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Tactics Ogre/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dynamic Character]] - As the main character of the story, Denam is subjected to this trope.
* [[Easily Forgiven]] - Partially subverted on the lawful route in that {{spoiler|Vyce never fully forgives Denam for joining the massacre at Balmamusa until the game ends.}}
* [[Embarrassing First Name]] - In the original game, Denam shares his old name with a type of fabric (intentional by the writer). Some fans either hate the [[Fail O'Suckyname|old name]] or the [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|current one]].
* [[Fallen Hero]] - Denam obtains this title at the beginning of the chaotic route.
* [[The Fettered]] - Played straight in the chaotic route {{spoiler|when Denam rejects the Duke’s offer to rejoin him. Otherwise, accepting it causes this trope to be subverted.}}
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* [[Walking the Earth]] - In the ending where Catiua becomes Queen of Valeria, he goes to Xenobia where Lanselot originally came from.
* [[We Cannot Go On Without You]]
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] - Denam gets plenty of this especially on the lawful route.
** It’s also invoked when Denam {{spoiler|ends up killing members of the Order of Philaha in self-defense. Fortunately, this can be avoided by removing his equipment and sending him alone to the south gate.}}
** Diego states that Denam is the cause of all the hungry war orphans hanging around Port Omish.
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* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] - Vyce chastises her for sweet-talking the Xenobians into helping them out. In the first version of the game, Vice even shouts at Kachua, "What a bitch!!"
* [[Black Magic|Black Mage]] - Catiua’s final class allows her to make full use of every elemental magic available (including the powerful draconic spells).
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]] - Heavily implied on Catiua's part in the first version of the game, but made less-emotional and more passive-aggressive in the second version. In general, her motivation for {{spoiler|doing all that crazy stuff like betraying Denam and joining the Dark Knights}} is linked to her wanting to be with him.
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]] - Once she thinks that Denam has abandoned her in favor of pursuing revolution, she becomes desperate and ends up joining the Dark Knights.}}
* [[Distressed Damsel]] - In the Chaos route, when Xapan kidnaps her at Rhime. This condition only lasts for a few missions, though.
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* {{spoiler|Expy: In the second version of the game, he becomes this to Algus/Argath in the Chaotic route.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]: In the Chaos and Neutral routes}}
* {{spoiler|[[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Both for the same character! His scars represent good in the Law route but evil in the Chaos & Neutral routes.}}
* [[Foil]]: Mainly to Denam, though he contrasts in some ways to Leonar as well.
* [[Freudian Excuse]] / [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: He brought this up in Chaos Route when he fought Denam. "You... you '''vex''' me!"
* [[Ranger]]: His unique class.
* [[Rival Turned Evil]]: In the Chaos & Neutral routes
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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Is often mentioned offhand early in the game a couple times.
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]: Although his defeat ends the war, there is more to be done afterwards.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: Or rather, your uncle.}}
* [[Not So Harmless]]: Unlike opposing faction leaders Duke Ronwey and Hierophant Balbatos, Abuna Brantyn is more than capable of defending himself, and wields some of the most powerful spells in the game.
** ''Especially'' in the PSP version where he has more to his arsenal.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
=== Sherri Phoraena (Shelley Foriner) ===
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* [[Jerkass Facade]]: She's actually gentle-hearted, but had to put up a tough bitch persona as the leader of the Liberation Front (she actually asked Denam to take care of Cistina after the latter stormed off in disagreement). And when confronting Sherri, she's the only one who has nothing but rough words.
* [[Playing With Fire]]
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: She's more than willing to stain her hand to achieve her goals.
=== Cistina Phoraena (Sisteena Foriner) ===
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* [[Hollywood Pudgy]]: That sprite of hers make her look fat, thus she's the subject of various fat jokes.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: She may look fine and normal, but you could go out of your way to make her miserable, which includes getting Folcurt killed before he could rescue her, or taking the Neutral route and let her see Cerya die. Or not recruiting Sherri and kill her...
