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Invader Zim/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Dib and Gir are linked somehow ==
Gir actually seems to be at his most coherent when talking to Dib, suddenly remembering Zim ordered him to call the Tallest, and agreeing to hide a camera in Zim's home and then doing just that (by Gir's standards, doing something counter to Zim's plan correctly is actually an improvement). While this could be explained by simply saying [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|the universe hates Zim]], you have to remember that [[Butt Monkey|it hates Dib just as much]].
== Zim and Dib each have one of the [[Discworld|Eight Great Spells]] in their heads, or some equivalent of it. ==
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== Dib and Gaz are a young [[The X Files|Mulder and Scully.]] ==
The sister that Mulder, aka Dib, thought he lost when he was young was actually Scully. When Gaz, aka Scully, proved to be a little too good at stopping Zim, Zim somehow, miraculously, managed to separate Gaz from her family, but since she is way too competent for him to outright kill her, he instead had her memories wiped and had her placed with another family. There are no human/alien hybrids, that's just the cover story so that Mulder doesn't accidentally make Scully remember her childhood, at which point she will easily trounce Zim and any other aliens on Earth.
* Considering Mulder's and Scully's relationship, this theory is [[Brother -Sister Incest|pure]] [[Squick]].
* Alternatively, Dib will grow up to become [[Twin Peaks|Agent Cooper]].
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== Professor Membrane is the reason Ms. Bitters is trapped in the school. ==
He went through a brief phase as a [[Ghostbusters|Ghostbuster]]. Streams were crossed ''[[For Science!]]''.
== Ms. Bitters was part of the necromancy [[Noodle Incident]] Professor Membrane keeps mentioning about Dib. ==
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== Professor Membrane is in charge of the Irkens. ==
He created Red and Purple, and possibly the Irken system itself. This is why they were a relatively diplomatic species only a few years ago, then suddenly turned to galactic conquest and the planet where Earth is is practically an urban legend despite being only barely off the edge of the [[The Big Board]] map (whether it's because he only recently took over before putting Red and Purple in power or because he got bored and left them to their own, warlike devices is up to the individual reader). His condescension of Dib's [[Buffy -Speak|archnemesissing]] is either because he doesn't want to implicitly, explicitly, or by reverse psychology encourage Dib to break his stuff or because he knows what Zim is like.
== Dib is an asthmatic. ==
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== Ms. Bitters is an [[Eldritch Abomination]]. ==
Her origin stories are probably describing her becoming of one and her arrival on Earth. Most likely, she was first [[The Fair Folk|fairy princess]] who was transformed into an Eldritch abomination via "bug zapper". Eventually, she traveled the cosmos doing....um....[[Buffy -Speak|eldritch stuff]]...and, through some great cosmic event, "imploded", landing on Earth, possibly being implanted into/becoming some land. Eventually, the Skool was built. She took control of/became one with it shortly after it's completion, doomed to spend the rest of eterninty trapped there. She took on a [[Humanoid Abomination|slightly]] more [[A Form You Are Comfortable With|human]] form, and posed as a human teacher, out to crush the hopes and dreams of generations to come.
== Prof. Membrane is Dr. Robotnik ==
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** [[Lying Creator|When is Word of God NOT a lie?]]
== Invader Zim is set in a [[Nineteen Eighty -Four|1984]] society ==
There are cameras everywhere and everyone is in a state of perpetual stupidity. Ms. Bitters and Prof. Membrane are probably part of the Inner Party and the Swollen Eyeball Network is the resistence (if such a thing actually existed). The only reason Zim hasn't been taken in is because there is no rule for such an occurence as an alien invasion.
** At least the skool system is in this state. Voting of the Doomed pretty much confirmed it. Also, like 1984, nearly all the food that appears is vomit-inducing.
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== Professor Membrane is a AU [[The Spoony Experiment (Web Video)|Dr Insano.]] ==
He does stuff [[For Science!]], has goggles/glasses/whatever, and is morally ambigous(yeah, I know Insano is evil, but he's more [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villian]] than actual evil). Not to mention that he's a [[Large Ham]]. And admit it, this would be awesome.
== G.I.R is actually a God of Insane Robots. ==
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