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'''His cast includes:'''
* '''Walter''' -- a [[Grumpy Old Man]] who [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!|says exactly what's on his mind whenever he damn well fells like it]]. He's been married for 47 years, fought in [[The Vietnam War]], and worked as a welder for over thirty years. One of his most popular puppets; mostly for the fact that ''everybody'' knows a Walter.
* '''Peanut''' -- a [[Winnie the Pooh|Woozle]], which is a [[Keet|hyperactive]] [[Funny Animal|furry animal]]...hybrid...thing. He has purple skin, white fur, has green hair, big feet and wears only his left shoe. He is apparently from an island in Micronesia and stowed away on a cruise ship, where he met Dunham in Florida.
* '''José Jalapeño [[X On a Stick|on a Stick]]''' -- [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]], and pronounces "on a stick" as "onna Steek." A [[Deadpan Snarker]] who is one of the only characters who can handle Peanut; as a result he's often paired up with Peanut for his bits.
* '''Achmed the Dead Terrorist''' -- Lived his life as a suicide bomber and is now a skeleton with a turban, big bushy eyebrows, [[Red Eyes Take Warning|red]] [[The Dead Have Eyes|eyes]] and a [[Good Hair, Evil Hair|goatee.]] He plots to [[I'll Kill You!|kill everyone]] but [[Ineffectual Death Threats|can never seem to do anything to make it happen.]] [[It Makes Sense in Context|(trust us on this one)]].
* '''Melvin the Superhero Guy''' -- A goofy superhero wannabe with an extremely big nose (which looks like a penis when viewed sideways). Has no actual powers to speak of, but he is really enthusiastic about it.
* '''Bubba J.''' -- NASCAR lovin', beer swilling [[Deep South|redneck]]. Wholeheartedly embodies every trope associated with being a back woods country redneck.
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'''Bubba J''': This is like a weird version of church! }}
** In a recent show starting his new material, someone in the front row walked up to go to the Bathroom and Walter let her have it, asking what her job was. (Administrator for a locating firm) Then throughout the show, [[Running Gag|he worked it into the routine]].
* [[Big Screwed -Up Family]]: Implied in the background. Peanut often is telling stories of adventures he and Jose Jalapeno have shared in the background - Walter and Achmed (and anyone else who would add to the story) are mentioned as if they are along, too.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: During the ''Sparks of Insanity'' special, Jeff does a bit of traditional stand-up, and talks about his life and his daughters.
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' And Kenna, uh, seems to be... I don't know. She got some sort of real twisted sense of humor. [[Blatant Lies|We have no idea where she got that from.]]}}
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** Jeff: "Will you stop!"
* [[Character Development]]: Peanut especially. Contrast [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VWERNT33Vo this old Peanut] with [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZjMgbRUsZM the modern one.]
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: There's a ''lot'' more profanity in live shows than on the specials. Peanut and Walter in particular curse frequently.
{{quote| '''Peanut:''' ''(to Guitar Guy)'' He thinks this is all real... We're making a shitload of money off of this, don't fuck it up!}}
* [[Companion Cube]]: Parodied and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] whenever the puppets (especially Peanut) [[No Fourth Wall|point out they're... well...]] [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|puppets.]]
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** And did you also know that Achmed the Dead Terrorist thinks that the Guitar Guy is gay? Well he spent the last 20 minutes calling him gay, so how can you ''not'' know that?
* [[Didn't Think This Through]]: In ''A Very Special Christmas Special'', Achmed slams Jeff for giving him phlegm without an esophagus with this exact line.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Achmed's death:
{{quote| '''Achmed:''' I had a premature detonation. I set the timer for thirty minutes, but it went off in four seconds. ''(to Jeff)'' You know what that's like, ''right''? ''[[Brick Joke|MR. HURRICANE?]]''}}
** Also, a knock-knock joke by Achmed is told in two separate specials.
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** Walter reminds one of the original [[Statler and Waldorf|cranky old puppet guys]].