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: Is not heard of again in the Law Route. {{spoiler|Not even during the scene when Cerya gets killed by the Dark Knights. Could've had an offscreen death though}}
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]:
* [[Wide Eyed Idealist]]: Unlike Cerya, she doesn't like staining her hands with blood to achieve her goal.
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* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[The Obi -Wan]]: to Denam.
* [[What If]] : {{spoiler|what if Denam wasn't so powerless at Rhime, and could have actually saved Lans from his inevitable fate? This is explored further in Coda.}}
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* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: His appearance and inital class is that of a White Knight.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue for Gildas.
=== Gildas W. Byrne (Guildus W. Burn) ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]: In the Neutral route.}}
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: See above.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red for Mirdyn.
== The Dark Knights Loslorien (Roslolian Templars) ==
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* [[Affably Evil]]: He's not ''that'' bad of a person. He demonstrates obsequiousness to Denam when they first meet, tries to keep Brantyn in line with the peace treaty with the Walister, and barely puts any effort into killing Denam.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Good Powers, Bad People]]: Despite being the leader of the dreaded Dark Knights and a major antagonist for most of the game, he focuses on Divine Magic and his signature weapon, taken from a fallen archangel, can only do Light based damage.
* [[Hobbes Was Right]]: His comments on humanity echo many points of this.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
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* [[Ascended Extra]]: Was originally a mini-boss with an optional story.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: Well, chances are, his ethnicity is the [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|equivalent]] of Africa or Jamaica.
* [[Bare -Fisted Monk]]: Stated to prefer fists over swords. He does equip fist-based weaponry though.
* [[Fallen Princess|Fallen Prince]]
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character]]: Not that any of the other characters are ''bad'', but in the SNES and [[PS 1]] versions, one of your characters (if they're still there) identifies him as not being a Lodis native (in case the fact that he's black wasn't enough) and actually points out he's a member of the royal family...of a country that Lodis invaded. You don't find this out until the game's within the last hour. This was averted in the PSP version which has him show up earlier, and feeds you this information about him then.
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Another new character added to the PSP version. A Galgastani who once her served her clan in battle. She is the daughter of the Necromander Nybeth. Together with mother, Cassandra, and sister, Moldova, she practices necromancy under her father.
* [[Bad Powers, Good People]]: She became a necromancer for the sole purpose of helping the dead achieve peace by fulfilling their dying wishes.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Don't lie - ''nobody'' recruited her without consulting a guide.
* [[Mad ScientistsScientist's Beautiful Daughter]]
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Her first name is the same as that of a minor boss in ''Knight of Lodis'', whose motivation for fighting you was revenge for the death of her parents.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Is so loyal to the Galgastan Kingdom that you need to be in good standing with them to recruit her.
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A Galgastani from Brigantys. She is the daughter of the Necromancer Nybeth. She resented her father's debasement of humanh life, and sought solace in the Order. When her brother Dievold fell victim to Nybeth's necromancy, she resolved to confront him. Together with Dievold she set off to locate their father. She is fiercely protective of her brother, who is now cut off from the world of the living.
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad|I Hate You, Necromancer Dad]]
* [[Tomato in The Mirror]]: {{spoiler|The body she is inhabiting actually belonged to Nybeth's deceased daughter, Amala. Oelias was Amala's mother who died along with her. In other words, she's Nybeth's wife.}}
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A Galgastani from Brigantys. He is the son of the Necromancer Nybeth, and brother to Oelias. When war broke out he was slain for opposing Hierophant Balbatos, but his father later resurrected him through necromancy. However, his new body consists of a patchwork of corpses, and he has changed irrevocably.
* [[FrankensteinsFrankenstein's Monster]]: In the first version of the game, he fulfills the stereotypical part. In the second version of the game, he is more like the true original, being eloquent in speech and reasoning.
* [[Hulk Speak]]: In the first version of the game.
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* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Crazy]]:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mirror Boss]]: He creates replicas of deployed party members at the start of the fight.}}
* {{spoiler|[[One -Winged Angel]]: Which takes scratch damage to everything but a couple things.}}
=== Queen Vernotta Eltynaha Oberyth (Queen Bernata) ===
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