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* It's a utopia for humans, and that's really all that matters to Copy X. Reploids are pretty much outta luck, but those living in Neo Arcadia don't care. They're Mavericks as far as they know.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]. Or, at least, perfectly covered by [[The Masquerade]] that they seemingly don't care. Until in ''Zero 4'' where we see actual human refugees from Neo Arcadia; they said that they're tired of all those wars, and that they suffer while the Reploids just battles in their stupid war (at least after Weil's dictatorship starts).
* Also Remember that Copy-X wasn't the ruler of Neo Arcadia since day one, in fact, he was only ruler for 8 Years (was build by [[Child Prodigy|ciel at Age 6]], and she was [[Teen Genius|14]] by Z1) so it was the Real X the one on charge, he ruled for almost a Century, and we know he always wanted peace, so i doubt he was a opressive ruler, and even when Copy-X took his place he continued [[Bread and Circuses|Pleasing the humans]] [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?|at the expenses of the reploids]] so, at least for them, it was still being a utopian society ruled by the Wise and Noble Master-X.
Why would all the bosses have [[Brought to You By The Letter S|the Omega letter as their symbol]], considering the obvious implications?
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* The fact that Dr. Weil himself says "And Humans! Look what they did to me!" indicated that the punishment that Weil received was definitely not what he wanted, so most likely this was not the result of it being a court decision.
** It could be - seeing that the courts are made from the Eight Gentle Judges, who are ''made by Weil''; it's not hard for him to manipulate them into giving him a less severe punishment. Maybe the humans went mad of that injustice and then decided to go vigilante on him, giving the immortality suit and whatnot, outside the laws.
* Also note that the humans of that time wanted weil to suffer a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] due [[Complete Monster|All of his crimes]], and what idea did they come from? [[Sealed Evil in A Can|seal him on a prission on the middle of nowhere]], [[And I Must Scream|unable to do anything]] [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|for all eternity]], but as we know , he was able to free himself, and he was quite pissed about the whole incident.
{{spoiler|The second time Ragnarok was fired (a.k.a. Weil's "[[Villain Ball|warning shot]]").}} Just ''where'' did it hit?
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** Which only leads to [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|more horror]]. If Weil had slightly better aim and hit either Area Zero or the base where Ciel and Zero were at the time, [[Downer Ending|the game would have ended right then and there, with nothing you could do about it.]]
** Well, considering it can {{spoiler|take down ''the entire Neo Arcadia'' with one shot}}, the effect could have been devastating if done to Area Zero or the Resistance base (or even ''both'' at the same time). [[Villain Ball|Emphasis on "could have been."]]
** Oh, I don't think it's a [[Villain Ball]]. Dr Weil is both [[ItsIt's All About Me|egotistic]] and [[For the Evulz|intensley sadistic.]] He likely made a "warning shot" to terrify the people, leading them up to one enormous and painful [[Despair Event Horizon]]. Let's face it, [[Complete Monster|he'd be in to that sort of thing.]]
So if Omega was so powerful 100 years ago that it took the combined efforts of X and Zero then how is it possible that Zero is able to so effortlessly take down Omega in all 3 of his forms, the armored shell, the Omega X and Zero exoskeleton, and Zero's original body which were all augmented by the Dark Elf? You mean to tell me that Zero is more powerful than X and Omega ever were after having been in hiatus for 100 years? X having been active for about 90 of the 100 years that Zero was asleep (X was sealed 8 years before the events of ''Zero'' if I recall correctly) should have become so much more powerful than either Zero or Omega ever were that handling the Dark Elf's release wouldn't have required the use of sealing it in his body but rather be able to stop it outright.
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