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''I am DEMONBANE'' }}
Kurou Daijuuji is a poor detective living in Arkham City ([[Batman: Arkham City (Video Game)|no, not that one]]). One day, he's asked by Ruri Hadou of the Hadou Financial Group to search for a magical grimoire. As Kurou searches for the book, he unexpectedly runs into Al-Azif, a pretty girl who turns out to be the grimoire Kurou is searching for. While being chased by the villainous Black Lodge, Al forges a contract with Kurou, bestowing him with powerful magic. Soon afterwards, Al also activates the Demonbane, a Deus Machina owned by the Hadou Financial Group, to combat the mechanical menace from the Black Lodge. With this, the war between the Hadou Financial Group and the Black Lodge begins....
A series by [[Nitroplus]] with [[Humongous Mecha]] and [[Cthulhu Mythos]] elements, it began as an [[Visual Novel]] [[Eroge]] for the PC, then was ported to the Sony [[Play Station 2]] as a non-eroge remake. A sequel action game, a prequel novel, an [[OVA]], an [[Anime of the Game]] and a conversion to manga followed the remake.
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* [[Alice Allusion]] - The entire incident with the Mirror of Nitocris.
* [[All Webbed Up]] - In Atlach-Nacha's lair.
* [[And Then What?]] - Sandalphon is asked what he intends to do after he defeats Metatron. He doesn't really have an answer.
* [[Animal Motifs]] - {{spoiler|The Tyrant acts like a cat and has hair like cat ears.}}
* [[Anime Hair]] - '''Everyone'''
* [[The Antichrist]]: Master Therion, according to one of the trivia pages, translates to [[Number of the Beast|666]] in a magic system that assigns numerical values to letters, and he has a personality cult and vast magical ability..
* [[Anti -Magic]] - Doctor West's Dig Me No Grave.
* [[The Archer]] - Liber Legis's ''Sirius Bow''.
* [[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence]] - In one ending, {{spoiler|Kurou and Al become Elder Gods}}.
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* [[Badass]] - Almost every named character.
** [[Action Girl]] - Metatron and Elsa. Ruri later joins this trope in her route.
** [[Back -to -Back Badasses]] - Kurou and Winfield during the battle at Innsmouth. Elsa and Ruri do this in their route versus Claudius.
** [[Badass Automaton]] - Elsa.
** [[Badass Biker]]: Doctor West, Al, Metatron, {{spoiler|Sandalphon}} and Kurou get their chances at being this.
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** [[Badass Normal]]: Winfield. {{spoiler|Stone and Ness get their moments as well.}}
** {{spoiler|In a weird mix of this trope and [[Brought Down to Badass]], the Demonbane becomes this in Al's route after her apparent death, forcing Elsa to take over. True, Demonbane can't use most of it's attacks aside from its fists and Lemuria Impact, but it's still more than enough to take out at least one of the Anticross' Deus Machina.}}
** [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: {{spoiler|Stone and Ness aren't as pathetic as they seem, as Tiberius finds out.}}
** [[Little Miss Badass]] - Al and Etheldreda.
** [[Determinator]] - Kurou, Winfield and Doctor West.
** [[One -Man Army]] - Almost every magically empowered character.
** [[Person of Mass Destruction]] - Every fighting character.
** [[World of Badass]] - Excepting faceless civilians, everyone is this. Hell, even [[Those Two Guys|Stone and Ness]] qualify as [[Badass]], if for no other reason than the ability to survive the kind of stuff that would kill anyone else more times than one can count, ''even when they are at ground zero for a lethal attack''!
** [[Worthy Opponent]] - Titus and Winfield consider each other such.
* [[Battle Butler]] - Winfield, who's a [[Homage]] to [[HP Lovecraft]]'s father, Winfield Scott Lovecraft.
* [[Beach Episode]] - ''The Shadow Over Innsmouth''. Obviously, it's of the [[BusmansBusman's Holiday|Busmans's Holiday type]].
