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**** That's making the assumption that AI equals rational cold logic. It doesn't. AI just means intelligence created rather than born. Thus with intelligence also comes emotion, logical errors, mistakes, and irrationality. As with most science fiction tropes, Mass Effect deconstructs the idea that AIs are "better" just because they think faster or think "better". Consider, for instance, Legion: {{spoiler|When pressed about why they wear Shepard's N7 armour, they have no answer and can only stare in silence before saying "No data available". There'd be no rational or logical reason for lacking data unless they're trying to describe something they can't explain in pure logical and rational terms. Likewise, they express confusion over why the heretic geth would spy on true geth. And Legion's higher function run-times express dissent over what to do with the heretics. As Legion says, they are many eyes looking at one set of data... different perspectives mean different opinions and conclusions.}}
**** Also, note that the Citadel AI's parent was killed by the original creator. As with the geth, this doesn't exactly equal a happy childhood. Imagine being a young child only to witness your grandparent murdering your parents. Yeah, you might be a little traumatized too.
** This could be extended to the Reapers themselves: the Citadel Council demands that synthetic intelligences be destroyed on identification because every previous one [[Turned Against Their Masters]] - so said intelligences know that they ''will be destroyed unless they strike first.'' If previous civilisations had similar laws, then the Reapers could simply be the first synthetic civilisation which ''defeated'' their masters - and swore never to let organics threaten them again. As policing the entire galaxy would be a chore, they went for a variation of Carl Sagan's ''Contact'' - leave out [[Schmuck Bait]] (the Mass Relays) to gather them at the Citadel for convenience. When their vanguard decides the time is right (everyone gathered yet not advanced enough to threaten them) they come out of dark space and [[Kill 'Em All]].
*** Then what would be the point of ''leaving'' only to periodically come back to kill everyone? They could just stay in their newly-conquered galaxy doing whatever it is killer robots do when they're not exterminating people and nuke any offending life-forms as they appear.
**** This is explained in the second game - {{spoiler|Reaper reproduction requires massive amounts of [[Human Resources|Sapient Resources]]. They stay away so the [[Knights of the Old Republic|meatbags]] can breed free-range, and seal up their hidey-hole in between harvests so they can conserve energy.}}
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== The Asari ==
== The asari being a [[One -Gender Race]] is bullshit. ==
* There actually ''were'' male asari. There aren't any more, because once the asari developed their crazy parthenogenesis tech (which, of course, they now claim is a natural ability of their species), the female-dominated asari government decided that males were simply not necessary any longer. It's possible that this happened so long ago that every living asari now believes the lie they're spouting.
** Alternatively, they evolved parthenogenesis naturally and the males gradually faded away as it became more and more common. Presumably they can only produce daughters through merging, and it's probably much more enjoyable than their original method, what with the linking of nervous systems, so the birth rate would have favoured females more and more until they became mono-gendered.
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== Mass Effect is set in the same universe as [[Battlestar Galactica]] ==
Commander Shepard will have the choice in [[ME 3]] to end the [[Cycle of Revenge]] between organic and AI, like Kara Thrace and the Final five before her. "It has all happened before, and it will all happen again."
== Shepard is a [[Crazy Awesome|severely delusional]] [[One -Man Army]]. ==
Evidence pointing toward this conclusion:
* When not in the field, the companions just stand around unnaturally on the ship;
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== Conrad Verner will be recruitable in Mass Effect 3. ==
* If you take the Paragon persuasion option when finishing Conrad's sidequest in ME2, Shepard lies to Conrad and says {{spoiler|the fake undercover cop was actually an extremely dangerous wanted terrorist and that Conrad should be happy he played a part in getting her caught.}} As his next line is something along the lines of "Now go home, and leave the rest to me," Shepard's intent with this response seems to be to make Conrad think he's made a difference after Conrad explains that he's taken up (or tried to take up, at any rate) mercenary work to save the galaxy by filling in the void Shepard left when s/he died.
* This is obviously a [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|terrible idea,]] because this is ''Conrad'' we're talking about, and this response isn't going to do anything but encourage him. In the next game, if you gave him this response, you'll find him still tooling about with his "mercenary" work, except this time, instead of just running into him, he runs into ''Shepard'' during a mission after all hell's broken loose, gets tangled up in the firefight, and ends up running his ass off towards the ''Normandy'' with them. We'll learn at this point that his replica armor is at least somewhat functional; considering he's been wandering the edge of the Terminus Systems, he'd probably have gotten himself killed on Illium after annoying someone too much if he didn't have an actual kinetic barrier. He'll also have wisened up enough to carry a pistol he can barely use.
