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== Anime & Manga ==
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* Toshiya from ''[[The World Is Mine]]'' starts out as [[Chaotic Evil|Mon's]] weak-willed bitch, even wearing a [[Villainous Crossdresser|female disguise]] and pretending to be Mon's girlfriend in public. Things begin to change after they're {{spoiler|killed by "Hakumadon"}} and Mon can't stand to kill. In addition to becoming the primary murderer of the two, he's also considerably more tech- and social-savvy than [[Wild Child]] Mon and he becomes increasingly vicious and [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative]] as the story goes on.
* Kurotowa in the ''[[Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind]]'' manga pulls the switch from "harmless" to "one to watch out for" in record time, going from appearing to be arrogant, toadying buffoon to effortlessly deflecting an assassination attempt in the space of his first appearance. And then, in his second appearance, he took control of a corvette and piloted it like an expert, even using the smoke from downed craft to cover his approach. It's even more jarring if you watched the anime first, as there all he manages is one of the most half-assed, pathetic [[Big Bad Wannabe]] attempts ever.
* In ''[[Kero Kero Chime]]'', [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]] Oroboros initially appears to be a pathetic gag villain who, at best, is destined for a hilarious failure of a [[Big Bad Wannabe]]. Then he turns out to be the real [[Big Bad]], banishes everyone to another world, and only narrowly fails to pull off his evil scheme.
* In ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]!'', Kurt Godel manages to pull this off in the space of a single chapter. He's introduced as [[Manipulative Bastard]] and [[Consummate Liar]] with a lot of political power, but he has to be accompanied by a massive number of bodyguards because he's so frail. Then {{spoiler|he kicks Negi's ass with [[Implausible Fencing Powers|one attack]], even though Negi is ''made of lightning''. Turns out that he's a master swordsman, and travelled with Ala Rubra in his youth. Oops.}}
* In ''[[Bakugan]]'' we have Rabeeder. She's a Hybrid Bakugan and servant of Naga. Compared to the other gate keepers, she and her sister are quite ditzy and silly and seems like a pushover when the heroes first meet her, challenging the heroes to... a race? In fact she's pretty much harmless and even hits on the main character. Total joke, right? Nope. When Rabeeder arrives on earth, Alice, while inexperienced at fighting on her own, volunteers to go after her under the impression that she is weak and with a little help seems to be doing fine. But then Rabeeder overhears that her sister had been defeated. Believing her sister to be KIA, she goes on a [[Unstoppable Rage|''total rampage'']] where she flings around the [[The Dragon|up-until-that-point's main and secondary antagonists' Bakugan]] like rag dolls and is totally unstoppable. She is only stopped by a lucky break when she discovers her sister isn't dead. The two reunite and Rabeeder calms down. [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|But if she hadn't...]]
* ''[[Sonic X]]'':
** Eggman alternates between being highly competent and totally [[Villain Decay|not competent at all]], so much so that it comes as quite a surprise for some when he talked [[Super -Powered Evil Side|Dark Sonic]] out of a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]], while his even more harmless robot buddies ''held off'' a Metarex leader.
** In earlier episodes at least, Eggman was actually genuinely formidable against most human forces and even the majority of the main protagonists. It is only against [[Invincible Hero|Sonic]] that he falls in a flash (and even then he did give him a run for his money a few odd times). He also seems to [[Laser Based Karma|become incredibly more competent]] whenever he forced to [[Enemy Mine|team up with Sonic]].
* Crump, [[The Dark Chick]] of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh]]'''s Big 5 is a joke in his first appearance. His obsession with penguins makes him rather ludicrous, and he ultimately loses a match against Tea, one of the hero's cheerleaders. He returns a few episodes later, and alongside the rest of the Big 5, engages [[The Hero|Yugi]] and [[The Lancer|Joey]] in a team duel--where he performs exceptionally well, using his Deck Master ability to power up Ganzley's WATER monsters, and maintaining control of the duel for the Big 5. It's not until the Big 5 move away from playing WATER creatures that he's forced to yield to Johnson, and in terms of overall performance he's just behind [[The Dragon|Lector]].
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* ''[[Spawn]]'':
** The Violator looks like a harmless, morbidly obese, clown with hygiene problems, but he is super strong and capable of ripping a man in half with his bare hands. His true form is absolutely frightening.
** This especially comes up in the [[Animated Adaptation]], when Spawn dismisses and threatens the seemingly harmless Clown one time too many. Clown smirks and says "you don't know who you're dealing with... but it's time you found out," and proceeds to change into his true, [[One -Winged Angel]] form to give Spawn the [[Curb Stomp Battle]] of his life, all while lecturing him on his role in the coming apocalypse.
