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Fallout: New Vegas/Characters/Caesars Legion: Difference between revisions

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* [[Future Imperfect]]: Less than you'd expect, since Caesar [[Shown Their Work|did his homework]] and the parts that are Roman are reasonably accurate. Still, as pointed out by Arcade, it's not Rome, just an army that's using it as a theme.
* [[Faceless Mooks]]: Many Legion soldiers wear balaclavas and sunglasses to cover their faces.
* [[Five -Bad Band]]:
*** [[The Big Bad]]: Caesar
*** [[The Dragon]]: Legate Lanius
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** Despite his contempt for Pre-War America, Caesar's flaws are worryingly similar to those of the Enclave. The glimpses we get of Legion's atrocities are remarkably similar to the iconic image of a soldier in Power Armor executing a captured and bound Canadian in the introduction to the original ''[[Fallout]]''. The invasion of Canada and the sacking of New Canaan are also similar - both were innocent settlements that happened to have something their aggressors wanted, and so were brutally crushed. For all Caesar's attempts to make the Legion appear alien, their obsessive nationalism and intensely racist ideology are also more than a little familiar.
* [[No Womans Land]]: Women in the Legion are restricted to domestic roles or made slaves, with the exception of the female-only priestly caste, according to the [[All There in the Manual|FNV official guide]]. If your character is female, the slave Siri will tell you that this is the first time that she met a women who isn't a slave after she got captured by the Legion.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: Enslaving anyone without a pair of balls (and even if they do if they're not brawny enough/too brainy or don't especially want to be soldiers) is a good way to moot the question of whether the Legion might have a legitimate point.
** The [[All in The Manual|Fallout New Vegas Game Guide]] also says that they're racist against ghouls and super mutants.
** Also, despite some rumors floating around the Mojave, mostly between NCR citizens, they are ''very'' homophobic, punishing homosexuality with death, if what Jimmy says is true. Rather ironic, when you consider the society Caesar's Legion is emulating.
* [[Praetorian Guard]]: Since it is a faction based off Ancient Rome, this is a given. They're armed with Ballistic Fists in this case.
* [[Putting On the Reich|Putting On The Römisches Reich]]: Caesar modeled the Legion on Rome, particularly the post-Republic [[The Roman Empire|Roman Empire]]. [[Shown Their Work|He starts by uniting some tribes...]]
* [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]]: Their standard operational procedure after taking control of an area. {{spoiler|When you confront the Legate Lanius and have a high enough barter skill, you can point out that this is not a sustainable method for the Legion to operate under.}}
* [[Rising Empire]]: Caesar sees his Legion as this. He intends on conquering New Vegas and establishing it as his Nova Roma, the nerve center from which he will go on to destroy the NCR.
* [[Science Is Bad]]: Caesar believes that mankind's dependence on technology is what caused the Great War. He also thinks that it makes people weak and lazy over time. Therefore technology such as medicine beyond that of tribal remedies and war machines that allow for fighting without risking men (for example, robots) are banned. Energy Weapons are fair game because they're just guns. {{spoiler|Caesar keeping an Auto-Doc and possibly Arcade for his tumor and using a Howitzer for the final battle, however...}}
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* [[Straight Edge Evil]]: They despise the use of chems, drugs, medicine and alcohol.
* [[Visionary Villain]]: While on the surface they look and act similar to the raiders of the Capital Wasteland, any length of talking with the higher ups (ESPECIALLY Caesar) will show that while the low-level grunts might be thugs looking for plunder, the leadership have vastly greater ambitions than being just another group of warlords. They want to remake the world in their image, and they have a surprising amount of planning in place to do just that.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Caesar aims to one day unite the entire wasteland under the banner of the Legion as a empire that would prevent humanity from ever fracturing itself again.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: From the countless bloodthirsty legionaries trained through brutal training regiments. They are also unwilling to surrender at all, Boyd talked about how difficult it is to get a Legionary to give himself up as a prisoner of war.
* [[You Will Be Assimilated]]: Their ultimate goal.
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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' John Doman<br />
''"I was taught it was my responsibility to bring the torch of knowledge to the wastes. I may have taken the [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|torch]] part more literally than they intended."''|Caesar talking about his origins }}
The head of [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Caesar's Legion]], Caesar was a former member of the Followers of the Apocalypse by the name of Edward Sallow sent east to learn more about the communities there. Caesar found a cache of old books on Roman history and was soon inspired to use the blueprint of the ancient Roman Empire to forge a new civilization to survive the wasteland. He and his expedition was captured by a tribe but soon became their leader by teaching the tribe a better way of fighting and began systematically taking over tribes and creating them into Caesar's Legion.
