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{{quote|''"[[Doing in The Wizard|There are plausible scientific explanations]] for everything that followed, but I think it was really just [[Unstoppable Rage|a question of hatred.]] It is the way of men to make monsters; and [[Turned Against Their Masters|it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers.]]"''|'''Harlan Wade'''}}
''[[Fun With Acronyms|First Encounter Assault Recon]]'' (F.E.A.R) is a special operations unit working for the United States government. Their purpose: [[Who You Gonna Call?|to deal with paranormal threats to national security.]]
As the game starts, the player takes on the role of F.E.A.R.'s new [[No Name Given|Point Man]]. In his first briefing, F.E.A.R. learns of a secret military project, Perseus, being run by [[Mega Corp|Armacham Technology Corporation]] in the city of Fairport. The project, the development of a battalion of [[Psychic Powers|telepathically]] controlled "[[Cloning Blues|Replica]]" [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]], [[Gone Horribly Wrong|has gone haywire]]. The Replica battalion's telepathic commander, an unstable operative named Paxton Fettel, has led them in an uprising. It is now F.E.A.R.'s job to hunt down and kill Fettel, ending the uprising. [[It Got Worse|But things start to get complicated]] when Alma, a little girl in a red dress, shows up and starts annihilating F.E.A.R.'s 1st SFOD-D ("Delta Force," a real-life U.S. military special operations unit) escorts, then vanishes.
F.E.A.R. is a [[First -Person Shooter]] set up as a horror movie. The player must survive long enough to unravel the secrets of Project Perseus and it's parent, Project Origin, while battling the Replica forces, ATC security teams and experiencing increasingly disturbing visions. It is not a [[Survival Horror]] game, however, but a near-future sci-fi action game with strong horror elements.
Two mostly [[Canon Dis Continuity|non-canon]] expansions, ''Extraction Point'' and ''Perseus Mandate'', have been released. The former chronicles' the Point Man's efforts to escape the city following the events of the main game, while the latter concerns [[Gaiden Game|a second F.E.A.R. team's attempts to secure sensitive information about Project Perseus during the events of the first two games.]]
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* [[Beehive Barrier]]: The [[Power Armor]] and Elite Power Armor units in ''F.E.A.R. 2'' have these as energy shields, while the Replica Assassins have their invisibility shield look like this.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: Literally, when playing as Paxton Fettel. If your host body is killed, you lose all your psychic power; burning out means you lose about half of what you need to possess someone. In a firefight, it can be better to burn out of a body instead of allowing it to be killed, because it means you can bodyhop faster, or retain some juice in order to provide support for the Point Man.
* [[BFG]]: Many kinds to go around with. Just by mentioning the first ''F.E.A.R.'' and its two [[Expansion Pack|expansion packs]] alone will give you an [[More Dakka|automatic cannon]], a [[Grenade Launcher]], a [[Macross Missile Massacre|robotech rocket rifle]], a [[Frickin' Laser Beams|frickin' laser carbine]], a [[Gatling Good|gatling gun]], a [[Stripped to The Bone|flesh-vaporizing]] [[Disintegrator Ray]] and a [[Chain Lightning|chain]] [[Lightning Gun]].
* [[Big Bad]]: Alma, though Genevive Aristide is really pushing it.
** Then again, Alma does help you repeatedly in ''Extraction Point'' by clearing away Replicas and leading the Point Man into areas to navigate his way to pick-up.
** ''F.E.A.R. 3'' casts a different light on the overarching narrative, painting {{spoiler|Harlan Wade as the true [[Big Bad]].}}
* [[Big Screwed -Up Family]]: Dear ''lord.'' Paxton Fettel hopes to have a reunion in ''F.E.A.R. 3'', {{spoiler|just in time to greet the youngest sibling.}}
* [[Blackout Basement]]: One paranormal sequence in ''Project Origin''. Expect it to smell like [[Nightmare Fuel]].
* [[Body Armor As Hit Points]]: Averted in the first game, where body armor only absorbs a portion of damage, based on the armor penetration rating of the gun you get hit by. Played pretty much straight in the second game, where only a couple enemy weapons could piece armor at all.
