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''Supreme Commander 2'' is the sequel to the [[Real Time Strategy]] game ''[[Supreme Commander (Video Game)|Supreme Commander]]''. The game takes place twenty five years after the events of ''Forged Alliance'', during which time {{spoiler|the Seraphim have been destroyed and}} humanity has lived in peace. Then someone (TV Tropes blames [[Word of God|Chris Taylor]]), for some reason, decides to murder the president of the coalition. The leaders of the United Earth Federation, the Cybran Nation and the Order of the Illuminate blame each other for the president's murder and begin to take up arms once again. {{spoiler|Add one messed up Cybran and [[Precursor]] terraformer}}. Chaos ensues.
'''''Supreme Commander 2''''' is the sequel to the [[Real Time Strategy]] game ''[[Supreme Commander (Video Game)|Supreme Commander]]''. The game takes place twenty five years after the events of ''Forged Alliance'', during which time {{spoiler|the Seraphim have been destroyed and}} humanity has lived in peace. Then someone (TV Tropes blames [[Word of God|Chris Taylor]]), for some reason, decides to murder the president of the coalition. The leaders of the United Earth Federation, the Cybran Nation and the Order of the Illuminate blame each other for the president's murder and begin to take up arms once again. {{spoiler|Add one messed up Cybran and [[Precursor]] terraformer}}. Chaos ensues.
=== This game contains examples of: ===
* [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]]: UEF experimental Flying Air Factory.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]:
** The Illuminate "Pullinsmash" (a huge tank that creates a singularity above itself, sucking in nearby units) seems to play this one straight. For the research, mass and energy costs, it destructive power relative to other experimentals as well as conventional units is quite poor. Stick it in the water, though, and it becomes a killing machine.
** As does the Cybran Bomb-Bouncer, whose shield only covers itself and a bit after that. Its Megablast, however, is one-button death.
** The ''original'' Cybran Monkeylord from the first game has been brought over and it retains the larger scale of ''everything''. Cost included.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Your ACU is slow-moving but outclasses most starting units and, once fully upgraded, can even give some of the Experimentals a run for their money.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]:
** The Cybran Megalith 2. It's been nerfed from the original, but it's also one of the cheapest experimentals, allowing you to offset power with numbers. It's got insane weapon range and vision radius, has decent anti-air guns on its back and a couple of them can easily wipe out massed groups of conventional forces, something many experimentals are weak to.
* [[Boring but Practical]]: This is the UEF's aesthetic (though not their gameplay mode, see [[Faction Calculus]] below). When they build a building, it looks like it's being constructed by a modern robotic assembly line, most of their units use kinetic weapons like slug-throwers and physical missiles, and they don't have too many fancy tricks up their sleeve. The Cybrans go for a [[Technology Porn]] aesthetic, and the Illuminate go for a sort of [[Crystal Spires and Togas]] look.
* [[Brain In Aa Jar]]: Gustav Brackman. Also, humorously, Cybran experimental research building has a detachable giant brain that can be used to fight. Power of mind?
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Shiva is destroyed, the war is averted, Ivan is a well-respected leader in the alliance, Maddox was discharged but gets to be with his family, and Thalia... is arrested and doesn't even get the chance to see her brother before he dies.}}
* [[But Thou Must!]]: In the final mission, you have to destroy four shield generators to get to the commander. Brackman asks you to find another way, but there is none.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Ivan and Gustaf Brackman. Admittedly, Ivan may be describing things to his father that his father cannot see himself, but Gustaf has no such excuse.
{{quote| '''Ivan:''' It breathes fire.<br />
'''Gustaf:''' It may be necessary to subdue the creature before gathering the sample.<br />
<br />
'''Gustaf:''' {{spoiler|It appears I greatly underestimated Gauge's ability to get the ectosynthesiser online}} }}
* [[Catapult to Glory]]: One of the UEF's experimental buildings is a giant factory/cannon that builds robots quickly and cheaply, then launches them all the way across the map--possibly right inside or behind the enemy base.
* [[Civil Warcraft]]: Happens midway through the first campaign and continues on later campaigns.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: William Gauge swaps between villanous gloating and childlike chatter with no pause in between.
{{quote| '''Gauge:''' Dominic, what have you heard about the invasion?<br />
'''Maddox:''' Just rumours.<br />
'''Gauge:''' Ooh, I ''love'' rumours! }}
** To put in perspective, same mission:
{{quote| '''Gauge:''' I have done a thousand dreadful things, as willingly as one would kill a fly, but nothing grieves me more, that I can not do ten thousand more. *beat* Toodles.}}
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: In skirmish games, you can pick if an AI will explicitly cheat or not. This results in a ''significant'' [[Difficulty Spike]]. If you want to lose, look no further.
* [[Crippling Overspecialization]]: Mostly averted once you research enough upgrades. Depending on what side you're playing as, you can upgrade your tanks and assault bots with anti-air guns, obviating the need to build AA-only units. The Cybrans can even mount a gun on their otherwise-helpless Engineers. Some units are still overspecialized, however: the UEF has an anti-air fighter jet and a bomber jet, but no fighter-bombers like the other two sides.
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* [[Glass Cannon]]: Surprisingly, the assault bots fall under this trope, despite being amongst the toughest units in the previous game. They can still dish out significant damage, though.
