for word in chapter 81 to Aoshika.
* {{spoiler|[[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: Chiba doesn't remember much these days, what with apparently dying and all. He does remember however, that he owes Inugami his life and that Haguro must suffer until his dying breath.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Last of His Kind]]: Subverted. [[There Is Another]] werewolf running around. It's Akira Jin, the reporter who won't leave Aoshika alone.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Living On Borrowed Time]]}}:{{spoiler|Chiba. Jin mentions that's why he really didn't stop Chiba from chasing after Haguro.}}
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* [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]]: by the time Inugami finds {{spoiler|Aoshika, (chapter 97 for those who want to scream ''finally!'')}}, he has lost blood walking, running, getting continuous showers of bullets, {{spoiler|especially one by a enraged Haguro with his Humvee loaded with ''turrets''}}; and ''losing more'' while trying to break {{spoiler|Aoshika's chains}}. To hit the point home Inugami ''does not'' have his full powers at all during this massacre, only enough to keep him stanting, healing not included!
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: Ogre-Chiba and the werewolves since it's their blood that brings 'em back wrong.
* [[Please, I Will Do Anything!]]: While being [[Forced to Watch]] {{spoiler|Aoshika's rape}} Inugami is reduced to ''begging'' Haguro to let her go, and that he'll doing anything. And of course, Haguro wants to see Inugami transform into a werewolf - which is the ONE thing that Inugami ''can't'' do at the moment because it's a new moon. Inugami tries his hardest to transform, but with [[Hope Spot|no use.]]
* [[Power of Love]]: More or less, Inugami was able to {{spoiler|transform into a white wolf during the new moon because of Aoshika.}}
* [[Psycho Serum]]: Apparently, as if having her {{spoiler|gang-raped isn't enough,}} Haguro has forcibly given Aoshika one of these to break her even further.
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