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** They appear to be Fettel's clones, although the ones you actually see unmasked are horribly deformed. There's a strong possibility that those could have been messed up at some point in their development, though, since they aren't part of the main fighting force. The Replica you control in ''Reborn'' has a perfect, unmarred Fettel face.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Terry Halford who, in the middle of explaining how to survive Alma's rampage, goes off on a brief tangent about hippos and how, when they fight, "they fling shit everywhere."
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: Colonel Vanek from ''F.E.A.R 2''. To quote his words when you fight him:
** Enemies often swear when you shoot them, which can get hilarious in [[Bullet Time|Slow-Mo]] mode. "FFFUUUUCCCKKKK!" "SSHHHIIIIIIT!" "FFFUUUUCCCKKKK!"
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* [[Determinator]]: Alma. {{spoiler|Not even being in an induced coma stopped her from trying to get revenge and mind-controlling Paxton Fettel. She literally refused to die for ''six days'' without life support, and when she finally ''did'', it didn't slow her down much.}}
** The Replica also fit under this as a whole. Once a psychic commander gives them a task, they will stop at ''nothing'' to complete it, at the cost of their own lives.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: A well timed kick is enough to ward off Alma when you confront her near the end of the game.
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: You can obtain the Penetrator in an early level in the first game, where it'll two-shot pretty much anything short of a Heavy Armor unit.
* [[Double Entendre]]: The final level of ''Project Origin'' is called "Climax." [[Immodest Orgasm|Guess what Alma does in that level.]]
* [[Double Standard Rape Female On Male]]: No... no, it's ''[[Averted Trope|not]]''.
** And ''FEAR 3'' confirms it. {{spoiler|Beckett}}'s response to being raped by {{spoiler|Alma}} is confused hatred and rage, with {{spoiler|Becket demanding that the Point Man kill the unborn child}}.
* [[Downer Ending]]: Some of the games end this way, See [[Kill 'Em All]] below.
** {{spoiler|Paxton Fettel's ending in ''F.E.A.R. 3'' certainly qualifies.}}
* [[Downloadable Content]]: ''F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn.''
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* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: {{spoiler|The award for finishing the second game (and the name of the last level) is "Climax." ''This is the level where you get raped.''}}
** Towards the end of the third game, the Point Man {{spoiler|falls off a bridge and into water. Fettel appears before him and says, "If this is part of your plan, I'd say things are going...''swimmingly.''"}}
* [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]]: The Pulse Weapon in ''Project Origin'' can turn an entire room full of enemies into crispy skeletons with one shot... and you only get fifteen shots in the ''entire game''.
* [[Initialism Title]]
* [[Invisible Anatomy]]: Averted. You have to put your weapons away to climb ladders and go swimming, and can see yourself while looking down and after explosions.
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty|I Have You Now, My Handsome]]: A completely silent variant involving {{spoiler|Alma, toward Becket, when he's strapped into the Amplifier.}}
* [[Insurmountable Waist Height Fence]]: No matter what high explosives or rocket launchers you are carrying, you can't blow open things that aren't meant to be blown open.
** This gets even worse in ''Extraction Point'', where two people you could have saved stand behind a chain link fence so they cannot be reached, but at least you can open some doors with explosives.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian|I'm A Humanitarian]]: Fettel displays some cannibalistic tendencies, mostly with the intent of 'absorbing' his victims' knowledge. Whether this actually works or not is not discussed.
* [[Interface Screw]]: Your interface glasses act weird whenever Alma is around or you run into a EMP grenade.
* [[ItsIt's Up to You]]: Your SFOD-D escorts have a bad habit of being wiped out as a level loads. In ''Perseus Mandate'', friendly soldiers do help you out in a few firefights, but they're not exactly very good.
* [[Kansas City Shufle]]: The background material reveals that the entire ordeal Becket goes through in ''Project Origin'' is all planned by Genevive Aristide to distract Alma so Genevive's goons can retrieve and weaponize the Point Man.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Near the end of ''F.E.A.R. 3'', Paxton Fettel kills {{spoiler|Sgt. Becket}} for reasons which in hindsight seem entirely pointless. It serves to remind us that, despite the sincere help he's provided (including saving Point Man's life at least 3 times), Fettel is still an insane psychopath.
