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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:ButtMonkey.AnimeAndManga 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:ButtMonkey.AnimeAndManga, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* Boss from ''[[Mazinger Z (Anime)|Mazinger Z]]'' and ''[[Great Mazinger (Anime)|Great Mazinger]]'': He helps the heroes to save the world, risking his life on a daily basis. What does he gets in return? He gets constantly mocked, ridiculized and berated by everyone -and beaten by [[Robeast|Robeasts]]-, and he is treated like a joke or even a nuisance. He is given absolutely NO respect.
* Nanako Shichigusa from ''Amazing Nurse Nanako''.
* In ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime)|Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' Shinji Ikari is constantly bullied and ignored ([["Well Done, Son" Guy|even by his father]]), even though he ''saves the world.'' Multiple times. And in the more light-hearted [[Sit Com]] scenes in the first half of the series, guess who is the butt of every humiliating joke? Imagine [[Peanuts|Charlie Brown]] with a [[Humongous Mecha|giant robot]].
** That gimmick was still pretty funny for a while... until it turned into all kinds of horrifying and disturbing, though [[Black Comedy|some people say it was still funny, even then.]]
** To be fair, Misato Katsuragi has her [[Butt Monkey]] moments, too. Mainly when she's on the receiving end of Ristuko or Shinji's snarky remarks.
* Nearly the entire [[Four Is Death|Fourth Division]] (the Captain is the only one who is spared, because [[Beware the Nice Ones|the bullies are afraid of her]]) from ''[[Bleach]]'', especially Hanataro Yamada, are frequently looked down upon by the Eleventh Division and are given grunt duties because their specialty is healing, not fighting. P.S. [[Spike Spencer|Guess who he's voiced by?]]
** Sharing Hanataro's birthday and bad luck (April 1st) is Ichigo's friend Keigo Asano. Despite his attempts to socialize and be friendly (though admittedly annoying), he is constantly abused, beaten up, or ignored by everyone ranging from Ikkaku to his friend Mizuiro. He is also constantly dragged into unfavorable situations; Ikkaku blackmailed him into letting him stay at his house, and his violent sister forces him to let him stay.
*** Though {{spoiler|recent manga events, including his being the first to regain consciousness in Karakura Town, his ability to withstand Aizen's reiatsu without being paralyzed, AND his ability to just pick up someone's zanpakutou and apparently be able to use the thing may be pushing him towards [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] territory.}}
** Among the Espada, Yammy. In all his fights with the good guys, he has made a fool of himself. To be fair, the two first times he ended up fighting [[Magnificent Bastard|Urahara Kiskue]], and when Uryu attacked him he was prepared, but still.
** 7th Division Lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba gets this quite a bit in the omakes, especially as president of the Shinigami Men's association, which ends up being pushed around and often having its funding cut. He also gets treated somewhat poorly in {{spoiler|the potentially last battle, where he ends up running from Poww until Komamura saves him, and then tries to attack Allon, but is blown away by a Cero in a matter of seconds}}.
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** But nobody does it better than our Nana, though Manga-version Yuka is competitive, often placing herself in ecchi situations, to the point she even stops hitting Kouta for them. Even a primal Tsundere can hit this point, it seems.
* The title character of the anime ''[[Naruto (Manga)|Naruto]]'' is the resident Butt Monkey at the beginning of the series.
* Taniguchi (to a minor extent) in ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Literature)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]''. In ''[[Haruhi-chan]]'' [[It Got Worse]]. And let's just say it is ''not'' good to be the Computer Club president, unless you enjoy [[Dynamic Entry|flying kicks to the head]] ([[Rule Thirty Four34|and hey, some do]]).
** Then there's [[Ridiculously Average Guy|Kyon]], who is surrounded by various supernatural events every day, and [[I Just Want to Be Normal|just wants to be left alone]]. Oh, and if he starts dating anyone, [[The End of the World As We Know It|Haruhi will destroy the universe]]. Also, Mikuru, though what type of Butt Monkey she is varies from time to time; sometimes she's [[The Chew Toy]] and her suffering is funny, other times she's [[The Woobie]] and her suffering...isn't.