* The Intelligencia from ''[[Fall of the Hulks]]''. The team is made of [[MODOK]], Leader, Wizard, Red Ghost, and Mad Thinker. Together they have become a pretty deadly force. How deadly, you ask? They managed to [[Out Gambitted|out gambit]] ''Doctor freakin' Doom''.
* One of the upsides of the ''[[Brand New Day]]'' era of ''[[Spider-Man]]'', to many fans, has been the recasting of C- and D-list loser villains into competent and credible threats. The Spot comes back as a vengeful psychopath who slowly drives his prey insane by stalking him, while the White Rabbit is an [[Ax Crazy]] drug dealer who's willing to commit mass murder to collect the money she's owed. This also applies to classic Lee-Ditko-Romita villains like Electro, the Shocker, and the Rhino, who have all been rehabilitated from the [[Villain Decay]] they've suffered over the last several years.
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* The Beast in ''[[Kung Fu Hustle]]''. Bald, overweight, and at first dressed in a less than intimidating manner, even [[The Syndicate]] that freed him didn't believe he was really the Beast until he held a gun six inches away from his head, pulled the trigger, and [[Bullet Catch|caught the bullet]]. With [[Establishing Character Moment|two fingers.]] He [[You Kill It You Bought It|quickly ascended]] to being the [[Big Bad]].
* ''[[The Dark Knight Saga|Batman Begins]]'':
** The Scarecrow gets this treatment. Prior to this movie, he was best known as the go-to incompetent villain on ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]''. In the movie, he's introduced as a skinny and unintimidating psychologist with big pretty eyes. And then he sets Batman on fire.''[[This Is Sparta|He. Set.]] [[The Batman (Animation)|BATMAN.]] [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|ON. FIRE.]]'' And still gets defeated pretty much instantly.
** In ''The Dark Knight'', both Batman and the mob are shown dismissing [[The Joker]] out of hand. The mob considers Batman their more pressing problem, while Batman (somewhat hypocritically) rationalizes that he's just one man, and so can't possibly be more dangerous than the mob. He ends up destroying quite a bit of the city, driving the last nail into the mob's coffin, [[Near Villain Victory|and almost doing the same for Batman]] and [[The Corrupter|drives Harvey Dent to madness.]]
* The [[Killer Rabbit]] from ''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]''.
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* ''[[The Pillars of the Earth]]'': Yeah, see that idiot, envious kid named William Hamleigh?]] Got made a fool of, butt of a lot of marriage jokes, and he lusts after a girl he'll never...[[Moral Event Horizon|OH SHIT DID HE JUST RAPE ALIENA!]] He gets worse from that.
* In ''[[Counselors and Kings]]'' {{spoiler|Dhamari}} is introduced as a middle-aged wizard of unremarkable talents and unassuming nature significant only because he was once married to one protagonist's mother. {{spoiler|He's actually one of the trilogy's main villains who's been helping half of the [[Big Bad Duumvirate]] with her schemes ever since they were apprentices together, and while he's no more magically talented than he looks and is too petty to be a true Chessmaster, he's got more than his fair share of low cunning and [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]}}.
* ''[[Honor Harrington]]'' presents us with {{spoiler|Mesa}}, a small, horribly corrupt star nation run by a coalition of [[Mega Corp|Mega Corps]], being responsible for a wide variety of atrocities in the name of [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|the bottom line]]. Despite the fact that they are effectively untouchable due to being wrapped in a tangled web of backroom political deals and blackmail of various powerful officials across the galaxy, they are considered largely a minor sideshow given the fact that the Peoples Republic of Haven and the Star Kingdom of Manticore are fighting the largest interstellar war in the history of mankind. {{spoiler|And then the Mesans launch their surprise attack on the Manticoran and Grayson homeworlds, smashing industrial infrastructure and causing millions of deaths, all with no warning.}}
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* Percy, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Nikita (TV)|Nikita]]'', started out seemingly ineffectual, always being [[Out Gambitted]] by Nikita at every turn. However, as the series goes on, he becomes more and more of a [[Complete Monster]], and as the penultimate episode of the first season shows, he is also one hell of a [[Magnificent Bastard]]. Check out his description on that page for details.
* [[Smug Snake|Vern]], [[Psycho Loner]] and [[Big Bad Wannabe]] of ''[[Dark Oracle]]'' spent a season-and-a-half being treated as a joke by the main characters, who had far bigger problems to deal with in the form of their [[Evil Twin|Evil Twins]] Blaze and Violet. Then in rapid succession Vern, finds and reads the comic book that shows Blaze and Violet's world, steals an amulet from [[The Mentor|Doyle]] and attempts to kill Doyle, Lance and Cally with it, absorbs some of the amulet's magic so that even after losing it he remains a threat, and frees previous [[Big Bad]] [[Evil Sorcerer|Omen]] from the comic, eventually helping him trap Lance in the comic, and loosing [[The Dragon|Blaze]] in the process. Unfortunately for him, Blaze being on the loose means that Vern is again overshadowed, and ultimately {{spoiler|has to pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] when he realises Blaze is going to turn on him}}.