* [[Kill 'Em All]]: ''Extraction Point'' ends with {{spoiler|EVERYONE that survived the original game dead.}}) (''Perseus Mandate'' ends on a more upbeat note; not only does almost everyone survive to the end and escape, but also {{spoiler|the ghost of the one guy that did die shows up and seems to say goodbye and congratulate you for making it.}}
** {{spoiler|Ditto for ''Project Origin''. By the endgame everyone in Becket's squad has been killed except Sergeant Morales, with the Lieutenant's fate up in the air, as she was gut-shot and bleeding out}}.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: Genevieve "I Don't Care That There's An Insane Ghost Running Around Killing People, I Have A Resume To Protect" Aristide.
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** In ''Perseus Mandate'', the Nightcrawler Commander final boss can survive more damage than ''a Power Armor mech unit''!
** While escaping an exploding facility in ''Project Origin'', Becket steps on a collapsing floor, falls a few dozen feet, and bounces off a steel I-beam. While that'd easily be enough to break a normal person's spine, Becket pulls himself up and continues forward (granted, he does seem to pass out briefly).
* [[Magic aA Is Magic A]]: In F.3.A.R., {{spoiler|when Becket is possessed by Fettel in a cutscene. When Fettel [[Grand Theft Me|possess NPCs in the game]] they tend to [[Ludicrous Gibs|explode]] after a while. Guess what happens to Becket a minute later.}}
* [[Mama Bear]]: Alma. ''Do. Not.'' Mess with her kids. She exhibits this behavior toward Becket, too; at one point she kills an Abomination controlling Replicas trying to kill him. The [[Stalker With a Crush|reason]] doesn't become apparent until later on.
* [[Mana Meter]]: The Point Man and Becket have a 'reflex' meter which allow them to enter [[Bullet Time]] mode, where they move much faster than their enemies until it drains. The Sergeant from ''Perseus Mandate'' and Foxtrot 813 from ''Reborn'' have this as well, and all four are capable of increasing the length of it by picking up reflex boosters.
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* [[Never Found the Body]]: F.E.A.R. operative Spen Jankowski.
** ''Brutally'' inverted in the sequel, where you most definitely find {{spoiler|Redd Jankowski's}} body.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|So, the Point Man overloading the vault reactor and nuking Auburn helped us how exactly? Thousands of people are dead, Armacham has free reign in the chaos to destroy evidence of their involvement and Alma wasn't harmed in the slightest.}}
* [[Nightmare Sequence]]: Some of the Point Man and Becket's hallucinations. Possibly ''Project Origin'''s ending.
* [[No Gear Level]]:
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* [[Ominous Walk]]: Alma loves this one.
* [[One Bullet Clips]]
* [[One -Hit Kill]]: Several of the Melee attacks on weaker foes, including the ''sliding ankle kick of death.''
** Fettel has a unique one wherein if you psychic lift an enemy and then use a melee attack while close to them, they simply ''[[Ludicrous Gibs|explode.]]''
* [[One -Man Army]]: The Point Man, as well as Becket. Holiday also gets this status in the Xbox 360 port, where he manages to take down several dozen Replicas, multiple Heavy Armors, and an Assassin without any slow-mo powers.
* [[Online Alias]]: Snake Fist in ''F.E.A.R. 2''.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: Ghosts are capable of forming physical bodies, {{spoiler|becoming pregnant, and bearing children.}} It is not made clear if this is possible for all ghosts in the setting or simply something that Alma can do, considering her [[Reality Warper]] powers.
* [[Over the Shoulder Murder Shot]]: Early on, Paxton Fettel is occupied over a labcoat's body. He looks back at the camera to reveal the blood smeared around his mouth.
* [[Eerie Pale -Skinned Brunette]]: Alma
** Justified, given that she spent most of her life in stasis. Dying probably didn't help either.
* [[Parental Incest]]: {{spoiler|Harlan Wade supplied some of the DNA used to impregnante Alma to make both Fettel and the Point Man.}}
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* [[Pet the Dog]]: Genevieve Aristide keeps Alma's music box in her apartment to remind herself of just how guilty she is.
* [[Pipe Pain]]: One of the cultists' arsenal of melee weapons.
