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As the show's name implies, ''Ghost Adventures'' is a show about three ghost hunters (Zak, Nick, and Aaron) and the events that transpire from their attempts to prove that ghosts are real. Like most paranormal shows, this group actively seeks out places that are reputedly haunted, and spend the night in the area from sundown to sun-up. Unlike most paranormal shows, they really delve into the history of the locations with numerous interviews with a wide variety of witnesses, past employees, and area neighbors. This can take up a quarter to half of the aired episode itself. They inspect both audio and video footage they have captured offscreen and often air results (especially EVPs) during the scenes where they are captured. If they capture video or photographic evidence, they sometimes take them to specialists who examine them and give their thoughts.
Unlike most paranormal shows, they do not have a huge film crew with them. Often it is just them three on location, sometimes with a guest or someone of religious affiliation if they are entering a dangerous place. Each have their own camera as well. Often times their method of choice in getting results is through provocation, basically insulting and daring any entities to appear, make noises, or even physically attack them. [[Let's Split Up, Gang!|They often split up and individually inspect areas alone]] while recording [[EV Ps]]EVPs as well. This is more general questions than provocation, usually. [[Live Action TV/Nightmare Fuel|The former works disturbingly well]].
==== Tropes evident in this show: ====
* [[Abandoned Hospital]]: Well, duh - abandoned hospitals and asylums are known to be terrifying in broad daylight, let alone the dead of night. [[Schmuck Bait|What paranormal investigator wouldn't check these places out?]]
* [[Adorkable]]: Zak
{{quote| '''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}NwrQCId84VM&feature{{=}}related YouTube comment]:''' "omg zak is so funny andit was kinda cute too he is such a dork!"}}
* [[Aside Glance]]: Aaron gives some rather amusing looks to the camera when Zak says that they're going to be offering him up to whatever evil spirits they're investigating. Notable are the occasions (there have been at least two) where he's been sent alone into an abandoned prison shower.
* [[A Storm Is Coming]]: Several times, their investigation takes place after a flash of severe weather, or as they pointed out, unusual things happening with clouds. The huge storm at Vulture Mine, the random rainstorm in Sacramento (which came after they had talked about Sacramento's history having lots of floods), the tornadoes at the Hale's Bar Marina, which blew away the dock they were standing on just a few minutes beforehand, the "ominous cloud eyes" at the Idaho prison and the contrails forming an X over Poveglia. Two days before they were to investigate Letchworth Village, Hurricane Irene struck New York and trapped them in Manhattan Island.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: If you are a violent ghost and you're known to attack <s> women, children, the elderly,</s> people who aren't paranormal investigators that know what they're getting into, Zak will not like you.
** That, and if you were known to be an abusive a-hole in life to others, picking on the weak and defenseless, Zak will call you out on it.
** And [[Ace Ventura|NOBODY! MESSES!]] [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|WITH ZAK'S! 'DO!!!]]
* [[Bizarrchitecture]]: The Winchester Mystery House
* [[Blatant Lies]]: In Sacramento Tunnels, the only reason the gang is off to a salt water taffy store is to 'make sure their nutrition levels are high' and getting 'food from the major food groups'
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*** In the Stanley Hotel, Zak and Nick forced him to wear a wig to see if a ghost would come into his room and kiss him, thinking he was a woman.
** Nick can be this sometimes. Especially with the Washoe Club ghosts. On a revisit to the Washoe Club, nearly every EVP involving Zak and Aaron was about being intimidated by them, while there was about fifteen EVP's about how much they hated Nick.
{{quote| "Hate Nick."<br />
"Nick... Go home." }}
** Zak becomes talk show fodder especially after the "incubus incident" at the Ancient Ram Inn.
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** "This... Is '''powerful''' stuff."
** "Dude, did you hear that!?"
** "OH MY GOD!!!" (Includes [[Rapid-Fire "No"|Ohmygodohmygodohmygod]] and '''[[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|OH! MY!! GOD!!!]]''' versions)
* [[Cat Scare]]: At the Moon River Brewery before the investigation started. Probably one of the funniest moments in the series.
** In this case it was a very literal cat scare.
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* [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: Inverted only if the ghosts/spirits are those that have been known to harm innocent people during life or mess around with those that aren't paranormal investigators. See above on [[Berserk Button]].
* [[Double Entendre]] - The investigation of Rocky Point Manor led to a whole slew of these. The brother of the manor's owner even told Zak, "Enough with the double entendres, dude!".
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Zak, who has [[Hot -Blooded|a tendency to rush into things]], an indecently muscled body and constantly messy dark hair. In the "Birdcage Theater" episode, Zak felt something touch him around the hip area while they were talking about the town's history of prostitution. Despite having Nick and Aaron with him, and a ''female'' employee claiming she got kissed on the cheek once, nobody else got felt up.
** He managed to gain access to the off-limits medical ward of the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, just by asking nicely.
** And does he ''really'' have to [[James Bondage|wear so many straight-jackets and strap into every old, rusty torture device he encounters]]?
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* [[Hidden Depths]]: They credit Aaron as the "equipment tech" during the opening, but give credit where it's due: Aaron is [[Contagious Powers|just as good at detecting spiritual energy as Zak or Nick]].
* [[Large Ham]]: Zak speaks like he's the narrator in one of H.P. Lovecraft stories.
* [[Let's Split Up, Gang!]]: On occasion when they have to cover multiple spots.
* [[Loveable Rogue]]: Zak does stupid stuff on a regular basis, but whenever he crosses the line from "reckless" to "asshole", he always owns up to it and apologizes.
* [[Mark of the Beast]]: Has this trope somewhat. After the incident on Poveglia Island where Zak was possessed, he felt an evil part of him want to go back inside the building, where the normal part of him wanted to leave. He was inspired by this event to get a large tattoo on his back of a sort of angel, half being a good angel, and half looking demonic.
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** Or a man (It might be Zak) holding his open mouth up to a bright light bulb.
** Or the CREEPY sliced up disembodied hand.
* [[Shout -Out]]: A few, including [[The Soup]] (which has poked fun at them), [[Scooby Doo]], [[Doom (series)|Doom]], and the [[Silent Hill (Filmfilm)|Silent Hill]] movie.
* [[Sweet Tooth]]: Aaron and Zak show they have quite a sweet tooth in the Sacramento Tunnel episode. The reason they're there is to get 'nutritional value' for the lockdown, and we see them pile their baskets with sweets. Zak's total rounded to around $36 (although this might also be because he was also getting candy for Nick)
* [[Rule of Three]]: Besides the fact that there are three guys on the crew, that number has been somewhat important. While investigating a correctional institute for troubled boys, Aaron received three large scratches on his leg, which scarred. Zak has even said that it was demonic, and the event is referred to a few times later on.
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