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Red vs. Blue/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Associated Tropes: ===
* [[Anti -Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type V]], though he [[Character Development|evolves]] into a Type III in ''Revelation''.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Badass]]: Sarge is in charge for a reason, after all. {{spoiler|He even took down the Meta, albeit not in full out combat, but it's still an impressive feat.}}
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* [[Colonel Kilgore]]/[[General Ripper]]/[[Knight Templar]]: All parodied. With gusto.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: A sociopathic and [[Cloudcuckoolander]] version of this. Also crosses into [[Boisterous Bruiser]] at times.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Completely delusion and insane. Also probably the most competent fighter in Blood Gulch aside from Tex.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Naturally; it's in his name.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Is only ever referred to as "Sarge"; if he has a real name, no one seems to know what it is.
** In ''Revelation'' 17, his real name is revealed: [[His Name Really Is "Barkeep"|Sarge.]] Or S-Dog.
* [[The Hero]]: Becomes this in ''Revelation'', after significant [[Character Development]].
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]: "'''I LOVE BLOOD AND VIOLENCE!!'''"
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** One of the PSAs has Grif scoff at how easy it is to get into Columbia University, adding "I'm a Harvard man."
* [[Genre Savvy]]: At the end of Relocated he thinks to himself, "Sounds like something that'll keep us busy for a few months," when {{spoiler|Donut passes out after uttering "It's in the sand."}} He turns out to be right.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: A sign of Grif's terrible health (he does it inside his helmet). He even smokes after {{spoiler|having most of his organs being replaced by Simmons' after being crushed by Sheila}}. In fact, he might have started smoking ''more'' just to piss off Simmons.
* [[Like an Old Married Couple]]: With Simmons, naturally.
{{quote| '''Tucker:''' "I've only been listening for ten minutes and I can already tell they're really in love. Why can't they see it?"}}
** [[Word of God]] is apparently that they have seen it.
* [[The McCoy]]: Definitely a parody. Again, although the more emotional of the trio, Grif is way too lazy to act on his conscience or change the status quo.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: ---> [[Action Survivor]] in ''Revelation''.
* [[Sanity Ball]]: The role of [[Only Sane Man]] on Red Team is either Grif, Simmons or Lopez, depending on the circumstances.
* [[Universal Drivers Licence]]: In ''Revelation'', {{spoiler|Grif flies a Pelican and a Hornet with no training whatsoever. He ''crashes'' the Pelican, but it's still quite an accomplishment.}}
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* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: A subject of debate amongst fans, and in-universe.
* [[Camp Straight]]: One of the alternate endings to ''The Blood Gulch Chronicles'' mentions he married a stripper and had a litter of kids.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Despite his rather... unusual behavior, he managed to grenade Tex from halfway across the canyon.
** The fact that he was {{spoiler|working with Tucker as an infiltration specialist implies he received some special training to perform his new job.}}
*** {{spoiler|Infiltration specialist?}}
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=== Associated Tropes: ===
* [[Anti -Hero]]: On the [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes]], he starts as a Type I and later develops into a Type III.
* [[Badass Boast]]:
** {{spoiler|"I am not a thing! My name is Leonard Church, and YOU WILL FEAR MY LASERFACE!!!"}}
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* [[Cosmic Plaything]]: The universe rarely gives him a break. When given an opportunity to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]], he winds up responsible for {{spoiler|killing himself}}, Sheila and Lopez staging a robot revolution and shooting Tucker with the rocket launcher. And that's not even getting into the fact {{spoiler|he's the broken remains of a once-powerful AI, he's lost his girlfriend more than once, gets trapped in the capture unit, and isn't released until he lets go of said girlfriend, losing her quite possibly forever.}} Dude, Church's life ''sucks''.
** It is very possible that his time travel adventure was just {{spoiler|Gamma's deception to make him suffer. According to Tex, both Gamma and Omega had taken to torturing Alpha in the past.}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: {{spoiler|Well he ''is'' a fragment of a super intelligent AI}}.