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father|Point Man I Am Your Mother]] }}
* [[Powered Armor]] / [[Mini Mecha]]: The Replica EPA from Project Origin. It comes with a rechargeable [[Deflector Shield]], [[Bottomless Magazines|unlimited]] [[Gatling Good|gatling gun]] and [[Macross Missile Massacre|missile rounds]], and an auto-repair system that can fix the damage from anything that doesn't literally blow the mech to pieces.
* [[The Power of Love]]: In a perverse way. Alma gets a third form, that of her looking normal, after {{spoiler|falling in love with Becket.}}
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** [[Energy Weapons]]
*** [[Disintegrator Ray]]: ''F.E.A.R.'''s Type-7 Particle Weapon and ''F.E.A.R. 2'''s Type-12 Pulse Weapon work on the same principle: [[Stripped to The Bone|stripping a carbon-based target to its bones]].
*** [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: ''F.E.A.R.'''s Type-12 Laser Carbine (expansion packs only), ''F.E.A.R. 2'''s FL-3 Laser and ''F.E.A.R. 3'''s Arc Beam.
** [[Nail Em]]: ''F.E.A.R.'''s 10mm HV Penetrator and its successor, the 14mm HV Hammerhead.
** [[Sniper Rifle]]: ''F.E.A.R.'''s ASP Rifle and ''F.E.A.R. 2'''s [[KM 50]] Sniper Rifle.
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* [[Title Drop]]: In ''F.E.A.R. 3''
* [[Tragic Monster]]: The final battle against {{spoiler|Sergeant Keegan}} in ''F.E.A.R. 2''.
** Then goes through a [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: "'''BECKET!! HELP... MEEEE...'''"
** Alma is also this, given her history.
* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]: Most of the weapons are standard firearms, but there are man-portable particle beams, powered armour and clones.
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** Played completely straight in ''F.E.A.R. 3''.
* [[The Walls Are Closing In|The Walls]] [[Descending Ceiling|And Ceiling]] [[The Walls Are Closing In|Are Closing In]]: It's one of the Point Man's [[Dream Sequence|dream sequences]] in ''F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point''. It's actually all scare and no pain.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: Jankowski in the first game. It's heavily implied that {{spoiler|he was killed by Alma, but the reason for seeing his apparitions throughout the game as well as his vital signs remaining active is never elaborated upon}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Word of God]] confirmed he's dead; the player was originally intended to find his body, but it was cut when it was realized it was much scarier without it.}}
** In ''Project Origin'', in the beginning of the second level an ATC Black Ops lieutenant named Samuels shows up briefly, and is mentioned in dialogue a couple of times later. He has his own unique character model (whereas all other non-plot-important characters are carbon-copies of each other), which makes you think he'll show up again later in the game. He's never seen again.
* [[What the Hell, Player?|What The Hell, Player?]]: At the beginning of the first level of Project Origin, Redd Jankowski (younger brother of Spen Jankowski from the first game) calls you out if you start acting bizarrely -- i.e. swimming in the fountain, or blowing up a few cars.
** In the first game, during the part where you sue the elevator along with Alice Wade, leaving the elevator to fight the Replicas will result on getting comments from Alice like "You're going to get us killed!". And, after you've killed all the attacking Replicas, she says "You don't have to kill everyone!".
* [[Where the Hell Is Springfield?|Where The Hell Is Fairport?]]: The precise location of Fairport is unspecified, and the city itself is so generic that it could be anywhere in the United States. ''F.3.A.R.'' implies that it is located somewhere in the southern parts of the country, as {{spoiler|the Point Man is able to fly a helicopter from the prison in the unspecified Spanish-speaking country to Fairport.}}
* [[Who Forgot the Lights]]?: The game lets the player set the light level, but encourages ''just barely'' enough light to see. It's more atmospheric that way, after all.
* [[Why Couldn't You Be Different?]]: {{spoiler|Harlan Wade}} has extremely little affection or caring for Alma or her children, and despises them for what they have become.
{{quote| ''"My children... {{spoiler|Alma}}... you were to be my legacy... but you are all '''monsters'''."''}}
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Alma, possibly Paxton Fettel.
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