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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.JustAKid 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.JustAKid, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Variation: a character is being dismissed as being just a woman (i.e., ''[[Wonder Woman]]'') or girl. Frequently found in plots based around athletics, or the [[Macho Disaster Expedition]].
Such a character may frequently be on the receiving end of [[Not Now, Kiddo]].
Not to be confused with ''Just a Kid'', the Australian name for ''[[Caitlins Way]]''.
== Anime & Manga ==
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** Subverted with gleeful enthusiasm in [[Dragonball Z Abridged]] whenever they can get some footage to support it.
{{quote| '''Gohan:''' I'm not going to back down. I might be younger than you, smaller than you, weaker than you, and much less experienced, [[Brick Joke|but I learned more about peach farming than you... ]][[This Is Gonna Suck|I think this was a horrible decision.]]<br />
'''Recoome:''' [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner|Recoome agrees.]] }}
* Prevalent in [[Nasuverse]] works. Then again, the one saying it is usually [[Our Vampires Are Different|far]] [[All Myths Are True|beyond]] mere humans.
** ''[[Tsukihime]]'': Nero to Shiki, who proceeds to destroy over a hundred of his beasts.
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** The Thousand Master himself, and a bit of a sore point. When a threat level of Ala Rubra was placed, with Zect and Eishun listed as the most dangerous... then Nagi was mentioned as, "oh, and this kid is pretty good too," complete with his own picture, which is suddenly scowling. Oh, and Zect looks like an eight-year-old while Nagi was fifteen or so.
*** Recent events seem to say that {{spoiler|Zect <s>is</s> was [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|over 2000 years old]].}}
* ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'' is notorious for this, as every single one of the main characters' families plays the [[Just a Kid]] card. [[Spell My Name With an "S"|Jenrya's]] mom was probably the most memorable -- she was the only one who never really supported the idea of her son fighting, even after seeing him in action.
** [[Digimon Tamers|"Tamers"]] wasn't the only season to have a [[Just a Kid]] situation. Iori/Cody got this treatment from his older teammates, two of whom (T.K./Takeru and Kari/Hikari) conveniently forgot that Iori/Cody is two full years older than they were during their first adventure with the Digimon (at least that's the age gap in the American version. Correct me if that isn't universal).
*** Issuing requested correction: Iori is ''one'' year older than Takeru and Hikari were when their adventures began.
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== Literature ==
* This trope is generally inverted in ''[[Duumvirate]]'' because everyone knows how dangerous young engineereds are, but one [[Too Dumb to Live|poor fool]] messes with a certain four-armed boy escaping from an [[Amusement Park of Doom]]. The kid's a fraction his size, [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?]]
* ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia|Prince Caspian]]'': Trumpkin doesn't even try to hide his initial disappointment to find that the powerful kings and queens who ruled Narnia during the Golden Age have come back as ''children'' ([[Year Inside, Hour Outside]] complicates things that way).
* In the ''[[Night World]]'' series, made vampires are frozen at whatever age they are turned at, and lamia (vampires that can eat, have children, etc.) can stop their physical aging at any time they want. This ends up meaning that several people who have to fight vampires have to silently recite something along the lines of, "They're not really kids." Amusing, considering even vampire kids who are young would still be rather dangerous to a human.
* In ''Hunger'', the second book in the ''[[Gone]]'' series, by Micheal Grant, this is the excuse of almost everyone for not working, because every character is under 15.
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'''Sylvia''': ''Little... GIRL!? You ever see a little girl with [[Gag Boobs|THESE!?]]'' }}
** Played straight in ''[[Fire Emblem]] 8'' with Ewan, his older sister and mentor still tend to see him as a little boy (the latter less so than the former, however, Saleh is shown to acknowledge and praise Ewan's skills despite the scoldings).