** And to be fair, he's not really a moron. Just incompetent and neurotic.
* [[The Determinator]]: As inept as he can be, you have to give Church credit for trying sometimes.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: {{spoiler|While Alpha is rude to Tex, Epsilon is very nice to her, even when she betrays him multiple times.}}
** {{spoiler|Alpha}} [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|did have his moments with her, though.]]
* [[The Fatalist]]: After failing to alter the timeline, he decides that everything is set in stone, but that one should make the best of it. "So quit your bitchin', Nancy."
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|After Epsilon is uploaded into a Monitor body, he starts acting like this, though in a comedic way.}}
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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Tucker.
** {{spoiler|Epsilon-Church is considerably friendlier with Tucker AND Caboose. Shocking, isn't it?}}
* {{spoiler|[[What Measure Is a Non -Human?|What Measure is a Non-human?]]: Or, "non-ghost," but either way this is called into question by the end of ''Reconstruction''. ''Recreation'' and ''Revelation'' seem to infer that Epsilon-Church regards himself as equally human as his teammates.}}
== '''Private First Class Lavernius Tucker''' ==
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=== Associated Tropes: ===
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Far from being just plain stupid, Caboose is almost completely divorced from reality and utters many bizarre yet occasionally insightful non-sequiturs.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Despite his many mental quirks, Caboose has been shown to possess superhuman strength and, [[You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry|when sufficiently angry]], was able to single-handedly wipe out both the Red and Blue Battle Creek Zealots.
** He's also easily the best shot on the Blue Team. It just happens that he's usually shooting ''at'' the Blue Team.
* [[The Ditz]]: Easily the dumbest member of the cast. And the fans love him for that.
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{{quote| ''"Yeah, sorry, doesn't sound like I have the skills you need. Unless you want to see my ping-pong ball trick."''}}
Grif's little sister, who joined the army in order to reunite with him, since she was lonely and scared after he left. Being colorblind and more than a little stupid, she joined Blue Team by mistake. She tagged along with the Reds upon arriving (and landing on Donut), in the process convincing them that Sarge was dead and Simmons should be promoted, until her true affiliation was revealed and Grif handed her off to the Blues before Sarge shot her. Roughly as lazy and useless as her brother, Sister's main purpose seems to be to embarrass Grif, whether through [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|off-hand references to her promiscuous personal life]], revealing the family's freak-show roots, or unintentionally televising her routine physical. As of ''Reconstruction'', she is the only Blue remaining at Blood Gulch, where she uses the base to host raves for five bucks a head (in one memorable night, making ten dollars). She wears yellow armor.
{{spoiler|Lopez claims to have killed her. However, Grif doesn't believe this, claiming she's [[Made of Iron]]. The credibility of Grif's assertion is much stronger considering he makes it right after he survives an eight hundred foot drop with seemingly no ill effects.}}
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=== Associated Tropes: ===
* [[Bi the Way]]: [[Samus Is a Girl|The revelation of Tex's gender]] after Sister calls "him" a badass "and kinda hot" does nothing to change her opinion, except that she corrects her use of pronouns.
* [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: She's pretty much the queen of this trope.
{{quote| '''Sister:''' I thought about having a kid once.<br />
'''Tucker:''' Oh, really? It's a lot of work.<br />
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'''Tucker:''' Heh, yeah... [[Phrase Catcher|Wait, what?]] }}
* [[The Chick]]: Even though Tex was technically the first girl, Sister fits this far better.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Grif claims that when they were kids she once fell through the ice while they were ice skating. She was under water for three hours, and when they finally brought her up, she was [[Super Not -Drowning Skills|not only unharmed]] but also ''pregnant''.
* [[Phrase Catcher]]: Due to her [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]] tendencies, about 90% of the thing she says are responded to with the line "Yeah, wait...What?"
* [[Put On a Bus]]: Hasn't appeared in quite some time, and is supposedly dead.
** [[Shoo Out the Clowns]]: Seemingly. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvttX1OxKsg She isn't happy about this.]
