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Egyptian Mythology/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Good]]
* [[King of the Gods]]
* [[Light 'Em Up]]
* [[The Power of the Sun]]: He was thought to embody its positive, life-giving qualities and traveled on a solar barge.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: He tried to avert a prophecy that a child of the sky goddess, Nut, would be evil, by forbidding her from having children on any day of the year. Thoth gambled with the moon and won moonlight to create five extra days so Nut could give birth anyway(hence why the Egyptian calendar had twelve months of 30 days even, and an extra thirteenth month of just five days).
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* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Despite being a god of the dead, he is a just god and a pretty cool guy.
* [[Everybody Hates Hades]]: Often depicted as a villain when he was far from it.
* [[Furry Fandom]]: Particularly popular, with plenty of [[Rule Thirty Four34]]. Malaysian furry artist Lim Guo Liang lampooned this by [http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a316/VulpineArtist/loupgarou.jpg showing Anubis lamenting his modern sex symbol status].
{{quote| '''Anubis''': I was once a great God of Death... Now, I'm a bloody symbol of sodomy and lust. WHAT HAVE '''I''' DONE TO DESERVE '''''THIS?!'''''}}
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* [[Amazing Technicolor Population]]: Has greenish skin in most artwork, representing his dominion over life and fertility.
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]]: His wife Isis is most commonly also his sister.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: With Set.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: For the same reasons as Anubis above.
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* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Even though she still is a benevolent goddess, Isis convinced Ra to tell her his secret name by poisoning him. She's also well known to be clever and deceptive.
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]]: With Osiris.
* [[Hot Witch]]: She is the goddess of magic.
* [[I Love the Dead]]: With Osiris' corpse, though she also brought him back to life.
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