** Also played straight with Rolf in ''[[Fire Emblem]] 9/10'' (less so in the sequel since [[Time Skip|he does get older]]) by his brother Boyd, and the majority of the people on his support list, excluding the [[Ill Boy|sickly priest Rhys]] and his mentor [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Shinon]], for the most part. Some of his support conversations basically begin with someone telling him that he's too young to be on a battlefield, [[Berserk Button|while he denies it vehemently]], and later proves them wrong at the A support level.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' series: The younger Links occasionally get this treatment. Apparently, even after thousands of years of legends about boys in green saving the world, [[Genre Blindness|nobody has realized]] that you should ''let boys in green do what they want''.
** In the defense of the general populace of Hyrule, wearing the Hero's clothes doesn't necessarily make someone the Hero -- they could just have strange fashion sense or be obsessed fanboys. And it's not exactly unusual for children to dress up as heroes from old stories. Even Adult Link isn't immune to such skepticism -- there's a scene in ''Twilight Princess'' where several people seem to think that Link is just dressing up as the Hero to make himself seem tougher.
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* NES ''[[Ninja Gaiden]]'' (For NES): Ryu Hayabusa mistakes MIB agent Irene Lew as "Just a girl. Get out of here." He is promptly shot and captured.
* Used frequently in the ''[[Pokémon]]'' games. Every evil "team" has at least one member that says some variation of this, despite the fact that physical age has no effect on battles. Even Team Rocket continues to do this in the second generation games, which is surprising, considering that it was a kid who caused them to disband three years before.
* ''[[Sonic Adventure 2 (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure 2]]''. Eggman taunts Tails: "You're just a kid. You couldn't beat me in a hundred years!" This was extremely stupid of Eggman seeing that Tails may have managed to see him off once before in that story and actually managed to defeat him decisively when he was attacking station square in the previous game in a head to head... [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse|without his mecha.]] Whether Eggman ends up eating his words depends on whether you're playing the hero or dark story.
* Happens in the ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]'' games with Genis, the [[Teen Genius|Kid Genius]] [[Squishy Wizard]] of the party.
* Laharl of ''[[Disgaea (Video Game)|Disgaea]]'' has gotten quite a bit of this from both Etna and '''Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth!''' Etna uses it to legitimately call him out on his [[Royal Brat|brattiness and emotional immaturity]] while He Who Has [[No Indoor Voice]] is just incapable of believing that some [[Badass Adorable|tiny little punk]] is stronger ''and'' smarter than him.
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** It's simultaneously averted and played straight (by Yue and Aang respectively) in the season one finale (which, coincidentally was aptly named "[[The Siege]] of the North").
{{quote| '''Aang:''' I must have taken out a dozen Fire Navy ships, but there's just too many of them. I can't fight them all.<br />
'''[[The ChiefsChief's Daughter|Yue]]:''' But, [[Because Destiny Says So|you have to!]] You're the [[The Only One|Avatar!]]<br />
'''Aang:''' I'm just one kid. ''(buries his head in his arms)'' }}
*** Played straight by Aang in that he later goes on to use his Avatar powers (with a little help) to {{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|destroy the entire fleet]]}}. "Just one kid" indeed.
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* Averted hard in "[[Dragon Booster]]" where not only are the mian cast all 16 or under (Moordryd being debateably 17), and no one even calling out that Artha's 10 year old brother is going on the adventures with the, Possibly explained by hte only adults we see being Artha and Moordryd's fathers and officals that are presumabaly upper class, but it's strange to only see adults in situations that simply could not be done by children (secutiy heads and teachers), and no one thinks it's strange for the Down City racers to be primairly under 20.
** Of course, on the flip side, the Down City races are the lowest ranked races, and so of course the competeors would be younger. If we had seen some higher-ranked racers, they might have been adults who mgiht even have taunted the heros for being "just kids"
** Which still doesn't excuse no one being shocked that Lance (the above mentioned 10 year old) went on all the missions with Artha's team and th eonly person to even say "he's just a little kid" was Artha's [[Anti -Villain]] rival Moordryd, and even then only after Lance was attacked. Other than that people only refer to him as short. Clearly the standards are different in Dragon City.
* This was the main plot of ''[[The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie]]''. [[SpongeBob]] got this from nearly everyone in the movie as a reason he's not capable of doing what he sets out to do. Of course, he does prove himself.
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