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]] - {{spoiler|Al falls in love with Kurou because he is not like her previous masters. Unlike them, he treats her as a human and more than that, as someone important. The souls of her previous masters admit that when they were working together in the past the various pairs shouldn't have treated each other like tools.}}
* [[Beyond the Impossible]] - Elder God Demonbane's ''Athleta Aeternum'' ability can summon countless variant of itself in multiverse. And not just those exist in the multiverse, it can summon those that ''shouldn't'' exist as well.
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* [[Chick Magnet]] - Kurou gets over half the women in the game to go googly eyed for him in one way or another. While being a [[Butt Monkey]] at the same time.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Al, especially in Ruri's route
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]] - Kurou and Doctor West have dialogue that could strip paint off walls.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]
* [[Combined Energy Attack]]: It's [[Your Soul Is Mine|vengeful]].
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* [[Cyborg]] - {{spoiler|Metatron, the Tyrant and Sandalphon.}}
* [[Damsel in Distress]] - {{spoiler|Metatron is taken captive to be a substitute C Priestess after the Tyrant is killed by Kurou.}}
* [[Dark -Skinned Blond]] - {{spoiler|Cthugha in human form}} is a tanned [[White -Haired Pretty Girl]].
* [[Demoted to Extra]] - Despite being major characters, Metatron and Sandalphon are nowhere to be seen in anime adaption. Also Alison, who got a whole chapter of focus on her [[Character Development]] in the visual novel version only.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]] - Tiberius, though his preference seems to slant towards women, has some creepy affectionate dialogue for Sandalphon.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]] - Done rather spectacularly.
* [[Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?|Did You Just Romance The Necronomicon]]
* [[Dual -Wielding]] / [[Guns Akimbo]] / [[Swords Akimbo]] - The Demonbane and Kurou when using Cthugha & Ithaqua, Kuzaku [[Red Baron|"Two-Sword"/"Two-Gun"]] and his Demonbane Two-Sword, and lest we forget Titus of Anticross, a ''four-armed sword wielding samurai''.
* [[Dumb Muscle]] - Caligula.
* [[Dying As Yourself]] - {{spoiler|Subverted. Ryuuga dies insane and hating Leica. Or perhaps that was his true self and the boy Leica knew was just a lie. Due to rejecting the idea of dying sane or at peace, he does not reincarnate into the restructured world at the end of Leica's route.}}
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* [[Half the Man He Used To Be]] - {{spoiler|Claudius has to be cut in half before he finally dies. And then he comes back as a zombie.}}
* [[Hair Color Dissonance]] - Al's light pink hair is referred to as silver.
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]] - Claudius
* [[Healing Factor]] - {{spoiler|The strongest Deus Machinas have a self repair module and the Tyrant is also capable of a great deal of self healing.}}
* [[Heel Face Turn]] - {{spoiler|Doctor West and Elsa.}}
** In the sequel, {{spoiler|Master Therion and Etheldreda. As well as Another Blood.}}
* [[Hero Insurance]] - Everything's paid for by the Hadou Financial Group, though that doesn't stop Kurou from worrying about all the damage done in the fights.
* [[Heroic BSOD]] - Kurou has one after he {{spoiler|fail to save Ennea}}. He temporarily recovers after Al [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|slaps some sense into him]]. Too bad, because he soon faces another one after {{spoiler|Al's death}}, and is nearly [[Driven to Suicide]] until Winfield puts an end to ''that''.
* [[Henshin Hero]] - Metatron, one of the Black Lodge's many enemies. {{spoiler|She's Leica.}}
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]
** In the anime, Winfield's voiced by [[Takehito Koyasu]], Augustus by [[Norio Wakamoto]], Titus by [[Joji Nakata]], Master Therion by [[Hikaru Midorikawa]], Claudius by [[Tomoko Kawakami]], Nya by [[Ai Orikasa]] and Makoto by [[Yuu Asakawa]].