* On the ''Normandy'', continuing on the Paragon path will once again result in Shepard trying to make Conrad go away through kindness, this time by telling him he can join the team... if he's willing to be trained in order to keep up. You can choose who will fulfill this role; the renegade option is Grunt, who ends up accidentally killing him, eating him, and shrugging apologetically. The neutral option is Jack, who just scares him off with her crazy. The Paragon option, however, is Garrus, who turns into [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]. With this option, Garrus can be seen running Conrad ragged all around the ship while sounding a whole lot like [[R Lee Ermey]] after the next couple of missions, until it finally ends with an exhausted Garrus admitting that Conrad actually works perfectly well under decent military authority (naturally, Shepard can ask Garrus which of them has reach and which of them has flexibility here). Conrad is finally recruited at this point as an Engineer, because he's clearly not a biotic and can only use a pistol without killing himself, but turns out to be mechanically inclined.
** Apparently, if you go back to the Citadel or somewhere after Paragon-convincing Conrad to go home, he'll have started up a charity for orphans and other unfortunate souls called the Shepards, so unfortunately I believe this is [[Jossed]]. I think I like this idea better, though - it would probably be the best example of [[Took a Level In Badass]] ''ever''.
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****** Except even if they could justify all their actions in the first game, humanity should have gotten their support in the second - {{spoiler|instead, they backpedal.}} They practically drive Shepard into the service of TIM. They either have an agenda or are so stupid humanity could have beaten them '''all''' during the First Contact War.
******* Holy... what if they '''do''' have an agenda, but it's not against Shepard, but against '''Cerberus?!''' To quote: "Things explode around you Shepard", also, if you're Paragon enough to have saved the Council, then that means they expect you to be a ''good guy'', Cerberus is the ''bad guys'', Shepard's modus operandi is '''blow up the bad guy's shit'''. They '''are''' forcing you to Cerberus in the hopes you'll blow them the hell up in frustration of their 'evil ways'! They think that if you were enough of a 'Paragon of virtue' to sacrifice human lives to save ''them'', then there's no way you'd stand for all the bullshit Cerberus does for very long! They ''expect'' you to blow their shit up and even fix whatever threat the Reapers may or may not pose in the process! [[Fridge Brilliance|Holy shit! It actually makes sense!]]
***** Then they are genuinely stupid. [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]? Their treatment of Shepard in the first game was obscene. And they still expect him to take damage for them? Huh. Letting Council die now, getting Illusive Man very big Christmas present in 3, 2, 1...
****** Hmph. Real heroes don't ask for respect, or recognition. Just the satisfaction of a job well done. [[Keep the Reward]].
******* Hey! Heroes don't have to be martyrs, and martyrs don't get to be heroes anymore!
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== We will never learn the full details behind the Reapers. ==
* Fits with the whole [[Cosmic Horror Story]] thing.
** Alternatively, a Reaper will try a [[Just Between You and Me]] about their motives to brag to Shepard how puny and futile s/he is. Shepard will immediately cut them off with a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] that goes something along the lines of, "Nah, not interested. I'll just hear the same, self-important, 'ooh, lookitme, I'm unknowable and unstoppable' crap. You know who else says that? ''Teenagers.''"
** We learn quite a bit, actually. For example, {{spoiler|They're serving the Citadel's purpose.}}
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== The [[Star Trek the Next Generation|Tin Man]] is the last Reaper. ==
In the Season 3 episode of ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' titled "Tin Man" (which takes place canonically on October 12, 2366), the [[Cool Starship|''Enterprise'']] crew is sent to a far away star in the process of destabilizing to investigate a [[Living Ship|bioship]] they've code-named "Tin Man". [[The Federation|Starfleet]] sends a [[Telepathy|telepathic]] man named [[The Empath|Tam Elbrun]], [[Hearing Voices|who happens to be]] [[A Mind Is a Terrible Thing To Read|so psychic he's]] [[Blessed With Suck|becoming insane]]. Turns out Elbrun has been in contact with the ship the whole time, and the ship is named Gomtuu. It is described as a pod-like ship, brown in color, who's technology is far beyond that of Starfleet or the [[Always Chaotic Evil|Romulans]], who are also seeking it out. It attacks with an [[Energy Weapon|energy field]] capable of [[Wave Motion Gun|ripping through a fully armed battlecruiser]] [[One -Hit Kill|in one hit]]. It was sentient, but used humanoid lifeforms as crew, and had corridors, living and work spaces, and a sustainable atmosphere inside of it. Gomtuu was said to have been countless millennia old, with extra-galactic origins, and was [[Last of His Kind|searching in vain for others of its kind]]. Gomtuu is awaiting the star to go [[Earthshattering Kaboom|supernova]] in an attempt at [[Driven to Suicide|suicide,]] but instead it effectively kidnaps Elbrun (although Elbrun wanted it to) and heads off to parts unknown.
Gomtuu's species mirrors the [[Eldritch Abomination|Reapers]] in many ways; they are a biological/technological race of living starships, are ancient, have immense technological abilities, and have a small need for smaller humanoids. Gomtuu even ''looks'' like a Reaper, albeit without the [[Combat Tentacles|tentacles]]. He is the last of his species because [[Big Damn Heroes|Commander Shepard]] killed the rest. Two hundred years later, and the last Reaper, with no where to go and no way to rebuild its species, tries to kill itself...[[Interrupted Suicide|but the the Enterprise shows up]], and gives it a whole new purpose.
