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** By the time Light actually makes the holograms ''he'' is more competent.
* So now Wily is going back to the old "frame someone to take the fall for his robot assault on humanity" ploy in ''9'', e? Why? Only a true moron couldn't see through the ploy ( {{spoiler|and it ''is'' a ploy, according to the official soundtrack; Wily ''is'' controlling the new robots, ''not'' Light}}), and he had pretty much given up trying such a tactic after it failed him ''three different times in the past''. Does Capcom simply think that [[Viewers Areare Morons]]? Do they really think we're going to buy Wily's accusation of Light in this game? Seriously...
** Considering that the last time he used such a tactic, he [[Paper -Thin Disguise|put on a fake beard, sunglasses and posed as Mr. X]], this plot at least makes it so that Dr. Light can't help Mega Man. It's quite obvious that Dr. Light didn't even have enough time to reinstate the Charge Shot or Slide to Rock before the police were on his tail. Take note that [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|Bass]] is [[Put On a Bus|mysteriously absent]]. Wily has gotten [[Genre Savvy]].
*** Take note that in the ending, {{spoiler|Bass' blueprints are shown on a screen. Either Wily deactivated him, or Bass got so sick of the old fart that he left in disgust... Or maybe he left when Wily tried to seem "good" again, on Wily's orders, for the sake of making it look more convincing.}}
**** This troper likes to think that {{spoiler|Bass was just getting a tune-up.}}
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** They're Windows Vista-tipped. Same reason they're an insta-kill in Network Transmission.
** My theory? They're all cone-shaped antennae. Mega Man warps into the bases, so an antennae emitting the right frequency could force Mega Man to warp out, which is why he turns into balls of light that float away instead of just blowing up. Also explains how he comes back seconds later. Lives aren't actual lives, they're just how much power Mega Man has to teleport back to Dr. Wily's Base. Also, the checkpoints are dead zones between the antennae that are so small, Mega Man couldn't see on radar when he warped to the base. This explains why he warps to the beginning of the stage instead of straight to the Robot Master. Why do you think most boss fights take place in a small secluded room with thick walls? I forget; did I answer your question?
** METAL spikes. METAL robot. Anyone who's played ''[[Mega Man 2 (Video Game)|Mega Man 2]]'' will know this is simple [[Elemental Rock -Paper -Scissors]] in action.
** The only thing that bugs this troper is why people assume metal can't cut through metal. As pointed out above, although with abit less humor here, it's very likely that the spikes are made of a metal stronger than Mega's armor, and therefore would kill him quite easily if he landed on one without a Spike Guard or [[Mercy Invincibility]].
* If the original six robot masters were created by Dr. Light, why didn't he just GIVE Mega Man their weapons to begin with instead of having him fight all of them with his pea-shooter?
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** I'm annoyed by how they're rebuilt after the games, and yet, are still there. Do they volunteer to stand motionless in the background, or what?
*** Maybe only some hold the actual Robot Masters and the rest are models?
* Why are all the Dr. Light Robot Masters humanoid? I mean, in the case of Rock and Roll, who are meant to be assistants, it makes sense. Same for Proto Man, who was a test to see if they could get the concept right, and a few others. But Fire Man, who's supposed to be an incinerator? Cut Man, who's just supposed to cut down trees? Galaxy Man, who's function was to calculate rocket trajectories, something that could be just as easily done by a computer that [[Super -Powered Robot Meter Maids|wouldn't spawn all-consuming black holes if it got pissed off?]] Not to mention that for the more industrial robots like the aforementioned Cut Man, wouldn't being in a small, humanoid form decrease their productivity and make them outclassed by technology we have in [[Real Life]] present time? I can buy it for the Wily bots, which were designed mostly to go toe-to-toe with Mega Man, but robots actually designed for work? And why give them advanced AI if they're just going to be mass-produced for menial work? Bah, maybe I'm just looking too much into it, [[Just Bugs Me|but...]]
** Apparently, they were all custom-made back then.
** Not sure about Galaxy Man, but with Fire Man and Cut Man, Doctor Wily was his assistant during the design and construction phases, and probably wanted them to be humanshaped so that they'd be perfect soldiers (smaller so more efficient, human shape means can interact with machinery and such), so he probably BS'd Light.
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** I think he has some sort of protecting shield device of sorts. It's not a far stretch. Wily once teleported into the scene like Mega Man does at the beginning of the stage, when Dr. Cossack stopped fighting Mega Man in ''4''. He could have the technology. Also, Wily's pretty damn tough. He survived being crushed by huge hunks of debris at the end of ''[[Mega Man 3 (Video Game)|Mega Man 3]]'' and ''7'' without even getting injured.
* In the ending of Mega Man 7, Mega Man tries to [[Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him|kill Dr. Wily]], saying "I am more than a robot! Die Wily!" While most think this is [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|really cool]], I questioned it. Mega Man was converted from an assistant robot to a fighting robot to fight other robots by [[Lawful Good|Dr. Light]], who wouldn't break the laws of robotics in a situation like this. I don't believe for a second that Mega Man (who is not a thinking, feeling Reploid and therefore [[Lawful Stupid]] [I mean he didn't even question the concept of expiry dates in Mega Man 9, doesn't believe [[Obviously Evil|Bass]] is his enemy and [[What an Idiot!|have you seen the ending to 9?]]]) would try to kill even Dr. Wily, no matter how futile an attempt at incarceration would be, on top of not trying to kill him in future installments. Basically, no, Mega Man is not more than a robot.
** He's overriding Law Zero- which states he COULD kill Wily, since Wily's continued existence is a threat to humans. By disobeying something that supercedes the other 3 laws, he is indeed more than a robot.
*** That doesn't even make sense. He's not "overriding" the Zeroth Law, he's ''obeying'' the first law. The Zeroth Law is more along the lines of, "Something that you ''could'' do if it's 100%, absolutely necessary," it's not a compulsion or something he ''has'' to do. The "more than a Robot" line was Mega Man saying he ''would'' kill Wily.
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