* Taniguchi's voice actor Shiraishi "Sebastian" Minoru in ''[[Lucky Star (Anime)|Lucky Star]]''.
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*** It's just as true even in the series proper. The only reason this is played up in the Abridged is based on the actual treatment of the real character from then on. That is to say, Raditz may as well have never existed. Despite being related, Goku never spares so much as a thought about him until the end of forever. Vegeta dismisses him from memory outright (albiet the same happens with Nappa, at least Vegeta and Nappa share scenes together.) And worst (and most telling) of all, Raditz disapears from even the AFTERLIFE, never to so much as be heard from again.
** Raditz is shown as one of the villains escaping Hell in GT. Although, it's a very tiny cameo, he was still actually there.
* Keiichi from ''[[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Ah My Goddess]]''. Even in the pilot his life sucks so much that Heaven sends a goddess to grant him a wish to make up for it. Even though he gets a [[Magical Girlfriend]] out of the deal, he also becomes target number one for the former most popular girl at his school, Belldandy's sisters, a demon, the queen of Hell, and sometimes even Belldandy herself.
** On the other hand, he gets better digs (the temple), a job he likes (Whirlwind), a woman's love (Belldandy), and probably a life more interesting and enjoyable than he would have otherwise had. Not an easy one, but worth it perhaps?
*** Now, if only he could just [[Cannot Spit It Out|spit it out]] already...
**** I can't disagree with you on that. [[Seinen Syndrome]] is a harsh thing.
* ''[[Eureka 7]]'' starts main lead Renton Thurston as a Butt Monkey, particularly in episode 7, where he's given a completely bogus and embarrassing mission as a joke. (Namely, find an informant in the sauna that wears a toupee and has a legendary animal tattoo while wearing a fake mustache and a helmet.) People thought [[Dude, Not Funny|the comedy died]] when Renton ''starts crying from happiness'' that they trusted him to complete his mission, and gives a ''2 minute speech'' about how much he wants to protect everyone, even if the world turns on him, how he needs to become better to save innocent people, etc. And then ''they laugh at him.'' And put an embarrassing picture on a popular magazine. While his girlfriend was present.
* Geraba, Fatman, and occasionally Blume from ''[[Xabungle]]''. Geraba usually does nothing to incite Horra's wrath other than question his orders, but he still gets the crap kicked out of him on a regular basis. Fatman is Elche's loyal bodyguard and mute, but he usually gets shoved aside in times of need and constantly suffers physical abuse without striking back or saying a word. Blume is a much less extreme example, but he still manages to take the occasional bullet or strike without necessarily deserving it, while most of the others remain unharmed.
* Natsuki in both ''[[Mai-HiME (Anime)|Mai-HiME]]'' and ''[[Mai-Otome (Anime)|Mai-Otome]]''. Having one's [[Panty Thief|underwear stolen]] and ''eaten''? Being forced to [[Show Some Leg]] to hitch a ride back to school/town? Falling into an easily-avoidable trap set by {{spoiler|a [[Trickster God|Trickster Goddess]]}}? It's funny how the most [[The Comically Serious|serious]] member of the cast is always the one to take the comedic pratfalls.
* Han-Kyul from [[Need a Girl (Manhwa)|Need a Girl]], the guy is nice at heart, is seen as handsome by his classmates, then he became acquainted with a group of perverts, he himself did not change, but his repultation in the other hand. Now Han-Kyul is the Butt of all Punishments for his friends actions: peeping on girls and harassing them, even when he had nothing to do with with, or was outright trying to prevent it; there are some who even credits him as being the group's leader and greatest prevert, the guy's repultation went downhill from thyat point on.