* Dr. Maki from ''[[Kamen Rider OOO]]'' started out as a creepy [[Mad Scientist]] that was actually rather evil (though he was ''working'' for a good guy). And, while he did make a [[Deal With the Devil]] with the [[Big Bad]] Kazari, he gradually turned into a joke...until {{spoiler|he remembered ''he'' killed his sister and decides it was the right thing to do.}} Not only does he regain all his previous level of evil, ''[[It Got Worse|he]] [[Moral Event Horizon|gets]] [[Complete Monster|worse]]!'' He {{spoiler|goes [[One -Winged Angel]] and becomes the Dinosaur Greeed, unites the Greeed, and tells Kazari [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]], [[Eviler Than Thou|killing him by ripping out his intact Core Medals]], leaving him to die a slow and painful death (though he had it coming...). He goes from an absolute joke to the ''[[Big Bad]]!''}}
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== Video Games ==
* ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'':
** Kefka, to a certain extent. Comically-loony jester sidekick of the real villain? [[Evil Laugh|Uwa, ha ha]]. '''[[Omnicidal Maniac|W]][[Nietzsche Wannabe|R]][[Big Bad|O]][[Monster Clown|N]][[One -Winged Angel|G]][[Ax Crazy|!]][[Moral Event Horizon|!]]'''
** Speaking of ''[[Final Fantasy]]'', what about the recurring monster Tonberry? Little green guy in a coat, carrying a lantern and a kitchen knife, he should be easy to kill, right? Wrong... it doesn't help that he's creepy as hell too.
** What's more, in the ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' series, Tonberries are among the most powerful enemies, capable of doing up to ''999'' damage with ''100%'' accuracy. And for the people who don't know, that is ''all'' of the damage. At least, that can be done in any one attack.
** The Cactuar deserves a spot on this page. The first time you ever see one, it looks and even sounds unbearably cute and harmless. It's just a little walking cactus. In nearly all of the games though, not only do they possess insane evasion and magic defense making it extremely difficult to damage them, they also possess their infamous 1000 Needles [[Fixed Damage Attack]], which ignores all defenses and can kill a character in one hit depending on HP caps. That's not even mentioning the stronger varieties that have the 10,000 needle and 100,000 needle variants. Basically, no matter how powerful your characters are, there's bound to be a cactus that can murder the hell out of them with [[One -Hit Kill|one blow]].
** And then we have to go full circle and bring up Kefka again. More specifically, his [[Dissidia Final Fantasy (Video Game)|Dissidia Final Fantasy]] incarnation. Due to the way that universe is built up, when a character dies, s/he will simply be resurrected again, though of at expense of the memories of his/her previous life. All through the 13th resurrection circle, Kefka is trying, with the help of [[Final Fantasy III (Video Game)|the Cloud of Darkness]], to get Terra Branford to join their side. Again. See, she actually WAS on their side in the 12th circle, but due to Kefka being neglectful she pulled a [[High Heel Face Turn]]... So, why does the Cloud of Darkness not call Kefka out on it being his fault? And why does she act like she had never seen Terra before? Well, because she tipped the heroes off on how to stop the invasion of [[Mook|Manikins]], beings that can nullify the resurrection process, and Kefka did not like that... So he killed her... Let me repeat that, and then you can sit there and let it sink in: The gibbering [[Psychopathic Manchild]], Kefka, pulled a [[You Have Failed Me]] on the [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] [[Humanoid Abomination|of the realm of nothingness]]. <ref> To put that into further perspective; not even the Onion Knight, the Cloud of Darkness' fated nemesis, could kill her in his main storyline.</ref>
* ''[[Devil May Cry]] 3'' gives us Jester, goofy [[Monster Clown|clown demon]] who shows up randomly to annoy Dante and give him advice on how to proceed. Then you have to fight him as a boss and even that ends up being funny due to Jester's [[Affably Evil|personality]], but during [[The Reveal]] {{spoiler|you find out he's Arkham's Devil Trigger and has been manipulating Dante, Vergil, and Lady in a [[Evil Plan]] to open the portal to the demon world, give him the sealed power of Sparda, and generally bring [[Hell On Earth]]}}.
