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* ''[[Half Baked]]'' (1998)
* ''The Wash'' (2001)
* ''[[One -Scene Wonder|Evil Bong]]'' (2006)
* ''Chinaman's Chance'' (2008)
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'''Cheech & Chong'''
* ''[[Self -Titled Album|Cheech and Chong]]''
* ''Big Bambu''
* ''Los Cochinos''
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=== Tropes associated with Cheech & Chong ===
* [[Berserk Button]]: Cheech on occasion. Unlike the [[Erudite Stoner|perpetually mellow]] Chong. Subverted in ''Things Are Tough All Over'', where both play two sets of characters: their usual personas and [[Hair -Trigger Temper]] Arab businessmen Mr. Slyman (Cheech) and Prince Habib (Chong), who try to kill Cheech & Chong, believing them to have stolen their money due to a comic misunderstanding.
* [[Breakaway Pop Hit]]: "Born in East L.A." (a Cheech solo song credited to Cheech & Chong) originally premiered in the video and album ''Get Out Of My Room'', but is better known thanks to being turned into a Cheech solo movie of the same name, which briefly featured the song that it was based on. It's also the only song from the album that the two acknowledge, as they performed a revamped version during their reunion tours (with a salsa interlude to highlight Chong and Shelby's salsa dancing, something they took up as a hobby in the 1990s).
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: [[Frank Zappa]] attended one of Cheech & Chong's performances and left because he hated the duo's stoner humor (due to his strong anti-drug stance). Chong, a huge Zappa fan, was disappointed.
* [[But You Screw One Goat!]]: In the skit, "Hey Margaret", one of the things in the porno movie that Margaret (Chong) is disgusted by is the lead having sex with a dog. Also, in "The Old Man In The Park", where the Old Man (Chong) tells the Punk (Cheech) that the Punk could be his son because "I used to fuck Buffalo. In fact, you look just like your momma."
* [[Camp Gay]]: "[[Star Wars|Queer Wars]]", in which they play lisping, limp-wristed space heroes who shoot at bad guys with dildo guns.
* [[Cool Old Guy|Cool Old Guys]]: Cheech & Chong themselves definitely apply.
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* [[Deranged Animation]]: The opening and ending sequences of ''Next Movie'' feature Cheech & Chong being beamed into a spaceship that looks ''exactly'' like a joint. Chong's solo movie ''Far Out Man'' has Chong [[Piss Take Rap|rapping about]] building a theme park where the rides include ''[[Jimi Hendrix]]'s balls and penis''.
* [[Erudite Stoner]]: Chong is designated as the mellow character in a lot of the duo's routines and films. In real life, he actually ''is'' an Erudite Stoner.
* [[Hair -Trigger Temper]]: The Arab businessmen in ''Things Are Though All Over''. ''Especially'' Chong's character, Habib, who frequently [[Hulking Out|Hulks Out]] throughout the movie and trashes the duo's car after it runs out of gas while Mr. Slyman [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the fourth wall]] to explain that Habib is "killing the car". {{spoiler|When Slyman and Habib see a film of Cheech & Chong having sex with the Arabs' girlfriends, Slyman gets the idea to make a porno with the duo, but Habib thinks that they should do a snuff movie of them killing Cheech & Chong.}}
* [[Hulking Out]]: Cheech does this in ''Next Movie'', under the influence of "space coke". Also, Chong as Habib (see above).
* [[Incessant Music Madness]]: ''Next Movie'' features a stoned Chong pretending to be Jimi Hendrix...with his guitar hooked to a ''big'' amplifier. The entire neighborhood quickly knows he's playing, and even Cheech has trouble getting inside to stop him; the sound blasts keep slamming the front door in Cheech's face.
* [[Non -Fatal Explosions]]: When Chong lights a joint [[Too Dumb to Live|in a car full of gas fumes]] in ''Next Movie''.
* [[Old Shame]]: Cheech felt this way toward the entire Cheech & Chong filmography when he was trying to establish himself as a serious actor. He also felt that with their formula was getting stale, and that if he continued working with Chong, they would have eventually ended up like [[Abbott and Costello]] and made movies like ''Cheech & Chong Go To Mars''. However, Cheech later reembranced the stoner following that made him famous in the first place, and eventually reconciled with Chong.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: Police are usually portrayed as being highly stupid in their comedy and films.
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* [[Stoner Flick]]: Entire filmography, except for ''Things Are Tough All Over'', ''The Corsican Brothers'' and ''Get Out Of My Room''.
* [[Take That]]: Towards the [[George W Bush|Bush]] administration during their reunion tours. Also, [[Ronald Reagan]], when he went into politics.
* [[The Ugly GuysGuy's Hot Daughter]]: Tommy's daughters, Robbi and Rae Dawn. Mr. Skin likes to use [[Incredibly Lame Pun|stoner puns]] while describing Robbi and Rae Dawn's nude scenes in movies.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Shelby, Chong's wife.
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[[Category:Cheech And Chong]]
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