* [[Grey Goo]]: An early Cybran mission involves you attempting to ''fight'' this. A base on a planet has gone haywire and is pumping out tons of mechanized engineers who are themselves constructing ludicrous numbers of anti-air and anti-ground turrets. The surplus engineers attack by capturing and converting your units to their side, so stemming the tide of these things can be quite difficult unless you prepare properly with a wall of your own turrets to beat back the Engineers.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: The ACU beats all sides. [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Two words]]: ''KING''. ''KRYPTOR''. The Illuminate Universal Collosus is right up there with it, but not quite as heavy. Never before have units the size of a fully-grown pine tree seemed so dwarfed in comparison. One could say that the majority of experimental units, in fact, are [[Department of Redundancy Department|HUMONGOUS Humongous Mechas]].
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: While not quite punny, the names of a fair number of Illuminate units are downright painful when said out loud. Some of the worst offenders are the Airnomo (Air no more), a walking AA battery, the Willfindja (We'll find ya), a massive floating tank that specializes in dispatching submarines, and the Fistoosh (the sound a missile launch makes), a mobile missile launcher.
* [[Instant Win Condition]]: Assassination game mode. Justified as units are robots and the commander usually takes a nice piece of his base with him, unless you have done some research.
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* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: At the end of the second campaign, Thalia Kael realize that {{spoiler|Gauge tricked her into a lot of terrorist acts, by attacking a Cybran military convoy on a humanitarian supply run, releasing the Guardians who are more than just the worst criminals of the Illuminate and UEF, and destroying the Illuminate government research facility and in the end, allow Gauge obtain a lot of things.}}
* [[No OSHA Compliance]]: You have to research the technology that ''prevents'' your ACU from going off like a nuke under fire.
* [[Non -Entity General]]: Averted. Each campaign's commander has a name, face, voice and family: UEF's Dominic Maddox has an Illuminate wife and son, Illuminate's Thalia Kael has her terminally ill brother, and Cybran's Ivan Brackman is the clone-son of [[Brain In Aa Jar|Doctor Brackman]].
* [[Not So Different]]: William Gauge points out to Thalia that for all her ideals, she's actually a terrorist and has done more to hurt people than help. To hammer this point home, he nukes a city and says he couldn't have done it without her.
* [[Nuke'Em]]: Willam Gauge does it repeatedly. In fact, he once does so twice in the same mission, following up the second with this Oppenheimer quote:
{{quote| '''Gauge:''' If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. For I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.}}
** A nuke is a guaranteed kill for pretty much anything in the blast area. Experimentals and the commander usually take two.
* [[Psycho Prototype]]: William Gauge, a prototype Cybran who's quite insane.
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* [[Reinventing the Wheel]]: One of the complaints leveled at ''[[Supreme Commander 2]]'' was that the research tree introduced this to a game that had previously been free of it. Your research must be redone every level.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Villified]]: Subverted. Thalia Kael and her brother seem like quite decent people until they take a step back and realize what exactly they've been doing.
* [[Ridiculously -Fast Construction]]: Actually justified and portrayed fairly realistically with nanomachines. Made faster with supporting engineers.
* [[Sequel Hook]]: {{spoiler|Gauge, who survived the final mission, aids Brackman in transferring himself to a proto-brain.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: The Cybran look somewhat [[Warhammer 4000040,000|orky]] this time around.
** The campaign objectives are occasionally labelled with titles like [[The Wicker Man|Not The Bees!]]
** The UEF's [[We Have Reserves|Wasp]] [[Fragile Speedster|fighters]] look an awful lot like [[Star Wars|Jedi interceptors]]. Just compare [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100304101057/supcom2/images/0/09/Wasp_Fighter.png this] with [http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/a/a4/EtaPrototype.jpg this].
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* [[Suicide Attack]]: Every Cybran Surface Unit and structure comes equipped with self destruct charges when upgraded, making walking ordinance instead of cannon fodder.
* [[Tech Tree]]: Instead of tech tiers like the previous game, the Tech Tree is used to unlock new units, abilities, and structures through research points. This has the benefit of allowing you to upgrade everything instantly just by purchasing the relevant tech. The downside is that there is a ton of things to purchase and you need a lot of research stations to build up points at a meaningful rate. You also gain Tech Points by destroying enemy units, but unless you're killing things constantly, the buildup will not be that fast, which is why you also have to build research stations that slowly generate more research points over time.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: The second mission of the Cybran campaign. {{spoiler|The player travels to a planet with an old Cybran base running a self-maintenance program. The base has some bugs in the code, however, building an excessive number of defensive towers and sending swarms of engineers to capture everything that can be captured. The player nabs some data from the control center and leaves. None of this is ever mentioned again, and bears no relation to the rest of the game except for mechanics.}}
* [[Weapon of Mass Destruction]]: Everyone's run-of-the-mill Long Range Artillery/Tactical Missiles and the obvious Nuke. {{spoiler|"Shiva" - an autonomous terraforming device.}}
* [[Wearing a Flag Onon Your Head]]: With the exception of a few of their airborne units, every single unit in the Illuminate arsenal has a pair of huge banners featuring their [[Sigil Spam|emblem on it]]. Y'know, just in case you couldn't tell who they belonged to.
* [[You Monster!]]: Gauge is accused of this after nuking a place. He disagrees and demonstrates something ''really'' monstrous. Ten nukes!
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