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{{quote| ''"I wouldn't say I'm mean. I just get paid to do mean things."''}}
A black-armored [[Hired Guns|mercenary]] and former agent of Project Freelancer, the biggest [[Badass]] in all of Blood Gulch, an infiltration expert thanks to a cloaking device, and a better fighter than both teams combined. [[Samus Is a Girl|Her real name is Allison]], and her Freelancer handle is Agent Texas. Tex is contracted to support the Blues after Church's death and proceeds to terrify Tucker and Caboose while leading a [[One -Man Army|one-(wo)man]] assault on Red Base to recover the Blue flag. Unfortunately, a prodigious grenade toss by Donut eventually kills her, but she returns as a ghost some time later, inhabiting a robot body in a manner similar to Church. This experience mellows Tex out somewhat, as it frees her from the influence of her AI partner O'Malley (see below) - though by no means is she someone you should make angry. Tex hangs out with the Blues when she isn't off on her own, usually attempting to foil O'Malley or Wyoming's plans, but as the series progresses she gets more and more entangled in the plots surrounding the dupes at Blood Gulch. In the finale, she {{spoiler|voluntarily reunites with O'Malley in an attempt to manipulate Junior and the alien race into helping humanity win the war, and is killed when Sarge sets off a bomb in the spaceship she hijacked}}.
Plenty of unanswered questions surround Tex, and ''Reconstruction'' has only added to them. She does not return during that series, despite overcoming death previously, though Caboose was seen doing ''something'' with her robot body during the Epilogue. Her relationship with Church was also unresolved: according to Church they were very nearly married, but Tex had a habit of stealing from him and sleeping with other men, so they parted less than amicably. As to her eventual fate, it should be noted that {{spoiler|as with Vic, one of the A.I. seen with The Meta strongly resembles her.}}
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** [[Dark Action Girl]]: Although at the end of the day she is a good person Tex is '''incredibly''' ruthless, to the point where it is a legitimate fear that she would ''literally'' kill those who piss her off.
* [[Always Someone Better]]: And [[The Rival|Carolina]] isn't all too happy about that.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type IV.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Kung Fu Chick]]: {{spoiler|Her new self in ''Revelation'', and further seasons, sports shades of this.}}
* [[Autobots Rock Out]]/[[Theme Music Power -Up]]/[[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Anytime she's about to open a can of whoopass, expect badass background score.
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]: Shares a moment with Church {{spoiler|as the dream world falls apart.}}
* [[Badass]]: EASILY the biggest badass in the series. Lampshaded in ''Revelation''.
{{quote| "Agent Tex is a bit of a badass."}}
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** And by "ultimate", we mean "hands-down the best fighter in the entire series", taking on two other more or less impossible-to-defeat characters ''at the same time'' and not doing half-bad!
** Please note that the above was the result of poor teamwork in the fight against York, Maine, and Wyoming and the only reason Wash and Meta didn't curb stomp her in Revelation was because they had just survived a car bombing and she had rigged the battlefield to her advantage.
* [[Power Creep, Power Seep]]: In season one, Sarge knocked out Tex in a single hit, in season 8, Sarge can't even manage to land a hit.
** Possibly justified by the varying quality of the robot bodies she inhabits.
*** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Remember how it was revealed that {{spoiler|Blood Gulch was where they sent freelancers for training? Seems like, for Tex, the training worked...}}
*** Epsilon also explains this later as {{spoiler|Tex always fails; but only just barely.}}
* [[Made of Iron]]
* [[One -Man Army|One Woman Army]]
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: Somewhat. Tex ''would'' be this on the Blue Team if she weren't obsessively greedy and uncontrollably violent. She punches the guys in their sleep, and once knocked out Tucker to steal his sword.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: In one of the non-canon Halo 2 promotion vids, she inclines to stay behind with Caboose (because he's too afraid of waiting for the guys by himself). In-canon, though, she refers to Tucker as a friend and works to prevent his assassination at Wyoming's hands. Plus, makes it clear to Sister that the Blues are "her" idiots. Guess there really is a [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|heart of gold somewhere deep inside]].
* [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner]]: "Okay, so who's first?" Cue a total [[Curb Stomp Battle]] for the next episode.
* {{spoiler|[[Ridiculously Human Robot]]}}
* [[Samus Is a Girl]]
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** His season nine incarnation is oddly adorable. Case in point, when he confuses {{spoiler|Tex}} for a guy, and is then corrected. Awkward stammering ensues.
** In the season ten trailer, there's his little-kid-like disappointment when York insults him: "You really think I'm the second-worst fighter?"
