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*** In the games Mario has never been from Brooklyn.
**** Depends on the game. See below.
** I always got the impression that the Mushroom Kingdom's military capability declined after Mario and Luigi arrived, precisely because they're both a [[One -Man Army]]. That being said, they at least have access to anti-tank weaponry; one of the mushroom people in ''Super Mario RPG'' mentions he has a bazooka, but forgot to bring it.
*** I'm pretty sure that he was being sarcastic about having a bazooka. On the other hand, they at least know what a bazooka is.
** My guess is the different games take place at different times, like Zelda. Not sure of Word Of God has corrected this, but I hold on to the idea that Luigi's Mansion is at the end of the timeline, since it implies that Bowser is permanently dead.
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**** Then there's the single player storyline in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Mario can be defeated when playing as Link/Yoshi in one section, or as Kirby in the opening. In terms of non-player gameplay, the explosion at the end of the first level turns Mario into a trophy, while Tabuu also turns him (and everyone else) into a trophy at the end of 'Entrance to Subspace'
** That test is not designed for videogame characters. Almost every videogame main character I can think of (except games like Final Fantasy, where the characters are the main focus) is a Mary Sue or Marty Stu because they always succeed.
** More to the point, most games require their playable characters to be a [[One -Man Army]] that the world revolves around, or else you'd have no reason to still be playing as them. Therefore video game characters at least need to be held to a different standard before the term "Mary Sue" can be applied.
** Plus, the reason Mary Sue is useful as a category is due to the role they play in stories; namely, making them shitty. But the Mario games in general have little to no plot, so it doesn't matter.
** It should also be noted that being the [[Jack of All Stats]] at everything isn't exactly a profound statement. A [[Mary Sue]] is exceptionally talented at everything they do. Being the [[Jack of All Stats]], by definition, makes Mario mediocre at everything he does.
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*** Who says the Mushroom Kingdom is a direct monarchy? Peach doesn't exactly seem terribly bright, but she makes a ''dandy'' figurehead. Bowser doesn't kidnap her because she's in charge, he kidnaps her because she's the symbol of the Mushroom Kingdom.
*** When Peach is a [[Player Character]], she has extra lives. When she isn't, she has to play by the same rules as any other [[Non Player Character]] -- one tiny miscalculation and she's princess pate. Given those circumstances, I'd stay put.
** Bowser is a giant turtle dragon with a small army. Peach is tough, but she is not the [[One -Man Army]] Mario is.
* Is Peach's last name "Toadstool" and Bowser's "Koopa"? Sure, those were only used outside of Japan but still..Maybe, since they're more familiar with each other they started referring to each other by their first names?
** Yes.
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** With careful use of powerups (hello, super star!), and the defense of the realm by more combat-capable species (Koopas, etc.)
*** It's never really implied that the [[Insistent Terminology|Shroomers]] are helpless. Toad is implied to have originally been Peach's bodyguard, and only really helpless when facing Bowser. Because he terrifies him. And who wouldn't be terrified when facing a 5-7 foot turtle with spikes that breathes fire?
* This Troper is TIRED of Super Mario Bros. 3's [[Fan Dumb]] (or at least pseudo-Fan Dumb, whatever you feel like calling it). Every time I come across something related to the game (I.E. the music, which I listen to on [[YouTube]]) ''every other comment'' is about how great the game is, and that it is the best Mario game out there (or, as people just ''love'' to point out, the best flat-out game ever). It is not the best game ever. Heck, I personally prefer Super Mario World. But no Mario 3 fan will let me get away with that, no, because [[ItsIt's the Same, Now It Sucks|SMW was just Mario 3 in 16-bit]]. Honestly, after playing Mario 3, I find it to be decent, but with a satisfyingly irritating number of [[Scrappy Level|Scrappy Levels]] and rather boring design on occasion (Not to mention one or two [[Guide Dang It|Guide Dang Its]]... honestly, what hint is there that crouching on a white block puts you in the background, or that that accomplishes anything? Other than the Internet, of course), I found it rather irritating that so many people fawn over it the way they do. Anyway, enough whining... I'm done now...
** Well, there was this little magazine called Nintendo Power... ;) But the point still stands.
** I know what you mean. If you thought that was annoying, just see the sheer amount of fan games and [[Game Mods]] based solely on [[Super Mario Bros 3 (Video Game)|Super Mario Bros 3]]. Oh, and this guy online agrees with you:
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*** This seems right. The games actually state a few times that Mario and Luigi grew up in Brooklyn, and there's no reason this doesn't make sense. And Mario and Luigi still had their running and jumping talents outside the Mushroom Kingdom, so that explains why they aren't surprised by jumping high.
* Nintendo hasn't brought back the Hammer Suit. Maybe they'll do that in the next big 3D installment...
** They'll never bring it back. It was a [[Game Breaker]]. In fact, we might as well rename it as Hammer Suit. [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|It let you kill Thwomps.]]
*** Then they should bring it back in the RPGs as an [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]].
* Why won't I find [[Mario Is Missing (Video Game)|Adobe in Nariobi?]]