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* [[Adventurer Archaeologist|Adventurer Linguist]]: What he started out as, along with [[Badass Preacher|Joshua Graham]] and Bill Calhoun.
* [[Affably Evil]]: If you ignore all the murdering, torture, and slavery, he is actually a nice guy to talk to about political philosophy... At lease until you touch a nerve and he throws a temper tantrum, threatening to have you killed.
* [[A God Am I|A]] [[God -Emperor]] [[A God Am I|Am I]]: Proclaims himself as the Son of Mars and maintains something of a cult of personality within the Legion. {{spoiler|He doesn't believe it himself, but the troops do to the point that suggesting Rome may be a pre-existing concept is punishable by death.}}
* [[Armored Closet Gay]]: Possibly. Homosexuality is (apparently) punishable by death in the Legion, but his relationship with Joshua Graham leads to some questions. His fondness for {{spoiler|Arcade}} and apparent devastation after his death leads to even more questions.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He was originally a linguist, sent by the Followers of the Apocalypse to research tribal dialects. His tagged skills? [[The Gunslinger|Guns]], [[Knife Nut|Melee Weapons]], and [[Bare -Fisted Monk|Unarmed]].
* [[Badass Normal]]: The [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] of the ''Fallout'' series have included a super-intelligent psychic mutated blob, the President of the United States, a 200-year-old [[Master Computer]], and a [[Bread Eggs Breaded Eggs|200-year-old Master Computer who is also President of the United States]]. In comparison, Caesar is just a normal, mortal human born and raised the child of poor wastelanders, and yet has managed to become as great a threat as any of the arch-villains who came before him.
** At least, as great as that Master Computer President, but that he might not reach up quite to the Master's or Richardson's level of threat isn't really Caesar's fault - the Master's army was composed almost entirely of superpowered goons led by highly intelligent superpowered goons (and there was no organized government to try to stop them), and Richardson's Enclave was in the final stages of a plan to kill all life in the Wasteland when they were stopped. That Caesar has more humble goals and faces greater opposition doesn't diminish the badassery of getting where he is, merely the threat he is.
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* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: He was the only child from a poor family that was raised as a Follower of the Apocalypse before he became the ruler of the Legion.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: If the Remnants fought for a Legion victory, Caesar is at least knowledgeable enough about the Enclave to leave them alone. Lanius, meanwhile, decides to hunt them down, leading to Legionnaires dying by the hundreds.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: [[The Wire|Bill Rawls]]
* [[Hypocrite]]: What's that, Caesar? [[Science Is Bad]]? Medicine shouldn't be be allowed because the weak do not deserve to live?
** He also apparently has no problem with taking Rex, a cyberdog, in as his personal hound.
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* [[Idiot Ball]]: You may spend much of the game killing and generally foiling the Legion's plans up until the point where Caesar himself invites you to his camp. Once there, he wants you to go and "destroy" the vault underneath his camp {{spoiler|where a massive army of Securitrons is being stored}} because he refuses to introduce any of his men to advanced technology. And so then he gives the Courier back all of his weapons, and then sends him to do the task ''alone''. Not even a single guard; he has it as an item of completely unwarranted faith that you'll carry out his bidding even if you've openly dedicated yourself to overturning every one of his plans in the Mojave.
* [[Karmic Death]]: What Caesar will inevitably receive if his {{spoiler|brain tumor}} runs its course: A death at the hands of something potentially preventable by the very technology he banned from his civilization. [[Hypocrite|Not that he didn't try said technology]]...
** Also, the Gun Runners' Arsenal rewards the player for killing him in two very specific ways: stabbing him to death with a knife (AKA the Ides of March) or [[Three Hundred300 (Film)|throwing a spear at his head]].
* [[Non -Action Big Bad]]: He lets Lanius take command for the Battle of Hoover Dam. House even states that Caesar has minimal effect in the final conflict. Then again, he is an old man with a brain tumor and therefore in no condition to actually participate in combat. Besides, Lanius has it well in hand, and is a far more competent fighter and frontline general than Caesar.