** Bubba J is inspired by [[Edgar Bergen|Mortimer Snerd]].
* [[Get Out!]]:
{{quote| '''Walter''': I think my house is haunted.<br />
'''Jeff''': Why?<br />
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* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: During the Christmas Special, Achmed asks Guitar Guy to play some inspirational music for Achmed's Christmas song. As a joke, he plays a Muslim (?) tune on his guitar. Achmed scolds him with, "You racist bastard."
** And then follows this with, [[Completely Missing the Point|"I]] ''[[Completely Missing the Point|hate]]'' [[Completely Missing the Point|Irish music!"]]
* [[I'll Kill You!]]: Achmed. The trope name is practically his [[Catch Phrase]].
** '''Silence! I ''Keel'' You!'''
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: Achmed, who wants people to think he is dangerous but is also deathly afraid of Walter and once asked Jeff for a hug.
* [[Is That What TheyreThey're Calling It Now?]]: Walter's reaction to Jeff's argument diffusion method by thinking of something different:
{{quote| '''Walter''': Like what?<br />
'''Jeff''': ...um, "If you choke [[The Smurfs|a Smurf]], what color does it turn?"<br />
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* [[Overly Narrow Superlative]]: The Most Beloved Terrorist throughout the world. {{spoiler|Achmed the Dead Terrorist}}
* [[Parking Payback]]: Walter talks about running down a man who parks in handicap spots to "make an honest man out of him."
* [[Prop Recycling]]: Jeff tells the story of how he had Achmed's head casted in ''All By Myselves'' by a Hollywood special effects artist. When Jeff went to pick it up the artist mentioned that he would need big eyes to fill the sockets and handed a pair he had lying around to Jeff. Jeff couldn't put his finger on where they were from. The Artist said he had them lying around since he finished work on ''[[Mars Attacks (Film)]]'' It's true - go on and take a look at Achmed in the page photo, we'll wait. You'll never see him quite the same way again.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: When Melvin claims he has X-ray vision:
{{quote| '''Jeff''': Well can you see through anything useful, like clothing?<br />
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* [[Running Gag]]: "Guitar Guy"'s supposed drug use, Jeff's blue Prius and The Lotion.
* [[Sarcasm Failure]]: Peanut's reaction when Jeff reveals ''he'' can't speak Spanish when Peanut & Jose were just doing so.
* [[Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!]]: Walter, who wanted to work at Wal-Mart as a greeter now that he's retired.
{{quote| '''Walter''': Welcome to Wal-Mart. Get your shit and get out! (''pause'') [[Sarcasm Mode|Have a nice day!]]}}
* [[Show Within a Show]]: A variant. In Jeff's old performances and his newest special, Peanut would perform his own little bits of ventriloquism. This resulted in a few early instances of Ugly-Ass Jeff. The character returned in Controlled Chaos. In early skits, Ugly-Ass Jeff, Jeff, Peanut, and José would banter back and forth, and at one point during some of his shows, Jeff would get out a bottle of tequila— complete with a talking worm...and a basement, somehow— and would drink while Peanut commentated on it.
** In ''Controlled Chaos'', Peanut decides to bring back his old ventriloquist dummy Ugly-Ass Jeff, who just so happens to look a lot like Jeff, hence the name. He then does a little skit basically portraying Little Jeff as an extreme example of [[This Loser Is You]]. Jeff retaliates by putting a hand puppet on his other hand which happens to look a lot like Peanut, portraying ''him'' as a hyperactive idiot. And they all argue with one another. [[Rapid -Fire Comedy]], indeed!
* [[Silence, You Fool|SILENCE (you fool)! I KEEL YOU!]]
* [[Straight Man]]: Jeff is more or less this to his various puppets.
* [[Take That Me]]: In ''Controlled Chaos'', he shows pictures of himself as a kid, including school pictures. Numerous times, he wonders why the hell he did that and why his parents let him do it. He also points out that he wore some ''really'' ridiculous clothes in the 70s.
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* [[Visual Pun]]: Jeff asked Melvin what his most distinguishing feature was. He turned to look at Jeff, displaying a righteously large nose.
{{quote| '''Melvin''': "...My costume."}}
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs?]]: Lampshaded by Peanut:
{{quote| '''Peanut''': Never smoked pot?<br />
'''Jeff''': No.<br />
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[[Category:Jeff Dunham]]
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