** Oh, and Kurou? He's voiced by Kentarou Itou, whose voice you might recognize as belonging to [[Bleach|Renji Abarai]], [[Naruto|Chouji Akimichi]], or [[Mega Man Star Force|War-Rock]].
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** Seen through the lens of the Neconomicon and filtered through Al's personality, cosmic horrors also become cute girls. Namely, Atlach-Nacha, Cthugha and Ithaqua.
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]] - {{spoiler|Sandalphon wants to do this as ''well'' as [[If I Can't Have You]]. He's pretty messed up.}}
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]] - {{spoiler|Titus has four arms.}}
* [[NamesName's the Same]] - Winfield called Titus "Mister Bushido" long before [[Gundam 00|the other one appeared]].
* [[Naughty Tentacles]]: Look no further than Tiberius and {{spoiler|Cthulhu}}
* [[Necromancer]] - Tiberius can and will raise the dead {{spoiler|including other Anticross members, who retain their abilities.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Near the end Kurou manages to {{spoiler|find a way to beat Nero without killing her}}. Sadly all this accomplishes is to allow {{spoiler|Master Therion to be reborn}}.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]] - The Super West Invincible Robot Type-28 Special(s). It is/they are a varied robot series, always rebuilt and modified whenever it gets destroyed. It's usually a barrel-like thing with [[This Is a Drill|drills]] ([[Rocket Punch|capable of being launched]]), [[More Dakka|cannons, guns]], [[Macross Missile Massacre|missiles]], [[Beam Spam|lasers]], etc.
* [[Not So Invincible After All]] - Tiberius boasting how he's unkillable. You will hear him scream with fear against {{spoiler|Shining Trapezohedron}}.
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* [[Token Evil Teammate]] - {{spoiler|In Al's route, the Tyrant helps Kurou out pretty frequently, both out of interest/attachment and because she hates Anticross for her own reasons.}}
* [[Token Good Teammate]] - {{spoiler|On the other hand, the reason that Anticross views her as a traitor isn't really because she's cruel and violent but rather because she was trying to stop them.}}
* [[Token Mini -Moe]] - Al Azif and Etheldreda, both of whom are also [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|Tomes Of Eldritch Lore]].
** Ennea also counts.
* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]] - As noted above, the original copy of each grimoire [[Moe Anthropomorphism|appear as a young girl]] instead of a book. The artist actually has design [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/Kuruni/Girl/tomes.jpg human version of every tomes used by Anticross] as well, but none of them appear in story.
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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]] - Caligula and Claudius act like they want to kill each other. {{spoiler|After Caligula dies, all Claudius gives a damn about is avenging his death.}}
* [[Wham Episode]] - They pull this as fast as ''Chapter 2''. The first chapter play like typical [[Super Robot Genre]] story, Kuro in Magius Style is super human who can catch and throw rocket back. Demonbane [[Made of Iron|can withstand everything Destroyer Robot throwing at it]] ([[More Dakka|cannons, guns]], [[Macross Missile Massacre|missiles]] and [[Beam Spam|lasers]]). In second chapter, he fight against Master Therion - who's without Liber Legis - and ''lose''. The battle is mostly one-side to boost.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] - Given by Metatron to Kurou, regarding his being a [[Person of Mass Destruction]] predilections not being good for the health of the city in the long term.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]] - Kuzaku.
* [[WorldsWorld's Strongest Man]] - {{spoiler|The Tyrant is the strongest sorceress on Earth. Therion was conceived from her.}}
* [[Xanatos Roulette]] - The entire plot of Demonbane boils down to one ''massive'' Xanatos plot. {{spoiler|And it's '''not''' by Nyarlathotep.}}
** {{spoiler|Though Nyaralathotep has a lot of fun complicating the preexisting plot [[For the Lulz]].}}
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