* [[Anti -Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes|Type III when we first see him in Recovery, then in ''Reconstruction''.]]
** {{spoiler|[[Anti -Villain]] in ''Recreation'' and ''Revelation'', but redeems himself in the end.}}
** Interestingly, starts off as a Type II in season nine. He's easily one of the nicest Freelancers, second only to York.
* [[Badass Normal]]: He's not on the level of Tex or [[The Juggernaut|the Meta,]] but he can still almost hold his own against them in close combat.
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* {{spoiler|[[Faking the Dead]]}}
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: See [[Break the Cutie]], above.
* [[Jade -Colored Glasses]]: The contrast between his Season 9 persona and Revelation persona really shows this. He starts out idealistic and friendly and ends cynical and jaded.
** Characterized by this exchange with Doc during Revelation.
{{quote| '''Wash:'''(Talking to Meta) I agree, we should just kill most of them, the last alive will talk.<br />
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** Judging from season 9, his specialty would likely be marksmanship. His icon on the ranking board is a battle rifle, and his accuracy in the face of extreme circumstances (such as shooting the pilot of a moving Hornet while falling from a building) is quite impressive.
** He's most definitely a master of mid-range combat. That's what his specialty is. Sure, everyone has a battle rifle, but no one can put one to use quite like Wash. Plus, I'd say after the Epsilon incident, he likely became quite the chess master.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: His actions in ''Revelation'' lead to {{spoiler|the Meta regaining all his abilities by capturing Tex in the Capture Unit instead of Epsilon. This nearly turns out very badly for all involved.}}
** Though chances are that he never intended to let The Meta use the {{spoiler|capture unit, only ordering it because it was knocked out of his own hands.}}
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: Suffering from this too often is one of the sources of a lot of Wash's bitterness and anger.
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* [[Odd Friendship]]: Wash is an uptight, regulations guy who freaked out when North mentioned he used equipment without telling Command. Maine is a brutish dirty fighting soldier who tried to kill Tex during a sparring match because she was beating him.
* [[Only Sane Man]]
* [[Precision F -Strike]]:
{{quote| '''Washington''': ''[[Brick Joke|Emp]]''?? You have ''got'' to be fucking kidding m-}}
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: {{spoiler|Season 10 reveals that not only did he start wearing Church's armor and take over as leader of the Blue team, but the characters started referring to him as Church.}}
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* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]: His younger self tends to come off as this during the flashbacks of Season 9. [[Break the Cutie|Poor guy]].
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: And [[Boom Headshot]] her too.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Agent South}}''': Oh come on, Wash. What are you gonna do, [[Killed Mid -Sentence|shoo--]]<br />
''[[Boom Headshot]]''<br />
'''Agent Washington''': [[Blunt Yes|Yes.]] }}
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** [http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=4014 Apparently RoosterTeeth also agrees]:
{{quote| "So the first face we made for Red vs. Blue this year was York. And we really just made him from scratch. We were just kinda like, 'What does a good-looking guy look like?' And I guess this is what we think a good-looking guy looks like."}}
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: He gets a nice scar across his face and it apparently made him lose vision partially in one of his eyes.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Has very bad vision in one eye, but is still surprisingly competent all around in Freelancer missions, enough to join them.
* [[Healing Factor]]: His armor ability, {{spoiler|not that it helps him survive in the end, though it does help Wash later on}}.
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{{quote| ''"Looks like it's your lucky day, mate. I don't have time to torture you, so I'm just going to have to kill you."''}}
Another agent of Project Freelancer, [[Hired Guns|hired by O'Malley]] to kill Tucker after the latter discovers the secret of Red and Blue Command. Tucker survives his assassination attempt, and Wyoming and Tex end up chasing each other around during the main series, as well as the ''Out of Mind'' side series. He eventually eludes her and returns to Blood Gulch alongside O'Malley for the series' explosive finale. Known for uttering insincere apologies to his victims, and being perpetually cool-headed, Wyoming's special equipment is a temporal distorter that allows him to manipulate time, slowing it down, or looping it. As shown during the finale, the latter produces a backlog of "spare" Wyomings, making him a ''literal'' [[One -Man Army]]. Presumed dead during ''Reconstruction'', though the Meta was kind enough to loot his special equipment. Wyoming wears white armor, his real name is Reginald, and he talks with something approaching an imitation of a muddled British/Australian accent.