* [[Making a Splash|Alex]] of ''[[Golden Sun (Video Game)|Golden Sun]]'' fame is little more of a [[Smug Snake]] in the first game, whereas his companions always throw themselves into the thick of combat and are more than willing to risk their lives to achieve their dream of restoring Alchemy to the world. Then the sequel rolls around and in the first five minutes he ''[[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomps]]'' the same elite soldiers that Saturos and Menardi did a game ago before nonchalantly responding to their threat of backup by asking if they thought even ''a hundred'' of their soldiers would be enough to stop him. He then reveals true colours as a [[Magnificent Bastard]], employing tactics such as hiring {{spoiler|replacements for his old companions}} in order to intimidate [[Anti -Hero|Felix]] into lighting the remaining beacons. He then ([[Epileptic Trees|presumably]]) steals [[The Hero|Isaac]]'s ship so he can {{spoiler|be there when the Golden Sun forms over Mt. Aleph after all four Elemental Lighthouse beacons are lit so that [[A God Am I|he can obtain absolute power and]] [[Immortality]].}}
* ''[[The King of Fighters]] '97'' has the New Faces Team. At first they appear to be just some punk kids (or whatever kind of band they had) with upbeat attitudes and realistic fighting styles. Supplemental materials suggest that they hate Iori and may have punked the '94 Sports Team, but otherwise they're pretty normal. Then it is revealed that all three of them are villains from the Orochi bloodline, and they display highly powerful elemental abilities in their new forms. And then one of them becomes Orochi himself, and you're suddenly fighting a world-destroying god. A world destroying god who was originally ''Chris'', the Team's [[Cute Shotaro Boy]] and [[Fragile Speedster]].
* Garland, of the original ''[[Final Fantasy I (Video Game)|Final Fantasy I]]''. Wussy first boss of a knight that you'd probably forget about once you reach the final dungeon, where he turns out to be the [[Big Bad]].
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** Marluxia. "A pink scythe? Flowers? You can't be--oh shit!"
* ''[[Dragon Fable (Video Game)|Dragon Fable]]'':
** Nythera. Starts off as a somewhat bratty and powerless apprentice to Warlic, the greatest mage in the world. She's pretty blatant about wanting Warlic to give her her powers back, and insinuates that she'll take his powers if he doesn't. This is all played for laughs at first. Then she kills Warlic and steals his powers and issues a challenge to all of the Elemental Lords at once, which drives them to attack your town. To add insult to injury, she even thanks you, since she used the potions YOU helped her to make to finish off Warlic. [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]].
** Later in the quest line, {{spoiler|when she faces the Elemental Avatars, the player gets the chance to control her. ''Her basic attack'' consists of several hits that do hundreds of damage ''each''. Due to the way the battles work, it's still a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]], but ''damn''}}.
* Deathroy from ''[[Blue Dragon]]''. What appears to be an annoying sidekick turns out to {{spoiler|have been the [[Big Bad]] all along. In fact, he's the [[Big Bad]] that killed all of the Not-Really-The-Big-Bad's people.}}
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** And at the end of ''[[Halo 3]]'', after seeing him do little more than float, blabber on, and occasionally send Setinels to kill MC, he kills Johnson and actually kicks Master Chief and Arbiter's asses in a case of [[Cutscene Power to The Max]]. Sure, he becomes an [[Anticlimax Boss]] as soon as you realize Johnson's [[BFG|Spartan Laser's]], the right tool to finally end his whining, but until then, he was putting down some serious hurt.
* The [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] of ''[[Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga (Video Game)|Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]'', Fawful, poses very little threat when he fights the heroes at the end of the game, and even refers to himself as "Fawful, who is just a toady!" Then, after spending the next game in the series plotting his revenge in the sewers beneath Peach's castle, he returns as the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story (Video Game)|Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]].''
* At the beginning of [[Gaia Online]] MMO ''zOMG!'', we are introduced to [http://s.cdn.gaiaonline.com/images/publishing/manga/984135245/79fbabdba68a795400a895424d9f3aaf.jpg Frank.] Who's a cute little nerdy boy? You's a cute little nerdy boy, oh yes you are! {{spoiler|He's the second-in-command of a group of [[Mad Scientist|mad scientists]] who are ''destroying the world'' [[For Science!]].}}
** Likewise, the [[Killer Rabbit|Fluff enemies]]. You get used to crushing these guys with minimal effort in the first two areas... and then the Zen Gardens introduces suicidal Cherry Fluffs that gang up on you and then ''explode'' [[For Massive Damage]]. Later areas include Fluffs that sink you in quicksand as well.
* Rider in ''[[Fate Stay Night]]'' spent the first route having even Shirou calling her weak and in the second route she got killed offscreen by a normal, non magus human. Fierce. But then she shows up in HF and ''starts turning people into stone by looking at them.'' (Surprise! She's Medusa!) Oh and then she makes a [[Heel Face Turn]] (sort of...) so this overlaps with [[Let's Get Dangerous]].