** At least you can find some spectacular hotels.
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* Super Princess Peach was a great idea. After years of being the quintessential [[Distressed Damsel|DID]], Peach gets a chance to be a hero for a change, and whoops Bowser like he owes her money? Wonderful idea. Having her do it by tapping into her feelings? Not so good idea. Now its been pointed out that Peach is the only person who was using all the craziness caused by the Vibe Scepter to her advantage, where everyone else lets themselves be turned into emotional wrecks, so it is justified. But really, what did they expect to happen? What did Nintendo think people would notice first, that Peach was kicking ass and taking names, or that she was doing so by crying, and throwing temper tantrums? It really should not be a shock that people would take it so seriously and think the worst of Peach, even if it's not that fair, and I'm curious as to why they went with something that was obviously going to be misunderstood so easily. Of course, maybe I'm also taking it too seriously, but how did they not see this coming?
** I may have been a bit too aggressive with the first part and stepped on some toes. I want to reiterate, that giving Peach her own game was a great idea, I'm just not understanding why Nintendo didn't consider that the whole emotions thing, which is the very first aspect of the game that people will notice, was put in. Well-executed or not, a lot of people were likely turned off from a fun game by this one gameplay mechanic.
*** If Peach was running around stomping and throwing, it'd be the exact same game as most of the rest. Then Nintendo would have been bitched at for [[ItsIt's the Same, Now It Sucks]] regarding SPP. They made it different from how Mario and Luigi do it, and the gimmick they tried just happened to be one that made people overreact.
*** [[Your Mileage May Vary]].
* Imagine you're a Toad living in the Mushroom Kingdom. On the day of a great festival, a particularly large Bowser stomps his way through your town, grabs your princess, and... announces that your kingdom no longer interests him and leaves. There's [[Protagonist -Centered Morality]] and [[Always Save the Girl]] and such for Mario, but...isn't it possible that the sacrifice of one oft-kidnapped princess is worth knowing that your world will never be attacked again? Shouldn't ''someone'' at least raise the idea that chasing him down may not be the most rewarding plan of action? Instead, every one of them is panicking and begging for Mario's help.
** A seditious rebel idea that could lead to the overthrowing of monarchy - and every good Toad knows that monarchy is an absolute necessity for social stability! Why, without royalty, there would be total anarchy!
** In SMB 1 and 2 Bowser is attacking and taking over parts of the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario and Luigi are taking them back from Bowser. In SMB3 the Mushroom Kingdom is spared, seemingly, but seven other kingdoms are being ravaged by invading Koopalings. In some versions he magically changed the Toad race into smiling clouds, bushes and bricks according to the manuals. Let that last one sink in. In SMW Bowser and his kids have taken over a completely new land. It isn't until after SMW that Bowser goes from an invading force and serious threat to more of a dictator who just wants to seem important. Note that in Mario Kart and the RPGs for the most part most of the Toad race really doesn't seem him as a threat per se, but a nuisance. Most of the games where he is a "threat" post-Mario Kart/SMW are either his kid(s), when he was a child or some third party interference.
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Fans: Whoa! An [[Affably Evil]] villain with [[Utopia Justifies the Means]] intent!<br />
Bleck: In truth, I'm not creating new dimensions. My love left me, so I'll just destroy everything instead!<br />
Fans: Oh. He's a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]].<br />
Timpani: But I'm not gone! You don't have to destroy anything at all!<br />
Fans: Yay! A [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]!<br />
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{{quote| ''And the count even turned him away once... Until he read in the Dark Prognosticus about the role of someone similar... Why was he mentioned in the Dark Prognosticus? Sounds fishy to me!''}}
** Implying Dimentio may have wrote himself into the prophecy, since the book also even says Luigi is the perfect host for the Chaos Heart or something. May also be due to how Dimentio chose to try to destroy all worlds, and Bleck was kinda driven to it by tragedy in the past, although a psychiatrist would probably have been better for the latter character.
** I always figured the reason we see Dimentio as a [[Complete Monster]] and being far worse than Bleck is because Bleck had a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] to him, as you said...while Dimentio really didn't. Bleck wanted to destroy everything and then kill himself out of grief/insanity. Dimention wanted to do it for sh*ts and giggles. Having ''no'' reason to destroy everything, only doing it because you feel like it, makes you worse.
** Dimentio didn't just use the opportunity, either-- [[Batman Gambit|he had everything planned out]] and was using characters left and right throughout the entire game. It certainly doesn't help that he took advantage of the Heroes vs. Bleck conflict, near the end, since we felt sorry for the Count, but, as always, wanted the heroes to win. Then, of course, there's the [[Brainwashed and Crazy|final boss]]...
* Why is it that in [[Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Video Game)|Super Mario Galaxy 2]], the Thwomps, Whomps, and Tox Boxes can [[One -Hit Kill|crush Mario stone dead with just one pound]] while Giant Bowser's punch does standard damage to Mario? You'd think his size should count for something.
** Have you seen those guys? The way they crush the ground, you'd think they were made of lead. Their attacks hit HARD (the Mario Party game "Cardiators" puts a Thwomp impact as the absolute strongest attack among major Mario enemies). But they're slow and predictable. Bowser himself can't hit as hard, but he's highly adaptable, can strategize on the fly, and can actually attack in more than one way and without a rhythm.
* Why do the Koopa still remain loyal to that walking spike-stack whose intelligence is equal to that of a broken Sega Dreamcast (Bowser in case you didn't get it)?
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