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Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe: Difference between revisions

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* [[Compressed Adaptation]]: Big George's wife and sons and their families are taken out of the film.
* [[Corrupt Hick]]: Both played straight and averted with various characters.
** And the book has one of the most positive one in existence: Apparently no one knew that the judge at Frank Bennet's murder trial was {{spoiler|''[[Laser -Guided Karma|the father of one of his rape victims]]''}}
** The judge accepts evidence he ''knows'' is complete hooey to be admitted into trial. {{spoiler|The "evidence" exonorates a woman and a black man accused killing a white man. The judge has a special hatred for said white man, which is why he throws the murder charge out and rules the white man's disappearance as "death by misadventure".}}
* [[Creator Cameo]]: Fannie Flagg showed up herself as a bizarre relationship expert.
* [[Deep South]]: As per usual Flagg work, it shows both the best of it and very very worse.
* [[Domestic Abuse]]: Frank Bennett beats Ruth Jameson.
* [[Door StopStep Baby]]: Of a sort. A woman dares not come home with a child because her husband has been in prison for years. Sipsie, who has always wanted a child, races down to the train station to get it. She names the baby George.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bees]]: Averted. Idgie can walk right up to a bee hive, jam her hand in it, and rip out a fist full of honeycombs without getting stung. As a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for the actress in the movie, their stunt double couldn't do the scene that day, so she decided to do it herself for real.
* [[Finally Found the Body]]: Frank Bennet's truck is found in the river. {{spoiler|Years later, as the garden by the cafe is being dug up, so is his skull.}}
* [[Food Fight]]: The director left bowls of weapons on each side of the room for Idgie an Ruth to use in the scene, and told them to improvise. The insanity and laughter going on is real. He also said it was [[Freud Was Right|supposed to be a metaphor for a sex scene.]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Novel Only: Why is Frank Bennet the scum of the Earth? Because he was the child of an [[Abusive Parents|abusive father]] and walked in on his [[Mommy Issues|mother having an affair.]] Now he hates [[He -Man Woman Hater|all women.]] Passionately.
* [[Frying Pan of Doom]]: {{spoiler|Sipsie}} clobbers Frank Bennet over the head with one to keep him from kidnapping his son. {{spoiler|Frank doesn't survive.}}
* [[Good Bad Girl]]: Eva Bates, very much so.
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* [[Never Mess With Granny]]: Sipsie.
* [[Noble Bigot With a Badge]]: Grady, despite being a racist himself, stands up to a crowd of out-of-town Klansmen when they attack Big George. In the novel he's a Klan attending bigot who uses the N-word frequently. {{spoiler|[[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|He's also half of Railroad Bill, and breaks into boxcars to throw canned food into black communities so their residents won't starve.]]}}
* [[One -Woman Wail]]: A slow gospel version is sung throughout some scenes.
* [[Pass Fail]]: One of the novel's sub-plots is about a black character who is able to pass as white, only to cause trouble to a passing relative who recognized her without realizing she was trying to do so.
* [[The Ladette]]: Idgie is rough and tomboyish and lives in the woods for a time.
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