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* ''[[Ghostbusters the Video Game]]'' subverts this. [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] Walter Peck is back... {{spoiler|but hints start getting dropped partway through that he's actually the [[Big Bad]], and his obnoxious bumbling obstruction is a cover for his nefarious motives. In the end, it turns out he ''is'' just an obnoxious Obstructive Bureaucrat, and the real [[Big Bad]] is the ghost of Ivo Shandor -- and Peck's not even the one who was possessed by him, it was the mayor.}}
* ''[[Xenogears (Video Game)|Xenogears]]'':
** Miang is introduced as the unassuming girlfriend of the [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]] Ramsus. Much later, it is revealed that {{spoiler|she is the [[Big Bad]], the human form of the creator "god," and has existed for 10000 years via [[Body Surf|body surfing]]. It also doesn't hurt that the battle against her gear is one of the hardest in the game.}}
** From the same game: Krelian. He's presented as an antagonist from the beginning, so he's never exactly "harmless," but at first he seems pretty insignificant compared to Grahf, the Gazel Ministry, and Id. {{spoiler|Turns out he's a [[Chessmaster]] [[Magnificent Bastard]] who's been manipulating everyone of consequence for the last five centuries. In the end HE WINS.}}
* ''[[Pokémon]]'':
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== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Order of the Stick]]'':
** The lich sorcerer Xykon is an extreme example. His humorous dialogue and status as a [[Card -Carrying Villain]] along with the fact that he rarely fights directly (in anything but an instant win) lead many people to believe he was much less serious or at least genuinely malevolent than he really is. Then he's pushed into exerting himself... As Redcloak puts it: "I know he seems funny and charming, but believe me, when you see for yourself the depths to which he'll sink, you will never sleep well again."
** Qarr the imp is a definite case of playing with a trope. The first we saw of Qarr was an ominous red and black speech bubble speaking from just off panel during a [[Cliff Hanger]]. Fans went into a flurry of speculation about this mysterious new being, but nobody expected it to be [[The Imp|a tiny imp]] with virtually no power of its own and who wasn't even all that bright. However, Qarr's attempts to convince Vaarsuvius into a [[Deal With the Devil]] drew the attention of the IFCC, a trio of powerful evil beings bent on creating enough chaos, confusion and disorder so that they can move ahead with their own attempt to seize [[Eldritch Abomination|The Snarl's]] Gate. Qarr is now working with them, and as a result after starting out as something of an inversion, Qarr is now much more dangerous than he ever was in his previous position.
** And then there's the Monster In The Darkness, an unknown medium-sized creature who behaves like a young child, yet is practically invulnerable to all attacks. He once accidentally knocked a paladin through a stone wall, out of a tower, and several miles away in a game of "Who Can Hit the Lightest". He can also basically create an earthquake by stomping. {{spoiler|And he teleported Vaarsivus and O-chul a couple kingdoms away, without the knowledge of anybody in the room (namely, The Monster itself and the aforementioned Xykon), ''just by saying "escape"''.}}
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* Act III of ''[[Doctor Horribles Sing Along Blog]]'', when the titular [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]] takes off the kid gloves and decides to [[Murder the Hypotenuse]] in response to [[Smug Super|Captain Hammer's]] merciless taunting over the theft of his would-be girlfriend Penny. Subverted when, even with all the provocation in the world and his [[Arch Enemy]] helpless before him, he can't bring himself to pull the trigger. [[Double Subverted]] when Hammer turns the tables and the malfunctioning [[Death Ray]] explodes, handing Dr. Horrible the victory anyway.
* ''[[Whateley Universe]]'':
** Jade could also qualify, as her only power is rather weak on its own, being "[[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway|What a lame power is heart]]". She's also gained regeneration, but that's not direct damage... except she's got a [[Mad Scientist]] on call to make her [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?|wonderful toys]], and she is VERY clever with using her powers. Amongst other things, she shot someone in the face (Stun), has no qualms about killing enemy mooks if necessary, is known to be a [[Mama Bear]], is working directly for a [[Cosmic Horror]] that exists solely to EAT COSMIC HORRORS! Oh, and she once trapped a demon in the body of an infant... Twice. (Forced it to reform itself in an infant body by threatening it... Then trapped it in that body by breast-feeding it... Regenerator milk has very strange properties.)
** Not to mention the time she was attacked by the [[Ultra Violent]] Bloodwolf. She used railway spikes to nail him to a tree, and used silver to burn "I attack little girls" into his chest.
