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The Angry Video Game Nerd/WMG: Difference between revisions

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It's the only explanation for his vast collection.
Disappointed with his small video game library, he discovered a genie and [[Be Careful What You Wish For|wished for every video game ever made, the systems necessary to play them all,]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and a lot of beer]]. The genie granted his wish. In the process, the Nerd received [[SturgeonsSturgeon's Law|so much shovelware that it was impossible for him to locate the games he truly wanted]]. Furthermore, the genie [[And I Must Scream|has trapped the Nerd in the expansive basement created to house his collection]]; the Nerd has no choice but [[Expository Theme Tune|to play the shitty games that suck ass]]. The Nerd has contemplated suicide to escape his situation, but [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|the genie has also cursed him with almost total immortality]]. There is only one way for the Nerd to die, and he can't work up the courage to [[Yet Another Christmas Carol|play Boogie]] just yet.
Also, the genie is Mike Matei. Bugs Bunny, The Joker, Freddy Kreuger, and Mike Matei's other roles are manifestations of the genie designed to further antagonize the Nerd.
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== One day, The Nerd will make an exemption of the old-games only rule, and will review something recent. ==
* Like [[I Wanna Be the Guy]], where the Nerd will have the [[Heroic BSOD]] because almost every gameplay flaw that the Nerd complained in his past reviews ([[One Hit Wonder]] and [[Fake Difficulty]] specifically) is what makes this game addicting.
** Became more likely recently, since [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] has reviewed [[Battlefield Earth]] ([[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible (Darth Wiki)/Video Games|Barf]]) recently, and since he's the AVGN's [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]], he will probably copy this.
** What do you call his ''[[Ghostbusters]]: The Game'' review, then?
** Technically James Rolfe reviewed the Ghostbusters game, not the Nerd - the Nerd being the character. If you notice it was a completely different review style (ie: no [[Cluster F -Bomb|Cluster F Bombs]]), hence the Nerd briefly showing up at the beginning of the review then leaving when he finds out the game isn't terrible.
** He did briefly knock some modern games in his ''A Christmas Carol'' spoof, and he can be seen playing them in two other videos.
* If so, then could he perhaps review a computer game for a change? I'm burning to see a AVGN review of a [[Touhou Project]] game.
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== The Nerd and Board James are twin brothers. ==
Speaks for itself, really.
** Well, some of the Board James videos take place in the Nerd's room, and James had used similar powers as the Nerd. Maybe the Nerd is the [[Evil Twin|evil twin]] of Board James [[Sibling Yin -Yang|(or at least the angrier,]] [[Different As Night and Day|more pissed off at the world one).]]
== The Nerd and Board James are clones. ==
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It's why he is compelled to continue playing bad games-he is atoning for his sins.It just so happens Purgatory exists in his basement,and God will occasionly let him outside to combat the Critic(who will become the [[Anti Christ]] when he goes [[Mad From The Revelation]] and turns into Ask That Guy).
* So I guess Purgatory really is ''Top Gun'' on the NES.
* Jossed, purgatory is [[Action 52|getting over the Ape Man.]] [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose|Or beating the Ape Man.]]
== The plane from Top Gun that escaped from the Nerd's TV will return one day. ==
I forsee one of two circumstances: the plane comes in whilst the Nerd is getting his ass handed to him by [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis|Bugs Bunny]] (or someone) again and saves the day. OR, right as he's about to overcome some obstacle he's spent the entire episode raging over, the plane comes in and destroys something, robbing the Nerd of his victory. Cue [[Cluster F -Bomb]].
== The nerd will build a replica of the playground dragon for The Dragon in My Dreams ==
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== The Nerd is a [[Reality Warper]]. ==
It explains why he can throw [[Street Fighter|Sonic Booms and Hadokens]], [[Superman|fly]], [[Batman Can Breathe in Space|breathe in space]], [[Summon Magic|summon Super Mecha Death Christ]], [[Frickin' Laser Beams|fire real lasers from light guns]] and [[Status Quo Is God|have his basement return to normal after each episode]]. The [[Power At a Price|downside]] is that characters from shitty games sometimes [[Defictionalization|defictionalize]] and harass him.
== The Nerd is a [[Darker Than Black|Contractor]]. ==
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== The Power Glove is [[Lethal Joke Weapon|not nearly as useless as it seems]] ==
It one-shotted [[A Nightmare On Elm Street (Film)|Freddy Krueger]], and it allowed the Nerd to accomplish the otherwise impossible tasks of landing the plane in [[Top Gun]] and beating [[Enemy Without|Dark]] [[Final Boss|Link]] in [[Zelda II the Adventure of Link (Video Game)|Zelda II]], despite its reputation for being [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible (Darth Wiki)|a non-functional piece of garbage]]. Clearly, there's something greater about it in the Angry Video Game Nerd universe; perhaps it's a sentient item, a [[Chaotic Neutral]] being in the form of a peripheral for the [[Nintendo Entertainment System]], with power enough to win any game but instead considering it [[It Amused Me|funnier]] to be completely useless and frustrating and to see the Nerd's reactions to its failures, but from time to time shows its true power against an incredibly difficult game situation (perhaps seeing a [[Worthy Opponent]]). The incident with Freddy might have been [[All Just a Dream]], but equally likely is that the Power Glove had too much "fun" planned for the Nerd to let Freddy kill him, so it inserted itself into the dream to allow the Nerd's survival.
== The Angry Video Game Nerd was the first/one of the first victims of [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|the]] [[Eldritch Abomination|Entity.]] ==
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