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* [[Action Girl]]: Sonja, obviously being a protagonist, is this.
** [[Action Mom]]/[[Pregnant Badass]]: Sonja can become both if you play as her.
* [[Aerith and Bob]]: This is clearly in effect when there's an Aden, who talks to both a [[Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?|Kilt]] and a [[Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?|Knit]] (In the Japanese version only, Knit and Kilt are renamed to Quinn and Kelsey for the English release), who then talk to a Sonja, who then speaks with a Violet and a James. There are others too, of course, and they likewise fit into this diverse spectrum.
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|The Masked Man's goal. [[Rune Factory Frontier|This seems to be a theme for RF villains.]]}}
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Applies to the pub-frequenting [http://www.gpara.com/comingsoon/runeoceans/110114/15.php Bacchus], who, admittedly, appears to drink simply because he enjoys it, and not for emotional reasons.
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* [[Death Is a Slap On The Wrist]]: Unlike previously, one need not pay monetarily for a complete loss of HP - instead, either Aden or Sonja will awake with a cold the following morning.
* [[Do You Want to Haggle|Do You Want To Haggle?]]: Aden and Sonja can attempt to bargain prices, especially at "Gemini," the general store. Their success isn't always a guarantee, however.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]: Appears once more, as can be seen [http://www.famitsu.com/news/201010/images/00034624/wBlKUz5aIqP2y68rLFNu2JkoY7eA9hEL.html here], and is actually set as the default weapons ability.
* [[Easy Amnesia]]: Subverted. It's been emphasized that neither Aden nor Sonja have amnesia, marking them as the first protagonists in the series to not have such.
* [[Encyclopaedic Knowledge]]: [[Your Mileage May Vary|Arguably]] applies to Jocelyn, as she has to be, at the very least, ''somewhat'' learned in order appraise the various and random items brought to her.
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* [[Expressive Shirt|Expressive Clothes]]: Pandora's floating scarf often reacts to her emotions, hovering casually when she is calm or twisting slightly when she is angered.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Both Sierra and [http://www.gpara.com/comingsoon/runeoceans/110114/09.php Joe], Fenith Island's local treasure hunter, have these, though the former's are often half-closed in a rather sleepy manner.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress|Fancy Gown]]: Electra certainly has one of the more extravagant dresses seen on any character, of which has tools and various clothier paraphernalia spread about her person, likely used for her accessory crafting.
* [[Fetch Quest|Fetch Quests]]: Make a return, though require Aden or Sonja to travel across ''miles'' of open sea to complete.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Joe, unsurprisingly, is this.
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* [[Good Shepherd]]: [http://www.gpara.com/comingsoon/runeoceans/110114/12.php Father Grey], Fenith Island's priest, is this.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: Sonja has this happen to her at the beginning of the game, {{spoiler|largely as a result of the [[Body Snatcher|Masked Man's]] meddling}}.
* [[Green Eyed Monster|Green-Eyed Monster]]: Because of their current [[Sharing a Body|circumstances]], Sonja will become increasingly more jealous as Aden develops his relationships with those of the opposite gender. The same can be said of him, too, though.
* [[Green Eyes]]: Both Sonja and Anette have shades of these.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Both James and Elena share this in common, along with their [[Blue Eyes|blue eyes]]. Applies to Anette as well.
* [[Hands Off Parenting|Hands-Off Parenting]]: Arguable with Beatrix; while she is not terribly neglectful, she spends the better part of the day in the family's backyard, attempting to dig up a buried fortune, and therefore leaving her daughter Electra not only to her own devices, but also those inherent with being Fenith Island's representative. Additionally, Fenith Island's Descended Dragon, upon laying its egg, promptly departs back to the Forest of Beginnings.
* [[Healing Spring]]: The hot spring, open once daily, fully restores any HP and RP lost due to battling or more mundane activities, such as farming and fishing. Unlike previous installments, however, it is a free utility.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|The Goblin Pirate Captain, shortly after the [[Enemy Mine]] moment.}}
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: Aden, Sonja, Ymir, and {{spoiler|Fangord, the new Arch-Dragon}} all can be renamed to the player's liking.
* [[Heroic Second Wind]]: Aden experiences this during the final battle, and is able to defeat {{spoiler|[[The Reveal|Sonja's possessed body]]}} thanks, in part, to thoughts of his [[The Power of Friendship|friends]].
