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* Why the ''hell'' did the U.S. military decide to release Love Machine into OZ as a test? I mean, seriously, the thing is used by ''most world governments and businesses''. Unless you plan on crippling the entire world (including YOURSELVES) during a war, that isn't a good testing ground!
** They seriously underestimated what Love Machine could do and wanted the plausible deniability that anonymously releasing it into Oz would provide. They probably thought they had a killswitch to stop Love Machine once the test run was finished, and one of the first things Love Machine did was disable it.
** The test was probably to see if Love Machine could get into OZ at all. The military wanted to see if Love Machine was clever enough to compromise OZ, presumably so they could use it to watch the world's business and government transactions from the inside. Love Machine's strategy at the beginning was admirably low-key and subtle, just as an intelligence agency would want. After it got in, however, it revealed why it was completely and utterly unsuited to clandestine work; it had a flair for the dramatic, a major power complex, and a vindictive streak a mile wide. Who would have expected that from a brand-new AI? [[Instant AI, Just Add Water|Besides]] [[AI Is a Crapshoot|every]] [[Deus Est Machina|sci-fi]] [[Morality Chip|fan]] [[Crush Kill Destroy|ever?]]
** Was it ever stated that Love Machine was released intentionally? Maybe it just broke out on its own.
*** Yes, Wabisuki said the Pentagon used Oz as a test for Love Machine.
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