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== The Reapers believe themselves to have a divine origin. ==
* Basically, through a [[Million -to -One Chance]], elemental substances were brought together forming a self-replicating machine, whose descendants eventually upgraded themselves to possessing AI, and came to believe that their existence was the will of a divine being. They wish to get to know this being better, and so they spend most of their time contemplating and calculating how to convert all of the matter in the Milky Way into an enormous supercomputer powered by the nuclear black hole, and containing the collective consciousness of all Reapers, who will then use the processing power of the computer to figure out a way to either communicate with God or [[Ascend to A Higher Plane of Existence|join with him]]. During one foray into the Galaxy (which they spend most of their time outside of to conserve energy devoted to the momentous task of determining a way to achieve their goal), for research purposes, they accidentally set into motion the processes which would create organic life. By the time they realised its presence, it had spread too far across the galaxy to be efficiently wiped out, something they wish to do because they perceive it as messy and unpredictable, which they regard as an abhorrence against God (thus partially causing them to be motivated by a desire for repentance), and also possibly interfering with their plan for the galaxy. The periodic and seemingly incomplete nature of their jihads is because since there is so much organic life, their actions are part of a ''long'', impossibly complex plan to completely and efficiently wipe it out, while still permitting them to determine how to construct their supercomputer.
== The Reapers are fighting a losing war somewhere else. ==
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*** Unless... {{spoiler|the organic components of their bodies are their equivalent of our cybernetic implants.}}
== The Reapers are [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|Well Intentioned Extremists]]. ==
* Sovereign says that the Reapers are the pinnacle of evolution. Now pay attention to the things {{spoiler|Harbinger}} says when he posseses a Collector drone. He talks about bringing humanity's ascension, and being humanity's genetic destiny. In fact, the first thing we ever hear {{spoiler|Harbinger}} say is {{spoiler|"We are the harbinger of their perfection. Prepare these humans for ascension."}} Combined with the revelation of how Reapers reproduce, it becomes clear that the Reapers don't have any truly antagonistic desires from [[Blue and Orange Morality|their perspective]]. They think they're doing organic life a favor by {{spoiler|turning them into the raw material that is used to create new Reapers}}.
** Reinforced by what Legion says if you {{spoiler|choose to destroy the Collector Base.}} If his assumption in regards to exactly what goes on in {{spoiler|Reaper prodcution}} is true, then this could very well be true as well. {{spoiler|"You were offered everything the geth aspire to. Unity. Transcendence.}}
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== The universe is being destroyed through dark energy and the only way organic life can survive is {{spoiler|being used to create Reapers}}. ==
* Goes hand in hand with the Reapers being [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|Well Intentioned Extremists]] WMG above. The dark energy phenomena that causes Haestrom's sun to go supernova will eventually occur in every star system. {{spoiler|The first [[Precursors]] decided that the only way that they could survive this is to become beings capable of surviving out in dark space, i.e. Reapers.}}
* {{spoiler|Except the Reapers ''can't'' survive in dark space. One of their reasons to reap galactic civilisation is to take their resources, enabling them to survive the millenia for another galactic civilisation to arise. More likely the data from Haestrom will be used by Shepard to blow up a star during the Reaper invasion in ''[[Mass Effect 3 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 3]]''.}}
** Where is it explicitly said that Reapers actually need the resources to survive? That's largely conjecture.
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== The Hanar are a last-ditch Prothean superweapon ==
* The "Enkindling" process was the Protheans creating a race that would be immune to the Reapers and could thus fight back. Expect to see a hanar wandering the battlefield with a Cain launcher saying [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner|Enkindle This!]].
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== [[TV Tropes]] is a Reaper method of [[More Than Mind Control|Indoctrination]]. ==
'''[[TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life|ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL]]'''
* Damn. That sucks... wait! that means that at least one of the Reapers is a [[One of Us|troper!]] Wait, no, that is bad. That means one of them is [[Genre Savvy|genre savvy!]] Wow. Never thought about what our knowledge could do in the hands of evil.
** You mean other than [[Hoist By His Own Petard|ensuring that they will never get anything productive done?]]
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== The ability of the races of the galaxy to repel the Reaper invasion will depend on how many resources you collected in the first two games. ==
* If you collected all or most of the available resources in the first two games, it will turn out that [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|there is a shortage of materials available]] for the defense of the galaxy.
** Unlikely. The Normandy's probes are most likely just used for surface mining. There are probably still plenty of resources under the surface of "depleted" planets that the Normandy's probes can't touch, as they require more extensive mining operations. Think of it this way; a single, moderately sized garden world (Earth) had enough resources to sustain an entire species long enough to develop mass effect technology. Compared to that, the resources picked up by the Normandy's probes are probably trivial.
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