** Hekate also gets credit, along with Don Sebastaino. {{spoiler|Hekate came perilously close to making Fey into her mind-slave, and actually killed Jade, who got better. Both she and Don were revealed to be rapists, and at a much higher level of villainy. While both ended up defeated, Hekate is now working for a A- List Supervillain, the Necromancer. He's not a proper A List or A+ List only by comparison to other Supervillains who kill a whole lot more people.}}
* /tg/'s Drew the Lich, an incompetent, [[Card -Carrying Villain|card-carrying villain]] [[Minion With an F In Evil|who can't even get the "villain" part right]] (his phylactery is a Skeletor figurine). Never forget about the ''lich'' part, or [http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/3144112/ this may happen]. [http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/4750158/ And don't let him plot against you] [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|"Whoever said I would act Lawfully?"]] after all!
* In the [[Machinima]] ''[[Deus Ex Machina]]'', {{spoiler|Patrick}} is obviously going to be a villain from the moment you see him, but from his nerdy voice and attitude, he doesn't seem very threatening. {{spoiler|Then he gets mindraped by the covenant and dons his supersuit before weakening the earth's defenses to the point that the covenant can easily break through and kill us all WHILE killing off Michael, John's only friend, and making every single attempt to save the world meaningless before throwing him into a pit with two berserkers.}} Even PLAGUE didn't cross the horizon this much.
* ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' has Jimmy Brennan, who started out as a [[Miles Gloriosus]] type who ran around the forest screaming and [[Bring My Brown Pants|pissing his pants]] in the first thread he appeared in, and bragging about being a [[Badass]] in the next. For the most part, his antics are fun in a [[Crosses the Line Twice]] sort of way, up until he {{spoiler|beats resident [[Jerk Jock]] Philip Ward to death with a branch}}.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot|Omega]] from ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'' is an unusual example, as the viewer doesn't learn of his [[Not So Harmless]] moment until after he's been {{spoiler|absorbed by the [[Big Bad|Meta]], taking him permanently out of the picture}}: Despite being the [[Big Bad]] for the show's first five seasons, Omega/O'Malley was always far too cartoonish and [[Large Ham|hammy]] to be taken seriously, being more a parody of the [[Big Bad]] archetype. Then, in the beginning of Reconstruction, a shell-shocked Red soldier named Walter explained to Command over what went down after the Blues at Valhalla scavenged Tex's crashed pelican (see the ending to the Blood Gulch Chronicles). Walter's rather detailed description of an ominous 'infection' to the Blues and Reds, on top of how the Blues massacred one another, made Omega seem much more threatening as an antagonist than his previous incarnation ever did. And THEN we learn that he and Gamma were put in charge of {{spoiler|torturing the Alpha until its mind disintegrated by trapping it in nightmare situations it couldn't escape from}}...
* [[Coyle Command|Dr. Vorn]] really doesn't look like much of a [[Mad Scientist]] when he first arrives, yelping and jumping at least three times in his meeting with Coyle Commander. And yet, his creation successfully infiltrates their [[New Villain Order|rivals]], takes over their head quarters and prepares to bring their plans to [[Take Over the World]] to life! ...And when that doesn't quite work, the Commander kills Vorn and hires his creation instead.
* The [[Big Bad]] mastermind of ''[[Gaia Online]]''s deicide storyline? {{spoiler|Don Kuro, the [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|perpetually]] [[Cute Shotaro Boy|five-years-old]] dark elf mob boss, about whom all we'd known previously was that he [[One of Us|likes going to anime conventions]] ([[No Fourth Wall|Gaia conventions, even]]), has an [[Cool Big Sis|awesome big sister]], is a huge [[MommasMomma's Boy]], and owes Devin favors ([[Ship Sinking|not that kind]]).}}
* [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] is a pathetic, miserable, useless waste of space... but he rigged ''[[Kickassia]]'' with dynamite just in case anyone wanted to take his finally-gained power away.
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** The second version of Dee was probably inspired by his really, really creepy, almost squicky depiction in the first run of [[Neil Gaiman]]'s ''[[The Sandman]]''. He also shows elements in this incarnation, where he starts out an atrophied, behind the times insomniac whose carjacking attempt only succeeded because the victim was being nice. Then he killed the driver (after patiently listening to her life story), recovered his [[Artifact of Doom]], and drove the entire world mad.
* While [[Darkwing Duck]]'s no-nonsense, death-penalty toting [[Knight Templar]] future self of [[Future Me Scares Me|Darkwarrior Duck]] will ''never'' be mistaken for harmless, there is a brief point where this is invoked. In a scene cut from the broadcast version, Gosalyn [[I Know You Are in There Somewhere Fight|attempts to appeal to Darkwarrior]] when he pulls his signature, and decidedly non-lethal, gas gun on her. She calls his bluff, when he reveals that he hasn't used a gas gun in years, and that the weapon he's aiming ''point-blank, at her face'' is a freaking '''missile launcher'''.