Played by Matt Hullum
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{{quote| ''(A low, menacing hiss)''}}
The former Freelancer Agent Maine, who snapped and started tracking down and murdering other agents, then stripping them of their combat AIs and special equipment, [[Mega Manning|growing in power with each victory]]. The [[Big Bad]] of the ''Recovery One'' and ''Reconstruction'' series, the Meta refers to itself as a collective entity due to the number of consciousnesses running around inside its head, and seems to be set on recovering all of the Freelancer AIs in order to reconstruct the Alpha from which they were derived. A formidable opponent - Church compares the Meta to the [[One -Man Army|one woman army]] Tex, but says "this thing's like...eight of her." Its white armor (though it can change color due to a chameleon circuit) is a hodgepodge of parts from a number of designs, and the Meta's voice varies from a [[Creepy Child]] hissing whisper to a susurrus of voices talking at once to animalistic snarls, though the former two are likely the voices of the AIs in its head.
{{spoiler|Shows up well into ''Recreation'', finding Donut at the Blue base, who mistakes him for a new blue soldier. Simmons is [[Oh Crap|unpleasantly surprised]]. It turns out it's working with Washington to track down the Epsilon A.I.}}
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* [[Disney Villain Death]]: His final fate.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Wash orders the Meta around for most of ''Revelation'', using him a lot like a weapon. He seems to have forgotten how dangerous the Meta is. {{spoiler|This really bites him in the ass later on.}}
* [[Foe -Tossing Charge]]: Charges Tex during their sparring, ramming a cement pillar that Wyoming has been slammed into and sending it flying right at York.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Despite its size, The Meta is shown to be a VERY cunning adversary
* [[Implacable Man]]: He shrugs off most attacks non-chalantly. {{spoiler|Even getting stabbed in the chest with an energy sword barely slows him down.}}
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* [[Voice of the Legion]]: His growls and other miscellaneous noises are made out of multiple noises at once, perhaps to reflect the numerous AIs in his mind.
** {{spoiler|Before he gets the [[A Is]] he has a single, if very gruff, voice in addition to his animalistic noises. Yes he still growls and snarls in fights.}}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Heights?]]
== '''Agent Carolina''' ==
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** [[Dark Action Girl]]: {{spoiler|If the ending of season nine is any indication, she's gone down a darker road.}}
* [[The Ace]]: She's known as Number One and is the absolute best Freelancer in the project... at least until Tex shows up.
** [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: And she is ''not'' taking it well.
** {{spoiler|[[Broken Ace]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ambiguously Evil]]: Unlike villains up to Season 9 (O'Malley, Wash, the Meta), she isn't working for the Director and in fact wants to kill him. However, she's also hinted to be [[Ax Crazy]] too.}}
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* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: She's seen using a twin set of Plasma Rifles in Season 10 trailers.
* [[The Leader]]: Of the Freelancer [[Five -Man Band]].
* [[Leitmotif]]: ''[[Gratuitous Italian|Morte ai nostri nemici...]]''
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Typical of Freelancers, she was really only in it for herself. She did get into trouble with the Meta, twice on-screen (Recovery One and ''Reconstruction''), and a third time off-screen with North (Recovery One again), but she betrayed both Washington and North in order to escape the Meta's onslaught.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: She's constantly having to have things explained to her, but she is one of the best Freelancers.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: South and her twin brother North, were part of an experiment to see how one agent who did not receive an AI would react to being partnered to another soldier who did have an A.I. On top of her relative distaste at being partnered together with her brother purely because they were twins, South grew jealous that North received an A.I. instead of her, and harbored some resentment towards Washington, as he indirectly caused her to miss out on the construct implantation part of the program.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: By Washington, via [[Boom Headshot]].
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Exhibits some tendencies.
* [[Military Maverick]]
* [[Peek -a -Bangs]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red to North's Blue.
