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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.SovietSuperscience 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.SovietSuperscience, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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[[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]] is a [[Sister Trope]], giving [[Those Wacky Nazis]] things like [[Powered Armor]] and [[Cool Airship|Cool Airships]], while [[Ghostapo]] could be a "cousin trope", in that it's a more mystical version of [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]]. All of these are culture-specific [[Sub Trope|sub-disciplines]] of [[Mad Science]].
== Anime & Manga ==
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* One of the levels in ''[[Tomb Raider]]: Legend'' was Telsa's secret laboratory in Kazakhstan.
* In ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'', Soviet Sandviches are [[Health Food|powerful analgesics]].
** Not to mention the Soviet [[Power -Up Food|chocolate and steak]].
* ''[[Snatcher]]'' had the Soviets develop biological weapons, cryogenic sleep, and androids so advanced that the West didn't have an equal even decades later.
* ''[[Call of Duty]]: [[Modern Warfare]] 2'' has the Russians {{spoiler|reverse engineer an American satellite component, which allows them to launch a massive trans-oceanic invasion of the US Mainland with complete surprise.}}
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* Just to compliment the caption joke above: averted in ''[[Resistance]]'', where the Russians were never Communists ([[Alternate History|the 1917 revolution was crushed]]) and were wiped out by aliens, who did have superscience.
* In ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 3'', the presence of the IR Goggles and the NVGs in 1964 is explained as being due to the Russians being more advanced technologically. Your tech support even asks you to return the items to America for reverse engineering.
* [[Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri]] recycles this in space by bringing in a University of Planet faction, ostensibly just following a [[For Science!]] ideology, but actually being thoroughly Russian in terms of flavour.
* ''[[Heavy Weapon]]'' has the Red Star's forces. You fight regular troops like missile helicopters, tanks, bomber planes, SCUD missiles and ICBM missiles. Then you fight mini satellites with [[Death Ray|death rays]], [[Humongous Mecha]], and even a [[Cool Airship]] that ''SUMMONS METEORS'' via [[Tractor Beam|tractor beams]]
* In ''[[Call of Duty Black Ops (Video Game)|Call of Duty Black Ops]]'' this is played straight both in the main storyline and partially in the Nazi Zombies mini-game. In the story-line the Russians are able to weaponize a highly lethal toxin that has been shown to kill men in mere minutes and is not easily dispersed by wind making it an effective area denial weapon and weapon of mass destruction. Furthermore they have access to anachronistic weapons that won't be introduced until the 70s or 80s, (the Americans showcase this too though) have mastered drug-induced brainwashing so advanced that you can program a man to do anything that you desire {{spoiler|even make Mason and/or Oswald kill John F. Kennedy,}} and have somehow found a way to create a base on the ocean floor without it being crushed from the sheer pressure it would faced with at such depths. Somewhat averted in the Nazi Zombies storyline as most of the technological achievements are actually achieved by Group 935 which is an international organization and have more or less equally introduced the same level of technological advancement to the Americans as they have to the Russians. However the Zombie map "Ascension" still showcases some pretty advanced technology on the Russians' part, they have created flying platforms, genetically enhanced monkeys, the Thunder Gun (a hand-held cannon that fires high-powered waves of compressed air) which contrary to Richtofen's beliefs was not made by Dr. Maxis but Dr. Gersh a Russian scientist, and Dr. Gersh as mentioned already created a small device which generates a miniature '''black hole'''.
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== Real Life ==
* There was an Soviet attempt to create [[Half -Human Hybrid|man-chimpanzee hybrids]] for use as workers. Didn't work, but explains the weird science aspect they get in fiction. The precise details of that infamous experiment, which is usually considered (understandably) little more than an [[Urban Legend]], is that the Soviet scientist who did it worked more or less alone, only got a grant from Stalin due to red tape (and probably would have been shot if Stalin had discovered what he was actually doing), the experiment consisted of trying to use human sperm to artificially inseminate orangutans (because they didn't know about the close genetic relationship between humans and chimps), and his actual goal was to "prove" evolution and use that to stymie the political power of the Russian Orthodox Church, not to make [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]].
* There are rumors about Soviet low-frequency Sonic Weapon devices at their borders, threatening to instill depression and anxiety in the whole population. Some even argued that this was already taking place...
** This is probably based on the phenomenon of the "[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Woodpecker Russian Woodpecker]", an odd low-frequency shortwave signal caused by the over-the-horizon radar system in the Ukraine that irritated European ham radio operaters during the '70s and '80s.
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* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiments_in_the_Revival_of_Organisms Zombie dogs!]
** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Demikhov Also, two-headed dogs!]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kola_Superdeep_Borehole A twelve-kilometre-deep hole in the ground]. Y'know, [[For Science!|for science]]. Or something.
* Real life averted: late-70s tinfoil hatter "Dr." [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Beter Peter Beter] (believe it or not, his real name) entertained many fantasies about Soviet technology, including the existence of "cosmospheres", which were apparently large, blimp-like spacecraft. His, er, theories were carried into the 1990s by noted Usenet kook Robert [[Mc Elwaine]].
* Subversion. A lot of Russia's best technology has never been super-science, but [[Boring but Practical]]. The T-34 tank is considered by some to have been the best of [[World War II]] and Soviet small arms have long been quite good. On the less bellicose side, Russia makes some pretty good bush planes and similar heavy weather equipment.
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