* Stan, Xander Crews' aging, overweight, and constantly exasperated assistant on ''[[Frisky Dingo]]''. After Xander went missing, he had him declared dead (calmly explaining such when Crews called him before hanging up and [[WhosWho's Laughing Now?|laughing]]), took over the Crews corporation and, with it, the Crews fortune and Xander's identity as the superhero Awesome X, and his command over the [[Powered Armor]] wearing X-Tacles.
* Zet from ''[[Magi Nation]]''. Seeming at first to be a [[Harmless Villain]] as one of a [[Terrible Trio]]-style set of [[Those Two Bad Guys]] (and the eternal [[Butt Monkey]] of his [[Dumb Muscle]] superior Korg), Zet turned out to be not only a peerless mastermind once he was finally rid of Korg, but is universally considered the hardest boss in the game, having more health than the final boss himself and the ability to act twice in one turn.
* ''[[Sonic Sat AM (Animation)|Sonic Sat AM]]'':
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** The show's third season plans would also have played with this for Snively, Robotnik's downtrodden lackey, who would take over briefly as [[Big Bad]]. Though supposedly leaving his mark for a brief while, the Freedom Fighters would eventually begin to overpower him, pressuring him to release Naugus who would begin his aforementioned domination. It should be noted even in what of the series was made, Snively showed odd occasions of competence and even came ''this'' close to conquering Knothole.
* In the ''[[He-Man and The Masters of The Universe (Animation)|He-Man and The Masters of The Universe]]'' universe, Hordak managed to share the same fate as Ixis: In the 2002 series, he was used relatively minorly in the series, but would have been more important in the unmade S3.
* ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'':
** This version of the Scarecrow is rather unthreatening in appearance, but gets his usual thing on, spreading fear and such. He isn't considered especially threatening until he starts sadistically removing people's fears, causing citywide chaos and panic.
** Even by the standards of Batman's rogues gallery, the Clock King looks like he should be a pushover. He's just some two-bit pencil-pusher with a bowler hat and clock-themed glasses, right? I mean, the only skill he has is punctuality. What are his chances against Batman? Pretty good, it turns out; his timing is impeccable, and he's studied the way Batman moves, so the Dark Knight can't even land a punch.
** Not to mention that his skills at timing and planning allowed the Suicide Squad (er, Task Force X) to break in the Justice League Watchtower and steal a god-made all-powerful armor.
* ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|Batman]]'' and ''[[Superman the Animated Series|Superman]]'':
** When the first cross-overs between the animated series started, Batman fought Lex and won quite effortlessly when Superman thought he couldn't handle him. And then Superman, who had absolutely dismissed The Joker as goofy-looking nobody, is then nearly defeated by the psycho (not to mention he nearly kills [[Lois Lane]] and a few hundred other people while pinning Super down).
** From an evil point of view, Lex has dismissed Joker himself because he can't handle his 'mere mortal' in Gotham. [[Eviler Than Thou|By the end the Joker completely outdoes him, nearly destroying everything he loves and nearly killing him.]]
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** {{spoiler|And after he became Waspinator he's now twice as big as Prime. Not to mention he's hopped up on unstable Transwarp energy. Oh, and like his ''[[Beast Wars (Animation)|Beast Wars]]'' counterpart, getting blown to pieces isn't exactly life threatening to him.}}
** The Decepticons Starscream, Blitzwing, and Lugnut also fall under this category. They aren't too bright (although Starscream has some moments), are very comical, and are each capable of single handedly defeating all 5 main Autobots without too much trouble in a straight fight.
*** Not to mention Swindle, an arms dealer based on [[But Wait! There's More!|Ron Popeil]] with hidden weaponry up the [[Unusual Euphemism|exhaust port]] and surprisingly sneaky and clever.
*** When Starscream made a bunch of clones, they all set to bickering, and their personalities really affected how they fought (Skywarp was too much of a [[Dirty Coward]], and [[Bad Liar|Ramjet]] and [[Small Name, Big Ego|Thundercracker]] spent too much time talking). [[Deadpan Snarker|Slipstream]] and [[Professional Butt Kisser|Sunstorm]], however were more effective, taking Bulkhead and Prowl down respectively.
** Hell, even some of the ''human'' villains get this...Most notably the Headmaster, who's basically an [[Internet Tough Guy]] with a [[Mini Mecha]] that he can take over other robots with. Robots includeing [[The Big Guy|Bulkhead]] and, later on, the aforementioned Starscream. It's fair to say ''Animated'' has a lot of this going around.