== '''Agent North Dakota''' ==
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* [[Big Brother Instinct]]:
{{quote| '''North''': Stay safe, Kiddo.}}
* [[By the -The-Book Cop|By the Book Soldier]]
** Not so much by episode 4, when he used the dome shield. We learn later in episode 9 that using equipment in the field is against the rules.
* [[Cool Big Bro]]: Which makes what happens before Recovery One even sadder, as North and South in Season 9 so far seem to get along fairly well.
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* [[Standard Bleeding Spots]]: {{spoiler|He gets a nice bloody cut across the cheek}} in Season 9 Episode 4.
* [[The Stoic]]: During battle, though he seems to loosen up more off-duty.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to South's Red.
== '''Pilot 479 / Freelancer Command''' ==
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* [[Body Surf]]: Omega can switch from host to host through inhabiting their minds if their built-in helmet radios are on.
* [[The Corrupter]]: Whenever Omega possesses someone, he changes their behaviors into something that's somewhat more in line with his own personality, along with essentially amplifying their own negative traits ten-fold. Inside Tex, he gave no indication of presence or even sentience, and merely made her more bitter. Inside [[The Ditz|Caboose]], he was more of a random psychopath. It isn't until he possesses Doc that he gets any aspirations towards [[Omnicidal Maniac|omnicide]].
** From Walter's description at the first episode of ''Reconstruction'', Omega's sting at possessing the Blues stationed at Valhalla was more... [[Kill 'Em All|brutal]], to put it mildly.
** He also seems to have a corrupting influence on Doc to some degree. Even after Omega is gone, Doc actually starts cursing, speaking more offensively, and is more lenient about violence. Though this might also be attributable to hanging out with the Reds and Blues.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: Kind of, more like Evil AI Possession.
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* [[The Medic]]: Obviously. He isn't very good at it though.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: According to the season 2 commentary Doc was going to be a Reporter/Journalist when he was first conceived but because of where his character was going (eg. [[James Bondage|Kidnappings]]) it was hitting too close to home for the real wars happening at the time.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: He suddenly disappeared at the end of ep 20 Season 8, for no apparent reason. Probably to continue being a terrible doctor to space and beyond.
** [[Word of God]] says that he went back to Valhalla with the Reds and Blues.
* [[Worst Aid]]: He's very bad at medical advice, but somehow manages to keep both the Reds and the Blues alive.
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{{quote| ''"I would like to remind the sub-comittee members...That anything is possible. Some things are probable. This is what is. And my agency as it always has will continue to deal with what is...until it is no more."''}}
The ruthless and secretive Director of Project Freelancer, and one of the narrators of the ''Reconstruction'' series. In an effort to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers during the war, the "[[Morally -Ambiguous Doctorate|good doctor]]" had the idea to implant Artificial Intelligences into the minds of special agents. As can be seen from the examples above, the results were unstable at best and the project collapsed. Once the Meta starts collecting AIs, a UNSC oversight sub-committee begins inquiries into the Director's actions and the results of Project Freelancer. The Director resents such intrusions, as he maintains that [[I Did What I Had to Do|he only did what had to be done]] for humanity to win the war (even though it was a complete failure). At the very end of ''Reconstruction'', in ''Red vs Blue'''s greatest [[Wham Episode]], it is revealed that the Director's name is {{spoiler|1=Leonard Church, and he is the template for the Alpha AI.}} Voiced by John Reed.
Played by John Reed
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* [[Faceless Goons]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]: For the [[Pyromaniac]], some fans have taken to calling him "Sharkface."
* [[Filler Villain]]: Subverted. At first glance, the Insurrection merely exist to throw down with the Freelancers in some [[Everybody Was Kung -Fu Fighting|awesome fight scenes.]] However, the missions involving these guys leads to the Freelancers getting ranked based on their performances against the Insurrection (i.e. Carolina, South and Connecticut were far from happy when they were outshined, outmatched and outranked by the other Freelancers), and it ends up generating more conflict as a result (South betraying North and Wash to escape the Meta; Carolina becoming [[The Rival]] to [[God Mode Sue|Tex]]; Maine permanently losing his voice thanks to a [[Giant Mook]]; and Connecticut apparently allying with the Insurrection).
* [[Mooks]]: They come in quite a variety!
** [[Airborne Mook]]: The jetpack trio.
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