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Supernatural Taisen: Difference between revisions

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prefix>Import Bot
(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Fanfic.SupernaturalTaisen 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Fanfic.SupernaturalTaisen, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
m (Mass update links)
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* [[Fan Verse]]: Part of the point.
* [[Gratuitous Japanese]]: Justified, Fate is very angry, and has been using a translation device for the most part.
{{quote| “Wodan Ymir!” (Fate) frothed, tears streaming down her face, “[[This Is Unforgivable!|Yurusanai]]!”<br />
“[[Lampshade Hanging|Like I need forgiveness]],” (Wodan) said, “From a failed experiment.”<br />
“SHINEH!” }}
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