* Jonathan Joestar from ''[[Jo JosJo's Bizarre Adventure (Manga)|Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure]]''. Dio made Jonathan's life absolute hell by [[Kick the Dog|burning his dog]], stealing his girlfriend's first kiss, turning his friends against him, and killing his father. This is all ''before'' he uses Jonathan's own blood to turn himself into a vampire. He almost gets his revenge,{{spoiler|until Dio beheads him in the last chapter of his story, while nothing more then a ''head'', and uses his body to kill his [[Death Is Cheap|grandson]], his great-great-grandson's friend, and almost the great-great-grandson himself.}}<br /><br />On the plus side, the two times he got into a straight-up fight with Dio, he beat the ever-loving hell out of him to the point Dio burst out ''crying'' after his first beating. {{spoiler|Dio had to ambush him to kill him.}}
* The ''[[Claymore|Claymores]]'' in the series titled after them are infused with the blood of Yoma, the monsters they are trained to fight and will eventually become them if they exert themselves too much; plus, if they start asking too many questions, the organization will send them on suicide missions to shut them up. The main character, Clare, generally has it the worst, since she started out as a human who was a companion to the most powerful Claymore, only to have her killed before her eyes. Her body is then used to turn Clare into a Claymore herself, except since she's only a quarter Yoma, she's the lowest ranked Claymore and everyone looks down on her.
* Tamaki from ''[[Code Geass (Anime)|Code Geass]]''. He's not the butt of every joke, but he's disliked by the cast, and can't pilot a Knightmare to save his life, yet [[The Fool|never comes close to dying]].
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** His position's not helped when Hakua later claims, jokingly, she's another illegitimate daughter.
* ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia (Manga)|Axis Powers Hetalia]]'': Poor [[Shrinking Violet|Canada]] and [[The Woobie|China]]. No one ever pays attention to Canada, either not realizing he's there or mistaking him for his brother America. China constantly gets picked on by the rest of the allies, even his own younger siblings.
** Also, [[Tsundere|England]] in [[Fanon]]. Fans make use of his magical powers by making him fail in order to create a plot, while implying that England does ''every'' spell wrong. They also endlessly poke fun at his [[Big Ol' Eyebrows|eyebrows]], [[Lethal Chef|cooking skills]], eyebrows, [[Can't Hold His Liquor|alcoholistic tendencies]]...did I mention eyebrows?
* {{spoiler|Mao, who's [[Not Quite Dead]],}} spends most of the second season of ''[[Darker Than Black (Anime)|Darker Than Black]]'' being abused in whatever ways the writers could think of this week. He even [[Lampshade Hanging|points out]] that he feels like he's in [[Comedic Sociopathy|an old]] [[Amusing Injuries|cartoon]].
* Vincent in ''[[Bizenghast]]'' tends to be treated like this. He has been shot at, [[Burn the Witch|hung for witchcraft]], infected with plague, slammed against a wall while airbourne, enslaved, eaten by a giant Venus Flytrap, stuck up a tree, and finally {{spoiler|stabbed in the chest with a rigging pin and killed}}. Edrear has taken over now (knocked out twice in a row).
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* ''[[Angel Beats (Anime)|Angel Beats]]'': Much of the SSS members take turns at the role, but Hinata by far is the most memorable.
* After his [[Character Development]] from [[Jerk Jock]], Jun Manjoume in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh GX]]'' tends to have ridiculosly bad luck, from his [[All Love Is Unrequited|unrequited crush]] on Asuka to [[The Worf Effect|being the first of the main cast to lose to the new villian]]. Occasionlly, he'll return to his [[Badass]] self, but it always falls apart in the end, until his final steps of [[Character Development]] in Season 4.
* [[Ordinary High School Student|Touma]] [[Japanese Delinquents|Kamijou]] from ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index (Anime)|To Aru Majutsu no Index]]''. Virtually everyday is a bad day for Touma and nothing ever goes right for him. Some of his miserable moments includes being chased by other deliquents, breaking his own credit card, having his refrigerator break down, losing 2000 yen in a vending machine, ending up in the same hospital and treated by the same doctor in nearly every story arch's end, {{spoiler|and losing his memories}}. Justified though, considering what his [[Anti -Magic]] [[Blessed With Suck|right hand]] [[Power Incontinence|is capable]] [[Cosmic Plaything|of doing]].
** [[Catch Phrase|FUKO DA]]!!! (Such misfortune!)
** The only thing he's lucky on, however, is that his life is a [[Dating Sim]] where he gets an [[Unwanted Harem]], which is pretty much a good reason why many of his male classmates are ''jealous'' of him.
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