* [[Parental Abandonment]] and/or [[Disappeared Dad]]: In the supplemental material in the collector's guide, his father left him with the Followers of the Apocalypse when he was five. In-game, he tells the Courier that his father was killed by raiders when he was two.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: {{spoiler|If he takes over Vegas, Caesar allows the Followers to leave peacefully since they're the ones who raised him in the first place.}}
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{{quote| '''Caesar:''' [[Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor|Relax, I'm fucking with you.]]}}
* [[The Philosopher]]
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: It's quite evident that he hasn't quite grown out of the narcissistic and petulant nature. He reacts [[Cluster F -Bomb|poorly]] if the Courier tells him that s/he's done working for him.
* [[Retired Badass]]: He may not lead his man in battle any more, but he can still punch you to death. He also outshines the other faction leaders in combat skills.
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: The rest of the Legion may be extremely impolite to you, but they're formal about it. Caesar, while he can be just as formal as his subordinates, throws around the word "fuck" and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|name-drops Grognak the Barbarian]] to the Courier. This is especially pronounced {{spoiler|when he's afflicted by his brain tumor}}. Paraphrased:
{{quote| '''Courier:''' [[Captain Obvious|Does your head hurt]]?<br />
'''Caesar:''' What does it ''look'' like, asshole? }}
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: If you blow up the bunker underneath his fort but then say you refuse to work for him any more (or just pretend to), he'll start cursing and throwing a temper tantrum. Then you can threaten him with Terrifying Presence, resulting in him [[Oh Crap|crying for his guards.]]
* [[Visionary Villain]]: In a way that is similar to the Master, he believes that the abolishment of freedom will create a better future for humanity in the long run.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: His ultimate goal is to unite the remnants of humanity and prevent a tragedy like the Great War from ever happening again. But his method for achieving that noble goal is morally questionable.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: Caesar is a highly educated man and enjoys political/philosophical debates. He is also a well talented historian that justifies his extreme actions by naming historical examples.
* [[Wolfpack Boss]]: By himself, he's basically just a normal [[Praetorian Guard]] with slightly worse armor. However, he has several [[Elite Mooks]] equipped with the most powerful hand to hand weapons in the game guarding him. It's not very hard to take them all out if you know what to do, but they'll kill you quickly if you screw up.
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* [[Older Than He Looks]]: He was the one who pacified the Twisted Hairs, the tribe that Ulysses belonged to, an event that happened around 30 years before the main game.
* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]: A definite believer of this. Don't believe him? Just ask [[Wretched Hive|Nipton]]. He'll even tell you straight up to kill him if you believe he's in the wrong.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Plays the Blue Oni to Lanius. While Lanius is a [[Blood Knight]] who prefers glory in open war, Vulpes works in subversive ways that the Legate considers dishonorable.
* [[Sharp Dressed Man]]: If he's still alive by the time you get to the Strip, he be there to give you a message to come see Caesar disguised as a Gambler, including a suit and a hat.
* [[The Spymaster]]: He is the head of the Frumentarii, in charge or overseeing all the Legion's covert-ops and military intelligence actives. You can take a few missions from him as well.
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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: The earliest thing you're likely to hear about him is from a news story about his practice of decimation on the Legion troops.
* [[The Dragon]]: He is the Legion's second-in-command and the most powerful warrior that they have, second only to Graham.
* [[Dragon -in -Chief]]: He's the general of the Legion and the commander for the final battle. House predicts the Legion would collapse in a year without Caesar, though.
* [[Dystopia Justifies the Means]]: While Caesar's rule is hardly anything to look forward to, Lanius' rule is much much worse with the intention of creating a [[The Social Darwinist|Darwinistic]] world where the weak would be broken by violence while the strong thrive in constant warfare.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: He finds Vulpes Inculta's sacking of Nipton, Searchlight and his dealings with the Omertas dishonorable. And he can be convinced to retreat if he's convinced that the campaign to take over the Mojave will be too costly for the Legion in the long run.
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: He can run faster than a Deathclaw, not to mention he can take more damage than the Legendary Deathclaw and hit even harder with his sword.
* [[Made of Iron]]: He can take 5 anti-tank rounds to the face without even slowing down. A Legion solider at the arena mentioned that Lanius once killed 10 men in a match. All at once. ''Barehanded''.
** [[One -Man Army]]: In one version of his backstory, when the Legion showed up to take over his tribe he basically fought them all off for weeks by himself.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: His name means "[[The Butcher|butcher]]," appropriately enough.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: Like Boone, he's one both out and in-universe.
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