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{{quote|"It is a little bit of a mini-tragedy that him and Magneto don't, you know, have sex and become married and become best friends."|'''[http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/james-mcavoy-is-a-classy-man/story-fn6ccx45-1226067086143 James McAvoy]''' shares his thoughts on '''Charles / Erik'''}}
Well, what do you expect from a comic about [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|a small minority generally indistinguishable at first glance, often not knowing their own identities until puberty or later, loathed by large parts of society]]?
=== Comics ===
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** Their flashback with kid-Jean in the third movie is pretty close to a couple considering adopting a child. Sir Ian McKellen and James McAvoy both ship it. The latter referred to ''First Class'' as a love story and...well, just check out that quote at the top.
*** And the part in First Class where Erik is practically cuddling him. Okay, it loses something because Charles has just {{spoiler|gotten the injury that will put him in a wheelchair forever, and it was Erik's (accidental) fault}}, but it still has the highest "are you ''sure'' he's not the love interest?" quotient in the movieverse.
** Though the druggie psycho Magneto of the "Planet X" arc was retconned into being an impostor in an [[AuthorsAuthor's Saving Throw]], he ''was'' intended to be the real Magneto when it was written... so you gotta wonder why Mags, while in full-on baby-eating [[Complete Monster]] mode, saw fit to not ''kill'' Xavier, but instead... keep him unconscious and ''naked'' in a tank of something-or-other. (It's totally transparent, too. Magneto has an unobstructed view of Charles' ass.) He planned to release him once all humans are wiped out, and was looking forward to Charles someday looking over the new world and agreeing with him. At his most whacked-out, Mags still wanted to live happily ever after with Charles. Post-retcon, we can say the impostor got at least ''one'' thing right.
* The Claremont-written novelization of the third X-Men movie had Iceman giving Angel his codename because of his unnatural beauty, which he goes on about in narration for some time. Of course, canonically, Angel ''is'' [[Stupid Sexy Flanders|just that angelic-looking]] (even if not every comic artist manages to pull it off.)
** [[Chris Claremont]] was frankly somewhat notorious for [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|slipping this in]] where he got a chance (and we love him for it. [[Awesome (Comic Books)|Among other things.]]) One [[Epileptic Trees|theory among old-timers]] about the whole Storm/Forge thing was that [[Executive Meddling|the editors]] freaked over the level of [[Les Yay]] in Ororo's night on the town with Yukio (not to mention the former's makeover) and told the man to write in a ''male'' love interest ASAP.
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{{quote| "I won't stop. Your brother. Warren Worthington. Alison Blaire... anyone and everyone you care about will die."}}
** Just to be clear, that's her twin brother (with whom she is naturally extremely close), the man with whom she was canonically in love for years (and who a large section of the fandom thought she was going to marry), and... the lady she's just started hanging around with, for the first time since they were both written by Chris Claremont.
* When Rob Liefield and Fabian Nicieza wrote ''X-Force'' in the 90s, it was a [[Rated M for Manly|catalog of testosterone]], with Shatterstar, the Mojoverse warrior who was interested only in fighting. When Nicieza took over after Liefeld left, Shatterstar began [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|figuring outt human emotions]] and struck up a friendship with fellow teammate Rictor. Jeph Loeb took that one step further, giving Shatterstar a very obvious crush on Rictor and developing a subtext between the two men that eventually became difficult to ignore and a [[Fan Yay]] (detailed extensively [http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20090628072652/http://www.shatteringtheearth.com/ThePairing.html here]). Years later, Peter David writing ''X-Factor'' reunited the pair and had them become a canon couple, to the [http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2009/07/liefeld-cant-wait-to-someday-undo-shatterstar-development/ disapproval] of Liefield who said that his vision of Shatterstar was as a 'gladiator' and 'Spartan', [[Hard Gay|apparently precluding him from homosexuality]].
** I guess Liefeld knows about as much about the Spartans as he does human anatomy.
* In a 2005 story (Rogue vol. 3 #7-12) Tony Bedard established that back in the really old days (the flashback part of the story is set before Sunfire's first appearance, X-Men #64 (1970)) a 17-year-old Rogue was really close friends with a memory-stealing female mutant called Blindspot who also happens to be immune to her absorption power. To this day Blindspot loves to cuddle up with one of Rogue's old costumes, and at the end of the story Rogue gives her the one she then was wearing in return for having her memories restored.
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* Young girl mutant Bling, looking back on almost being devoured alive by the vampiric mutant Emplate in ''X-Men Legacy'' #230:
{{quote| '''Bling: '''Well, you know, it had its upside. [...] Having ''Rogue'' come riding to the rescue, and sweep me up in her womanly arms? Kind of ''hot''.}}
** Considering that Bling! ([[Spell My Name With an "S"|the exclamation point is required]]!) is openly gay, this isn't suprising to hear from her.
* In the recent X-23 comics, fandom went crazy over this little scene between Jubilee,who happens to be a vampire (better than it sounds) and X-23. [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZPwbFMnresE/TdRrAsC50OI/AAAAAAAACy0/RyKhChM5JS0/s1600/X-23_10_Legion_CPS_032.jpg X-23 and Jubilee]. [http://i.imgur.com/cppcV.jpg And this]. Nicknamed appropriately, the "vampire Lesbian scene". Although the writers seem to be genre savvy, since they have Jubilee claim she was merely acting under the influence of her vampire instincts...sure.
** ''Truly'' genre savvy writers would have known that excuse would convince no-one.
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=== [[X Men (Animation)|Cartoons]] ===
* Because of lines like this, people seem to see Boom Boom and Magma's relationship in ''[[X Men Evolution]]'' as pretty much [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]]:
{{quote| '''Tabby''': Do I know what my girl needs, or what?}}
** The Brotherhood itself was one big [[Ho Yay]] orgy with four boys living in a house together with only one girl. Of particular note was Lance and Pietro.
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