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Katekyo Hitman Reborn/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== The Primos saved the world before they were mafia. ==
Giotto, G and Cozart seemed to be completely normal italian peasants in their first flashback together. How is it that they ended up in possession of world-creating/destroying rings, magical weapons and control over a power such as the Dying Will Flames? Well, maybe they were [[Call to Adventure|Called]] to save the world from superhuman threats. Maybe they were [[Chosen One|chosen]] by a cosmic being, [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|accidentally unleashed phlebotinium]] or maybe just [[Touched By Vorlons|came in contact with the cosmic keystones]]. The fact is, in the course of their completely non-mafia-related first adventure, they gathered their eventual True Companions, gained, developed and honed powers, and [[Saving the World|saved the world]], [[The Masquerade|unknown to the major population]] - [[And Then What?|but then what?]]
Among their their fellow saviors of the world were people from [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|extremely diverse backgrounds]]: from as far away as Japan and as socially removed as the bratty heir of a wealthy landowner and a boxing priest, and even a guy employed at some country's secret service, they were all united for a common cause, which had to be greater than a neighborhood watch group. This was how they eventually became the first guardians of the Vongola Boss - and clearly Giotto's phlebotinium was the most important of the group, if it warranted him possessing six freaking bodyguards. Cozart must have been similarly in possession of a cosmic keystone requiring bodyguards of its own. Maybe the same goes for the Giglio Nero and their Mare rings. Thus three groups are created, the precursors to the current known families.
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== The Rainbow Arc ends with everyone's curses being broken ==
Alright lets face it, every arc in KHR has had these [[Oh Crap|moments]] when the characters are facing a dilemma which will result in depressing times, and feelings of [[Hopeless War|hopelessness.]]
But, because of new [[Power -Up|powers]], [[I Will Survive|undying will]] and [[True Companions|forever friendships]] they make it through. Sure, it was a hard, impossible battle/strategy- but the main idea is: [[Nobody Can Die|No one DIES!]] Heck even Byakuran comes waltzing in after a few seventy chapters. Mukuro becomes a friend, Xanxus stays an evil ally, and Byakuran fights back to back with Tsuna after having this whole disagreement on taking over the world and killing everybody with him. Oh and did I mention he wanted to use Uni for that?
Though it is kinda hard to imagine the Vongola having tea with Checker Face, but [[Tree Of Possibilities|who knows?]]
The Arcobaleno will have their curses broken, most likely some of them shall be presumed dead due to a terrible attack by Checker Face (Don't worry they will appear with ambiguous reasoning after thirty chapters or when they are needed), Tsuna will be the hero, Reborn will be back in his body and regain his health that the curse affected (perhaps after a few weeks recuperation) and....everything will end with the curse being broken forever, [[Happily Ever After|never will there be sacrifices ever again!]]
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