** More specifically, he gets a free resurrection and protection from the boss's [[That One Attack]] from each islander he has maxed Friendship with (level 6), plus Sonja and {{spoiler|the Goblin Chief}}.Needless to say that for someone who took their time towning around, it becomes a cakewalk.
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* [[City of Adventure|Island of Adventure]]: Fenith Island seems to have an unhealthy habit of attracting all things peculiar, and yet no one seems to think any of this as out-of-the-ordinary. Possessions, physical deities, giants bursting from the earth, talking statues, and a young man with a disembodied soul in his head? It's all good.
* [[Item Crafting]]: As mentioned previously, this ability makes a return, offering the player with improvable cooking, alchemy, forging, and carpentry skills.
* [[Its Always Spring|It's Always Spring]]: Averted ''and'' played straight. The seasons change accordingly on Fenith Island, as could be expected, often drawing the attention of the townsfolk, who will comment on the weather. However, certain isles and elemental temples retain a specific season throughout, regardless of what is occurring elsewhere.
* [[Justified Tutorial]]: Upon his arrival, Odette takes it upon herself to guide Aden around Fenith Island, giving brief descriptions of various locations as they stop and introducing him to both residents and concepts of the game alike. Furthermore, Aden and Sonja both discuss battle tactics and the like with one another while similarly incorporating rules of play into their conversations.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better|Katana Are Just Better]]: The ''katana'' and similar blades allow for quick, often devastating blows, despite their narrow line of attack.
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* [[Monster Arena]]: Upon completion of the game, one such one becomes available to either Aden or Sonja to test their mettle within.
* [[Multi Platform|Multi-Platform]]: The first ''[[Rune Factory]]'' game to be so, in fact.
* [[NamesName's the Same|Name's The Same]]: Iris' name is, well, ''the same'' as those of the localized versions of the [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampires|friendly neighborhood vampires']] from ''[[Rune Factory Frontier]]'', separately known as Blanche and Noire. Her name's [[Dub Name Change|been changed]] to Violet in the localization, likely to avoid this confusion.
* [[The Napoleon]]: Elena, though whether her ill-mannered behaviour stems from her height - or lack thereof - or otherwise is not quite known.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Aden. Beatrix and James may count as well, though how much sarcasm one uses in concerns to this [[Your Mileage May Vary|will depend]]. Then there's Sonja's headband-thingy and Candy's zipper-beret...
* [[Non Idle Rich|Non-Idle Rich]]: Amongst other duties, Electra takes up part-time jobs and does the housework, which she doesn't necessarily mind, though much to Maerwen's chagrin. Beatrix isn't idle either, being acting mayor (though it's implied that she does little work at this) and busily attempting to mine the hillside in her back yard.
** Although Electra and Beatrix aren't rich themselves; they just come from a rich family.
* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: After the final battle, {{spoiler|Aden and Sonja freefall toward the earth and are stopped suddenly by the power of the spirits.}} One could say they saved them, but it's still impossible.
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* [[People Puppets]]: {{spoiler|Lily}} becomes subjected to this as a result of possession, as well as {{spoiler|Odette}}, who soon thereafter comes to {{spoiler|her sister's}} aid. Additionally, {{spoiler|Pandora becomes possessed by her own father several times, as he disapproves of her being in a relationship, as well as for other various reasons}}. Oh, and then there's {{spoiler|[[The Reveal|Sonja's body in the guise of the Masked Man]]}} too.
* [[Physical God]]: Fenith Island's Descended Dragon is this, being that its kind is normally abundant elsewhere.
* [[Pimped -Out Dress]]: Electra, even though her family is poor.
* [[Pink Girl, Blue Boy]]: Sonja and Aden. Relates to the "Color Coded" trope above. Can also be applied to [http://www.gpara.com/comingsoon/runeoceans/101222/12.php Quinn] and [http://www.gpara.com/comingsoon/runeoceans/101222/11.php Kelsey].
* [[Plucky Girl]]: Sonja, certainly. Despite being forced to live in another's body as a virtual spirit for an unspecified amount of time, on top of being trapped in a world that's not her own, her naturally bright disposition is rarely dampened.
* [[Pointless Band Aid|Pointless Band-Aid]]: Sierra has one on the right side of her face.
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* [[Raised By Grandparents|Raised By Grandparent]]: Joe lives with his grandfather, Bacchus, off Fenith Island's local pier. The two tend to clash over the validity of his profession.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Pandora is at very least 400 years old, but still appears to be a young woman.
