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Page in Construction, NEEDS WIKI MAGIC! Please add tropes when you spot them.
=== This fanfic provides examples of: ===
* [[Abandoned Area]]: There're a lot of abandoned soldier homes all over the Fire Nation. After "The Southern Raiders", the Gaang hides at one at first before going to Ember Island.
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Toph viewed Haru as a platonic version when he wanted to learn metal-bending. Jet is this and is viewed as this for Zuko.
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* [[Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce]]: Fireflakes are very spicy to Non-Fire Nation, averted with Fire Nation colony cuisine.
* [[Boring but Practical]]: Zuko's firebending lessons to Aang.
* [[Buffy -Speak]]: Zuko is prone to this when he wants to talk about feelings.
* [[The Caligula]]: {{spoiler|Expanded on, in Azula's short reign as Fire Lord, she banished everyone in the capital, arrested everyone that didn't leave and stole valuable heirlooms from various aristocrats.}}
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: {{spoiler|No one believes Aang when he tells them that he disappeared because he met a lion turtle, most of them think he ran away under pressure.}}
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* [[Dueling Scar]]: Zuko's got a new one from the Agni Kai.
* [[Dying Declaration of Love]]: Katara to Zuko
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Everyone Calls Him Uncle]]: Lampshaded by Katara when she realizes that '''she's''' starting to call Iroh "Uncle".
* [[Eating the Eye Candy]]: Katara is fond of doing this a lot.
* [[Environmental Symbolism]]: Katara thinks the rain was in sync with her crying, it stops raining and a rainbow comes out after she lets it all out.
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* [[Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables]]: Moon peaches, dragon berries, purple passion fruit
* [[Fantasy Contraception]]: Suki and Katara discuss birth control options they have which includes Katara's healing bending and the Kyoshi Island pill.
* [[FirstpersonFirst-Person Smartass]]: Katara
* [[Foreign Queasine]]: Stewed sea prunes disgust Zuko, Haru, Teo and Aang. Zuko finds it incredibly salty and thinks it moves.
* [[Friend to All Children]]: Zuko and The Duke adore each other, Zuko even teaches him how to use a sword.
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: Firebending is great for warming up water and drying dishes as Katara discovers.
* [[Mr. Exposition|Ms. Exposition]]: Stage!Katara
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Katara nearly had a [[Heroic BSOD]] when she realized she bloodbended an uninvolved Fire Nation captain in her hunt for Yon Rha.
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: Naked Iroh Time!
* [[Never Say That Again]]: During and after the Southern Raiders, Katara bans Aang from saying the "f-word." {{spoiler|It's forgiveness.}}
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* [[Offered the Crown]]: {{spoiler|Zuko didn't believe that Iroh wanted him as Fire Lord, so he's genuinely shocked that Iroh wants him to take the crown.}}
* [[That Old Time Prescription]]: Zuko teaches Katara that sun poppy tea makes a great painkiller.
* [[One -Note Cook]]: Zuko is only good at making kebabs and tea
* [[Overshadowed By Awesome]]: Suki feels like this because she's not a leader like Sokka nor is she a bender like everyone else.
* [[Pointy -Haired Boss]]: Ozai is this to the Fire Nation generals.
* [[Politeness Judo]]: Zuko tells Hakoda that he in not a vegetarian, in fear of insulting him at the Water Tribe feast.
* [[Padding]]: [[In Universe]], the writers of ''The Boy in the Iceberg'' don't know what the Gaang nor Azula, Zuko and their friends were doing after Ba Sing Se and the Day of Black Sun so they fill it up with wacky side plots and musical numbers.
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* [[Uncanny Valley Girl|Uncanny Valley Woman]]: The Joo Dees, taken [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Wham Episode]]: {{spoiler|Aang disappearing before the comet, the Gaang were freaking and thinking that Aang might have abandoned them.}}
* [[What Did I Do Last Night?]]: Katara had drunk too much sake with Suki and didn't remember until she stayed awake for few hours.
* [[What Does He See in Her]]: Katara wonders constantly Zuko to Gloomy Hairbuns (Mai).
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not for Kids?]]: [[In Universe]], the late night screening of ''Boy in the Iceberg''
* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]: [[In Universe]], the Siege of the North killed off many Fire Nation naval soldiers, a lot of them from Ember Islands. The Gaang, excluding Aang and Zuko, didn't realize the human cost until seeing a memorial service on Ember Island for the naval soldiers lost in the Siege. Aang is ignorant of the consequences of the Siege of the North, while Zuko saws the dead bodies while floating on a raft at sea.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?|What Happened To Appa]]: [[Word of God]] wondered where Appa went during the Agni Kai, but justified that Katara and Zuko must have put him somewhere far away from the site since he's afraid of fire.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Katara did NOT accept Aang's lion turtle excuse, she calls him out for abandoning them in their most critical hour.
* [[Who Writes This Crap?]]: The Gaang all wonder who wrote ''The Boy In The Iceberg''
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Had To Be Fire?]]: Firebending for Appa.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: The retired Fire Nation general admires Hakoda's bravery.
* [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are]]: Zuko tells this to Katara, {{spoiler|when she's having doubts about taking revenge on Yon Rha. Katara returns the favor in ''Not Stalking Zuko.''}}
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