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Naruto/Characters/Hidden Sand Village: Difference between revisions

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* [[Elemental Baggage]]: Played with. He can control any kind of sand and even create some from stones in the ground. However, he always brings with him a huge jar full of a specially prepared sand which is much more efficient and faster.
** The jar itself ''is'' sand, and is actually the same sand shown following him around during his childhood, just put together into one shape. ''That'' sand is always with him, it just isn't shown when it's not the jar or being used.
* [[Elemental Shapeshifter]]: Gaara does not have a [[Animal Battle Aura]] form like other jinchuuriki instead he fuses sand with his body becoming a [[One -Winged Angel|monstrous]] [[Tanuki]], resulting in far more [[Body Horror]].
* [[Enfant Terrible]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Naruto's first.
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* [[Serial Killer]]: When he's introduced.
* [[Sibling Team]]: With Temari and Kankuro.
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: Post-timeskip, Gaara's much more reserved and introspective than his more boisterous and rowdy older siblings.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: In the Rock Lee fight.
* [[So Proud of You]]: {{spoiler|Gaara's resurrected dad is shocked that his failed experiment of a son is now ''the leader of an allied ninja army'' (and Kazekage to boot) and realizes what an idiot he's been.}}
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* [[Poisoned Weapons]]
** [[Deadly Gas]]
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Delivers one to {{spoiler|the revived Sasori after defeating him and Deidara}} in chapter 518:
{{quote| {{spoiler|Sasori... your strength came because of your soul, not ''in spite'' of it. You tried to erase it, to become a puppet yourself, but couldn't change completely. Now you've got your immortal body but you've fallen, sunk to the level of the puppets you used to control. You were supposed to be a top class ninja ''puppeteer'', ''not'' a worthless nobody who lets someone else pull the strings.}}}}
* [[Sibling Team]]: With Gaara and Temari.
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{{spoiler|Kabuto has just resurrected her with Edo Tensei}}.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Her right arm is actually a puppet arm which she controls with chakra, and the arm she's shown using opens apart and makes a [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shield]] out of chakra.
* [[The Atoner]]: Regrets sealing the Shukaku into Gaara, as well as for having a militaristic and isolationist ideology for much of her life.
* [[Badass Grandma]]
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* [[Elite Army]]:The Ten Puppets of Chikamatsu are essentially this, having been enough to take out a fortress and destroy a large number of [[Zerg Rush|Sasori's puppets]] through teamwork and formations.
* [[Flechette Storm]]: She can use chakra strings to launch a torrent of kunai without throwing them.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]:[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers|Rita Repulsa]] is fighting for the side of good against an evil puppet using [[Power Rangers ZEO|Adam]]
* [[Weapons That Suck|Jutsu That Suck]]: Her Sanpou Kyukai technique is this creating a crushing vortex that atomizes whoever is caught in it.
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]]: You'd think focusing on fighting with things that you keep a distance from yourself would leave you rather inexperienced with hand-to-hand combat, but her taijutsu was enough that she actually help off Naruto and several of his clones([[Glass Cannon|though she does lack stamina]]).
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* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: And how. In some countries, the dub refers to him as female and Gaara's aunt.
* [[Flechette Storm]]: He can use chakra strings to launch a torrent of kunai without throwing them.
* [[Half -Identical Twins]]: Subverted: him and Karura weren't twins, but looked ''very'' much alike anyway. Or it could be just [[Only Six Faces]] syndrome.
** [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Older Sister]]: Karura, too.
* {{spoiler|[[Kick the Dog]]: Telling Gaara that his mom never loved him, then trying to kill him.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Evil]]: He loved Sunagakure and wanted to protect it. He pulled ''horrible'' crap on everyone in his surroundings, and specially on his own family, to make sure things would be the way he wanted.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: Siding with Orochimaru was his biggest mistake, aside of what he did to his family and village.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Nice job turning your youngest child into a [[Sealed Evil in A Can|Jinchuriki]] - resulting in most of the village hating and fearing him - sending his uncle, the one person he thought genuinely cared for him, to die on a suicide mission {{spoiler|and ordering him to lie to Gaara about how his mother never loved him in order to test Shukaku}}, and leaving Gaara to grow up hating everyone and everything, believing that no-one ever loved him, and killing people to verify his own existence. Not to mention the impact it must have had on Temari and Kankuro.
* [[No Name Given]]
** [[Unnamed Parent]]
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: Tries that on young!Gaara more than once.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: Both of his sons strongly resemble him despite looking quite different themselves.
* [[What Were You Thinking?]]?: So you thought that ordering {{spoiler|Yashamaru}} to kill and {{spoiler|mentally torture}} Gaara to see if the already instable boy was able to have a grip on his beast was a good idea? [[What an Idiot!]]!
** [[What the Hell Dad]]
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* [[Extra Ore Dinary]]: Similar to the 4th Kazekage, the 3rd use Iron Sand by...
** [[Selective Magnetism]]: His bloodline Magnet Release
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]: After becoming a puppet Sasori installed a seal on his right arm that allows this.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: Given that Sasori modified him this is par the course.
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