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''The Adventures of Kiko Fluffy Pants'' is a [[Satire|satirical]] [[Dark Fic]] for the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' universe. Not quite [[Alternate Universe]], but it takes a [[Broad Strokes]] stance on the official canon, rewrites over the [[Plot Hole|Plot Holes]] in the game, and otherwise fills out the universe with an "ironic realism". With a heavy emphasis on character development and a defiant attitude towards the fantasy cliches ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' is built around, it is, if nothing else, a very ''different'' story than one is accustomed to and is better treated as something closer to original fiction.
The story centers around viewpoint character and [[Audience Surrogate]] Emily Tennenbaum, an insecure [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]] taking the brunt of puberty and bullying. As a fifteen year old high school student, Emily reacts to her social outcast status by writing [[Escapism|escapist]] [[Self -Insert Fic|Self Insert Fics]] casting herself as Kiko, the [[Relationship Sue|all-special girlfriend]] of Riku. After a barrage of mockery that manages to hit that very soft spot, her day doesn't look it could possibly get any worse...
...except it does. Of course. Given that people aren't keen to read a ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' fanfic where it's just used as a topic of conversation and obsession, she gets unceremoniously tossed into the universe with [[Took a Level In Badass|only just enough levels in badass]] not to be a total [[Distressed Damsel]]. From there, through a combination of prophetic dreams and a protective precognitive ability that does just enough to preserve her life, she finds herself unwittingly drafted into Mickey's army via a [[Super Hero School|military academy specifically seeking out and training new heroes]]. Thus begins an epic... sort of.
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== This serial provides examples of: ==
<!-- %%As a general guideline: things that are part of the "universe physics" and aren't plot points past chapter 34 or so go here%% -->
* [[Action Survivor]]: Emily is evokative of this while believing herself to be an [[Action Girl]].
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: Invoked multiple times both through Emily's interpretations of various characters and as a basis for the work itself.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Emily is an unmitigated loser with a total lack of social ability and an inability to grasp many major concepts, but otherwise at least tries to act morally. Type I on the [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes]].
* [[Ascended Fangirl]]: Although over time, this turns out to not be such a good thing after all.
* [[Beige Prose]]: Sort of. The intended style is to make the action clear while leaving the themes and subtleties implied.
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* [[Modest Royalty]]: King Mickey.
* [[Moe]]: Evoked (and potentially subverted) with Chou.
* [[Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness]]: While hardly "hard", the story routinely averts many pitfalls of science fiction such as [[Space Is Cold]], [[Frickin' Laser Beams]], and [[No Kind of Atmosphere]].
* [[Narrative Filigree]]: [[The Law of Conservation of Detail]] was thrown out the window right from the start.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Simon.
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* [[Abusive Precursors]]: Turns out they were motivated by racial superiority.
* [[Ambiguous Gender]]: Chou is referred to as a Feylinus "prince". Since Feylinus don't conform to traditional binary gender, it's rather arbitrary what gender pronoun is used. Blue and white uses this as an intimidation tactic and their chapter leaders are all given new female bodies regardless of current gender and discouraged from talking about what they once were.
* [[Anti -Anti -Christ]]: The black clad girl.
* [[Apocalypse Maiden]]: The girl in black was brought into the universe to act as this for the precursors. It... didn't work out quite right, but she's still tied to her role.
* [[Asexual]]: Julia calls Riku this. Whether or not it's true is debatable, but there is an undercurrent of [[No Hugging, No Kissing]] to him.
* [[Useful Notes/Asperger Syndrome|Asperger Syndrome]]: Name-dropped in a few chapters, but it's not made that big a deal.
* [[Badass Bystander]]: Chapter 39 has a clerk that manages to beat her way out of Riku's grasp when he tried to rescue her.
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* [[Fantastic Slurs]]: "Birds" for Yeo. This would be similar to calling a human an "ape".
* [[Feel No Pain]]: One of the effects of becoming a Nobody is losing all sensation.
* [[Five -Bad Band]]
** [[Big Bad]]: Maleficent
** [[The Dragon]]: Mint.
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* [[It Gets Easier]]: Emily goes from having a minor breakdown from her first hot-blooded, mostly-instinctive kill to not even flinching as she commits a [[Coup De Grace]] on a disarmed mercenary that was talking about his family life and firing at an (apparently) unarmed woman a few times.
* [[Kids Are Cruel]]
* [[Kill 'Em All]]: Lots and lots of casualties in the past few chapters, most of them off-screen. Could be considered something of a [[Cosy Catastrophe]] since so far, the central cast has survived.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Blue and white intentionally designed themselves around this idea.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Lightside Heartless are shown to be just as ruthless and destructive as their dark counterparts. The only real consolation is that they aren't violent until provoked (which is apparently quite easy to do).
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* [[No Doubt the Years Have Changed Me]]: The black-clad girl.
* [[No Name Given]]: The black-clad girl for most of her tenure. The informally nicknamed "blue and white" is intentionally this as part of their philosophy.
* [[One -Gender Race]]: While still human, one particular ethnicity is entirely female because of a [[Depopulation Bomb]] killing all the men.
* [[Planet of Hats]]: While each world has a theme, only the [[Mad Scientist]] haven of Discord can really be considered as such.
* [[Power Armor]]: Blue and white tech troopers. Axel and company also employed some sets during said group's invasion of Twilight Town, but they don't hold up very well.
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