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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S5/E04 Out of My Mind: Difference between revisions

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Riley is deteriorating because of The Initiative's meds. Spike, again teamed up with Harmony, tries to get the chip in his head removed. Joyce becomes seriously ill.
* [[Armor -Piercing Slap]]: Buffy slaps Spike when he cheerfully asks if Riley is likely to die.
* [[Attack Hello]]: Riley tackles Buffy when she enters her new training room.
* [[Bait and Switch]]: {{spoiler|Spike hasn't had his chip removed. Spike/Buffy appear to be making out but it's [[All Just a Dream]]. For now.}}
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** Graham tells Riley there's nothing to hold him in Sunnydale; that he's meant to be more than Buffy's [[Love Interest]]. {{spoiler|Riley will leave Buffy after Graham offers him a job in a military demon-hunting unit.}}
** {{spoiler|Buffy comment that if she wanted someone with superpowers she'd be dating Spike.}}
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]
{{quote| '''Spike:''' Taking up smoking, are you? <br />
'''Harmony:''' I ''am'' a villain, Spike. Helloooo? [then coughs, ruining the whole thing] }}
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* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]: Riley thinks Buffy will eventually leave him if he doesn't match her abilities.
* [[I Taste Delicious]]: Spike tasting his own nosebleed grosses Buffy out completely.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]] / [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Spike smirks over Harmony's ludicrous belief that Buffy is making a special effort to hunt her down. After he fails to kill Buffy yet again, Spike starts ranting over how Buffy is making a pet project out of driving him insane.
* [[Love Epiphany]]
{{quote| "Oh God, no. Please, no."}}
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* [[Open Heart Dentistry]]: Averted. {{spoiler|The Initiative doctor doesn't have the skills or surgical tools to remove Spike's chip, so he just pretends to do so.}}
* [[Open Says Me]]: Spike gripes over how Buffy breaks open the door to his crypt instead of waiting for an invitation [[Vampire Invitation|like he has to]].
* [[Please, I Will Do Anything!]]: Subverted; Harmony takes it for granted that she'll have sex with Spike.
* [[Punch a Wall]]
* [[Reckless Gun Usage|Reckless Crossbow Usage]]: Harmony again.
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* [[Tempting Fate]]
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' "Do you think that I spent the last year with you because you had super powers? If that's what I wanted, then I'd be dating Spike."}}
* [[Two Scenes, One Dialogue]]
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' When I get my hands on Spike, I'm gonna rip his head off; I'm gonna__<br />
'''Spike:''' __bathe in the Slayer's blood. Gonna dive in it. Swim in it. }}
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