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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Literature.RoseOfTheProphet 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Literature.RoseOfTheProphet, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* ''Volume 2: The Paladin of the Night''
* ''Volume 3: The Prophet of Akhran ''
=== This book series provides examples of: ===
* [[Actual Pacifist]]: Mathew considers all life sacred. {{spoiler|When he's forced to kill Meryem to save Khardan's life he suffers a minor [[Heroic BSOD|BSOD]] but that's ''nothing'' compared to his shock when an out-of-control spell accidentally kills ''thousands!''}}
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** Actually the main cause of the conflict- Quar wants all the Prayer for himself.
* [[The Grim Reaper]]: Death in the series takes the form of {{spoiler|a classically beautiful woman with 2 empty voids where her eyes should be.}}
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: Zohra hates Meryem from the moment Khardan brings her back to camp with the intent of adding her to his harem {{spoiler|even before Meryem tries to murder her and she and Mathew realise Meryem is a spy for the Amir.}}
* [[Grey and Grey Morality]]: Despite gods and their followers in the world of Sularin being openly ''labelled'' as good, evil and neutral, almost nothing is as simple as it seems. Khardan notes {{spoiler|Zhakrin's}} Paladins of the Night initially seem to be cruel and heartless monsters, but are caring and loyal to each other; Auda Ibn-Jad is unquestionably an almost immeasurably evil man but {{spoiler|risks his life to protect Khardan when they become [[Blood Brothers]], even though Khardan tricked him and eventually sacrifices his life to avenge his earlier brother Catalus.}} Most notably, the final conflict isn't between the forces of good and evil, but the forces of chaotic neutral (Akhran) and lawful neutral (Quar).
* [[Guardian Angel]]: Every follower of Promenthas has one and they are the lowest tier of the angelic hierarchy. Asrial is Matthew's. Apparently a demon of [[Satan|Astafas]] is legally obligated to warn you if they are not present before you make any [[Deal With the Devil|deal with them regarding your soul or its ownership.]]
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* [[Jerkass]]: Meelusk the fisherman, a miserable, shrivelled, selfish old bastard who is described as being so low that even the followers of Benario the Thief God spit on him in contempt.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Although much of it can be attributed to her being the [[Tsundere]] [[Rebellious Princess|Rebellious]] [[Tomboy Princess]] of [[Deliberate Values Dissonance|a harsh people in a harsh land]] who [[Missing Mom|grew up without her mother's guidance]] to boot, Zohra really can be unnecessarily nasty sometimes. She does truly love her people though, even if she holds most of them in contempt (to be fair, she holds almost EVERYONE in contempt).
** Likewise, Khardan is honourable, noble and honest, but he's also capable of being a ''real ass'' sometimes. His cluelessness about Zohra's feelings gets him into NO end of trouble when he brings [[The Vamp|Meryem]] back to camp for the first time (he [[What an Idiot!|thought she'd be PLEASED that he wanted to take another wife]], assuming that he'd "tamed" her as a result of their last [[Ship Tease]] moment).
** Between the two of them they take [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]] to the level of actually ''wanting to see the other die in pain and disgrace!'' {{spoiler|It's little short of a miracle that they finally admit their love for each other once and for all.}}
* [[Last Words]]: "Many fine sons..."
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* [[Obfuscating Insanity]]: Khardan decides that the only way to spare Mathew's life (the people of Akhran consider him an abomination for dressing in women's clothing) is that he is insane (they believe insane people saw the face of Akhran just before they were born and are blessed by the god). Mathew goes along with it to save his life and ultimately finds a way to use it to his advantage.
* [[Our Ghouls Are Creepier]]: Classic Arabian ''ghuls'', man-eating shapeshifters who {{spoiler|man the ship leading to the island fortress of Zhakrin's paladins and take their payment in human flesh,}} although clearly distinct from djinn.
* [[Pre -Mortem One -Liner]]: {{spoiler|Auda}} gets a good one.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Feisal}}:''' Give me a knife...<br />
'''{{spoiler|Auda}}:''' [[In the Back|Here, my lord.]] }}
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Raja, Sheykh Zeid's gigantic ebony-skinned djinn.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Zohra usually doesn't make any effort with her appearance, considering her femininity more of a curse than a blessing. But the story notes that when she does go to the effort she's ''stunningly'' beautiful and she knows how to use it.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Pukah is convinced he's the cleverest and most handsome of all immortals... and causes ''no end'' of trouble as a result. He's not entirely without talent, being cunning, quick-thinking and daring, but his abilties don't even come ''close'' to his overinflated opinion of himself.
** {{spoiler|He eventually realises how badly he fell into this trope, how much trouble he caused and how even his successes were largely due to others and redeems himself with a truly ''brilliant'' [[Thanatos Gambit]] [[Heroic Sacrifice]] that ''defeats Kaug the Efreet'' and single-handedly turns the war in the heavens against Quar.}}
* [[Threat Backfire]]: Khardan walks right into this one when, during a fight between his people and Zohra's, he calls off one of his men attacking her to take her himself:
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* [[Tomboy Princess]]: Zohra; her character introduction notes that her father indulged her and let her run wild in his grief over her mother's death and by the time he tried to reign her in it was far too late. (The one time he threatened to beat her she snatched the stick from his hand and threatened to beat ''him'' instead!)
* [[Tsundere]]: Zohra, like you would not BELIEVE.
* [[Two Lines, No Waiting]]: There are at least three plots that intertwine, affect each other, and sometimes reflect each other.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: Good ''grief'' do Zohra and Khardan keep it up for along time -- {{spoiler|''the entire trilogy'', only being brought together by Mathew on the very last page of the third book.}}
* [[The Vamp]]: {{spoiler|Meryem.}}
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