* The Decepticons from [[Transformers Generation One|the original ''Transformers'' cartoon]] were originally portrayed as goofy, incompetent villains who constantly lost to the Autobots every single time throughout the first two seasons, but from ''[[Transformers the Movie]]'' onwards, they actually began killing almost half the original Autobot cast! (out-of-universe, this was actually done by the writers [[Merchandise -Driven|just so they can make room for new characters, both 'Bot and 'Con alike)]] The third and final season, as with the Japanese sequels, actually portrayed all of the 'Cons as true villains.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'':
** The Box Ghost was a minor incompetent villain, only posing a serious threat to Danny when he was first starting out. But then he stole Pandora's Box and started releasing [[Sealed Evil in A Can]] all over the place...
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** Most of Dr. Drakken's schemes ''nearly'' work, but there's usually some fatal flaw that destroys them. If not that, there always a [[Genre Savvy]] cheerleader or a certain molerat who gets in the way.
** ''[[The Movie|So the Drama]]'' saw him [[Near Villain Victory|succeed on a grander scale]], and showed how dangerous he ''can'' be when he [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|finally learns from his past mistakes]].
** In the second finale, he underwent a plant mutation that at first made it look like he was [[One -Winged Angel|turning into a monster]], but then it appeared to make him look even more ridiculous. Turns out though, this mutation gave him powerful, destructive vines that he used to crush the [[Tripod Terror|alien walkers]], earning him his very first victory. If the writers had decided to continue the series, he really would be a force to be reckoned with.
* ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'':
** Subverted with [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|the Amoeba Boys]]. One episode has them unleash a potentially life-threatening virus that quickly spreads throughout the whole city. This would normally make them qualify, except for the facts that A. it was a complete accident on their part, B. they literally had no idea that they were the ones responsible for the outbreak until the Girls convinced them to hope create a vaccine, and C. ''They themselves were infected by the virus''.
** In another episode, the girls believe they were [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] after being caught in a trap. Of course the trap was really the plan of Mojo Jojo and the girls were the ones who set it up.
* Inverted with Valmont from ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures (Animation)|Jackie Chan Adventures]]''. Involves a [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] and complications.
* Lucius on ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'' is usually the posterboy for [[The Devil Is a Loser]]. However, according to [[Word of God]], he has powers that can allow him to ''remake the planet to his will!'' The sole reason he doesn't is because he wants to prove to everyone he doesn't need to.
* Though not shown often from the present day one, [[Dora the Explorer|Swiper the Fox]], of all people, sometimes has shades of this. His [[Bad Future]] self reveals the only reason Dora can stop him is he's just polite enough to listen to her "Swiper no swiping" trick. When he ended up on the Naughty List on Christmas, he stops listening at all. The result is he becomes so successful and steals so much stuff the future Dora angrily tells the present Swiper there's nothing left to swipe and he's single handedly ruined everyone's Christmas since that day. Then when the past Swiper tries the "Swiper no swiping" trick on his future self, future Swiper simply laughs at him and says it doesn't work anymore before stealing said item anyway. Good thing Swiper is polite, huh?
* ''[[Phineas and Ferb The Movie Across The 2nd Dimension]]'' has an [[Alternate Universe]] version of Dr. Doofenschmirtz who is way more evil and dangerous than the one we're accustomed to.
* The Urpneys of ''[[The Dreamstone]]'' are blundering idiots who even the heroes described as being "tiresome". However despite their haplessness, they did on several occasions manage to outsmart or capture the heroes and actually succeeded in bringing the Dreamstone to Zordrak multiple times over. It was merely stopping the heroes from stealing it back they had problems with. In some cases it was a [[The Fool|mere number of conveniences]] that gave the heroes a victory.
* Abizz Mal of ''[[Aladdin (Disney)|Aladdin]]'' is mostly by far the least threatening of Aladdin's [[Rogues Gallery]], but there are times when he's managed to not only get the upper hand, but come dangerously close to winning, such as when {{spoiler|he took advantage of Jasmine's amnesia in order to brainwash her into a fanatically loyal, nigh-unstoppable [[One -Man Army|One Woman Army.]].}}
** There's also Mechanikles. {{spoiler|Like Abizz Mal, his one episode where he's a major threat involves brainwashing. Unlike Abizz Mal, however, he doesn't brainwash just Jasmine, but ''everyone in Agrabah except Aladdin and Genie''}}.
* Dr Robotnik of ''[[Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' is largely considered far more incompetant than most other incarnations of the doctor, however he has been shown to be [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] several times over and many of his inventions, as goofy as they are, are very elaborate or at least work as he intended.
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