* [[Rose Haired Girl|Rose-Haired Girl]]: Sonja's pink hair is [[Your Mileage May Vary|arguably]] one of her most defining physical features.
* [[Saintly Church]]: The church on Fenith Island is multifunctional, acting as a religious center, an infirmary and drug store, and a place to be wed. It also serves as a home of sorts for the orphans Quinn and Kelsey, as well as Pandora later on.
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Odette has a slim scar under her right eye and an arguably more prominent one upon her upper right arm, of which is partially concealed by an armband. Grey, too, has one on the left side of his face, and Bacchus has many on his arms. The extent, impact - if any - and circumstances of or behind these injuries are currently unknown, though, of course, they might just be there to [[Good Scars, Evil Scars|look cool]], too.
** Actually, Odette does, indeed, explain her scar. Sonja asks about it and Odette is surprised she had just noticed. She goes on to awkwardly explain that it had come from a time when she was a child, sharpening a knife, and tried to cut a rock with it. Hilarity Ensued.
* [[Seadog Beard]]: Who else ''but'' Bacchus would have this?
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** At one point when Odette asks Aden about her cooking, he says she needs to "kick it up a notch."
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Violet has a tendency of being unable to speak and blushing furiously when around Aden, though raising her [[Relationship Values|relationship values]] assuages said problems. Kelsey, too, is debilitatingly shy, particularly so around none other than the aforementioned [[Precocious Crush|Violet]].
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: Quinn, the sister, enjoys [[Cheerful Child|playing outside]], while Kelsey, the brother, prefers to stay indoors [[Bookworm|reading books]]. Additionally, Bismarck is a [[Shop Keeper|diligent and talented businessman]], while his sister Sierra lacks all motivation to properly do her job, instead preferring to [[All Work vs. All Play|skip work and have fun]], much to his chagrin. James and Elena may also qualify, too.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: In the Japanese version, Sarah and Maerwen are subject to this, given the way their names are written and due to the conventions surrounding ''katakana''; as such, the former can be referred to as Sera or Sela, amongst other iterations, while the latter can be referred to as Merupurin or Melpulin. Furthermore, Elena is occasionally referred to as ''He''lena, Lily is often referred to as Lili, Electra is often referred to as Elektra, Jocelyn is often referred to as Jaslyn or Juslyn, Bismarck is sometimes referred to as Bismark, and Pandora is ''technically'' supposed to be Pandra - at least according to the pre-order material - [[Your Mileage May Vary|but that's not nearly as cool]]. A couple of them have had completely different [[Dub Name Changes]], including Sarah to Sierra and Melprine to Maerwen.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: Elektra, of course.
* [[Stable Time Loop]]: As typical for this trope, understanding this one will cause quite a few headaches:
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** {{spoiler|The Masked Man, as well, has a deep, masculine voice -- even though he's using Sonja's body.}}
* [[We Buy Anything]]: "Gemini" in particular, does this, purchasing anything from clothing to food items to weapons from Aden or Sonja.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: The Masked Man seems to lean toward this.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Aden
* [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]]: Pandora is this, and exhibits [[Purple Eyes|purple eyes]] that [[Your Mileage May Vary|arguably]] help to accentuate her [[Tsurime Eyes|pride and light arrogance]].
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Water?]]: Upon asking her why she is rarely seen on the beach despite her fondness of the ocean, a flustered {{spoiler|Mikoto}} admits to Aden and Sonja that she does not swim. And after a [[http://wiki.arrowy.org/rfo/index.php?<!-- C2E6%BB%EC%BD%B8%2F%C3%E7%CE%C9%A4%B7%A5%A4%A5%D9%A5%F3%A5%C8%2F%CC%BF conversation]] further concerning this, she offhandedly alludes to her ''possible'' aquaphobia. [[spoiler:Seems like she [[http://img01.otaden.jp/usr/sukeb/TS3D0397.JPG overcomes her fears]] somewhat in the end, though]]. -->
* [[Who Wears Short Shorts|Who Wears Short Shorts?]]: And yet even the winter cold does not deter Sierra from this.
* [[Take Over the World|World Domination]]: Dialogue reveals this is Pandora's ultimate goal, despite her initial denial. She then goes on to induct Aden and Sonja as her chief followers, discusses her strategical tactics with them, and recruits Quinn and Kelsey to her cause.
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